The Group Areas act of 1950 controlled where people could live. The black people where driven into small towns quite far away from city centres, however their jobs were still in these cities and white suburbs. Bus fares were expensive and catching public transport everyday was expensive and caused hardship and depression for the black people.
The Bantu education Act meant that the black students were disadvantaged with their education.
According to many the education system in South Africa is now far worse than under apartheid. -
Famous Archbishop Desmond Tutu also said the ANC is not worse than apartheid -
It is important to show facts in a balanced way as change is constant, and so is history.
There were many white pro apartheid people because of the much larger population of black South Africans, causing the white people to believe that if the black people were given rights and freedoms, they would no longer have political power. The white people were worried that their race would be taken over and they would lose the control they'd always had.
To step back in time as to why apartheid came into power. During 1899 - 1902 the imperialist British empire went to war against two Boer (old name for Afrikaners) when gold and diamonds were discovered. During this time nearly 1/3 of Afrikaner women and children died in British concentration camps. A little known fact is, mass rapes occurred on farms where women and children were looking after the household when men were out on commando. These rapes occurred by mainly Africans, (but also soldiers) taking advantage of the soft targets on the farms. The rapes were also a common occurrence in the concentration camps by Imperial soldiers. (Australians, New Zealanders, British, Canadians)
After this dark time in Afrikaner history, the Afrikaners felt they needed to protect themselves against any majority, in order for something like this not to happen again. This was the birth of Afrikaner nationalism, and they perfected a system started by the British.
Like above people are made to believe "facts are racist" when they do not like what they hear. The truth will set you free. Nobody said you will not feel uncomfortable, or even shame.
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