King Your Majesty, My Liege or Liege, Sire
Queen Your Majesty
Royal Prince/Princess Heir to the Throne Your Royal Highness
Prince/Princess Not to inherit Your Highness
Royal Duke In line to succeed Your Highness
Duke, High Office Your Grace, My Lord Duke
Duchess Your Grace, My Lady Duchess
Count, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron My Lord, (Title)
Countess, Marquessa, Viscountess, Baroness Nobility My
Lady (last name)
Baronett Minor nobility Sir _________ of (Baronett)
Cardinal, Archbishop Clergy Your Grace, Your Eminence
Priest, Friar Clergy Father, Friar
Mother Superior, Nun Clergy Mother, Sister
Lord Minor nobility or office Lord (Title)
Lady Minor nobility Lady (last name)
Knight Dubbed Sir (name)
Squire Knight to be Squire (name)
Page Squire to be Master (name)
Damsel Young unmarried girl Maid (name)
Master Craftsman Master at trade Master (occupation)
Tradesman Vendor Master/Mistress (first name & occupation)
Yoeman, Wench, Peasant Laborer Good fellow, Good woman (occupation)