There are more and more historians that question the six million Jews. As more of the Soviet archived are opened up, it is turning out that many of the atrocities attributed to the Nazis were in fact committed by the Communists. Visit these web sites to lean more.
The reason we don't hear about Stalin's genocides. Here is a list of Jewish communists.
Jewish Communists
Many thanks for this list of Jewish communists which was compiled by Michael A. Hoffman II
V.I. Lenin, supreme dictator.
Leon Bronstein (Trotsky): supreme commander of the Soviet Red Army.
Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev): executive, Soviet Secret Police. S
olomon Lozovsky: deputy Soviet foreign minister.
Maxim Wallach (Litvinov): Soviet foreign minister.
Yuri Andropov: director, Soviet KGB, later supreme dictator of the Soviet Union.
Jacob Sverdlov: first president of the Soviet Union. Sverdlov ordered the massacre of the Czar's family-women and children-in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer).
Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house, where, in the basement, the massacre had occurred, stood intact until 1977, when the local Communist party boss at that time, Boris Yeltsin, ordered it demolished, lest it become a shrine to anti-Jewish sentiment.
Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (pictured at left): chief mass murderer for Stalin, ordered the deaths of millions and the wholesale destruction of Christian monuments and churches, including the great Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Standing amid the rubble of the cathedral, Kaganovich proclaimed, "Mother Russia is cast down. We have ripped away her skirts." (N.Y. Times, Sept. 26, 1995).
Mikhail Kaganovich: deputy commissar of heavy industry, supervisor of slave labor, brother of Lazar. Rosa Kaganovich: Stalin's mistress; sister of Lazar. Paulina Zhemchuzina: member of the Central Committee and wife of Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov.
Olga Bronstein: officer, Soviet Cheka Secret Police, sister of Trotsky, wife of Kamenev.
Genrikh Yagoda: chief of Soviet Secret Police, mass murderer extraordinaire. (Jewish poet Romain Rolland, winner of the Nobel Prize, wrote a hymn of praise to Yagoda).
Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel: founders, the Gulag death camp system.
Lev Inzhir, commissar for Soviet death camp transit and administration.
Boris Berman: executive officer of the Soviet Secret Police and brother of Matvei. K.V. Pauker: chief of operations, Soviet NKVD Secret Police.
Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk: commissars of death camps and slave labor, supervised the mass deaths of laborers during the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal.
M.I. Gay: commander, Soviet Secret Police.
Slutsky and Shpiegelglas: commanders, Soviet Secret Police.
Isaac Babel: officer, Soviet Secret Police.
Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov): commander, Soviet Red Army; officer, Soviet Secret Police. Feldbin was chief of Soviet Security in the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain.
Yona Yakir: general, Soviet Red Army, member of the Central Committee.
Dimitri Shmidt: general, Soviet Red Army.
Yakov ("Yankel") Kreiser: general, Soviet Red Army.
Miron Vovsi: general, Soviet Red Army.
David Dragonsky: general, Soviet Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Grigori Shtern: general, Soviet Red Army.
Mikhail Chazkelevich: general, Soviet Red Army.
Shimon Kirvoshein: general, Soviet Red Army.
Arseni Raskin: deputy-commander, Soviet Red Army.
Haim Fomin, commander of Brest-Litovsk, Soviet Red Army. At least one hundred Soviet generals were Jewish (cf. Canadian Jewish News, April 19, 1989).
Generals who were not themselves Jewish often had Jewish wives. Among these were Marshal Voroshilov, Marshal Bulganin, Marshal Peresypkin and General Pavel Sudoplatov (Sudoplatov assassinated hundreds of Christian leaders including Ukranian Catholic Archbishop Teodor Romzha). This Jewish wife "insurance policy" extended to Politburo members such as Andrei Andreyev and Leonoid Brezhnev.
Sergei Eisenstein: director of communist propaganda films which depicted Christian peasants (kulaks) as hideous, money-grabbing parasites. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. (Cf. for example Eisenstein's Bezhin Meadow).
KOMZET: commission for the settlement of Jewish Communists on land seized from murdered Christians in Ukraine; funded by Jewish-American financier Julius Rosenwald.
Ilya Ehrenburg, Minister of Soviet Propaganda and disseminator of anti-German hate material dating from the 1930s. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, "that blonde hag is in for a bad time."
In a leaflet addressed to Soviet troops, Ehrenburg wrote: "...the Germans are not human beings...nothing gives us so much joy as German corpses."(Anatol Goldberg, Ilya Ehrenburg, p. 197). Goldberg concedes that Ehrenburg, "...had always disliked the that there was a war on he turned his old prejudice into an asset."(Ibid., p. 193).
