Hi Jim. I argee with Aileen's answer. But the older generation who survived WWII like my own grandparents will NEVER forget the Japanese's sins againt my people but they also feel that it's time to put the issue to rest (not forget about what happened, though) and move on.
Now I want to talk about the two ignorant racist morons here like 'The New American Century'(aka 'I hate commies' & 'kill a commie') and 'DS'. These absolute CLUE-LESS, close-minded and hateful idiots are the reasons why people dislike the US.
Since the answer from 'The New American Century' was copied from 'DS' I am not going to make a reponds to it. But I am making one for 'DS'.
Dear DS,
Don't you do ANY kind of nomal human actives? I mean what is wrong with you? Why are you such a racist?
You may say that you are not a racist because you only hate Chinese not Asian(In fact it seem you love Japnese people).
But what I think we as people should understand is the fact that it is not only kind of prejudice that is bad. There ARE other kinds and you just displayed one to us all. The fact is, you show yourself as a an classic hateful trailer trash. You show hatred towards everyone that disagrees with you on any issue at all. You showed your hatred towards native Chinese, Chinese Americans, Americans that live in China and thiests of any kind.
In your postings you called us Chinese names like 'pigs', 'Chinaman', 'small penis'(Are we in Bio class?), 'slanty eyes', 'brainwashed scum' and all kinds of stereotype names. Which is just sick.
You show yourself to be someone with no moral or any decency at all. There is always this war againts anyone who believe someting different from you. You just showed yourself to be intolerant, rude and indecent. Which is what your posting has proved.
And the fact that when a person from the so called "advanced society" think it is ok to insult and say hurtful things to people from "primitive China" just show the level of prejudice and hate that you have inside yourself.
The funny part is you you claim to hate Chinese people because we are close-minded which is what YOU realy are. How many Chinese do you see on Yahoo! or YouTube that goes around spaming Americans with e-mail or cursing the American culture with baseless facts and rumors? Is it Chinese that kept on getting a new account just because they want to post hateful questions? NO! It is people like YOU and 'The New American Century' all the time.
You can lean from people that can disagree yet without saying nasty thing to one and and other.
And I mean that specialy to people like you that have a hateful soul and should see a doctor.
P.S. If you realy live in China I want some prove. Give me the name of the school that you teach in or at lease where you live.
(1) You seem to enjoy calling me closeminded and ignorant.
No, I don't enjoy calling you closeminded. I not the kind of people that pick fights.
(2) Yet, in all your rambling, you didn't say a single thing that proves my posting incorrect.The article is about asking Japan to apologize for Nanjing (again). I merely explained that Japan has apologized many times. If you don't agree with that, then prove me wrong. I mentioned that China is being hippocratical for even asking for an apology, again prove me wrong.
You are right on this one but that was a message to get your attention. Since I now have it I will proves your posting incorrect in the end of this message.
(3) Can you honestly say China has been a peaceful country for the past 100 years?
Nobody is saying China is a peaceful country. But in the same time, who can honestly say their own country is peaceful? Can you say the same about your own country? Is the US a peaceful country? Face it, as long as there is man there will be war.
(4) You said you're from Hong Kong. What was the population of Hong Kong in 1900 and what is it now? Where do you think the extra millions of people came from? Oh and why is the fence at the LuoHu (Lo Wu) border crossing both facing toward the mainland like a prison fence keeping Chinese in if it is such a utopia?
I never said that China is a utopia. It never was and never will be. Many Many of the mainland Chinese came to Hong Kong in the 1940s' beacause of WW2 (which was carried out by You-knows-who).BTW, you stole the line of the utopia with a prison fence from Milton Friedman's book of Free to Choose. How creative of you.
(5) You've called me racist several times. For God's sake, Chinese isn't a race. How can China claim to have 56 ethnic groups yet be a single race? It makes no sense.
YOUR claim makes no sense. You are like saying that someone holding up a sign with the words 'I hate black people' is not a racist beacuse there are all kinds of black people. There are native Africans, African Americans and all kind of race mix so that person is not a racist. Does that make any sense to you? In any case, even if you are not a racist I have said that racism is not only kind of prejudice that is bad.
(6) You then said I love Japanese and yet then claim that I called you slant-eyes?? Read that sentence again and please realize how absurd it is.
I know, it is absurd. But it YOU that called me slant-eyes in that letter you sened me some time ago. YOU are the biggest lier here.
(7) I do not hate Chinese people. I have many Chinese friends and friends with Chinese ancestory. Why is it that anyone who doesn't believe the official Chinese explanation for history is a racist?
I don't call you a racist because you doesn't believe the official Chinese explanation for history. I called you a racist because you called us Chinese names like 'pigs' small penis' and 'brainwashed scum'. If you don't hate Chinese people you have one hell of a way to show it.
(8) You want to see racists? Go to the comment section on the China Daily website and read the filth that comes out of your countrymen's mouths.
No thanks. the filth that comes out of your mouth is good enough to see the meaning of racists.
(9) I don't mind you going out of your way to insult me, I actually find it amusing. But please learn how to form a simple argument. If you don't agree with what I write then explain what you don't agree with. Simple enough for you?
This is what I am going to do right now.
Your claims have no logic at all. As Shiori Tomoe has said, Tiananmen Square and the Nanjing rape are different issues. It is like saying that it will be fine for Americans to hijack an Arad plane and hit a mosque with it because of 911. What will if someone said that it is fine for terrorists to kill Americans because the US did attacked Islamic nation and nobody want to help to hippocrates?
It is quite funny actually. I am a Chinese myself and all other Chinese that I know of knows Mao's failed policies. Stop cheery picking your facts.
One last thing. You love to write about how China's pollution and you went as far as to calling us a toxic waste dump. Here is a message to you, if you can really read Chinese you should understand it:
Edit 2:
This is a message to DS if he is reading:
I see that your account got suspended. If wondering who reported you I now let you know it was me. I reported all of you racist postings that I could find and you are now a goner.
Haha, sorry of getting your account deactivated you 王八蛋. I know it hurts DS, don't cry. I am doing this because all of your racist junk needs to be remove from this great website: Yahoo! Answers.