can you describe Ho Chi Minh,the famous person in VIet Nam?
2007-09-04 02:36:02 UTC
You can say about what did he do? Why well known?and so on
Nine answers:
Mr. Math Contributor
2007-09-04 02:43:02 UTC
You can find it in the link below this.

Kind regard,

a b
2007-09-04 03:24:37 UTC
He was the nationalist leader of North Viet Nam during the Viet Nam War.

He has a trail named after him -- this "trail" was routes that the Viet Cong (enemies to the US) would take through neighboring countries such as Laos and Cambodia to replenish troops and supplies in the south.

He was a communist, but he first turned to the United States to plea with him help bring about democracy in his country because he united and independent Viet Nam. The US did not help bring about democracy in Viet Nam because with a democracy the rich land owners would no longer be in control of the country, making it more difficult for the US to exploit the country for trade and to develop military installations there. The US didn't feel it was in their best interest to allow Viet Nam to become a democracy since they would lose their influence and power over the country if the people began to control themselves. After Ho Chi Minh couldn't find support in the outside world for Viet Nam as a democracy he turned to the USSR and China for help, which they gladly provided to him as a communist comrade. The US actually helped to stop democratic elections from happening so Ho Chi Minh could not be elected (which he would have been if elections were allowed to happen).

His past-times include reading, being in jail, being in exile, getting a western education in London and France.

His major accomplishment would be reuniting his country after decades of war (first with France then with the US), although the reunification didn't happen until 6 years after he died, he can certainly be credited for it.
2007-09-04 02:52:58 UTC
Ho Chi Minh was never "famous" but, "infamous" he was a bandit leader that came to power using the people as his scape goat.

He was supported be the Communist Chinese leaders, for their purpose again, using the people and threats of death for not helping them.

He used his people, with these threats of death and imprisonment to gain control of that country.

The people and government of South Viet Nam stood up against this person and fought bravely with the side of the US. and several other nations.

I was there in 1967 to aid in training these people, the Hmong from the North, they were the first to feel the impact of the war, as the troops from China came down this way from the North, invading the country. I was there for two years and wounded twice.
Alice S
2007-09-04 04:58:31 UTC
During WW2 Ho Chi Minh was a resistance fighter, trained and supplied the the US to fight the Japs. After the war, uncle Ho managed to get elected leader. American officers were present during his inorgoration ceremony, where the Star Spangled banner was playing in the background.

However, despite Ho wanting to forge strong ties with the US, Americas strong anti Communist feelings, well you get the idea.

2007-09-04 02:52:36 UTC
You will find a number of good biographies and other information a the site below.
2007-09-04 03:12:17 UTC
He was a determined person who did not fear the might of the USA.
2007-09-04 02:47:33 UTC
Read and enjoy
2007-09-04 02:43:58 UTC
very dead
2007-09-04 05:43:17 UTC
Hồ Chí Minh listen (name pronounced as [ho ci mɪŋ] (with tones) as per his own dialect) (Han Chinese: 胡志明; May 19, 1890 – September 2, 1969) was a Vietnamese revolutionary, who later became Prime Minister (1946–1955) and President (1946–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam).

Ho is most famous for leading the Viet Minh independence movement from 1941 onward, establishing the communist-governed Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945 and defeating the French Union in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu. He led the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War until his death; six years later, the war ended with a North Vietnamese victory, and Vietnamese unification followed. The former capital of South Vietnam, Saigon, was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in his honour

Early life

Hồ Chí Minh (Bác Hồ or Uncle Hồ) was born, as Nguyễn Sinh Cung, in 1890 in Hoàng Trù Village, his mother's hometown. From 1895, he grew up in his paternal hometown of Kim Liên Village, Nam Đàn District, Nghệ An Province, Vietnam. He had three siblings, his sister Bạch Liên (or Nguyễn Thị Thanh), a clerk in the French Army, his brother Nguyễn Sinh Khiêm (or Nguyễn Tất Đạt), a geomancer and traditional herbalist, and another brother (Nguyễn Sinh Nhuận) who died in his infancy. Following Confucian traditions, at the age of 10 his father named him Nguyễn Tất Thành (Nguyễn the Accomplished).

Poster art of Hồ Chí Minh in Hanoi.Ho's father, Nguyễn Sinh Sắc, was a Confucian scholar, teacher and a civil servant in the imperial palace. He was later dismissed from his office for refusing to serve at the court. From his father, Ho received a strong Confucian upbringing. During his childhood he developed a sense that the Vietnamese were not treated well by the French colonizers and the monarchist government. Ho also received a modern secondary education at a French-style lycée in Huế, the alma mater of his later disciples, Phạm Văn Ðồng and Võ Nguyên Giáp. He later left his studies and chose to teach at Dục Thanh school in Phan Thiết.