Another publication distributed to the Red Army, this time as the soldiers approached Danzig, was described by a historian: "Millions of leaflets were air-dropped on the troops with a message composed by the propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg and signed by Stalin: 'Soldiers of the Red Army! Kill the Germans! Kill all Germans! Kill! Kill! Kill!" (Christopher Duffy, Red Storm on the Reich).
The Soviet leadership acknowledged that Ehrenburg sought the extermination of the entire German people (cf. Pravda, April 14, 1945. [Pravda was also published in a Yiddish edition, Einikeyt). Ehrenburg won the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize. He willed his papers to the Israeli Yad Vashem 'Holocaust' Museum.
Solomon Mikhoels: commissar of Soviet propaganda.
Soviet film propagandists:
Mark Donsky,
Leonid Lukov, Y
uli Reisman,
Vasily Grossman,
Yevgeny Gabrilovich,
Boris Volchok
and Lillian Hellman (old movies written by her continue to be broadcast on American telelvision).
Soviet propagandist: Yevgeny Khaldei who staged the photo of the raising of the hammer and sickle flag over the Reichstag in Berlin, May 2, 1945. Afterward, a special plane was waiting to fly Khaldei, Stalin's top Tass photographer, to a Moscow lab, where his photo was further doctored (loot displayed on one of the Soviet soldier's wrists was removed in the negative and Khaldei added clouds and smoke to the scene for dramatic effect (see photo of Khaldei and his beloved flag at left). Khaldei continued to work as a premier Soviet propagandist until his retirement from Pravda in 1972. His Communist propaganda is proudly on display at the Jewish Museum of New York and the Jewish Museum of San Francisco. N.Y. Times writer Vicki Goldberg exulted in the raising of the blood-drenched Soviet flag, emblem of the slaughter of millions of peasants and Christians; describing it as, "...a national (and worldwide) symbol of triumph, justice and revenge." (Jan. 31, 1997, p. B-26).
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC): new form of the Bolshevik YEVKOM, Stalin's recruiting conduit for funding money, supplies and political influence for Soviet Russia from world Jewry as well as the dissemination of gas chamber atrocity propaganda (cf. The Black Book).
Nikolai Bukharin: Lenin's chief theorist.
Samuel Agursky: commissar.
Karl Radek: member, Central Committee.
Mikhail Gruzenberg (Borodin) commissar.
A.A. Yoffe: commissar.
David Ryazanov: advisor to Lenin.
Lev Grigorievich Levin: physician, poisoner of Stalin's enemies.
Lev Rosenfeld (Kamenev): member of the Central Committee.
Ivan Maisky: Soviet Ambassador to Britain. Itzik Solomonovich Feffer: commissar, Soviet Secret Police.
Abraham Sutskever: Soviet terrorist-partisan.
Mark Osipovich Reizen: Soviet propagandist, winner of three Stalin Prizes.
Lev Leopold Trepper: Soviet espionage officer.
Bela Kun (Kohen): supreme dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun was later Stalin's chief terrorist in the Crimea.
Zakharovich Mekhlis: top executioner for Stalin.
Henrykas Zimanas: leader of Lithuanian communist terrorists, butcher of Christians.
Moshe Pijade (sometimes spelled Piade): commander, Yugoslav Communist People's Army. Tito's top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Croatian Christians. Pijade later served as president of the Yugoslav Communist Parliament. At least eighteen generals in the Yugoslav Communist People's Army were Jewish. The Yugoslavian communist party sent massive arms shipments to Jewish fighters in Palestine in the 1940s.
In post-war Poland that nation was completely dominated by Jewish communists: the torturer Jacek Rozanski, head of the Secret Police; the Politboro commander Jacob Berman (pictured at right) and commissars Minc, Specht (Olszewski) and Spychalski. These men murdered or deported to Kolyma and the other Arctic death camps, tens of thousands of Catholic Poles.
According to Jewish researcher John Sack, "In 1945 many Poles felt (and not without reason) that Jews ran the Office of State Security...the chief of the Office was Jacob Berman, a Jew, and all or almost all the department heads were Jews." Sack reports that 75% of the officers of the Communist Secret Police in Silesia were Jews. He noted that many Jews in the Communist terror apparatus in Poland changed their names to Polish ones like General Romkowski, Colonel Rozanski, Capt. Studencki and Lt. Jurkowski. (cf. John Sack, The New Republic, Feb. 14, 1994, p. 6. Sack in this article also refutes some shoddy research performed by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, author of Hitler's Willing Executioners, who, in the double standard typical of the Jewish mentality, refuses to accept the proven fact that Jews ran the Polish Communist secret police even as Goldhagen asserts the racist myth that the entire German nation was guilty of genocide. Sack does a good job of proving Goldhagen wrong about Poland).
