The asker confuses real Macedonia of Greece with the country of Slavic-Macedonia (Makedonija or FYROM).
Again the asker hasn’t got the slightest idea of what he is talking about!
Macedonia is in Greece and of course it was always part of Greek history! How is it possible for Greece to steel it own history?
A few brainwashed fanatics like the asker are the ones who try to still the Greek history simply because the hijack the Greek name Macedonia!
The asker mentions Borza! It is true that Borza at first wasn’t sure if the ancient Macedonians were Greeks. But in his latest books he clearly states that the ancient Macedonians were of course Greeks.
The asker should read the following text
Eugene N. Borza, ‘Makedonika’
Regina Books, Claremont CA
"Our understanding of the Macedonians' emergence into history is confounded by two events: the establishment of the Macedonians as an identifiable ethnic group, and the foundation of their ruling house. The "HIGHLANDERS" or "MAKEDONES" of the mountainous regions of western Macedonia ARE DERIVED FROM NORTHWEST GREEK STOCK; THEY WERE AKIN BOTH TO THOSE WHO AT AN EARLIER TIME MAY HAVE MIGRATED SOUTH TO BECOME THE HISTORICAL "DORIANS", and to other Pindus tribes who were the ancestors of the Epirotes or Molossians. That is, we may suggest that NORTHWEST GREECE PROVIDED A POOL OF INDO-EUROPEAN SPEAKERS OF PROTO-GREEK from which were drawn the tribes who later were known by different names as they established their regional identities in separate parts of the country."
"First, the matter of the Hellenic origins of the Macedonians: Nicholas Hammond's general conclusion (though not the details of his arguments)that the origin of the Macedonians lies in the pool of proto-Greek speakers who migrated out of the Pindus mountains during the Iron Age, is acceptable."
As it is obvious from the above quote Borsa agrees with every respectfull historian that ancient Macedonians were Greeks!
Lets see now what real experts about Macedonia say (Borza is considered a second class historian!)
The most respectful historian about ancient Macedonia N. G. L. Hammond states:
“What language did these `Macedones' speak? The name itself is Greek in root and in ethnic termination. It probably means `highlanders', and it is comparable to Greek tribal names such as `Orestai' and `Oreitai', meaning 'mountain-men'. A reputedly earlier variant, `Maketai', has the same root, which means `high', as in the Greek adjective makednos or the noun mekos. The genealogy of eponymous ancestors which Hesiod recorded […] has a bearing on the question of Greek speech. First, Hesiod made Macedon a brother of Magnes; as we know from inscriptions that the Magnetes spoke the Aeolic dialect of the Greek language, we have a predisposition to suppose that the Macedones spoke the Aeolic dialect. Secondly, Hesiod made Macedon and Magnes first cousins of Hellen's three sons - Dorus, Xouthus, and Aeolus-who were the founders of three dialects of Greek speech, namely Doric, Ionic, and Aeolic. Hesiod would not have recorded this relationship, unless he had believed, probably in the seventh century that the Macedones were a Greek speaking people. The next evidence comes from Persia. At the turn of the sixth century the Persians described the tribute-paying peoples of their province in Europe, and one of them was the `yauna takabara', which meant `Greeks wearing the hat'. There were Greeks in Greek city-states here and there in the province, but they were of various origins and not distinguished by a common hat. However, the Macedonians wore a distinctive hat, the kausia. We conclude that the Persians believed the Macedonians to be speakers of Greek. Finally, in the latter part of the fifth century a Greek historian, Hellanicus, visited Macedonia and modified Hesiod's genealogy by making Macedon not a cousin, but a son of Aeolus, thus bringing Macedon and his descendants firmly into the Aeolic branch of the Greek-speaking family. Hesiod, Persia, and Hellanicus had no motive for making a false statement about the language of the Macedonians, who were then an obscure and not a powerful people. Their independent testimonies should be accepted as conclusive (N.G.L. Hammond, The Macedonian State, p.12-13).
And again Nicholas G. L. Hammond, ‘Philip of Macedon’
Duckworth Publishing, February 1998
"Philip was born a Greek of the most aristocratic, indeed of divine, descent... Philip was both a Greek and a Macedonian, even as Demosthenes was a Greek and an Athenian...The Macedonians over whom Philip was to rule were an outlying family member of the Greek-speaking peoples."
