Overall, was Hitler good or bad for Germany and the world?
2020-12-01 20:07:57 UTC
He completely rebuilt the German economy and ended the oppression from WWI
He stopped the spread of communism.
He was the catalyst for a massive advancement in technology and science

The criticism of Hitler is that he killed 6 million Jews but facts have shown that to be wildly exaggerated. Yes, some Jews died in prisoner camps but there was never any genocide and the 6 million number is mathematically impossible.
31 answers:
2020-12-07 01:07:03 UTC
If you think murdering the Savior, cheating people, enslaving people, and causing wars and diseases are acceptable, then Hitler was bad.

If you think loving your country and defending it is good, Hitler is good. 
2020-12-06 19:16:46 UTC
It depends on the individual and his or her worldview. For the Indian, Hitler was a saint because he forced Britain to abandon its Indian colony to fight in WW2. For Britain, though, Hitler is evil because he helped weaken and destroy the British empire. For Jews, obviously Hitler was evil. 
2020-12-06 03:44:29 UTC
well its hard to say i guess 
Khamirul Bin Mataree
2020-12-05 22:48:22 UTC
Bad... I do believe he was a bad person who do war...
2020-12-04 02:50:19 UTC
At least 6 million Jews were put to death in Europe.  Some estimates are as high as 6.1 million.  That is definitely the case -- in large part because F.D.R. and most of the Allied Forces "refused to even enter WWII in earnest" until early 1942.  Even more tragically, the Allied Forces didn't liberate any concentration camps until April of 1945.

Any so-called "good" that Adolph Hitler "might have done", is so heavily outweighed by the mass-extermination of 17 million people (Jews and non-Jews combined) that Hitler ordered, that he will never be thought of as "good" for anything that is worth being given credit for.
2020-12-02 12:16:20 UTC
Please stop asking the same q.
2020-12-02 00:48:44 UTC
Bad for both

Due to his wars tens of millions of humans died (and animals and plants, too)

over 7 million Germans died due to his fault

15 million Germans needed to leave what they and their ancestors called home for at least eight centuries and more and what they have built up.

All of them lost relatives and friends

many very beautiful old houses from Antiquity, Middle Ages and Early modern time and 19th century were destroyed and not rebuilt

Even if he had killed as many Jews (and you have not actually shown evidence for your claim), he killed millions (and we know that because the Nazis themselves have recorded).

the division of Germany for many decades and the wounds have not healed yet.

And all this for his stupid hallucinations of a Germany that even many Germans did not want generally and particularly not for this price/cost.

I'd rather live in a "smaller" Germany with all my relatives and friends still alive than enter such a long war and the risk of losing them for some patch of land in Russia and some hallucination that those people living there are supposedly inferior. I do not need to feel superior to feel better. A cold shower, a strong coffee and nice chocolate will suffice to get rid of such feelings.

His exploits resulted in the deaths of millions of people. It took decades for Germany's population to recover and the country remained divided for almost half a century.

Imagine if the American Civil War had never happened. The population of the United States today might be at or around half a billion people, giving the country a much larger work force which would have made the need for immigration far less dire. The same is true of Britain, France, and Germany. Without millions of deaths, and without the enlistment of foreign - namely colonial troops, it's likely that the age of imperialism would have been prolonged and there would be fewer non-native people in Europe today. Hitler is the primary reason why Western Europe is dealing with hordes of non-native peoples today. When the British and French colonial forces saw white people standing in piles of rubble begging for bread, they realized that their white colonial masters weren't gods, but people, just like them. And they could be killed with bombs and bullets and their people could be subjugated and enslaved and displaced too. Hitler's failed attempt to guarantee white European dominance of Europe is what killed Europe.

He is directly responsible for the rise of communism and the USSR and all of the proxy wars that took place in the intervening years between WWII and today. There's scarcely anything that we can point to today to make a case for him having done any good at all, unless you want to talk about how he single handedly made the United States the preeminent power in the world, thereby giving us an entity that can't be toppled so no one has tried. He's responsible for the creation of Israel, giving us the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He was directly responsible for the modern clash between the West and the Muslim world.

 In what universe did he do any good anywhere? Perhaps his actions spurred on the advent of new technology as necessity is the mother of invention, but we probably could have done without atomic weapons and ICBMs. Only a total and complete buffoon would argue that he did anything good at all.

Germany was physically destroyed, half its women raped, 10 million killed, it was divided and occupied by foreign troops for 50 years.

If Hitler had held out for a few more months Berlin would have been nuked.

What part of that history was good for Germany?

Hitler so destroyed Germany that it had to be rebuilt as did much of the rest of Europe.  Communism spread into eastern Europe and half of Germany as a direct result of his actions.  Yes, there were advances in technology and science, but Germany was hardly the only place that happened.