First Sojourn in France

On 5 June 1911, Hồ Chí Minh left Vietnam on a French steamer, Amiral Latouche-Tréville, working as a kitchen help. Arriving in Marseille, France, he applied for the French Colonial Administrative School but his application was rejected. During his stay, he worked as a cleaner, waiter, and film retoucher. Hồ spent most of his free time in public libraries reading history books and newspapers to familiarize himself with Western society and politics.

In the USA

In 1912, as the cook's helper on a ship, Hồ Chí Minh traveled to the United States. From 1912 to 1913, he lived in New York (Harlem) and Boston. He worked in menial jobs, including as a baker at the Parker House Hotel in Boston[2]. Hồ later claimed to have worked for a wealthy family in Brooklyn between 1917 and 1918, and during this time he may have heard Marcus Garvey speak in Harlem. It is believed that while in the United States he made contact with Korean nationalists, an experience that developed his political outlook.[3] This part of his life is contested by some historians, who argue that he spent little or no time in the US.

[edit] In England

At various points between 1913 and 1919, Hồ lived in West Ealing, west London, and later in Crouch End, Hornsey, north London. He is reported to have worked as a chef at the Drayton Court Hotel on The Avenue, West Ealing. It is claimed that Ho trained as a pastry chef under the legendary French master, Escoffier, at the Carlton Hotel in the Haymarket, Westminster, but there is no evidence to support this.[3]. However, the wall of New Zealand House, home of the New Zealand High Commission, which now stands on the site of the Carlton Hotel, displays a Blue Plaque, stating that Hồ worked there in 1913 as a waiter.

Political education in France

Leaving the French Indochina where he had a French education, Nguyễn Ái Quốc (later called Ho Chi Minh) followed his studies in London and Paris during the 1910s. He came to communism in France through his friend Marcel Cachin (SFIO) who was sent to Russia in 1917 during World War I. Cachin was a pro-bolshevism politician, a fierce supporter of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and became the director of the popular communist newspaper L'Humanité ("The Humanity").

From 1919-1923, while living in France, Hồ Chí Minh embraced communism. Ho claimed to have arrived in Paris from London in 1917 but French police only have documents of his arrival in June 1919.[3] Following World War I, under the name of Nguyễn Ái Quốc (Nguyen the Patriot), he petitioned for equal rights in French Indochina on behalf of the Group of Vietnamese Patriots to the Western powers at the Versailles peace talks, but was ignored. Citing the language and the spirit of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Ho petitioned U.S. President Woodrow Wilson for help to remove the French from Vietnam and replace it with a new, nationalist government. His request was ignored.

In 1921, during the Congress of Tours, France, Nguyen Ai Quoc became a founding member of the Parti Communiste Français (French Communist Party) and spent much of his time in Moscow afterwards, becoming the Comintern's Asia hand and the principal theorist on colonial warfare. It was at this time that Nguyễn Ái Quốc took the name of "Hồ Chí Minh", a Vietnamese name combining a common surname (Hồ) with a given name meaning 'enlightened will' (Chí meaning 'will', and Minh meaning 'light'). During the Indochina War, the PCF would be involved with antiwar propaganda, sabotage and support for the revolutionary effort.

In China and the Soviet Union

In 1923, Hồ moved to Guangzhou, China. During 1925-26 he organized the 'Youth Education Classes' and occasionally gave lectures at the Whampoa Military Academy on the revolutionary movement in Indochina. He stayed there in Hong Kong as a representative of the Communist International. In June 1931, he was arrested and incarcerated by British police until his release in 1933. He then made his way back to the Soviet Union, where he spent several years recovering from tuberculosis. In 1938, he returned to China and served as an adviser with Chinese Communist armed forces.

In Thailand

Nachok is the village where Hồ Chí Minh stayed in 1928-29 during the early days of revolutionary struggle for national independence and freedom. Nachok has 127 farming and trading households and today is much as it was then: A home for Thai people of Vietnamese origin who speak both languages.

[edit] Independence movement

In 1941, Hồ returned to Vietnam to lead the Việt Minh independence movement. He oversaw many successful military actions against the Vichy French and Japanese occupation of Vietnam during World War II, supported closely but clandestinely by the United States Office of Strategic Services, and also later against the French bid to reoccupy the country (1946-1954). He was also jailed in China for many months by Chiang Kai-shek's local authorities. After his release in 1943, he again returned to Vietnam. He was treated for malaria and dysentery by American OSS doctors.

After the August Revolution (1945) organized by the Việt Minh, Hồ became Chairman of the Provisional Government (Premier of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam). Though he convinced Emperor Bảo Đại to abdicate, his government was not recognized by any country. He petitioned American President Harry Truman for support for Vietnamese independence, but was rebuffed due to French pressure on the U.S. and his known communist activities.

