Wrong in many ways, the research you claim to have done consists mostly of parroting what someone else has told you.
The target WAS NOT MOVING. Let me repeat that, with an explanation, the limo was traveling slowly DIRECTLY away from the shooter, and the road ther has a 4% down grade, meaning that as it traveled away from the shooter, bullet drop was not a factor because the target was moving down in relation to the path of the bullet.
The FARTHEST shot, the headshot, was a measured 88 yards. People can throw footballs accurately that far, I myself have hit a manhole cover at ten times that distance, and I am no trained sniper. I have handguns I would hit a person with at 88 yards. With the 4X scope, it was an easy shot. Ventura and anyone else who disputes this are either terrible shots or have not looked at the shooting problem.
AS to the direction of the bullet, the technology to "fake" xrays did not exist in 1963. A series of skull x rays of JFK was taken during the autopsy, the have been sealed, along with regular photos, at the request of the Kendy family, not "the government." Nevertheless, throughout the years, in the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee, and another investigation, they were unsealed and provided to pathologists, wourld renowned pathologists, including Cyril Wecht, a pathologist who personally believes there was a conspiracy. Eighteen pathologists have reviewed the films. ALL are convinced they are genuine. EVERY SINGLE QUALIFIED person who has seen them CONFIRMS they show JFK's skull, and that the skull was penetrated by a single bullet entering the back and exiting over the right eye. EVERY ONE.
The human skull fractures in a certain way when penetrated by a bullet, exactly the way a plate glass window is penetrated with a BB. The small hole shows where the bullet entered the skull, then the other side of the skull plate shows a parger hole. JFKS skull x rays show a small hole in the outside rear of the skull, and a large hole on the inside rear of the skull. The front shows a small hole INSIDE the skull, and a large hole on the outside. There are also a trail of microscopic bullet fragments that show the same path, in the back, towards the front, and out.
Let's talk about YOUR "evidence." How many times have you seen, even on film, a human or a large animal struck by a high powered rifle round? I am guessing the number is somewhere between zero and zero. Your source is hollywood, which dutifully shows people thrown backwards by shots, but that is not real life. This "It makes sense to me" is not the way intelligent people decide what happened in a situation in which they have no experience. They ask experts in the field to tell them if someone would do that when shot, and the ballistics experts agree that the head would NOT snap back when hit by a round. the medical experts say that a dramatic CNS shot WILL cause the spasm you see on the Zapruder film. Against this, you have your own scientific analysis of Stallone movies.
You lose.