I have read similar sh!t from the whitest racists on public boards since the internet as we know it first began. Chances are you are not Asian at all, but just in case you are...
This one's for you:
During WWII the Japanese would take the American POWs and sit them in the middle of the war prisoners' yard from morning to night. As the group got bored, someone would rise and suggest the group do something (wrestle, sport of some kind, word games) anything to break the monotony...In due time, those particular leaders would have disappeared. The Japanese were watching. They would take the leaders -- the risers -- because they knew if any prisoner was going to lead an escape or revolt, it would be those same men who rose to break the monotony.
By the time the risers were all sorted out, all who were left were the followers, the infirm (mentally and physically), and the risers who were smart enough to figure out ahead of time NOT TO RISE.
For the Asians from Japan, this made for a more manageable prisoner of war camp.
But, WWII only lasted - what? - 6 years...
Black enslavement during the triangle slave trade lasted over 400 years...
That's 400 years of snatching the black leaders who rose to dissuade anyone left not to follow their lead, not to rise, not to advance. After about the first hundred years, don't you think parents would start automatically teaching their kids not to rise if only to see their kids live to have kids of their own? Well, blacks did. To survive. Every time a generation of blacks rose, whites came along with their guns to kill, rape, and rob them into the stone age. Thus teaching that generation it is foolish to try to get anywhere in the white man's realm. Causing a profound and deep "race" hatred that is self-destructive, self-defeating, and autonomous.
So in your analysis of black motivations, terms, or "controversial debates" start not with the man of African descent. Begin with yourself and the racist aspect of the triangle slave trade of Europe, Africa, Americas.