why does president Kennedy's head go back and to the left if he was shot in the back of the head?
2012-06-25 22:48:16 UTC
hi, i'm trying to figure out why president kennedys head goes back and to the left when he was supposdley shot from behind from behind only therory i can come up with is that there was a second gunmen and oswald did not act alone was wondering what other people think thanks
Eight answers:
2012-06-26 18:13:55 UTC
President Kennedy's head goes back and to the left because he was shot from the right front.

That's pretty simple and obvious too but to prove it is a little harder, isn't it? Instead of proving it, let's just listen to one of the witnesses who said in an interview shortly after the assassination that there was a large wound in the right posterior of President Kennedy's head. A shot hitting someones head would make a relatively small entrance wound but the exit wound would be large. That is exactly what Dr. Malcolm Perry says he saw.

If Dr. Perrry is right about seeing a large wound in the right back of JFK's head indicating he was shot from the right front, then how can it be explained that the autopsy photographs (and the Zapruder film) show that the large exit wound was in the FRONT of JFK's head? Dr. David Mantik in the same video says that the original autopsy photographs in the National Archives are FRAUDS.

Who would have the power to tell lies like this, kill the President and then corrupt investigations such that even photographs and films were altered to hide the truth? Obviously only someone very powerful in the US Government could do that. To answer WHO, ask the qeustion: WHO gained the most when Kennedy was killed, who had the power to corrupt the investigation such that they got the wrong answers? There is only one answer, it was the Vice President who was at the top of the conspiracy that killed JFK.

The shot that killed JFK was fired from the front.
2014-10-25 10:57:02 UTC
scgator2001 is absolutely incorrect and does not know this basic fact - the bullet that struck jfk's head exploded it so that there were 3 flaps of skull and scalp. The scalp kept the skull parts attached to it. If you put the flaps back in position - jfk's head was like a puzzle and it all fit together exact. Now- what the Dr in the hospital saw - was the back flap, "down" thereby exposing the, "hole" in the back and the front flaps would have been n place with jfk lying flat. The bullet does not make a bullet hole per se, but explodes the skull like a bomb going off - it literally expends the energy of the bullet and explodes the skull - so what the Dr saw was the exploded head with the back flap down and front flaps in place. There was no exit in the back. All of the Dr's are on record stating this. In addition the bullet that went through jfk's head impacted the dashboard on the inside and made a bullet hole and broke in pieces. The bullet hole in the dashboard is proof the shot came from the back -also the fact that THERE WAS A 100% BALLISTIC MATCH TO THE RIFLE FOUND ON THE SIXTH FLOOR so unless the rifle flew there from the grassy knoll - the shot was from the back. The body moved backwards due to all the neuromuscular actions triggered when half of the brain - which controls neuromuscular movement - were triggered by the brain being obliterated. Scgator could not be more wrong!
Oscar Himpflewitz
2012-06-25 23:49:04 UTC
~Add to what Art said that the Zapruder film clearly shows the moving forward at least 2.3 inches before jerking back. I'll leave it to you to find the frames depicting this, but they have been cited so often as to make the search fairly easy. Then you can read any of the numerous reports of demonstrations that prove the backwards movement was caused by the exit of the bullet from the front of the skull (a phenomena that is quite familiar not only in the world of physics but also to big game hunters that take head shots). Myth buster accomplish the same result when shooting watermelons.

If you were really trying to figure it out, you'd do a little homework on the topic rather than parrot theories that have been debunked for decades. The question you pose was answered adequately by impartial experts almost a half century ago.

The "magic bullet" had nothing to do with the head wound. That is the bullet that passed though Kennedy and then hit John Connally in the back. The forensic evidence, the ballistics, the acoustical evidence, all taken in conjunction with a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film, and trajectory diagrams that take accurately into account the positions in the limo of Kennedy and Connally, both their actual positions and their positions relative to each other, pretty clearly demonstrate that a single bullet could have done all that damage but probably did so. The conspiracy theorists like to ignore the relative position of Connally to Kennedy so they can change the trajectory of the bullet and they especially like to ignore the frames of the film that show when Connally was first hit so they can add time to the bullet's flight. The was nothing magic about CE399.
You LOSE, liberal hacks
2012-06-27 13:06:40 UTC
Wrong in many ways, the research you claim to have done consists mostly of parroting what someone else has told you.

