The short answer
Polygamy was a religious principle, one that God had commanded in ancient times and one that was brought into the Church for a limited period of time, an exception to the normal rule of monogamy (Jacob 2:30). Its practice was motivated by religious principle, not lust. On this issue, Joseph Smith did have multiple wives and he did live with some of them.And yes Joseph was sealed to several women who were already married. Being sealed to a woman for the afterlife does not necessarily imply living together during mortality or SEX! but I may agree that joseph smith very well could have had 27 wives and also I want people who don't know to be aware that in the 1800's it was normal for girls to get married at a young age and not just by mormons
The Really Long answer I dont recomomend reading it if you are uninterested
in response to the intelligent gal ablove me "no punt intended she seems well read I don't agree with the veiws but thats ok
The following sections deal with issues relating to Joseph's plural marriages. In the tasteless pursuit of tabloid details, the authors have merely excerpted sensational passages from the works of Richard Van Wagoner and Todd Compton in an effort to deconstruct Joseph. This portion of the review will touch on the negative aspects the authors have chosen.
As a preface to McKeever and Johnson's overall theme of lust and "errant yearnings," as they so label Joseph's plural marriage pursuits, I will touch briefly upon the authors' obsession with the idea that plural marriage was ruled by carnal passion. Richard Van Wagoner, whose writings the authors make much use of, wrote what certainly applies to McKeever and Johnson's approach to Joseph's marital matters:
Contrary to popular nineteenth-century notions about polygamy, the Mormon harem, dominated by lascivious males with hyperactive libidos, did not exist. The image of unlimited lust was largely the creation of Gentile travelers to Salt Lake City more interested in titillating audiences back home than in accurately portraying plural marriage.30
McKeever and Johnson portray Joseph's plural marriages as lustful passion. This, however, is contrary to what polygamy31 was about, in reality. In what is further applicable to McKeever and Johnson's understanding of polygamy are the words of Erastus Snow, who said in 1857:
They cannot understand it, because they are governed by their passions, and not by principles; and it is the hardest thing in the world for them to be convinced that this people are governed by principle...The world of mankind may soon know that God is with us, and that he is at the helm, that he is the founder of this work, and that the women as well as the men are the best upon the earth, and that we are determined to live and be governed by principle and not passion.32
In short, plural marriage was about revelation and obedience, not lust. What McKeever and Johnson portray on the one hand as "extra-marital romantic liaisons" can be described on the other hand as instances of invitation for those selected women to inquire of the Lord and gain a testimony of the principle of plural marriage for themselves.33 Indeed, Joseph's plural marriages were not, as Kathryn Daynes notes, "preceded by a romantic relationship or physical love making. Instead, it was proposed in a religious context."34
Opposite the images of sensual appetite that McKeever and Johnson portray in relation to Joseph, plural marriage was something that Joseph himself was reluctant to practice and only did so under the threat of destruction at the hand of an angel.35 Joseph stated that "the practice of this principle would be the hardest trial the Saints would ever have to test their faith."36 He was not alone in his feelings. Upon learning of plural marriage, Brigham Young said that "it was the first time in my life that I had desired the grave, and I could hardly get over it for a long time. And when I saw a funeral, I felt to envy the corpse its situation, and to regret that I was not in the coffin."37
B.H. Roberts provides a concise and basic understanding on what was involved and expected in the practice of plural marriage:
The Saints did not accept into their faith and practice the plural-wife system with the idea that it increased the comfort, or added to the ease of anyone. From the first it was known to involve sacrifice, to make a large demand upon the faith, patience, hope and charity of all who should attempt to carry out its requirements. Its introduction was not a call to ease or pleasure, but to religious duty; it was not an invitation to self-indulgence, but to self-conquest; its purpose was not earth-happiness, but earth-life discipline, undertaken in the interest of special advantages for succeeding generations of men."..."It was indeed a principle of religion to them, a holy sacrament, and not at all designed to become a general practice under merely human laws. It is unfortunate that the world outside of the Church was not impressed with this phase of the subject; for then it would have been apparent that the things the world argued against and fought against--a general plural marriage system free for all to adopt, considered to be destructive of the monogamous system and the menace to the home itself--was not the thing upheld and contended for by the Latter-day Saints, who believed that the privilege of plural marriage is to be limited to persons of high character, approved lives, and living under the most sacred obligations to chastity, and granted this privilege of the marriage system only under the most carefully guarded permission amounting to divine sanction.38
Again, plural marriage was a matter of principle, revelation, and obedience; not lustful "errant yearnings," "extra-marital romantic liaisons," or "affairs," as portrayed by McKeever and Johnson. With this basis in mind, the following marital issues that are addressed become more clearly understood.
No Invitation For Emma
"Secret marriages" "secret plural wives" "secretly married" "amorous advances" "errant yearnings" "extra-marital romantic liaisons" "still teenagers" "affairs" "sexual relations"39
McKeever and Johnson's emotionally laced words of suggested deception are tactically employed to control their readers' perceptions of Joseph's marital engagements. Throughout the chapter they narrowly isolate emotionally charged wording while completely disregarding peripheral matters that could challenge their self-serving interpretations of history. They thereby manipulate their readers by limiting the information to which they have access.
In this case, the authors superficially gloss over Joseph's plural marriages of which Emma had limited knowledge. The authors repeatedly indicate on the one hand that Joseph's plural marriages were a secret to Emma, yet on the other hand describe her feelings as "jealously battling" something she supposedly did not know about. While there is ample evidence that shows Emma consented to at least a half-dozen wives, the authors ignore any discussion on the implications and meaning of this or her overall mixed feelings on the entire issue.