In Poland, "...a disproportionate number of Communists were Jews. In 1930, at its peak, 35% of the members of the party were Jewish. In Communist youth organizations, Jewish membership was even higher, while Communists of Jewish origin occupied most of the seats on the central committee. Communism appealed to some Jews because it opposed anti-Semitism more vigorously than any other Polish party...Jewish Communists reached their apogee in the years immediately after World War Two, when the party leadership was totally in the hands of the prewar Communist leadership that abhorred anti-Semitism." (Sheldon Kirshner, The Canadian Jewish News, Nov. 5, 1992, p. 16).
Of course when one encounters the issue of Jews, Communists and Catholics in Poland in the Establishment media or universities today, the mass murder of the Polish Catholics at the hands of the Jewish Communists, is never raised. Instead, a minor attack on Jews by Polish peasants enraged at the role of Jews in Communist terror, which occurred in July, 1946 at Kielce and which has come to be called the "Kielce pogrom" will be the centerpiece of the "discussion. " The motivation for the attack is not usually mentioned. Rather, the Catholic peasantry are painted in terms of "fiendish bigots" whose "blind, irrational hate" for the "poor, persecuted Jews" resulted in "yet another martyrdom of God's Chosen."
But the Catholic Primate of Poland at the time, Cardinal Hlond, a brave prelate in a stalwart tradition of Christian resistance to Jewish tyranny in Poland, so different from the traitorous philo-Judaism of the current Pontiff, stated that the attack in Kielce occurred because of resentment 'due to the Jews who today occupy leading positions in Poland's (Communist) government and endeavor to introduce a governmental structure that the majority of Poles do not wish to have." (Ibid., Kirshner).
As Piotr S. Wandycz of Yale University observes, "The average Pole could not but notice in the Stalinist era that the two most powerful men in the country-Berman and Minc-were both Jewish as was the dreaded security official Rozanski." (N.Y. Review of Books, Aug. 18, 1983, p. 51).
With this record it is interesting to note that the Polish occupant of the papacy, John Paul II, consistently lent his prestige and his presence to canonizations and commemorations of politically correct victims of the Nazis. Nowhere did this Pope breath a word about the openly Jewish, Communist massacres of Polish Catholics, Spanish Catholics, Croatian Catholics, Lithuanian Catholics-he was too busy, intoning the Shoah, referring to the heirs of the Pharisees as "our Elder Brothers in the Faith" giving official recognition to an Israeli state which even many orthodox, Haredi rabbis regard as a blasphemous and abominable entity, and attacking the German people as "the image of the beast."
Solomon Morel (pictured at left): commandant of a post-war Communist concentration camp for Germans in Poland. Stalin deliberately put Jews in charge of such camps. Morel tortured and murdered thousands of Germans, sometimes with his bare hands (cf. "The Wrath of Solomon," Village Voice, March 30, 1993 and John Sack, An Eye for an Eye). Morel is comfortably esconsed in Tel Aviv. German survivors of Morel's camp have demanded he be tried as a war criminal, but for the Establishment media and the phony, partisan, "human rights" groups, bringing Morel to justice is simply a non-issue. After all, he murdered helpless Germans, so what's the problem?
Julius Hammer, M.D.: New York abortionist and co-founder of the American communist party.
Armand Hammer: fundraiser and financier for Lenin and Stalin, son of Julius.
Lev Davidovich Landau: Stalinist physicist, co-father of the Soviet atomic bomb.
Klaus Fuchs: helped steal atomic bomb secrets for Stalin.
Ruth Werner: colonel, Red Army GRU intelligence, assisted Fuchs.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: stole American atomic bomb secrets for Stalin.
Morris Cohen (Peter Kroger): assisted the Rosenbergs.
Markus Wolf: chief of German Communist Stasi Secret Police.
Howard Fast: American communist propagandist for Stalin.
David Dubinsky:Stalin's ally, head of the U.S. International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Nahum Goldmann: founder, World Jewish Congress, communist propagandist.
Rabbi Moses Rosen: agent, Romanian communist party.
Victor Rothschild: top British espionage agent for Stalin.
Now look at who owns the media
Electronic News & Entertainment Media top of page
Continuing government deregulation of the telecommunications industry has resulted, not in the touted increased competition, but rather in an accelerating wave of corporate mergers and acquisitions that have produced a handful of multi-billion-dollar media conglomerates. Whenever you watch television, whether from a local broadcasting station or via a cable or satellite dish; whenever you see a feature film in a theater or at home; whenever you listen to the radio or recorded music, whenever you read a newspaper, book, or magazine — it is very likely that the information or entertainment you receive was produced and/or distributed by one of these megamedia companies.
