2017-08-24 16:25:33 UTC
Or if he died in July 1940 after he defeated Poland in a month. Then took Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France in the spring of 1940 alone...while driving the British of the continent
It would have been before the Holocaust, there would have been some crimes in Poland and discrimination in Germany against Jews. However, America in the 1930s had Jim Crow laws and Segregation based on race.
So if he died in 1939 he would have died without firing a shot. Not engaged in any major atrocities. (besides political purge and general discrimination but not more than the USA)
If he died in fall 1940 he could have been seen as the greatest conquer. However, he would also have carried out major crimes in Poland by then..but the Soviets did too. Would not yet have carried out mass genocide or his failed attack on the USSR. Goering probably would have took over (ho was against the war with Poland even..so unlikely would have invaded the USSR and WWII could ended different
Is there any point in time if Hitler would have died and would have gone done well in history??
( FDR has despite the racism (he didn't start it) and interning Japanese Americans during WWII)