An example of what at times is Emma's receptive awareness of Joseph's marriages is found in his marriage to Melissa Lott, which occurred not in secret but in the presence of her parents and with Emma's consent and permission.40 Emma also gave permission for Joseph to marry Emily and Eliza Partridge and permitted them to live in the Smith home. While this instance was an after-the-fact approval, she not only selected them but lived with them. There is still no secret. When the Partridge sisters moved out at Emma's request, the Lawrence sisters, whose marriages to Joseph were approved by Emma, continued to live in the Smith home.41
Lucy Walker, seeing the challenges that Emma faced in accepting plural marriage, chose to remain silent about her marriage to Joseph, but she noted a number of other marriages that Emma was well aware of and consented to, saying that Emma "was well aware that [Joseph] associated with them as wives... This is proven by the fact that [Emma] herself, on several occasions, kept guard at the door to prevent disinterested persons from intruding, when these ladies were in the house."42
While Emma at times did indeed have difficulty accepting plural marriage, she did not have the authority to override what God had given and commanded. In these instances, the principle and practice of plural marriage went on in spite of her feelings to the contrary and Joseph was allowed to proceed without her consent.43 Joseph delicately balanced his obligation to fulfilling God's commands while doing his best to preserve the tender feelings of a wife whom he loved. There can be little blame for Emma's jealous guard over Joseph. Emily Partridge expressed sympathy in 1883 for the trials of plural marriage that Emma endured and noted that her feelings were no different than anyone else's had they been in a similar situation, with it ultimately being a matter for the Lord to judge.44
McKeever and Johnson categorically describe Emma's feeling on plural marriage as "adamantly opposed." While this was the case at times, she is better described as one who "vacillated between reluctant acceptance and determined opposition to the marriages."45 Orson Pratt stated that Emma would "at times fight against [Joseph] with all her heart; and then she would break down in her feelings...and would then lead forth ladies and place their hands in the hands of Joseph."46
Unfortunately, the readers' understanding of Joseph's marriages, through McKeever and Johnson, is a balancing act of affairs and divorce. In portraying such an image, the authors deceptively misrepresent the circumstances surrounding Joseph's marriages as well as the principle of plural marriage in general. In doing so, the authors also ignore the deep spiritual commitment that Emma shared with Joseph during their seventeen trial-filled years of marriage. As a notable sign of this special bond, Emma's last deathbed words were, "Joseph, Joseph, Joseph...Joseph! ...Yes, I am coming."47
One misconception concerning Joseph's polyandry is that it was a practice represented in only one or two unusual marriages; however, fully one-third of Joseph's plural wives, eleven of them, were polyandrous.48
In regard to polyandry, Daynes wrote: "Perhaps nothing is less understood than Joseph Smith's sealings to women already married, because the evidence supports conflicting interpretations."49
McKeever and Johnson base their shallow glimpse of this subject on what at times could be described as the historical guesswork of Compton, which carries its own subsequent set of problems. The authors merely repeat one sentence from Compton's book and fail to mention or consider any of Compton's long list of theories for reasons behind polyandry which might provide some understanding for the reader.50
Regardless that Compton's dismissed theories remain long on speculation and short on fact, if McKeever and Johnson are going to base their writings on another author's research, then they ought to at least discuss the meaning of the original author's findings as defined by that author. Instead, McKeever and Johnson decide for themselves what miniscule item their readers will see of Compton's work and from there determine how their readers will interpret it. While Compton apparently sees no problem in his own self-described theorizing of uncertainties, this does not give license for McKeever and Johnson to launch their own undocumented branch of speculation. For example, McKeever and Johnson conclude from their miniscule sampling of Compton that Joseph committed adultery and wonder how Latter-day Saints can reconcile that in light of biblical prohibitions against it. Besides the fact that God at times commands men to do things that He at other times forbids them from doing,51 for Joseph, barriers to marriage were removed. Richard Van Wagoner, one of McKeever and Johnson's key sources, notes that Joseph "believed he had been given powers that transcended civil law. Claiming sole responsibility for binding and unbinding marriages on earth and in heaven, he did not consider it necessary to obtain civil marriage licenses or divorce decrees. Whenever he deemed it appropriate he could release a woman from her earthly marriage and seal her to himself or to another with no stigma of adultery."52 Similarly, Daynes noted that with marital barriers removed, there was no need to commit acts of adultery or fornication,53 thus, Joseph's plural marriages were "not adultery because a man could not commit adultery with wives who belonged to him."54 Ultimately, the generalized and speculative characterizations regarding these unique marriages find Joseph labeled by a term (polyandry) that does not apply in the fullest sense of definition and degree of intimate involvement implied by its use.
Looking beyond McKeever and Johnson's obsession with sexual triangulation, the logical and probable conclusion to be drawn from Joseph's practice is that God inspired and commanded him to be sealed to these women as both a means to test their faith and in certain cases establish eternal links.55 Glen M. Leonard described those few that entered into the relationships as having to "endure a more severe test of their faith." He recounted Joseph's request of Heber C. Kimball to take his wife as his own eternal companion. While Heber labored extensively with "soul-searching, fasting, and prayer,"56 he finally agreed to give her to Joseph. When Heber told Joseph of his decision, the prophet simply wept at his act of faith.57 It was at this point, which is key, that Joseph informed Kimball "that the request was an Abrahamic test of his willingness to submit his will to the Lord's and that the sacrifice of his wife would not be required."58 Joseph then sealed Heber and his wife as eternal mates. John Taylor passed this test with the same results. After Taylor informed the prophet that he could have his wife, Joseph said that he did not want her, rather he simply wanted to know where he stood.59 In a limited number of other instances, of which direct detail is lacking, some did allow their wives to be sealed to Joseph for eternity. "This ordinance," notes Leonard, "ensured the woman a marriage that would be valid in the resurrection no matter what became of her temporary, civil agreement. For some, it may have seemed the only way to gain that sacred promise."60
In 1854, Jedediah M. Grant, whom Compton also cites in one of his theories, provided some unique insight into why a few early Saints had to endure the test:
What would a man of God say, who felt aright, when Joseph asked him for his money? He would say, "Yes, and I wish I had more to help to build up the kingdom of God." Or if he came and said, "I want your wife?" "O yes," he would say, "here she is, there are plenty more."
...I would ask you if Jehovah has not in all ages tried His people by the power of Lucifer and his associates; and on the other hand, has He not tried them and proved them by His Prophets? Did the Lord actually want Abraham to kill Isaac? Did the Prophet Joseph want every man's wife he asked for? He did not, but in that thing was the grand thread of the Priesthood developed. The grand object in view was to try the people of God, to see what was in them. If such a man of God should come to me and say, "I want your gold and silver, or your wives," I should say, "Here they are, I wish I had more to give you, take all I have got." A man who has got the Spirit of God, and the light of eternity in him, has no trouble about such matters.