"As subjects of the king the Upper Macedonians were henceforth on the same footing as the original Macedonians, in that they could qualify for service in the King's Forces and thereby obtain the elite citizenship. At one bound the territory, the population and wealth of the kingdom were doubled. Moreover since the great majority of the new subjects were speakers of the West Greek dialect, the enlarged army was Greek-speaking throughout."
And Malcolm Errington, ‘A History of Macedonia’
(University of California Press, February 1993, pg 3)
"That the Macedonians and their kings did in fact speak a dialect of Greek and bore Greek names may be regarded nowadays as certain."
"Ancient allegations that the Macedonians were non-Greeks all had their origin in Athens at the time of the struggle with Philip II. Then as now, political struggle created the prejudice. The orator Aeschines once even found it necessary, in order to counteract the prejudice vigorously fomented by his opponents, to defend Philip on this issue and describe him at a meeting of the Athenian Popular Assembly as being 'Entirely Greek'. Demosthenes' allegations were lent on appearance of credibility by the fact, apparent to every observer, that the life-style of the Macedonians, being determined by specific geographical and historical conditions, was different from that of a Greek city-state. This alien way of life was, however, common to western Greeks of Epiros, Akarnania and Aitolia, as well as to the Macedonians, and their fundamental Greek nationality was never doubted. Only as a consequence of the political disagreement with Macedonia was the issue raised at all."
"The Molossians were the strongest and, decisive for Macedonia, most easterly of the three most important Epirote tribes, which, like Macedonia but unlike the Thesprotians and the Chaonians, still retained their monarchy. They were Greeks, spoke a similar dialect to that of Macedonia, suffered just as much from the depredations of the Illyrians and were in principle the natural partners of the Macedonian king who wished to tackle the Illyrian problem at its roots."
And from the ancient Cambridge history book:
“Relative to the North-western dialect was the Macedonian with many Thracian and Illyrians elements. They were a sector of Dorian race, according Herodotus (7-56,8-43), the Macedonians subjugated the Thracians and the Illyrians tribes, and it was natural that they adopts certain effects in their dialect from the languages of conquered peoples.
The ancient Greek North Western dialect was composed from the spoken dialects from Epirus, Acarnania, Aitolia, Lochrida , Fokida and Macedonia.”
The Ancient Cambridge History Book (Greece after the Persian Wars, ancient Hellenic Language)
And Robin Lane Fox - "Alexander the Great"
"he was still in a world of Greek gods and sacrifices, of Greek plays and Greek language, though the natives might speak Greek with a northern accent which hardened 'ch' into 'g','th' into’d’ and pronounced King Philip as Bilip".
Page 30.
"Philip's mother had been a Lyncestian noblewoman" - "rebellious kings of Lyncestis who traced their origins to the notorious Bacchiad kings of Greek Corinth"
Page 32.
"Olympia's royal ancestry traced back to the hero Achilles, and the blood of Helen of Troy was believed to run on her father's side"
Page 44.
"The Macedonian kings, who maintained that their Greek ancestry traced back to Zeus, had long given homes and patronage to Greece's most distinguished artists"
Page 48.
"But Alexander was stressing his link with Achilles... Achilles was also a stirring Greek hero, useful for a Macedonian king whose Greek ancestry did not stop Greeks from calling him a barbarian"
Page 60.
"No man, and only one hero, had been called invincible before him, and then only by a poet, but the hero was Heracles, ancestor of the Macedonian kings"
Page 71.
"War, Philip had announced, 'was being declared against the Persians on behalf of the Greeks, to punish the barbarians for their lawless treatment of the old Greek temples"
Page 92.
"among the conservative Greek opinion there would be no regrets that Alexander the Greek leader was invading the barbarians"
Page 101.
"To his ancestors (to a Persian's ancestors) Macedonians were only known as 'yona takabara', the 'Greeks who wear shields on their heads', an allusion to their broad-brimmed hats" Page 104.
"As for the hired Greeks in Persian service, thousands of the dead were to be buried, but the prisoners were bound in fetters and sent to hard labour in Macedonia, 'because they had fought as Greeks against Greeks, on behalf of barbarians, contrary to the common decrees of the Greek allies'"
Page 123.
"Alexander son of Philip and the Greeks, except the Spartans...", as "Sparta did not consider it to be her fathers' practice to follow, but to lead"
Page 123.
"In spirit, Alexander made a gesture to the Lydians' sensitivities, though his Greek crusade owed them nothing as they were not Greeks."
