NO, FDR wasn't responsible in any way for the attack on Pearl Harbor.I doubt if anyone, including the British, could have prior knowledge of it.I do think, however, that after it happened, Winston Churchill was in a room all by himself jumping up and down and screaming for joy, because he knew that the US was going to be coming to his aide, and there is no army on earth that can beat a fully mobilized and pissed off United States army.You can kick sand in our face, call us names, refuse to pay debts you owe to us, but DON'T make us mad.It is funny, in a way, that when the admiral for the Japanese fleet that attacked us realized that they had failed to damage any of our aircraft carriers, he reported to Tokyo that "the mission was a failure.All we have done is awaken the sleeping giant" Sadly, President Bush gets blamed for the attack on 9/11.I don't care who is president, head of the CIA, Secretary of Defense, or the captain of NYPD, if some one wants to blindside you, and they have the time, money and brains to think of how to do it, it can be done.My best friend has a $250,000 home, and it has state of the art security systems in place.About 3 months ago, while he was at work, he was robbed blind.Was it his or his wifes fault?NO.It doesn't matter on what scale it is, you can have the best security systems in place, and sooner or later some one will figure out a way around it.