I am talking now of the present day. There was a time when we could be tried pretty severely upon these points, but I now could pick you out hundreds of men that cannot be tried in this way, but they will hand over every thing they possess. They understand the nature of such doctrines, and the object of such requirements. They know it is to prove the people, both men and women, and to develop what they will do. How can the Priesthood judge the people, if it does not prove them.61
Speculation aside, this form of pseudo-polyandry was about God trying His people and eternal relationships. Joseph's sealings to these women highlight principles of faith and eternal marriage. These are the aspects characterized in Joseph amidst the challenging issue of understanding polyandry and its underlying true purposes.
Polyandry and Intimacy Issues
Some might argue that these relationships were strictly platonic. Compton disagrees, "Though it is possible that Joseph had some marriages in which there were no sexual relations, there is no explicit or convincing evidence for such a marriage (except, perhaps, in the cases of the older wives). And in a significant number of Joseph's marriages, there is evidence for sexual relations."62
While McKeever and Johnson readily accept the insinuation that all of Joseph's relationships were sexual, they fail to consider or even recognize the speculative (and what at times has been described as the self-serving) nature of Compton's exploration of polyandrous marriages. Sources do not show nor is there any reliable evidence that the way Joseph practiced polyandry included sexual or familial relations. Compton's only hint of possible intimacy with a married wife is a second-hand late account in 1915 wherein a daughter of one of Joseph's married wives related a story told to her thirty-three years earlier, that she was Joseph's child. This debatable piece of evidence, taken at face value, has been plausibly interpreted as meaning either that Joseph was the biological father or that he was the father in merely a spiritual sense. Either way, if the married wife, Sylvia Sessions, meant with certainty that Joseph was the biological father, she obviously would have to have been restricting her relationship to Joseph and not her excommunicated first husband,63 thus demonstrating a faulty application of the definition of polyandry.
Although Joseph fathered some children through marriages with wives that had been single, a parallel case cannot be made which supports that type of intimacy with wives that had been married to others. While Compton finds evidence for sexual relations in some marriages, he admits the possibility that other marriages had no sexual relations, which marriages those are, he does not specifically say.64 Compton's ultimate position is that if there is no good evidence to prove a non-intimate relationship, then the union must be sexual. The broad and often speculative nature of Compton's work can be shown in his treatment of Zina Huntington Jacobs' relationship with Joseph: "Nothing specific is known about sexuality in their marriage, though judging from Smith's other marriages, sexuality was probably included."65 Speculation based on "probably included" hardly amounts to fact, although certain critics (such as McKeever and Johnson) seem to think it does.
Compton's treatment of polyandry, as reflected in McKeever and Johnson's subsequent use, is summarized by Richard Lloyd Anderson as
inconsistent in the standards of judgment applied to polyandry. For woman after woman in this book, the following statement or its equivalent is made: "Absolutely nothing is known of this marriage after the ceremony"... Good history is characterized by careful interpretation of reliable documents, together with disclosing what cannot be determined. But Compton reverses these responsible methods in discussing sexuality, particularly in regard to the eight sealings to women with living husbands. He begins by probing the relatively small number of statements on physical relations in all marriages. These add up to first-, second-, and third-hand statements about some eight women, about a fourth of the Prophet's polygamous wives... This uneven mixture is then characterized as "a great deal of evidence that Joseph Smith had sexual relations with his wives"... That judgment is next intensified without further information...[refer to McKeever quote above]...Stripped of verbiage, this deduction moves in three steps: (1) About 28 percent of Joseph's marriages had full physical dimensions; (2) Evidence for the part may be taken for the whole; (3) Therefore, sexual relations characterized most of his marriages. However, the middle span of this bridge badly sags. In Sacred Loneliness does not have a factual basis for its conclusions regarding polyandry.66
The Case of Helen Mar Kimball
In May 1843 the thirty-seven-year-old prophet of Mormonism convinced fifteen-year-old Helen Mar Kimball to be sealed as his plural wife. The daughter of Heber C. Kimball stated how Smith promised that if she would "take this step," it would insure the eternal salvation and exaltation of her father's household and kindred. Helen was led to believe that the relationship was more of a spiritual nature and claimed she would have never gone through with it had she known otherwise.67
At this point in McKeever and Johnson's book, their sources are intermingled between Todd Compton and Richard Van Wagoner. While both books cover this same paragraph, McKeever and Johnson chose Van Wagoner's paragraph over Compton's entire chapter on the subject. This is likely because Van Wagoner provides no hint that the source of Helen's later claim of "would have never gone through with it" comes from an anti-Mormon writer whom Compton describes as displaying "extremism," "is suspect," "not credible," "unreliable," and to be "regarded with caution."68 Oddly enough though, while Compton recognizes these problems in the source, he seems to have no problem in citing the source so long as it is qualified with his disclaimers.
