2008-09-25 22:37:16 UTC
First of all, the names themselves are greek.
Alexander (Alexandros) is greek, means protector of men
Phillipos his father, greek name, Means ' friend of horses'
Olympia.. well, do i really need to explain that?
as for the "greek salad, greek coffee"
Greeks don't call that salad 'greek' it's called "horiatikh (village salad)" cause it has what you get from your garden (onion, tomato, cucumber, olives, olive oil, oregano, feta cheese) the oregano is from the mountains where villages are, and almost all families in villages have their own cattle and produce cheese, milk etc, and majority of greeks has atleast a small olive grove.
Foreigners call it 'Greek salad' .
As for 'Greek coffee' it's not that it comes from greece, it's the way it's made. After all those coffee grains are arabic, not even turkish.
The turks cook the coffee in a different way as the greeks, therefor the greek coffee - turkish coffee. You can order both ways as long as you know how to order it at a cafe.
Anything that has been 'taken' from turkish cuisine or from any cuisne has the original name, maybe slightly greek-fied for prenouncation
"loukoum' (loukoumas)
Pizza (like everywhere)
Patespani (paindespagne)
can't remember anything else and don't wanna make this a huge text.
Alexander the great was greek, get over it.