as of 2009 we Know the Russians never found Hitlers Body the skull and Jawbone belongs to a woman under 40 and Not Eva's the skull has a Bullet hole
this makes all the claims and statements from 1945 Mute
and when we add up all the so called witnesses Hitler was dead or Cremated on 26 27 28 29 30 of april
so why did some Witnesses say hitler and Eva was alive at 1830 hrs on the 1 May
The third Western Allied "eyewitness account account, given to US interrogators by Erich Mansfeld on 30th July 1945 - which referred to a cremation on either the 26th or 27th April - establishes beyond doubt that there were numerous cremations in the Chancellery garden and that at least some of the eyewitnesses could easily have been mistaken when they asserted that they had witnessed Hitler's cremation! In fact, the first such cremation was observed by Mansfeld while he was on guard duty on the afternoon of 27th April. His statement concludes concludes - "Subject claims there is a possibility these events took place on the 26th instead of the 27th, but is positive it was not later than the 27th of April 1945"
Therefore the earliest six eyewitness accounts - effectively, the only reliable accounts we have - hint that there were SEVERAL cremations of corpses, which were assumed by observers to be those of Adolf Hitler and Eva Hitler, took place in the Chancellery garden SOME TIME between 26th or 30th April,
1/ In each case, the male body wore a pair of Hitler's trousers.
2/ In each case, also, the male body was accompanied by a female who bore a convincing resemblance to Eva Hitler.
according to the witnesses Hitler and Eva were cremated On the 26 27 28 29 30 April or was it 1
The strange thing is what THEN happened. Kempka made a SECOND statement once he was told about Karnau's (which he didn't know was corroborated by Kunz) He made it on the 2nd of July, and said that Karnau MUST have been mistaken, for the body was definitely covered, and that Karnau must have witnessed some OTHER two bodies being burned! Strange, that....for we ALREADY have a major time discrepancy about events, and a possible second set of cremations, courtesy of Mengerhausen, Günsche and Rattenhuber!!! However, Karnau is corroborated unexpectly by Kunz, so if ANYONE in this tale saw a second, spurious cremation - it was Kempka.
so If he died when did he die and where is the Body then we can amend Hitlers File In Nuremberg which says since 1945 Hitlers Location Unknown