McKeever and Johnson state that Joseph "convinced" Helen to be sealed to him. What the authors fail to divulge is that it was Helen's father that initiated and arranged the marriage. Helen wrote:
My father...taught me the principle of Celestial marrage, & having a great desire to be connected with the Prophet, Joseph, he offered me to him; this I afterwards learned from the Prophet's own father introduced to me this principle & asked me if I would be sealed to Joseph.69
It was after this that Joseph was invited to teach and explain the principles of Celestial marriage. Upon learning of the principle for herself from Joseph, she willingly committed herself to the eternal link. Her marriage to Joseph was to ensure choice personal and family relationships. McKeever and Johnson lead the reader to believe there were other aspects to the marriage and issues with Joseph that would have caused her to take second thought on the arrangement. A non-sexual aspect to the marriage can be reasonably assumed as Helen continued to live with her parents after the sealing.70 This is in harmony with historian Stanely B. Kimball's interpretation that the marriage was unconsummated.71 Although Compton leaves this window of speculation open, even he does not indicate that Helen's initial or later perceptions were sexual in nature. It was, rather, the sacrifice of youthful interaction with her peers who now did not fully accept her that was troubling her as she was excluded from social scenes. This is made clear when she wrote, "They saw my youthful friends grow shy and cold...Bar'd out from social scenes by this thy destiny."72
Opposite the suspicious anti-Mormon quote that both Compton and Van Wagoner share some odd regard towards, Helen's own words shed some light on her true retrospective feelings towards Joseph and plural marriage:
I did not try to conceal the fact of its having been a trial, but confessed that it had been one of the severest of my life; but that it had also proven one of the greatest of blessings. I could truly say it had done the most towards making me a Saint and a free woman, in every sense of the word; and I knew many others who could say the same, and to whom it had proven one of the greatest boons--a "blessing in disguise."73
Helen later wrote of the unwavering faith in her union with the prophet:
I have long since learned to leave all with Him, who knoweth better than ourselves what will make us happy. I am thankful that He has brought me through the furnace of affliction & that He has condesended to show me that the promises made to me the morning that I was sealed to the prophet of God will not fail & I would not have the chain broken for I have had a view of the principle of eternal salvation & the perfect union which this sealing power will bring to the human family & with the help of our Heavenly Father I am determined to so live that I can claim those promises.74
If there were still doubt as to her convictions, following the Prophet's death, she again entered into a marriage, which became plural, with Horace Kimball Whitney. Prior to Helen and Horace's ceremony in 1846, Horace stood before Helen as proxy for Joseph Smith to have their ordinances reconfirmed.75
Regardless of any source issues raised here, McKeever and Johnson attempt to portray a scandalous scene of teenage coercion on the part of Joseph, all the while ignoring the nineteenth-century context in which teenage marriages were found typical. The authors also fail to mention that such young marriages were common practice in the Protestant polygamist past, seemingly feeling no need to condemn their own past for the same thing they see practiced in early Mormonism. While McKeever and Johnson attempt to sensationalize Helen's marriage as exploitative, Compton points to such young marriages as being dynastic in nature.76
As a final note in understanding this aspect of plural marriage, it must be realized that polygamy had aspects of societal reform contained within. Such aspects were designed to raise society to higher standards of morality and spirituality. Included in this design was to remove women from the spectrum where they could otherwise become victims of wicked men. In 1884 Elder Charles W. Penrose described this as placing women in a position "to give them the opportunity to become honored wives and mothers, so that there might be 'no margin left for lust to prey upon,' no field for the tricks of the seducer and the adulterer, the corrupt and the ungodly."77 This is in harmony with George Q. Cannon's 1881 statement that "We desire to have no margin of unmarried women among us."78 This margin ran the spectrum of maturity, from old to, in this case, the younger age of Helen Mar Kimball.
The Magical Mystery Tour
For instance, would Mormons living in today's society follow as their prophet a man who was known to be a money digger and advocate of folk magic? According to Quinn, Smith and his family were well versed in such things: Joseph Smith...had unquestionably participated in treasure seeking and seer stone divination and had apparently also used divining rods, talismans, and implements of ritual magic.79
The tour begins with guides McKeever and Johnson misrepresenting the material of the one author they choose to base their entire theme upon. It would seem reasonable that if McKeever and Johnson are going to base their claims off of someone else's research, then they ought to at least share the original author's conclusions and interpretations of the single fragment they cut from his 646 page book. One need not look far to understand the historical context for the 19th Century magical world view which Quinn writes about. Quinn's book establishes the idea that on the 19th century frontiers of America, a belief in superstition and magic was quite normal for the environment. If it was normal for the time period for which Joseph lived, then why do McKeever and Johnson not inform their readers of this key fact? Quinn wrote, "It is often difficult for us in the twentieth century to appreciate the world from the perspective of earlier times... All of us have a tendency to assume that our ancestors saw the world as we see it today."80 This idea that those people in earlier generations had "misguided world views" stems from our "inability to understand the point of view of 'premodern man.'" This, notes Quinn, "obscure[s] our understanding of people only a few generations in the past."81 Undoubtedly, McKeever and Johnson share this tendency and demonstrate their bias as they fall victim to what historians call "the fallacy of presentism."82 The point is that we cannot judge the culture of another time based on what is acceptable in our time.
We could ask if McKeever and Johnson would follow a man known to have killed an Egyptian taskmaster? Or a man who used a magic cup for divination? Or a man who claimed to live in the belly of a whale? Or a man who lay drunken in his tent to the embarrassment of his family? Or a man who sought out Christians for prosecution and death? Or a man who collected taxes for a repressive government? These are the men of the Bible; they were unquestionably involved in such things. Do McKeever and Johnson believe this makes the Bible any less true? Would they have trouble accepting Matthew or Paul if they reappeared today?
The remainder of this section will put some of the "magical world view" issues raised into their proper cultural context.
Money Digging
McKeever and Johnson ask if today's people could accept a known money digger as their prophet. As there are no modern day "money diggers" that I am aware of, the question is somewhat odd. However, can we accept someone from the nineteenth century that came from a culture of thousands of other money diggers as an eventual prophet? The answer is obviously yes, as millions of Latter-day Saints currently do accept Joseph as the first prophet in this dispensation.
Joseph's money-digging youth is certainly no secret. When asked if he was a money digger, Joseph said, "Yes, but it was never a very profitable job...only got fourteen dollars a month for it."83 His mother, Lucy Mack Smith, explained the prevalent money digging story as originating from Joseph's employment as a hired silver mine digger for Josiah Stowell. Lucy said that Joseph "endeavored to divert [Stowell] from his vain pursuit,"84 however, he ultimately succumbed, as Richard Bushman concludes, to "pressure from neighbors, from the enthusiastic and well-off Josiah Stowell, from his own father, and from cruel, unrelenting poverty."85
It was becoming clear by 1826 that both Joseph and his father were more able to discern the ultimate purposes of Joseph's seer abilities. It was testified in 1826 that Joseph Sr. said of his son Joseph Jr. that "both he and his son were mortified that this wonderful power which God has so miraculously given him should be used only in search of filthy lucre, or its equivalent in earthly treasures...' 'His constant prayer to his Heavenly Father was to manifest His will concerning this marvelous power. He trusted that the Son of Righteousness would some day illumine the heart of the boy, and enable him to see His will concerning him."86 Of course the realization of that prayer can clearly be seen in the worldwide attraction to what is currently an eleven-million-member congregation of Saints devoted to Jesus Christ and His restored Church.