Page 128.
"Alexander was not the first Greek to be honored as a god for political favor..."
Page 131.
"Alexander was recognized as a son of Zeus after his visit"
Page 201.
"it was the Delphi of the Greek East and as a Hellene, not as Pharaoh, Alexander would be curious..."
Page 204.
"Supported the belief that he was the Greek god Zeus's son"
Page 214.
"When his Macedonians mutinied at the end of their marching, they were said to have ridiculed him and told him to 'go fight alone with his father', meaning Zeus, not Philip"
Page 216.
"The occasion was not lost on Alexander: at Susa, he sacrificed to Greek gods and held Greek gymnastic games..."
Page 253.
"In return he left behind Darius's mother, daughters and the son whom he had captured at Issus, and appointed teachers to teach them the Greek language."
Page 254.
"Alexander was still the Greek avenger of Persian sacrilege who told his troops, it was said 'that Persepolis was the most hateful city in the world'. On the road there, he met with the families of Greeks who had deported to Persia by previous kings, and true to his slogan, he honored them conspicuously, giving them money, five changes of clothing, farm animals, corn, a free passage home, and exemption from taxes and bureaucratic harassments."
Page 256.
"But Alexander replied that he wished to take revenge on the Persians for invading Greece, for razing Athens and burning her temples."
Page 261.
"There is no doubt, that Macedonians were Greeks."
(Robin Lane Fox "Historian-Author" In Interview with newspaper TO BHMA)
And Richard Stoneman
"'In favour of the Greek identity of the Macedonians is what we know of their language: the place-names, names of the months and many of the personal names, especially royal names, which are Greek in roots and form.' This suggests that they did not merely use Greek as a lingua franca, but spoke it as natives (though with a local accent which turned Philip into Bilip, for example). The Macedonians' own traditions derived their royal house from one Argeas, son of Macedon, son of Zeus, and asserted that a new dynasty, the Temenids, had its origin in the sixth century from emigrants from Argos in Greece, the first of these kings being Perdiccas. This tradition became a most important part of the cultural identity of Macedon. It enabled Alexander I (d.452) to compete at the Olympic Games (which only true Hellenes were allowed to do); and it was embedded in the policy of Archelaus (d.399) who invited Euripides from Athens to his court, where Euripides wrote not only the Bacchae but also a lost play called Archelaus. (Socrates was also invited, but declined.)"
"Alexander the Great" by Richard Stoneman p.14
and John V.A. Fine, ‘The Ancient Greeks: A Critical History’
Harvard University Press, 1983, pgs 605-608.
“Since so little is known about the early Macedonians, it is hardly strange that in both ancient and modern times there has been much disagreement on their ethnic identity. The Greeks in general and Demosthenes in particular looked upon them as barbarians, that is, not Greek. Modern scholarship, after many generations of argument, now almost unanimously recognises them as Greeks, a branch of the Dorians and ‘NorthWest Greeks’ who, after long residence in the north Pindus region, migrated eastwards. The Macedonian language has not survived in any written text, but the names of individuals, places, gods, months, and the like suggest strongly that the language was a Greek dialect. Macedonian institutions, both secular and religious, had marked Hellenic characteristics and legends identify or link the people with the Dorians. During their sojourn in the Pindus complex and the long struggle to found a kingdom, however, the Macedonians fought and mingled constantly with Illyrians, Thracians, Paeonians, and probably various Greek tribes. Their language naturally acquired many Illyrian and Thracian loanwords, and some of their customs were surely influenced by their neighbours."
"To the civilized Greek of the fifth and fourth centuries, the Macedonian way of life must have seemed crude and primitive. This backwardness in culture was mainly the result of geographical factors. The Greeks, who had proceeded south in the second millennium, were affected by the many civilizing influences of the Mediterranean world, and ultimately they developed that very civilizing institution, the polis. The Macedonians, on the other hand, remained in the north and living for centuries in mountainous areas, fighting with Illyrians, Thracians, and amongst themselves as tribe fought tribe, developed a society that may be termed Homeric. The amenities of city-state life were unknown until they began to take root in Lower Macedonia from the end of the fifth century onwards.”
