My family is a military family. It includes some generals either in our current army or retired generals alive today. One movie was even made about a relative of mine who was a general (I don't want our family name known on here). My father and a cousin of his were both in Vietnam. My father was in the Air Force and supposedly (according to his war buddies, since my father doesn't talk about Vietnam) he was in charge of somehow coordinating the dropping of Napalm. His cousin was a general. Based on what I know about war strategies, I'd protest HOW the war was being fought. It's bad enough that we were in the war because of France's incapability to handle their own.
Here's what I would have changed in our strategies in the war.
1. Attack North Vietnam directly. Screw guerilla warfare. If you decide to walk into guerilla warfare, you have to accept that most of the time you will be fighting on the enemy's terms. It stinks, but if people see their homes, neighbors, and family members dying... the war becomes quite unpopular. When a war becomes unpopular, the war loses funding and soldiers. Eventually it's lost.
2. Seeing as we ended up in the South instead, then I'd change my strategy if I were them. I would drop bombs in a random manner before dropping off soldiers. In Vietnam we dropped bombs around the area we were going to drop soldiers. All we really ended up doing was telegraphing to the Viet cong where we were going to arrive. So instead of being on the offensive, we had to be on the defensive right away because the vietnames soldiers knew where we were. We didn't know where they were, which was a major disadvantage.
3. Intentionally leak out false information. I'd tell my men to intentionally leak out unified, but incorrect information about our next moves. This could be to merchants, taxi drivers, and even hookers. Chances are a spy is amongst them and will in return give the false information to the enemy. This worked in WWII for us, but we failed to repeat this plan in Vietnam.
4. We knew their were tunnels dug by the enemy. What did we do? We sent soldiers into those tunnels. Not only did we end up being on their terms again in battle, but it slowed us down. Trap the tunnels with mines and other explosives instead. Put fear into them instead every time they are in tunnels. You want to demoralize the enemy. This is one way to do it.
5. Don't EVER trust your enemy. Especially when they fight dirty. The Tet offensive was in planning for months. Yet we hardly had a clue it was coming. You would've thought we would have learned from Pearl Harbor.
There are more things we would have changed, but I think you get the idea.
NONE of my family members likes war nor do we support it. In the known history of my family, none of us has died in combat or because of combat. But we still don't like it.