Ultimately, there can be no understanding of Joseph's money digging past without understanding the culture of his day that had deep-rooted involvement in the practice. Ronald W. Walker wrote an important essay that appeared in a 1984 scholarly journal, which examined the cultural phenomenon of money digging. His description of England's "prevailing magical-religious culture"87 of money digging can certainly be applied to that of the American frontier prior to the practice's disappearance. Walker observed that treasure hunting "was part of the culture and religion of the folk. For people who were untutored in emerging new science, it helped to give their everyday life meaning. Theirs was 'the higher and hidden' truth, a blend of humankind's deep myths and Christian ideas, the old way that eventually faltered before the onslaught of modern science and the triumph of a new world view."88
Prior to the demise of treasure seeking, however, money diggers were characterized by Benjaman Franklin in 1729 as "honest" and "labouring" people.89 While Franklin thought the practice was a waste of time and rejected it along with many other leaders and clergy, there still remained other leaders and clergy that yet practiced it. For example, court officials such as "John Dee (Queen Elizabeth's physician)" and "Goodwin Wharton (a seventeenth-century Lord of the Admiralty)" were seekers of buried treasure.90 In addition, the family of Nathaniel Wood, himself a lapsed Congregational minister who used divining rods for religious purposes, were described as "'celebrated diggers in Middletown, Vermont,' and as having 'some of the best minds the town ever had' and enjoyed the reputation of 'upbuilding' any community in which they resided."91 If this were not enough, Richard Bushman cited Willard Chase, a Methodist minister, as one of the "most vigorous of the Palmyra money diggers." Bushman also describes Josiah Stowell, Joseph Smith's digging employer, as an "upright Presbyterian and honored man in his community."92 All this would seemingly indicate that Joseph found himself in good company.
Walker states that within Joseph's Vermont money-digging region, "twenty-seven towns or a tenth of Vermont's communities dug for treasure, with rural areas also joining the pursuit. Here money digging was 'very common' and was considered an 'honorable and profitable' employment." He, as well as Quinn, quote an editor of a newspaper local to the Vermont money-digging area who claimed he could name "at least five hundred respectable men, who do, in the simplicity and sincerity of their hearts, verily believe that immense treasures lie concealed in the Green Mountains, many of whom have been industriously and perseveringly engaged in digging it up."93
While some described the money diggers as honest laborers, there remained others, certain seventeenth-century Puritan clerics in particular, that considered them devils.94 It was this type of hostile and opposing attitude by clergy that carried England's prohibitions on the money diggers into the New York region. This attitude perpetuated the poor image that the diggers were lazy individuals in the eyes of the elite class, who certainly felt there was nothing good to be spoken of in their behalf. Regardless of the attitudes displayed by the elite, others simply had no problem with the digging practice. Bushman, confirming this, states that "despite the disdain of the educated, ordinary people apparently had no difficulty reconciling Christianity with magic."95
In describing the slanted view of the money diggers in general, a Vermont historian wrote, "The popular view of the treasure that he is not a praiseworthy industrious type but rather is the kind of person who expects something for nothing. This is a half truth. For while the treasure hunter, the supreme optimist, may hope for large and immediate rewards, as indeed do most of the rest of us, in actuality the ratio of hard work to compensation among these individuals must be one of the most lopsided in labor history."96
Walker concluded that money digging, "like any human endeavor, offered much to scorn and even to pity," however, the intellectual elite of the nineteenth century treated "the money digger in overblown and often unjustified images."97 This characterization certainly applies to modern day critics of Joseph's past.
Regardless of Joseph's treasure-seeking interests, he gave up the money digging ventures as he dug deeper, so to speak, into the important work of the Restoration. Martin Harris recorded that the angel Moroni told Joseph that "...he must quit the company of the money-diggers. That there were wicked men among them. He must have no more to do with them."98 Thus, the angel's words marked a beginning to the end of the digging pursuits that sought to relieve the poverty conditions he and his family were suffering. One must wonder if McKeever and Johnson have issues with all those that headed West during the California gold rush to "dig."99
Advocate of Folk Magic
Dallin H. Oaks wrote: "It should be recognized that such tools as the Urim and Thummim, the Liahona, seerstones, and other articles have been used appropriately in biblical, Book of Mormon, and modern times by those who have the gift and authority to obtain revelation from God in connection with their use. At the same time, scriptural accounts and personal experience show that unauthorized though perhaps well-meaning persons have made inappropriate use of tangible objects while seeking or claiming to receive spiritual guidance. Those who define folk magic to include any use of tangible objects to aid in obtaining spiritual guidance confound the real with the counterfeit. They mislead themselves and their readers."100
Joseph certainly was never one to advocate or encourage Church members to engage in magical arts. The "implements of ritual magic" in question were those held as family heirlooms by the descendants of Hyrum Smith. If one chooses to accept the writings of Quinn at face value, the point to be made is that such belief in magic was no way in conflict with the Smiths' religion, rather it was evidence of their beliefs.101 The so called "implements," which consisted of things such as parchments and a dagger with magical inscriptions, belonged to Joseph Sr., not Joseph Jr., and were passed down through inheritance along Hyrum's family line.102 While evidence is lacking for the degree of use for such items, Quinn notes that the Smith parchments, for example, are typical of Christian magic. The parchments in question are characterized by a "personal, God-centered emphasis" that is meant to facilitate "visitation from good angels," aid in "personal protection" against evil spirits and witches, alleviate depression, and according to Quinn, ultimately aid in the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.103
Regardless of speculations on who owned or used what, it remains the reality that such possessions only go to illustrate the climate of prevailing culture at the time. Joseph Sr., according to Quinn, took stock in such cultural folk magic, however, it is only a reflection in his posterity that such implements are shown as heirlooms and past traditions. This is clearly shown in early Church courts, overseen by Hyrum Smith himself as assistant president of the Church, wherein clear and direct stands against occult-type104 practices were made. It could be no clearer than in the disfellowshipment case of Brother Mountford. Mountford was disfellowshipped for his "practicing fortune telling, magic, black art, etc." In 1841, Elder Woodruff explained the Church's position on the Mountford case. Woodruff said, "we ha[ve] no such custom or practice in the Church, and that we should not fellowship any individual who practiced magic, fortune telling, black art, etc., for it was not of God."105 Hence, whatever one chooses to make of the magical artifact's existence, it remains clear they were not part of or accepted in practice of the LDS faith.