And A.B. Bosworth, ‘Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great’
Cambridge University Press, Reissue Edition, March 1993
"Alexander ruled the world as his father had ruled Macedon, concentrating power in his own hands and office to his Companions. In nationality the Companions remained overwhelmingly Hellenic"
And Charles Edson
‘Ancient Macedonian Studies in honor of Charles F. Edson’
“After the end of the Bronze Age another migration of peoples entered the Greek peninsula. These peoples, whom modern scholars call ‘West Greeks’ and of whom the most important single element was the Dorians, came from the rugged Pindos mountains of northwest of the Greek peninsula proper. But the Pindos area with little arable land could not support the expanding population and the lands to the south could no longer receive immigrants from the north. Important West Greek elements remained in the Pindos. These are those whom Herodotus called ‘Makednon ethnos’ and there developed a gradual movement towards the northeast across the Pindos range into the region which was to become known as ‘Upper Macedonia.’ By around 700 we find ‘Macednic’ tribes occupying the eastern slopes of the Pindos.
Among these tribes were the Orestai in the area of Lake Kastoria. From Orestis - as the regions was called - came a clan called the Argeadai, ‘descendants of Argeas”, whose kings claimed descent from the Temenid kings of Argos and thus from Herakles. The validity of this claim was never challenged in antiquity. The Argeadai, in search of fertile land for settlement, moved eastward and occupied the coastal plain along the northwestern shore of the Aegean Sea between Mount Olympus and the Haliakmon River. They expelled the Pieres, who left their name to the region called after them, Pieria. In northwest Pieria, close to the Haliakmon, the kings founded their citadel Aigai where the royal tombs were situated. The next step in the expansion of the Argead kingdom was the expulsion of the Bottiaians. These two regions, Pieria and Bottiaia, were to become the heartland of the kingdom. Unlike their ‘Macednic’ relatives in Upper Macedonian the Argead Macedonians were exposed to all the political and economic currents and cultural influences of the Aegean world.
The basic institutions of the kingdom were those of early Greeks. At the head of the folk was the king who was the war commander and was responsible for the relations of his people with the gods. An assembly of the fighting men chose the new king from the available males of the royal family, usually the oldest son of the former king, and could express the desires and attitudes of the folk. Of high importance were the king’s Companions, the hetairoi. They were the king’s personal retainers. They fought for him in battle and in peace served as he desired. In return they received land grants and other perquisites. In social status and function they recall the Homeric hetairoi of the Achaian rulers. This personal relationship of mutual benefit and obligation was to become the specifically Macedonian system of government. It was solemnized by the festival of the Hetairideia in honour of Zeus Hetairides at which the king presided.
This society had its peculiar customs and practices. There are traces of the blood feud. A Macedonian who had not yet killed an enemy was obliged to wear a halter around his waist. The marriage ceremony was the severing of a loaf of bread by the bride and groom, who then tasted the two portions. Feasting and wassail were the relaxations of the aristocracy and hunting their passionate avocation. In the early spring of each year the formal purification of the army, headed by the king, took place with the fighting men in full panoply. A sham battle ended the purification. Although the basic religion of the Macedonians was Greek, as is shown by the names of the months and by the belief that the folk descended from Makedon, son of Zeus, and the royal family from Herakles, there was strong Thracian influence from the peoples the Macedonians had expelled or subdued. This is the origin of the emotional Sabazios worship among the Macedonians with its local variant of the satyrs, the Sauadai, and bacchantes, Klodones and Mimallones. It is little wonder that to the Greeks of the city-states this society should seem alien, un-Hellenic, or, as they would say, ‘barbarian’.”
Charles Edson ‘Ancient Macedonian Studies in honor of Charles F. Edson’ London, 1981, pgs 27-71
And Peter Green
"Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography"
"The men of Lower Macedonia worshipped Greek gods; the royal family claimed descent from Heracles. But the highlanders were much addicted to Thracian deities, Sabazius, the Clodones and Mimallones, whose wild orgiastic cult-practices closely resembled those portrayed by Euripides in the Bacchae. "
"The sovereigns of Lower Macedonia were equally determined to annex these 'out-kingdoms*, whether by conquest, political persuasion, or dynastic inter-marriage. Lyncestis was ruled by descendants of the Bacchiad dynasty, who had moved on to Macedonia after their expulsion from Corinth in 657 B.C.15 Excavations at Trebenishte have revealed a wealth of gold masks and tomb furniture of the period between 650 and 600;16 these were powerful princes in the true Homeric tradition, like the kings of Cyprus. The Molossian dynasty of Epirus, on the marches of Orestis and Elimiotis, claimed descent from Achilles, through his grandson Pyrrhus - a fact destined to have immeasurable influence on the young Alexander, whose mother Olympias was of Molossian stock. "
"The Argeads themselves, as we have seen, headed their pedigree with Heracles, and could thus (since Heracles was the son of Zeus) style themselves 'Zeus-born' like any Mycenaean dynast: both Zeus and Heracles appear regularly on Philip's coinage."
