There was Nothing good in this
the Holocaust Usually refers to Nazi Germany where Hitler had 6 million Jews and 9 million other Civilians murdered in death camps Here are 22 Known Death camps
there were 25,000 camps in the Reich Transit camps Labor camps Prison camp and death camps
Operation Reinhard Transit Camps: They Were Death Camps | Holocaust Denial on Trial
No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus and 15 Million civilians would not have died
1.Auschwitz–Birkenau,Poland 2.5 Million including 1.2 Million Jews
Dr. Johann Kremer witnessing the gassing of victims at Birkenau
2.Bełżec, Poland 600,000 Jews
3.Bergen-Belsen, Nazi Germany 50,000 on Liberation day there was 13,000 corpses Not burried
4.Chełmno, Nazi Germany 180,000
5.Dachau, Nazi Germany 43,000 died
6.Gross-Rosen, Poland 40,000
7,Koldichevo, Belarus 22,000
8.Majdanek, Poland 60,000
9.Mauthausen, Austria 90,000
10.Natzweiler/Struthof, France 20,000
11.Neuengam, Nazi Germany 55,000
12.Plaszow, Poland 80,000 most in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
13.Sobibor, Poland 250,000, the majority being Jews.
14.Stutthof, Danzig 65.000
15.Theresienstadt, Czech Republic
16.Treblinka, Poland 1,000,000 Jews Murdered here
17.Sajmiste in Serbia, 23,000
18. Logor Jasenovac in Serbia, 800.000
19.Maly Trostenets in the USSR, 206,000
20.Janowska, in Ukraine 40,000
21.Gornija Rijeka 2000
22. Jasenovac was Croatia’s largest death camp. And the worst in WW2 they Murdered some 700,000 serbs and the Bodies were thrown in the River
Auschwitz, Majdanek, and Jasenovac were retrofitted with Zyklon-B gas chambers and crematoria buildings as the time went on, remaining operational until war's end in 1945
these were all the Camps in Croatia
Jadovno concentration camp
Jasenovac concentration camp
Sisak children's concentration camp
Stara Gradiška concentration camp
Lobor concentration camp
Sajmiste concentration camp was run by the Germans
Tenja concentration camp
These sites were used to test the best way of exterminating People and Zyclon B was chosen as the best all from their own Mouths and Documentation and those that refuse to believe need Psychiatric help or are Closet Nazis it was called Operation Reinhard the designer of the Final solution
Bełżec 600,000 deaths
Sobibór 250,000 deaths
Treblinka 900,000 deaths
Lublin/Majdanek 130,000 deaths all from the German? Nazi records
Poles 3 million +
Yugoslavians 1.5 million +
Gypsies 200,000 – 500,000
Mentally/Physically Disabled70,000- 250,000
Homosexuals Tens of thousands
Spanish Republicans Tens of thousands
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500 – 5,000
Boy and Girl Scouts, Clergy, Communists, Czechs, Deportees, Greeks, Political Prisoners, Other POWs, Resistance Fighters, Serbs, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Others Unknown
The six million figure used in the Jewish death toll is an estimate for total lives lost. These Jewish lives were taken by a number of groups, not just Nazis. The six million figure includes Jewish lives lost in other countries as well, not just Germany, and by the various modes of killing, not just camp deaths. Ukrainian deaths were due to Russian and Nazi perpetrators alike, some killed on "acquired" German soil, others killed on Russian soil, some killed outright, others worked or starved to death.
The total Murdered By the Nazis in WW2 was 15 Million including the 6 million Jews
The Nazi Euthanasia Centre at Bernburg operated from 21 November 1940 to 30 July 1943 in a separate wing of the State Sanatorium and Mental Hospital Bernburg on the River Saale It was one of several euthanasia centres run by the Nazis under their official "Euthanasia Programme", later referred to after the war as Action T4. A total of 9,384 sick and handicapped people from 33 welfare institutions and nursing homes as well as around 5,000 prisoners from six concentration camps were killed here in a gas chamber using carbon monoxide gas.
Each extermination camp operated differently, yet each had designs for quick and efficient industrialized killing. While Höss was away on an official journey in late August 1941 his deputy, Karl Fritzsch, tested out an idea. At Auschwitz clothes infested with lice were treated with crystallised prussic acid.
The crystals were made to order by the IG Farben Dupont chemicals company for which the brand name was Zyklon-B. Once released from their container, Zyklon-B crystals in the air released a lethal cyanide gas. Fritzch tried out the effect of Zyklon B on Soviet POWs, who were locked up in cells in the basement of the bunker for this experiment. Höss on his return was briefed and impressed with the results and this became the camp strategy for extermination as it was also to be at Majdanek.
Besides gassing, the camp guards continued killing prisoners via mass shooting, starvation, torture
The first period of operation in Belzec and Sobibor lasted about three months, in Treblinka five weeks. After this initial phase, those holding key positions in Operation Reinhard decided to introduce "improvements" into the camps so as to increase their extermination capacity. This decision was brought on by Himmler's order of July 19, 1942 that all the Jews in the General Government, with a few exceptions, were to be eradicated by the end of that year.
The main problem was finding a way to speed up the extermination procedure, i.e., increasing the absorption capacity of the gas chambers.
Belzec was the first camp in which large gas chambers were built. The old wooden structure containing the three gas chambers was demolished, and on the same spot a larger, strong building was erected, which was 24 m. Iong and 10 m. wide. It contained six gas chambers. Statements differ as to their size; they fluctuate between 4 x 4 m. and 4 x 8 m. The new gas chambers were completed in mid July. (StA Munich 1, AZ: 22 Js 68/61, pp. 2602, 2613.)
No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus
victims of Nazism included Slavs . Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians and Serbs, Romanis (gypsies), French, Belgians, Dutch, Greeks, Italians LGBT people, lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender the mentally or physically Handicap Soviet POWs, Roman Catholics, Race defilers Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Spanish Republicans, Freemasons, people of colour Afro-German Mischlinge, called leftists, communists, trade unionists, capitalists, social democrats, socialists, anarchists, and every other minority or dissident not considered Aryan Herrenvolk,
as well as those who disagreed with the Nazi regime and Jews wiki gives 6 million Jews and 11 million of the Others I have listed