The fact that Smith owned a Jupiter talisman shows that his fascination with the occult was not just a childish fad. At the time of his death, Smith had on his person this talisman...106
This well-circulated claim107 originates from a 1974 talk by Dr. Reed Durham. Durham said that Joseph "evidently [had a talisman] on his person when he was martyred. The talisman, originally purchased from the Emma Smith Bidamon family, fully notarized by that family to be authentic and to have belonged to Joseph Smith, can now be identified as a Jupiter talisman."108
The source of the now-famous talisman story, which Dr. Durham bases his findings on, originated from Wilford C. Wood, who was told it by Charles Bidaman, who was the illegitimate son of Lewis Bidaman. Lewis was Emma Smith's non-Mormon second husband. Charles was born out of an affair between Lewis Bidaman and Nancy Abercrombie, which occurred while Lewis was married to Emma. Charles was taken in by Emma at the age of 4 and raised by her until she died 11 years later.109
Richard Lloyd Anderson wrote that the Talisman, or silver pocket piece as described in 1937, came up for sale when Charles Bidamon advertised items that supposedly belonged to Joseph Smith. One item listed was "a silver pocket piece which was in the Prophet's pocket at the time of his assassination."110 Wilford Wood, who collected Mormon memorabilia, purchased it in 1938 with Bidamon's certificate that the Prophet possessed it when murdered. The affidavit sworn to by Charles Bidamon at the time of Wilford C. Wood's purchase was very specific:
This piece came to me through the relationship of my father, Major L. C. Bidamon, who married the Prophet Joseph Smith's widow, Emma Smith. I certify that I have many times heard her say, when being interviewed, and showing the piece, that it was in the Prophet's pocket when he was martyred at Carthage, Ill.111
Anderson noted that Bidamon waited fifty-eight years after Emma's death to make his certification. At the time of her death he was but merely a fifteen-year-old boy.
Durham based his comments on Wood's description for the item, which was: "This piece [the talisman] was in Joseph Smith's pocket when he was martyred at Carthage Jail."112 However, in the report of the contents on the Prophet's body after his martyrdom, which Emma Smith took into her possession as his wife, there was no mention made of any such talisman-like item. If there had been such an article, it would have been listed.
In 1984, Anderson located and published the itemized list of the contents of Joseph Smith's pockets at his death. The list was originally published in 1885 in Iowa by James W. Woods, Smith's lawyer, who collected the prophet's personal effects after the martyrdom. The contents from the published 1885 printing are as follows:
Received, Nauvoo, Illinois, July 2, 1844, of James W. Woods, one hundred and thirty- five dollars and fifty cents in gold and silver and receipt for shroud, one gold finger ring, one gold pen and pencil case, one penknife, one pair of tweezers, one silk and one leather purse, one small pocket wallet containing a note of John P. Green for $50, and a receipt of Heber C. Kimball for a note of hand on Ellen M. Saunders for one thousand dollars, as the property of Joseph Smith. --Emma Smith.113
No talisman or item like it is listed. It could not be mistaken for a coin or even a "Masonic Jewel" as Durham first thought. Anderson described the talisman as being "an inch-and-a-half in diameter and covered with symbols and a prayer on one side and square of sixteen Hebrew characters on the other."114 Significant is the fact that no associate of Joseph Smith has ever mentioned anything like this medallion. There are no interviews that ever record Emma mentioning any such item as was attested to by Charles Bidamon. One would at least expect her to have said or written something along the lines of "and he always carried this medallion" or something.
More recent arguments contend that Wood's list was exaggerated or was an all-together different type of list. For example, as neither Smith's gun nor hat was on the report, the list must not be complete. It should be obvious, however, that the reason they were not on the list of contents on the person of Joseph Smith is because they both were not on him in the most literal of senses. The record clearly states that he dropped his gun and left it behind before being murdered and it is unlikely if he were wearing his hat in the jail cell that it would have remained on him after a gunfight that ended in a second-story fall through a window. Critics also argue that another reason the talisman was not accounted for was because talismans are worn around a person's neck, hidden from view and secret to all (including Emma no less), thus, it was overlooked as part of the inventory. While it may be true that they are worn around the neck, the certification very clearly states that the talisman was "in the Prophet's pocket when he was martyred." So which is it? In his pocket like a lucky charm, or secretly worn around his neck as such an item should properly be used? Either way, the record is clear that he did not have a talisman on his person at the time of his death. The rest is speculation. No more can be said for the argument that discredits Wood's published account of Joseph's possessions. The critics contend that a prisoner could not possibly have had a penknife, so how accurate can the list be? Obviously the fact that he had a gun makes the possession of a knife a matter of no consequence.115
As a final note to the saga, when Durham was later asked how he felt about his speech regarding the talisman, he replied:
"I now wish I had presented some of my material differently." "For instance, at the present time, after checking my data, I find no primary evidence that Joseph Smith ever possessed a Jupiter Talisman. The source for my comment was a second-hand, late source. It came from Wilford Wood, who was told it by Charlie Bidaman, who was told it by his father, Lewis Bidamon, who was Emma's second husband and non-Mormon not too friendly to the LDS Church. So the idea that the Prophet had such a talisman is highly questionable."116
There is only one source of evidence that claims Joseph Smith had the Jupiter talisman on his person, and that source is Charles Bidamon. The artifact's existence has long since been twisted, distorted, and fabricated into anti-Mormon rhetoric designed to somehow discredit Joseph Smith. Even if such an artifact were to have been in his possession, it would again only go to show the prevailing cultural climate at the time and certainly does not reflect on the validity of the Church. Similarly, if the inventory of Joseph pocket's could be taken at face value, it would make the Church no more valid in the eyes of the critic. The conclusion thus being that the presence of such artifacts are meaningless from the perspective of our current culture and understanding and they do not serve to prove or disprove Joseph as a prophet. If one can accept Quinn's insistence that the talisman was literally, in some way, in Joseph's possession at his death, the meaning and conclusion would be that such an item would have been a protection against enemies, witchcraft and sorcery. It could also have been used as an amulet of luck, love, protection, healing, astrology, or ritual magic as it was used by thousands of other Americans who customarily wore the then in vogue amulets or talismans.117
One must wonder if Joseph were to have had a lucky rabbit's foot in his pocket, would it be argued that he had a bizarre fascination with rabbits and worshiped the Velveteen Rabbit god? No doubt those looking back on our generation will be appalled that some carried around dead animal parts in their pocket for protection and luck.