page 5
"In less than four years he had transformed Macedonia from a backward and primitive kingdom to one of the most powerful states in the Greek world"
Page 32
"Aristotle found support for his thesis in facts drawn from geopolitics or 'natural law'. Greek superiority had to be proved demonstrably innate, a gift of nature. In one celebrated fragment he counsels Alexader to be 'a hegemon[leader] of Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants" Page 58
"Besides, he [Alexander] had the whole body of Greek civilized opinion behind him. Euripides held that it was proper (eikos) for 'barbarians; to be subject to Greeks. Plato and Isocrates both thought of all non-Hellenes as natural enemies who could be enslaved or exterminated at will. Aristotle himself regarded a war against barbarians as essentially just
Page 59
"In particular with the grim struggle for the succession still fresh in their minds, they urged - very reasonably - that before leaving Macedonia he should marry and beget an heir. However, the king rejected this motion out of hand, a decision which was to cause untold bloodshed and political chaos after his death. It would be shameful, he told them, for the captain - general of the Hellenes, with Philip's invincible army at his command, to idle his time away on matrimonial dalliance…."
Page 152
"What he wanted was the most trust-worthy Greek oracle within marching-range. He may have felt himself specially favored by the gods; but for him they were Greek gods, and would only speak through a suitably Hellenized mouthpiece"
"There was also the question of this new city and he hoped to found at the mouth of the Nile; No Greek would dream of attempting such a task without endorsement from an oracle"
Page 273
And R. M. Cook
"At the end of the Early Iron Age kings still reigned in Argos, Messenia, Epirus and Macedonia, and at Sparta there was the curious system of two co-regnant kings. But most Greek states were governed by aristocracies with annual magistrates of limited functions and a permanent council, whether hereditary or chosen.."
"The Greeks until Alexander" by R. M. Cook 1962, p. 65
"Macedonia and Epirus were the buffers of Greece in Europe"
The Greeks until Alexander" by R. M. Cook 1962
And of course René Grousset, A. Patterson
René Grousset, A. Patterson 'The Sum of History', 1951
"The Macedonian conquest gave Hellenic civilization, as a priceless compensation, at least the domination of Asia; and we know what a stimulus to the Greek spirit was this encounter, in the Alexandrian syncretism, with the genius of the East. Unhappily, after a hundred years of splendid progress, the Alexandrianism which, in the third century, had presided over the hellenization of the East, suffered a reversal: the Greek spirit was in turn invaded by oriental ideas. Euclid and Aristarchus had lived at Alexandria, but it was also at Alexandria that the neo-Platonists and gnostics lived. Lucian's outbursts of laughter (in the second century A.D.) were the last protest of the critical spirit against the return of the murkiest pagan mysticism. "
"Furthermore, when Alexander had made the Greeks masters of the East, they transferred to it their own inability to unite. The Macedonia of the Antigonids, the Syria of the Seleucids and the Egypt of the Ptolemies, like Athens, Sparta and Thebes before them, wore themselves out in an inconclusive struggle which made them fall, one by one, an easy prey to the foreigner -- in this case to the Romans. Not with impunity had the Græco-Macedonian dynasties assumed the mantle of the old oriental despots. "
René Grousset, A. Patterson 'The Sum of History', 1951, Page 10
"Similar uncertainty surrounds the personality of Alexander. Should we see in him the agent of the Hellenic League about to Hellenize Asia? Or the Macedonian whom the Orient had won over and divested of Greek civilization to the point of making him a Son of Ammon and Great King? Both personalities were present in him. And the whole drama of his brief life lay in the contrast between them. When he forced the passage of the Granicus, he came to Asia, like Agesilaus before him, to take vengeance for the invasion of Xerxes. His first act was to deliver Ionia. He went on to give Hellenism the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean, Syria, and Egypt; that is, the European façade of Asia. And this part of all his conquests was the only one to prove really lasting. Egypt and Syria remained part of Hellas for nine hundred and seventy years after his day, and western Anatolia for sixteen and a half centuries. On the other hand, east of the Euphrates, on the Persian plateau afterwards conquered by Alexander, Hellenism maintained its hold for barely two centuries. And it was there that the Macedonian, for the eight years of life left to him, began to strip himself of his Greek inheritance."