Dear, the Nazis themselves documented what they did to the Jews, and the 6 million figure is not at all mathematically impossible.  You are poorly informed, poorly educated on the subject. Little anti-Semites always are.
Ron Akia
2020-12-01 23:48:31 UTC
Around 20 years ago, I knew an elderly lady who had resided in Germany as a young mother during WWII. In talking about the war, she described the rough times experienced as they often were on the brink of starvation. In spite of this, she praised Hitler as the savior of the German people although despised the other hierarcy of the Nazi party.
2020-12-01 23:12:34 UTC
- Bad, he started a World War and he lead Germany to almost total destruction in just 12 years. In 1932, France, Britain, and the US suspended Germany's WW1 reparation payments due to the worldwide depression. 

- He didn't stop the spread of communism, in fact it was because of him communism spread to Eastern Europe and East Germany. 

- He wasn't the catalyst for a massive advancement in technology and science. He was responsible for advancement in weapons of mass destruction.

- It wasn't mathematically impossible, according to the 1942 Wannsee Conference, Hitler and the Nazis planned on eliminating 11 million Jews in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Soviet Union.  
2020-12-01 20:15:42 UTC
No doubt Hitler did some good things for Germany in the early part of his reign, but later on, he had the whole WWII (not just the Jews, or the Gypsies, or the gays) as his responsibility.  

He did not stop the spread of communism .   He outlawed communism within Germany at the time, but brought Russia into the war by attacking them and this brought most of eastern Europe under communism.
2020-12-07 03:15:19 UTC
I lived in Germany for years. I believe he wanted the best for Germany, he wanted a car in every drive way, hense the volkswagon [peoples car] and good roads--the autoban, it is twice as thick as our highways, he wanted job for every man, however he worshiped Wagner the great composer who was very anti semetic, Hitler was a good artist and sold some of his work but was rejected by an art school and i think this began his bitterness. his mom doctor was a jew and Hitler sent him a note thanking him for trying to help his beloved mother..HOWEVER Hitler took drugs i believe, and began hi rant towards eliminating ''inferior'' people. you know he did at first put them on a ship and sent them to the states but they were denied entry and therefore the ship returned to Germany. however trust me i am no fan of his. i  have a book on North Korea--that leader is much worse--as recent as 1995 north koreans were eating their own boiled babies out of starvation. us older people remember that about N K
2020-12-05 18:05:44 UTC
He was a murderer. I’m going to let you marinate on that.
2020-12-05 14:18:51 UTC
The economy was rebuilt in Germany after WWII. It shows that Hilter was not necessary for rebuilding the economy. Hitler was responsible for tens of millions of dead people around the world, together with Japan. No economy is worth the lives of tens of millions of people. Germany has a strong economy sincethe end of WWII, without any input from Hitler or fascists. To claim that Hitler was good because of economic reasons is silly. 
2020-12-05 12:01:22 UTC
Sometimes the bulls**t that comes from you anonymous trolls is so deep that you need wings to stay above it.  First, it is easy to rebuild an economy if you just run the money off of the presses and then under-report to the rest of the world how much is in circulation. Look at the New York Times business section during the 1930s.  The german fixed rate for the mark was just over forty cents per mark, but because the business world knew when a rat stank, there was a SEPARATE floating value of the mark, the "commercial" rate, of just over twenty cents per mark.  hitler did NOT stop the spread of communism, in fact, after the soviets spent and in many cases squandered nearly 30 million  lives to compel the little bavarian lance corporal to eat some cyanide, they occupied eastern Europe until the Chernobyl nuclear power plant core explosion compelled their whole system to collapse from within.  As for being a catalyst for the advancement of technology, when your neighbors are so scared of you they make investments of millions (in their local currencies) in order to stay abreast of an adversary, that is hardly a good thing, just read British Social Histories from the time period 1935 - 1945 with regard of how the common Brit. lived.  Tech had to be paid for, and the cost was taken from the lifestyles of the British working and middle classes. Next: you had to separate your statement about the Holocaust because it was so ridiculous.  It is as stupid as trying to convince a  burned out Californian or flooded out resident of the Gulf Coast that global warming had nothing to do with their loss. The only reason why the death toll of the Holocaust cannot be determined with certainty is the ss covered their tracks by destroying pre-war census and rabbinate records of the Jewish populations in Europe.  hitler was an evil scumbag who did no good, NO GOOD WHAT SO EVER.  Europe and the West breathed a quick sigh of relief after his death, quick because we still had to nuke the Japs, and THEIR lasting legacy to us is the chinese f**king communist  party. 
2020-12-05 02:49:03 UTC
Then he went off the deep end and (his people under him did some bad stuff)  He has to take the blame for their actions because he "hired them" That is how leadership works.  So he was "average". He was not a politician. He was a military man. He saw the advantage to having a tank.   As his conflict with Poland(who had men on horses with swords charging and he had tanks and artillery pieces....he won against the Polish cavalry. Poland was part of the U.S.S.R. so they were not about to give up the land without a fight. Russia had tanks too. So that battle did not end well. The rest is history.
2020-12-04 21:36:08 UTC
"Yes, some Jews died in prisoner camps but there was never any genocide and the 6 million number is mathematically impossible"

why was the first extermination camp set up in Dachau?

what about the commissars directive ordering the exection of red army officers?

why do sources suggest things like 'Einsatzgruppen C has a tally of 330,000?