The Magical Tour Ends
As the tour ends and the guides are dismissed to lead others astray, we are left to consider if it is reasonable to expect a religion founded in a culture embedded in a "magical world view" to instantaneously cease and categorically remove itself from everything common to its society. The extent to which Joseph may or may not have participated in his culture are ultimately of no consequence. Quinn, the magical master himself, noted that matters of magical involvement are principally private in nature and do not, by default, transfer to the institution as a whole. This he offered as an explanation to the rise and fall of magic within members of the nineteenth-century Church.118 It was not, as the critics portray, the Church of Magic steeped in superstition, but rather the Church of Jesus Christ built on divine revelation. It took time for the culture of Joseph's day to make the full transformation that eventually abandoned and condemned magical practices found in some of its diverse converts. With magic being embedded in the culture it only seems reasonable to see it reflected in those early members of the Church. The magical heritages of some early nineteenth-century members quickly faded into what most certainly did not persist in later LDS culture. McKeever and Johnson seek to emphasize this so called magical Joseph while minimizing, if not ignoring, the deep devotion and faith of Joseph, and all converts to Mormonism, in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is He in whom Latter-day Saints place their faith in and is found as the central figure in LDS doctrine and belief. Regardless of Joseph's ingrained cultural beginnings, as well as many other early converts, his final frontiers remained unquestionably founded on the Biblical Christian rock of revelation. It is this transformation in Joseph and in the culture at large, which is key in understanding the power and the promise God has restored to the earth.
Leaving Missouri
[Smith's] followers were forced to leave Missouri...It should come as no surprise that among the many excuses Mormons have raised for the failure of Smith's Missouri predictions, few admit it was due to his lack of prophetical insight.119
It is important to understand the context in which "historians" are quoted for a proper understanding of their material. Interestingly, the authors freely called upon dead "LDS historian Andrew Jenson"120 for an earlier quote in their chapter that served to question the truthfulness of Joseph as a prophet. That quote had nothing to do with the context of Jenson's talk. His entire lecture was on proving that Joseph was in fact a prophet of God by describing numerous instances of fulfilled prophecies and other such witnesses to the truthfulness of his call. McKeever and Johnson ignore the fact that Jenson, in his 110-year-old Friday-evening lecture to the Student's Society, illustrated how Smith's predictions were proof of his "prophetical insight."
Ironically, Jenson uses Missouri as one proof of Joseph's "prophetical insight." Jenson states:
In 1831 the Saints were commanded to gather to Jackson County, Mo., which was designated as a land of inheritance for the Saints in the last days, and also as the identical spot where they should build that great city, the New Jerusalem, about which the ancient Prophets and Saints had sung, prayed and rejoiced so much. Joseph Smith had just arrived in that goodly land, together with a number of his brethren, when a revelation, containing some very strange sayings was given on the 1st of August, 1831.121
Jenson then relates D&C 58:1-5, wherein the Lord talks of the land they had just arrived in and speaks of "much tribulation" and blessings to those that remain faithful after that which is to follow. Jenson points out that if Joseph was a fraud attempting to make financial gain or seeking the vain glory and honor of men, then it would be pretty absurd to be predicting trouble when there was none immediately apparent. In less than three years after this revelation, the Saints were driven out of Jackson County and three years after that they were forced from Clay County, Missouri, then two more years later the Governor issued an extermination order driving them from the State of Missouri. If McKeever and Johnson do not think this means "much tribulation," then what, as Jenson states, does it mean?
As a final note to this prophecy, Jenson notes Joseph's predictions about going to the Rocky Mountains. The record reads:
I had a conversation with a number of the brethren in the shade of the building on the subject of our persecution in Missouri and the constant annoyance which had followed us since we were driven from the State. I prophesied that the Saints should continue to suffer much affliction and would be driven to the Rocky Mountains; many would apostatize, others would be put to death by our persecutors or lose their lives in consequence of exposure or disease, and some of you will live to go and assist in making settlements and build cities and see the Saints become a mighty people in the Rocky Mountains.122
This of course was so completely fulfilled that no further discussion is necessary except in pointing out its omission from McKeever and Johnson's '"study" of Joseph.