'The Sum of History' Page 153
"If the Macedonian kingdoms of Greater Greece had left no other proof of their activity, they would have done enough for ancient civilization by giving it the masters of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. "
"The Sum of History" Page 156
"One of the sons of Antiochus the Great, Antiochus Epiphanes, tried to react ( 175-164 B.C.). How are we to judge him? The superior strength of the Romans made it impossible for him to secure the triumph of Hellenism by force of arms. But the expansion of Greek nationality was the whole raison d'étre of the Seleucids. Antiochus Epiphanes was therefore obliged to undertake the conquest of the oriental soul by introducing Hellenism to the native peoples"
"The Sum of History" Page 157
"It was the Byzantine Empire which was to realize Alexander's idea -Macedonian Panhellenism -- in face of an Asia in revolt, and realize it for the Greeks"
"The Sum of History" Page 159
and John Bagnell Bury
"The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock, as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine to testify."
` {John Bagnell Bury, "A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great", 2nd ed.(1913)
Prof. John C. Roumans Professor Emeritus of Classics Wisconsin University
"Clearly, the language of the ancient Macedonians was Greek"
And everybody!!!! Richard Stoneman, Eugene Borza,Ulrich Wilcken ,John V.A. Fine ,A. B. Bossworth ,Ernst Badian ,Charles Edson,Thomas Martin,Hermann Bengtson ,Paul Cartledge ,A.R. Burn ,Peter Green ,Mary Renault ,J.M. Roberts,R. M. Cook,Francois Chamoux ,Bevan ,Peter Tsouras ,Lewis Vance Cummings ,D.G Hogarth ,L.S. Stavrianos
Martin Sicker ,Graham Shipley ,Richard Gabriel,Michael Cage,Samuel Eddy ,René Grousset ,Anthony E. David ,Donald R. Dudley THEY ALL AGREE THAT ANCIENT MACEDONIANS WERE GREEKS. Simple as that!!
It is obvious that the asker hasn’t read any of the above historians!
But what the Slav-Macedonian historians say about the matter!
Well actually the scientists of Slavic –Macedonia clearly state the truth
1) 'From the mountains of Epirus Dorian (Greeks) Makednoi (Macedonians) made their advance towards Macedonia, conquering the native tribes who latter gained new, Hellenistic culture and after that are politically organized into a powerful state'
"The Art in Macedonia",Skopje,1984 pp.26
2)'The lower part of Vardar is certainly the area south of Demir-Kapija gorge that entered Hellenic cultural sphere very early and already before 600 b.c. the material culture is thoroughly Hellenised.'
"The Valley of Vardar in Ist millennium b.c",Skopje,1982,pp.2
3)"During the early arhaic period at the Macedonian territory, Dorian (Greek) tribal groups came across over the Pindos mountain, to the area of today's North-Western Greece and parts of the southern Republic of Macedonia. They established several early principalities partially by chasing away the local Paeonian tribes. Those tribal groups were the ancient Macedonians"
"Macedonian Heritage",No 1,july 1996,pp.5
4)'For example, Pelagonia which is naturally oriented to the South, was the first to be subjected to Greek influence, together with the lower part of Vardar'
"Archaeologic Map of the Republic of Macedonia",Skopje,1996,pp.71
5) 'We are not to be amazed that in the archaeological material of Pelagonia we have a rarely great wealth of reflections of all pronounced cultural events in the relations between middle-Danubian and Graeco-Aegean world'
'In a such great chronological distance in the life of ancient Pelagonia two stages are visible: development and existence in the frames of Hellenic culture and later the Roman one' Mikulcic,Ivan "Pelagonija",Skopje,1966,pp.2
6)'Paeonians,a people who during the first millennia b.c inhabited border area between the three great paleobalkanic peoples-Illyrians, Thracians and Hellenes'
Veljanovska,Fanica "An Attempt at Anthropological Definition of the Paeonians",Skopje,1994
7)'...Certain proto-populations occupying distinct areas of the Balkans could be distinguished on the territories of the cultural groups :in western part of the Balkans the proto-Illyrians, in the east the proto Thracians, in the south the Hellenes, in the northern part of the Balkans the proto Daco-Mysians and in the southwest of the Central Balkans the proto Bryges.'
