What proof is there to confirm Hitler died in the Berlin bunker?
2013-07-06 11:36:15 UTC
1)Hitler's corpse was said to be two inches shorter..than the Fuhrer's height.
2)His skull has now been proven to be that off a young woman below the age of 40.
3)The dentist who matched Hitler corpse by his dental records later said that she had been threatened and bullied by soviets into making the same teeth x-rays which would match Hitler's..

1)Why were the soviets in such hurry to hide Hitler's body..and not let Allies doctor's confirm that the body is really that off Hitler?

2)What proof is there to confirm Hitler died in the Berlin bunker?
Nine answers:
2013-07-07 00:58:33 UTC
as of 2009 we Know the Russians never found Hitlers Body the skull and Jawbone belongs to a woman under 40 and Not Eva's the skull has a Bullet hole

this makes all the claims and statements from 1945 Mute

and when we add up all the so called witnesses Hitler was dead or Cremated on 26 27 28 29 30 of april

so why did some Witnesses say hitler and Eva was alive at 1830 hrs on the 1 May

The third Western Allied "eyewitness account account, given to US interrogators by Erich Mansfeld on 30th July 1945 - which referred to a cremation on either the 26th or 27th April - establishes beyond doubt that there were numerous cremations in the Chancellery garden and that at least some of the eyewitnesses could easily have been mistaken when they asserted that they had witnessed Hitler's cremation! In fact, the first such cremation was observed by Mansfeld while he was on guard duty on the afternoon of 27th April. His statement concludes concludes - "Subject claims there is a possibility these events took place on the 26th instead of the 27th, but is positive it was not later than the 27th of April 1945"

Therefore the earliest six eyewitness accounts - effectively, the only reliable accounts we have - hint that there were SEVERAL cremations of corpses, which were assumed by observers to be those of Adolf Hitler and Eva Hitler, took place in the Chancellery garden SOME TIME between 26th or 30th April,

1/ In each case, the male body wore a pair of Hitler's trousers.

2/ In each case, also, the male body was accompanied by a female who bore a convincing resemblance to Eva Hitler.

according to the witnesses Hitler and Eva were cremated On the 26 27 28 29 30 April or was it 1


The strange thing is what THEN happened. Kempka made a SECOND statement once he was told about Karnau's (which he didn't know was corroborated by Kunz) He made it on the 2nd of July, and said that Karnau MUST have been mistaken, for the body was definitely covered, and that Karnau must have witnessed some OTHER two bodies being burned! Strange, that....for we ALREADY have a major time discrepancy about events, and a possible second set of cremations, courtesy of Mengerhausen, Günsche and Rattenhuber!!! However, Karnau is corroborated unexpectly by Kunz, so if ANYONE in this tale saw a second, spurious cremation - it was Kempka.

so If he died when did he die and where is the Body then we can amend Hitlers File In Nuremberg which says since 1945 Hitlers Location Unknown
2013-07-06 11:48:37 UTC
To answer your first question, the soviets, like most other countries, wanted to be first at everything. There soviets at the time might have known or not known if the body was Adolf Hitlers out not, but they wanted to be famous for being the first in Berlin and find Hitler. They might have been in such a hurry because like I said they might have known the body is not his, but they didn't want they allied forces to find out this because then the world would know that the soviets failed to find Hitler. To answer your second question, there is not much evidence. There had been a lot of conversation on that topic but no legitament evidence has been found that proves it 100%. The world may never know what happened to him.
Needful Sinner
2013-07-06 11:45:42 UTC
"What proof is there to confirm Hitler died in the Berlin bunker?"

1. Eyewitness testimony from people who were there.

2. The fact despite all the conspiracy theories there has been since not on sign or word of Hitler has been seen or heard since [and fact is conspiracies tend to involve other people, and rarely can you even tell a best friend a secret without it being spilled - yet not one person, not one mind you since 1945 can actually prove anything other than - Hitler is dead.]

The 'proof' you seek does not exist - nobody can claim definitive proof of anything, thus eye-witness testimony of those from the Fuhrerbunker are most valid.


"who had sworn with their lives that they would protect their leader's safety at all costs."

a/ you can make that claim, but does that not fly in the face of the likes of Himmler providing Hitler with cyanide capsules - knowing darned well what their purpose was, or Walther for providing Hitler with a pistol that inevitably he used to kill himself with;

b/ an oath that has no meaning once the life of the person named no longer exists.

"Why were the soviets in such hurry to hide Hitler's body..and not let Allies doctor's confirm that the body is really that off Hitler?"

Stalin had a fixation and paranoia about Hitler, he wanted that body [and pity the poor Russian who fails carrying out a Stalin decree].

The Russians weren't hiding anything from the Allies nor trying to hide facts; they were trying to appease Stalin by making the facts speak a truth that Stalin would find pleasing.. and let's not forget we are talking of 1940s 'science' and forensics, not 2013s CSI stuff that's hardly real to begin with.

"Potsdam conference in 1945 "Hitler has escaped from Berlin at the last moment either to Spain or Argentina"."

Yuus, based on the Fieseler Fi 156 Storch light aircraft that took off from the LindenStrasse during the Battle of Berlin [a short distance away from the Fuhrerbunker]... great fuel for a conspiracy theory true, but again no fact to back up Hitler was on that aircraft has ever been made or proven - and common were such battlefield communications/courier flights; indeed that was the purpose of that aircraft.

The Stork [Storch] was the same aircraft used to rescue Mussolini from his mountaintop prison and because the scenario is the same people add 2+2 and get five. The difference between the two is Mussolini was in his Stork as historically proven - Hitler was not and is not.
2016-12-17 06:52:33 UTC
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2013-07-06 12:13:43 UTC
No, they weren't all Nazi fanatics in the bunker, people like Traudl Junge and Fraulein Manzialy were just there doing their jobs. What makes me positive that he died in the bunker is that the testimony of the witnesses was remarkably consistent whether they were in Soviet or British or US custody. Some of them actually gave testimony in 1945 as to the fate of Bormann, that turned out to be consistent with where Bormann's body was found in 1972, which only strengthens their credibility. The reason the Soviets were secretive about the process at the time was....Stalin liked keeping secrets.

If Hitler had of wanted to live, he would have long since left Berlin for the the Berghof's bunker, like some of the fanatics suggested he do.
2016-12-12 14:36:54 UTC
Hitler Dentist
2013-07-06 12:21:11 UTC
This is the case where you can trust Russians.

Russians wanted 500% assurance that Hitler is dead.

And they dedicated considerable investigative and law enforcement resources to receive such assurance.

In 1945 comrade Stalin would personally put any investigator missing some important detail through the meat-grinder.
2013-07-06 11:54:02 UTC
Beware unsupported conspiracy stories.

Adolf Hitler skull fragment is genuine evidence of suicide, insists Russia

Jawbones, said to be confirmed as Hitler’s through dental records, are kept at the federal security service archive but have not been put on show, nor has any DNA confirmation of their veracity been offered.

Extract from -

Also, see -
Steve the Pizzaman
2013-07-06 14:20:19 UTC
Not much, Hitler's death is surrounded in mystery, but no one thinks much about it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.