The Proud Joseph
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I.123
Paul H. Peterson wrote,
Of all the editorial alterations in History, perhaps the most serious one, especially with regard to trying to understand the Prophet's personality, was the decision, apparently approved at the beginning of the project by Joseph himself, to convert third-person accounts written by other people to first-person accounts as if Joseph himself were writing. Among the end results, as Bitton and Arrington have pointed out, is a 'certain distortion of the Prophet's personality.' The Prophet, on occasion, comes off as being confident to the point of arrogance; by appearing to rely on his own merits rather than upon the Lord, he seems less the ultimate religious figure than he in reality was.124
It is in this sense that Joseph comes across in the historical entry as arrogant. It may be that these were not even Joseph's exact words, but assuming they were, this statement was made shortly before Joseph's martyrdom in 1844 in an address given as his testimony against the dissenters at Nauvoo. The record reads:
President Joseph Smith read the 11th Chap. 2 Corinthians. My object is to let you know that I am right here on the spot where I intend to stay. I, like Paul, have been in perils, and oftener than anyone in this generation. As Paul boasted, I have suffered more than Paul did. I should be like a fish out of water, if I were out of persecutions. Perhaps my brethren think it requires all this to keep me humble. The Lord has constituted me so curiously that I glory in persecution. I am not nearly so humble as if I were not persecuted...God is in the still small voice. In all these affidavits, indictments, it is all of the devil--all corruption. Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet. You know my daily walk and conversation. I am in the bosom of a virtuous and good people.125
Joseph's amplified "boasting," as noted in the record, is patterned after Paul's similar and somewhat sarcastic "boasting" words in 2 Corinthians 11. It should be considered that his audience was a body of hostile dissenters that were spreading false rumors about him. His tone was likely that of frustrated rebuke for their treatment of him. Joseph certainly made no pattern of this type of speech nor was he excessive in any assertion of pride. He in no way puts himself above Christ and there is not one Latter-day Saint who would ever suggest that.
If one is still troubled by Joseph's words, consider that Jesus himself proclaimed that what Joseph is claiming is attainable when he said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."126
McKeever and Johnson go on to question if Joseph was sufficiently humble to go to heaven because of this speech. While McKeever and Johnson incorrectly take Joseph's words in a most literal and actual sense, this instance of speech certainly does not override his humility. Continuously acknowledging a dependence on God is one example of Joseph's humility. Indeed, the very reason the Church exists is because Joseph offered a humble prayer seeking direction for which church was right. There are no examples of a destructive pride that might counteract humility. Turning to the words and witness of those who knew him during his time we find this to be true.
Truman G. Madsen wrote of Eliza R. Snow, who babysat and helped in the Prophet's home, saying that "she first admired him in his public ministry, saw him as a prophet, but not until she saw him in his own home, on his knees in prayer, and in his relationship with his children did her whole heart go out to him in admiration. 'He was,' she said, 'as humble as a little child.'"127
David Whitmer illustrated the importance of Joseph's "humility and faithfulness" while he was working on the translation of the Book of Mormon:
He was a religious and straightforward man. He had to be; for he was illiterate and he could do nothing himself. He had to trust in God. He could not translate unless he was humble and possessed the right feelings towards everyone. To illustrate so you can see: One morning when he was getting ready to continue the translation, something went wrong about the house and he was put out about it. Something that Emma, his wife, had done. Oliver and I went upstairs and Joseph came up soon after to continue the translation but he could not do anything. He could not translate a single syllable. He went downstairs, out into the orchard, and made supplication to the Lord; was gone about an hour--came back to the house, and asked Emma's forgiveness and then came upstairs where we were and then the translation went on all right. He could do nothing save he was humble and faithful.128
To Follow Without Question
There is no question that many Mormon historians have painted Smith as a man of high morals and impeccable integrity. Any reports to the contrary are often assumed to have been made by enemies of the church or disgruntled ex-Mormons. Despite what may have been written about him, it is evident that Smith had an ego and expected to be followed without question.129
Interestingly the authors seem to have no problem citing "LDS" and "Mormon" authorities to construct an entire chapter of "contraries." Is the reader to conclude that every single "LDS" or "Mormon" historian that they cite is an enemy or apostate?
The authors state that despite what may have been written about Joseph, he remains an egotist that controlled his people. Do Mormon leaders control the faithful and expect to be followed without question? There are several examples that show just the opposite expectation. Brigham Young, quoting Joseph Smith, said:
The question was asked a great many times of Joseph Smith, by gentlemen who came to see him and his people, 'How is it that you can control your people so easily? It appears that they do nothing but what you say; how is it that you can govern them so easily?' Said he, 'I do not govern them at all. The Lord has revealed certain principles from the heavens by which we are to live in these latter days. The time is drawing near when the Lord is going to cut short his work in righteousness, and the principles which he has revealed I have taught to the people and they are trying to live according to them, and they control themselves.' Gentlemen, this is the great secret now in controlling this people. It is thought that I control them, but it is not so. It is as much as I can do to control myself and to keep myself straight and teach the people the principles by which they should live.130
Brigham Young also stated in regard to Latter-day prophets controlling their people:
I will say a few words in regard to your belief in being led, guided, and directed by one man. Brother Jackman has said that our enemies hate the fact of our being led by one man. Thousands of times my soul has been lifted to God the Father, in the name of Jesus, to make that verily true in every sense of the word, that we may be led by the man Jesus Christ, through Joseph Smith the Prophet. You may inquire how we are to know that we are so led. I refer you to the exhortation you have heard so frequently from me. Do not be deceived, any of you; if you are deceived, it is because you deceive yourselves. You may know whether you are led right or wrong, as well as you know the way home; for every principle God has revealed carries its own convictions of its truth to the human mind, and there is no calling of God to man on earth but what brings with it the evidences of its authenticity....
What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by Him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give to their leaders, did they know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in the right way. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not. This has been my exhortation continually.131
Boyd K. Packer stated that:
Latter-day Saints are not obedient because they are compelled to be obedient. They are obedient because they know certain spiritual truths and have decided, as an expression of their own individual agency, to obey the commandments of God.
We are the sons and daughters of God, willing followers, disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and "under this head are [we] made free." (Mosiah 5:8)
Those who talk of blind obedience may appear to know many things, but they do not understand the doctrines of the gospel. There is an obedience that comes from a knowledge of the truth that transcends any external form of control. We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see.132
Elder George F. Richards remarked in 1907:
It is a mistaken idea, prevalent in the world, that the perpetuity of this work depends upon the authorities keeping the masses of the people in ignorance. The truth is the direct reverse, else why have we all these auxiliary organizations and quorums of priesthood in the church, for the education of the rising generation. Their being established in the faith depends upon their knowledge of the Gospel. Our greatest fear concerning our children in Zion is the possibility of their growing up in ignorance of the everlasting Gospel...
As a matter of intelligent obedience --not blind obedience--we should observe to keep the word of wisdom. For the same reason we should observe to keep holy the Sabbath day, and the name of our Father in Heaven, and His Son Jesus Christ, and intelligently