2011-03-31 13:40:30 UTC
also I read that lady gaga confessed she had illuminati dreams. Is the end of the world really coming? Is the illuminati going to like hurt me? I'm just an 8th grade catholic girl and it's scaring me so bad. I looked up some stuff on the bohemian grove on here, and I read that in the bible it says that if a person is worshiping molach that God will cut there head off or something, but if you see someone worshiping him and don't atop him God will cut yours off to :(?! I'm just a young girl, will he cut my head off cuz I didn't do anything?! Also, are the things Alex jones says true? And are there really illuminati lyrics in rock bands, cuz rock us my favorite type of music, but it's scary and I don't want to go to hell :( are there really secret symbols on the dollar bill and stuff, and are there really secret wires in them that let the government keep tract of what were buying? Will I get killed?... What's going on... Pleasehelp me, I can't sleep cuz I'm so scared of having a nightmare about this stuff or having an illuminati dream like gaga :,,,(