"Bryges on the central Balkans in the 2nd and 1st millennium b.c." (summary)
"Arheologija" No 1,Skopje 1995
8)'With the end of Iron Age III, i.e. with the total Hellenisation of material culture, the prehistory of Macedonia ends.'
Sanev,Vojislav "Prehistory of S.R. Macedonia",Skopje 1977,pp.13
9)"The Art of Antiquity left in the region of Ohrid a great number of traces of its own presence. Illyrian forts imported goods from Greek centers and imitated them in a modest fashion. Political advancement of the Macedonians and their domination enabled cultural influx that manifested itself through products of crafts and alphabet. From the times of Phillip II deeper advances in the area of Lychnidos are attested. Cultural influences of the Graeco-Macedonian world are more present. Rich Hellenistic culture arrived at Illyrian soil"
"Ohrid" by Vera Bitrakova-Grozdanova ,in:"The Art in Macedonia" ,Skopje 1984, pp.85
10)"With the increase of influences from developed cultured south and with the acceptation of Hellenic influences over Paeonia,which already in the V and IV centuries b.c. have committed great changes in the Paeonian culture, usage of Greek Pantheon was also accepted"
Petrova,Eleonora "Cults and symbolism of Paeonian tribes compared with the Illyrian and Thracian ones" in: "Macedoniae Acta Archeologica",Skopje No.13,pp.129
"Having the central position in this part of the Balkans,Paeonia,apart from receiving influences from the Hellenic south, wasn't an exception with regard to influences from Illyrian and Thracian sphere"
11)"Greek epigraphic monuments created before definitive Roman domination of our area are to be found in modest quantity"
Bitrakova Grozdanova,Vera "Hellenistic Monuments in S.R.Macedonia",Skopje,1987,pp. 130
"Study of the inscriptions speaks about epigraphic characteristics of the neighboring Macedonian-Hellenic world"
12)'Even in the last decades of 5th century stabilization in all spheres of social life is established. As first sign of the new time import from Graeco-Macedonian south appeared as well as fortified settlements that later grew into urban centers with character of economic and religious nuclei of the region'
"Guide to the archaeological exhibition",Skopje,1996,pp.54
13)"The northern periphery of Greek world, inhabited with ancient Macedonians and other peoples and tribes, wasn't developed for democracy as the most developed social system at that time"
Mikulcic,Ivan "Ancient towns in the Republic of Macedonia",Skopje,1999,pp.9
"Our overview was exposed chronologically. The first part embraces the early antiquity in our country, the period from 5th century b.c. up to the middle 3rd century b.c.. Throughout this centuries one can follow the Hellenic spirit and the creation of the Hellenic civilization in our areas, which left a basic imprint on the material artifacts"
Ibidem. pp.10-11
14)"The quantitative ceramic material used to be produced with the usual process including the labor of persons .Partly because of that, partly because of the traditions that had taken roots into our soil, which with centuries before that used to be watered with Hellenic spirit and Hellenistic way of life ,the use of the building ceramics had been brought to minimum"
Lilcic,Viktor "Building ceramics in the Republic of Macedonia during the Roman Period:Scupi,Stobi,Heraclea Lynkestis,Styberra",Skopje,199...
15)"In any case during the classical and Hellenistic periods and especially in the 4th and 3rd centuries b.c. we can no longer speak of Paeonian cult in the Peaonian region ,but of cults adopted by the entire Hellenic(Greek) civilization, where through the material culture, elements of spiritual life from developed south were adopted. This was followed by the strengthening of the autochthonous elements above all, the solar cult. Since Paeonians were centrally located in this region of the Balkans, they were influenced from the Hellenic south but they also couldn't avoid the influences from the Illyrian and Thracian sphere"
Petrova,Eleonora "The cults, symbolism and Deities in Paeonian and neighboring regions" in:
"Macedonia and the neighboring regions from 3rd to1st millennium b.c.-Papers presented at the international symposium in Struga-1997",Skopje,1999,pp.11...
I know that the asker and the group of fanatic Slav-Macedonians will never read the above texts from the worlds most respectful historians. They even haven’t read what their own country’s real scientists say about the matter.