In 1945, in a power struggle, the Viet Minh killed members of rival groups, such as the leader of the Constitutional Party, the head of the Party for Independence, and Ngo Dinh Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Khoi [5] . Purges and killings of Trotskyists, the rival anti-Stalinist communists, have also been documented [6]. In 1946 when Ho traveled outside of the country, his subordinates imprisoned 25,000 non-communist nationalists and forced 6,000 others to flee Hundreds of political opponents were also killed in July that same year. [8] All rival political parties were banned and local governments purged [9] to minimise opposition later on.

[edit] Birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

On September 2, 1945, after Emperor Bao Dai's abdication, Hồ Chí Minh read the Declaration of Independence of Vietnam [10], under the name of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. With violence between rival Vietnamese factions and French forces spiraling, the British commander, General Sir Douglas Gracey declared martial law. On September 24, the Viet Minh leaders responded with a call for a general strike

On September 1945, a force of 200,000 Chinese Nationalists arrived in Hanoi. Ho Chi Minh made arrangement with their general, Lu Han, to dissolve the Communist Party and to hold an election which would yield a coalition government. When Chiang Kai-Shek later traded Chinese influence in Vietnam for French concessions in Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh had no choice but to sign an agreement with France on March 6, 1946 in which Vietnam would be recognized as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union. The agreement soon broke down. The purpose of the agreement was to drive out the Chinese army from North Vietnam. Fighting broke out with the French soon after the Chinese left. Ho Chi Minh was almost captured by a group of French soldiers led by Jean-Etienne Valluy at Việt Bắc, but was able to escape.

In February 1950 Ho met with Stalin and Mao in Moscow after the Soviet Union recognized his government. They all agreed that China would be responsible for backing the Viet Minh [12]. Mao's emissary to Moscow stated in August that China planned to train 60-70,000 Viet Minh in the near future. [13] China's support enabled Ho to escalate the fight against France.

According to a story told by Journalist Bernard Fall, after fighting the French for several years, Ho decided to negotiate a truce. The French negotiators arrived at the meeting site, a mud hut with a thatched roof. Inside they found a long table with chairs and were surprised to discover in one corner of the room a silver ice bucket containing ice and a bottle of good Champagne which should have indicated that Ho was ready to negotiate. One demand by the French was the return to French custody of a number of Japanese military officers who had been helping the Vietnamese armed forces, in order for them to stand trial for war crimes committed during World War II. Ho replied that the Japanese officers were allies and friends whom he could not betray. Then he walked out, to seven more years of war. (From Last Reflections on a War, Fall's last book, published posthumously.)

In 1954, after the important defeat of France at the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ, France was forced to give up its empire in Indochina.

[edit] Becoming president

In 1955, Ho Chi Minh became president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), a Communist-led single party state.

Ho Chi Minh's House behind the Presidential Palace in Hanoi.The 1954 Geneva Accords required that a national election would be held in 1956 to reunite Vietnam under one government. However, the government of South Vietnam, now under the nominal leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem and ruled de facto by the United States, refused an election and instead prepared for war. Most contemporary observers consider that if an election had been held in the 1954-55 period, around 80% of the Vietnamese population would have voted for Ho Chi Minh. Even "President Eisenhower is widely quoted to the effect that in 1954 as many as 80% of the Vietnamese people would have voted for Ho Chi Minh, as the popular hero of their liberation, in an election against Bao Dai... " However, the United States remained fearful of the prospect of losing its influence in Indochina, which would be valuable as a military base in a future conflict with Communist China.

From 1953 to 1956, following the footsteps of the successful Chinese social reforms, the government of Ho Chi Minh conducted land reforms. These reforms distributed the huge amounts of land owned by corrupt landowners to poor, landless peasnts, effectively ending the starvation and financial crises plaguing the country due to the past decades of wars and turmoil. On the contrary, South Vietnam, under pressure by the United States, spent much money on building up for war, increasing the stress on its already starved peasants.

It has long been claimed that during the early years of Ho's government, 900,000 to 1 million Vietnamese, mostly wealthy Catholic, left for South Vietnam in fear of losing their upper class wealth, while 130,000, mostly communists, went from South to North. However, more recent research has indicated that the number of civilian refugees involved was much smaller than originally claimed - with some 450,000 moving from North to South, and 52,000 moving in the opposite direction.[18] This was partly due to claims by church officials that the Virgin Mary had moved South out of distaste for life under communism. Although this migration was allowed under the Geneva Agreement for 300 days, some Canadian observers claimed that some were forced by North Vietnamese authorities to remain against their will. [

In 1959 Ho's government began to provide active support for the National Liberation Front in South Vietnam via the Ho Chi Minh Trail, which escalated the fighting that had begun in 1957. [20] In late 1964 North Vietnamese combat troops were sent southwest into neutral Laos

During the mid to late 1960s, Ho permitted 320,000 Chinese volunteers into northern North Vietnam to help build infrastructure for the country, thereby freeing a similar number of North Vietnamese forces to go south

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.