here is the Truth
since 2009 we all Know Hitlers Body has never been found
the Skull and Jaw Bone claimed to be Hitlers is NOT it belongs to a woman
so Until we Find His Body anything else is classified as Hearsay with No support with any Facts
even the so Called Witnesses in 1989 after the USSR collapsed recanted
One who said I saw hitler being Burnt in 1945 in 1990 he said I never saw his face but i recognised his Uniform and his Boots
Note Hitler never wore Boots
No Body No Proof so we don't Know where or when he died
No bullet was ever found?. But that doesn’t matter?.
The blood stains on the sofa were reportedly of the wrong blood-type?. But such details doesn’t concern us?.
Hitler’s entire body apparently vanished into thin air? allow me to laugh!.
But at least somebody found two of his teeth, in the garden. A small price to pay, to be able to fool a entire generation!
A skull fragment originally thought to be from Hitler has had its DNA tested, by American researchers. The skull fragment has turned out to be that of a woman under 40.
The skull fragment was originally found outside Hitler’s bunker, and it has been kept by Soviet intelligence. “Soviet soldiers dug deep into the rubble of the Reich Chancellery for Hitler’s corpse. “They did not find it,” states the May 14, 1945 issue of TIME magazine. Stalin announced to Truman during lunch in Potsdam on July 17, 1945, 78 days after his ‘death’, that Hitler had escaped. And the American FBI kept a file on Hitler, long after 1945.
In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said:
We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death. Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin.
When President Truman asked Josef Stalin at the Potsdam conference in 1945 whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, 'No.'
Stalin's top army officer, Georgi Konstantinovitch Zukhov, whose troops were the ones to occupy Berlin, flatly stated after a long thorough investigation in 1945:
We have found no corpse that could be Hitler's.
The chief of the U.S. trial counsel at Nuremberg, Thomas J. Dodd, said:
No one can say he is dead.
Major General Floyd Parks, who was commanding general of the U.S. sector in Berlin, stated for publication that he had been present when Marshall Zhukov described his entrance to Berlin, and Zhukov stated he believed Hitler might have escaped.
Lt. Gen. Bedell Smith, Chief of Staff to Gen. Eisenhower in the European invasion and later Director of the CIA, stated publicly on Oct. 12, 1945:
No human being can say conclusively that Hitler is dead.
Col. W.J. Heimlich, former Chief, United States Intelligence, at Berlin, stated for publication that he was in charge of determining what had happened to Hitler and after a thorough investigation his report was:
There was no evidence beyond that of HEARSAY to support the THEORY of Hitler's suicide.
He also stated:
On the basis of present evidence, no insurance company in America would pay a claim on Adolf Hitler.
Russia must accept much of the blame [to the extent that it still exists] that Hitler did not die in May 1945.
I would Believe those that were there in 1945 more than some of the Mimicked wrong answers here on Yahoo in 2013
You have the Real truth do with it as you choose and Thumbs down only show your arrogance