The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as "a control freak," includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies.
As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers, who have produced such ultra-raunchy movies such as The Crying Game, Priests, and Kids.
When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and gratuitous violence. In addition to TV and movies, the corporation owns Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot Center, Tokyo Disneyland, and Euro Disney.
Disney also sells annually well over a billion dollars worth of consumer products: books, toys, and clothing. In August 1995 Eisner acquired Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., to create a media empire with annual sales of $16.5 billion. Capital Cities/ABC owns the ABC Television Network, which in turn owns ten TV stations outright in such big markets as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Houston. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies.
ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, who is a Jew. The corporation also has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies. ABC Radio Network owns 11 AM and ten FM stations, again in major cities such as New York, Washington, and Los Angeles, and has over 3,400 affiliates.
Although primarily a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC earned over $1 billion in publishing in 1994. It owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications (Women’s Wear Daily), Chilton Publications (automotive manuals), and the Diversified Publishing Group.
Time Warner, Inc., is the second of the international media leviathans. The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald M. Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network.
Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg. Stuart Hersh is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are both Jews.
Warner Music was an early promoter of "gangsta rap." Through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a new genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites.
In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio) and publishing. Time Warner’s publishing division (editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune).
Levin may soon be back as number-one media magnate if the planned deal with Turner Broadcasting System is completed. When Ted Turner, the Gentile media maverick, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was a panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner had made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had never taken public positions contrary to Jewish interests, he is a man with a large ego and a strong personality and was regarded by Chairman William Paley and the other Jews at CBS as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some time in the future turn against them. Furthermore, Jewish newsman Daniel Schorr, who had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal dislike for Jews.
To block Turner’s bid CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a "friendly" takeover of the company, and from 1986 till 1995 Tisch was the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there. Subsequent efforts by Turner to acquire a major network have been obstructed by Levin’s Time Warner, which owns nearly 20 percent of CBS stock and has veto power over major deals.
Thus, despite being an innovator and garnering headlines, Turner has never commanded the wealth and power to be a true media master. Turner may have decided: if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em. If TBS merges with Time Warner, Levin will become Turner’s boss, and CNN, the only rival to the network news, will come under complete Jewish control.
Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), is the third largest megamedia corporation in the country, with revenues of over $10 billion a year. Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing.
Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books. It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores. It is also involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks, and video games.
Viacom’s chief claim to fame, however, is as the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks. Since 1989, MTV and Nickelodeon have acquired larger and larger shares of the juvenile television audience. Redstone, who actually owns 76 percent of the shares of Viacom ($3 billion), offers Beavis and Butthead as teen role models and is the largest single purveyor of race-mixing propaganda to White teenagers and sub-teens in America and Europe. MTV pumps its racially mixed rock and rap videos into 210 million homes in 71 countries and is the dominant cultural influence on White teenagers around the world.
Nickelodeon has by far the largest share of the four-to-11-year-old TV audience in America and also is expanding rapidly into Europe. Most of its shows do not yet display the blatant degeneracy which is MTV’s trademark, but Redstone is gradually nudging the fare presented to his kiddie viewers toward the same poison purveyed by MTV.
With the top three, and by far the largest, media conglomerates in the hands of Jews, it is difficult to believe that such an overwhelming degree of control came about without a deliberate, concerted effort on their part.
Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as "the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States," is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew who also owns Revlon cosmetics. The chairman at New World, Brandon Tartikoff (formerly head of entertainment programming at NBC), is also a Jew.
The best known of the smaller media companies, DreamWorks SKG, is a strictly kosher affair. DreamWorks was formed in 1994 amid great media hype by recording industry mogul David Geffen, former Disney Pictures chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film direction Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Jews. The company produces movies, animated films, television programs, and recorded music. Considering the cash and connections that Geffen, Katzenberg, and Spielberg have, DreamWorks may soon be in the same league as the big three.
Two other large production companies, MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman, Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress.
It is well known that Jews have controlled the production and distribution of films since the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of this century. This is still the case today.
Films produced by just the five largest motion picture companies mentioned above — Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount (Viacom), and Universal (Seagram) — accounted for 74 percent of the total box-office receipts for the year to date (August 1995).
The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson, CBS first by William Paley and then by Laurence Tisch, and NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert. Over periods of several decades these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong.
As noted, ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor S. Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight).
CBS was recently purchased by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Nevertheless, the man appointed by Laurence Tisch, Eric Ober, remains president of CBS News, and Ober is a Jew.
At NBC, now owned by General Electric, NBC News president Andrew Lack is a Jew, as are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today), Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News), and Neal Shapiro (Dateline).