2013-08-19 06:50:09 UTC
Im doing a qualification with my school called Extended Project in which you can write a dissertation about pretty much anything you want. I would like to do a historical dissertation as I want to do history at uni and I think this would help my application.
The thing is Im finding it difficult to come up with a good title for my dissertation. Basically the most important thing with the project is that there is argument and debate which can be analysed in order to come up with a good conclusion and answer. This makes it slightly harder to come up with a historical question because it's easy to start just turning it into a descriptive narrative, e.g. this happened, then this and this, which is not what I want to do.
So I was wondering if anybody had any good ideas for a topic. I don't really mind what period of history as Im interested in most periods but as long as its an open question where there are different and available points of view and debate. It can also have a political slant on it and can be relevant today although it doesn't have too, as long as there is an historical theme. The question also wants to be quite specific.
So I wouldn't want something like 'what were the causes of the Second World War' because then it would just be a list of causes that are already known. I need something more open where different arguments can be researched and evaluated.
Thanks for any ideas!