The target WAS NOT MOVING. Let me repeat that, with an explanation, the limo was traveling slowly DIRECTLY away from the shooter, and the road ther has a 4% down grade, meaning that as it traveled away from the shooter, bullet drop was not a factor because the target was moving down in relation to the path of the bullet.

The FARTHEST shot, the headshot, was a measured 88 yards. People can throw footballs accurately that far, I myself have hit a manhole cover at ten times that distance, and I am no trained sniper. I have handguns I would hit a person with at 88 yards. With the 4X scope, it was an easy shot. Ventura and anyone else who disputes this are either terrible shots or have not looked at the shooting problem.

AS to the direction of the bullet, the technology to "fake" xrays did not exist in 1963. A series of skull x rays of JFK was taken during the autopsy, the have been sealed, along with regular photos, at the request of the Kendy family, not "the government." Nevertheless, throughout the years, in the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee, and another investigation, they were unsealed and provided to pathologists, wourld renowned pathologists, including Cyril Wecht, a pathologist who personally believes there was a conspiracy. Eighteen pathologists have reviewed the films. ALL are convinced they are genuine. EVERY SINGLE QUALIFIED person who has seen them CONFIRMS they show JFK's skull, and that the skull was penetrated by a single bullet entering the back and exiting over the right eye. EVERY ONE.

The human skull fractures in a certain way when penetrated by a bullet, exactly the way a plate glass window is penetrated with a BB. The small hole shows where the bullet entered the skull, then the other side of the skull plate shows a parger hole. JFKS skull x rays show a small hole in the outside rear of the skull, and a large hole on the inside rear of the skull. The front shows a small hole INSIDE the skull, and a large hole on the outside. There are also a trail of microscopic bullet fragments that show the same path, in the back, towards the front, and out.

Let's talk about YOUR "evidence." How many times have you seen, even on film, a human or a large animal struck by a high powered rifle round? I am guessing the number is somewhere between zero and zero. Your source is hollywood, which dutifully shows people thrown backwards by shots, but that is not real life. This "It makes sense to me" is not the way intelligent people decide what happened in a situation in which they have no experience. They ask experts in the field to tell them if someone would do that when shot, and the ballistics experts agree that the head would NOT snap back when hit by a round. the medical experts say that a dramatic CNS shot WILL cause the spasm you see on the Zapruder film. Against this, you have your own scientific analysis of Stallone movies.

You lose.
2016-12-15 14:58:40 UTC
Jfks Head
2016-02-21 07:54:09 UTC
this is unknown, and Jackie Kennedy herself claims not to remember moving to the trunk of the car, obviously she does as you can see on the videos that she does. It is however believed that she did to pick up a piece of the Presidents skull that had moved there (once again you can see the skull fragments fly and land on the trunk on the video) if this is the reason it would have been a subconscious move.
2015-08-19 14:51:36 UTC
This question and the answers are superb examples of the mindset of conspiracy theory believers. The asker ignores all of the actual evidence that shows he is wrong and instead chooses the one person that makes up bullshit but agrees with his point of view. Conspiracy theorists pretend to be interested in truth and evidence but ignore anything that contradicts their world view. Conspiracy believers and religious believers share the same thinking - blind faith, gulibility and refusal to accept evidence that contradicts what they believe.
2012-06-25 22:58:17 UTC
Because the bullet caused massive destruction of what are called the long tracts of the spine, cauing massive involuntary contraction of the muscles of the back of his spine. This caused his body to lurch backward, involuntarily. Since his brain was struck on the right side, the involuntary contractions would be stronger on the left and he would lurch to that side. The 'second gunman' theory was caused by ignorance of neuroanatomy.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.