At the Einsatzgruppen trial in Hamburg, when the defense attorneys claimed the numbers were simply too incredible to be true, the court summed it up well: “To say that these figures are incredible is an entirely credible and sane observation. This whole case is incredible. This is the case where the incredible has become the norm.”
2020-12-04 13:35:54 UTC
That depemds if u are a fascist or a commy
2020-12-04 09:15:48 UTC
It all depends on who you were in German society.  If you were a Jew, Gypsy, Jehovah's Witness, Homosexual, or disabled then Hitler was not good for Germany as he wanted them all to be exterminated.  As for the average German who was not discriminated against by the Nazis things improved very well over only 3 or 4 years which was seen as an economic miracle as no other country seemed to be able to shake off the Great Depression.  Germany appeared to have pulled itself out of the massive poverty most people suffered but few realized it was done with money stolen from the people who they exterminated, emptying their bank accounts and selling their assets.  Hitler also borrowed heavily to start large building projects to create jobs to cut unemployment but Hitler wasn't planning to pay back the loans as he knew once he conquered neighboring countries he could refuse to pay back the loans and the lenders would realize not to complain or they would end up in a concentration camp.

  The 1930s under Hitler were boom years of employment and improvement in the lives of many Germans.  Germany encouraged prestige projects such as the auto barns,  massive passenger Zeppelins, huge seaplanes, super powerful battleships, and the 1936 Olympic Games only 3 years after Hitler came to power.  These gave Germans much prestige and pride and the best standard of living they had had in many years.  Hitler had pulled Germany out of a total economic basket case to one of the best countries in the world in the 1930s.

  Unfortunately Hitler had greater plans and was brilliant in building Germany up and pulling it out of poverty but had plans to turn all young men into well disciplined soldiers with the best military equipment of the time, and when he believed Germany was powerful enough launched his plan to conquer Europe and likely the world with him as the leader of the world, which of course ended up with him destroying Germany and taking it back to worse than when he started leading the country.
2020-12-04 01:14:42 UTC
Hitler did nothing wrong.
2020-12-03 02:54:55 UTC
He was evil and would have taken over the entire world if the Allies had not stopped him.
2020-12-02 18:28:39 UTC
Bad and bad. Puzzles me why he was so popular in Germany.
2020-12-02 03:54:34 UTC
He left Germany ravaged and ruined, millions were dead, thousands of women were raped, thousands of men were shipped off to prison camps in the USSR where they were re-educated and taught to love and respect and embrace communism, and the country was divided for the better part of fifty years. 

For all of his vehement self-professed hatred of the Jews, he succeeded in creating a level of sympathy for them that no one could have foreseen, he is directly responsible for the creation of the state of Israel, and thus directly responsible for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His policies led to such a massive drain on brainpower and manpower in Europe that immigration was required and Europe is today heavily populated by non-native peoples who don't want to assimilate or acclimatise, leading to a multitude of problems. 

While he might have hated communism, I can't think of a single human being who did more for communism than he did. His invasion of the USSR prompted the Soviets to industrialise on a massive scale, and combined with the obscene amount of aid they received from the West, the USSR couldn't lose. The Soviets rose to become the second most powerful country in the world and quickly set about sowing the seeds of communism everywhere - Africa, North Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and numerous proxy wars raged for decades and cost millions of lives. 

We're quite used to seeing anonymous cowards who don't have the stones to post using their own screen name asking silly questions about Hitler. And we're all well aware that each and every single one is asked by some spineless, yellow-bellied cur, a dim bulb adolescent who knows more about the inner workings of a nuclear reactor than he does about history. You can debate or deny the number of deaths attributed to him if it makes you feel any better. The rest of us take solace in the fact that it's been proven that he himself was a self-loathing Jew, a drug-addict, an impotent, incestuous paedophile who blew his brains out in a cellar. If that's the kind of chap you want to admire, go right ahead. My guess is that you're a textbook case - friendless, lonely, invisible to the opposite sex, not good at anything, angry at the world, and looking for some way to vent your pent-up frustration about all of your failures and shortcomings. Looks like that's working out wonderfully well. 

Have a great day, champ. 
2020-12-02 03:26:34 UTC
He Never stopped the spread of Communism Germany was 50% communist for 50 years thanks to the Idiot Lance Cpl

Very Bad anyone who Murders his own Citizens because they spoke out against him like the 57% who never Voted for Him he wasI Evil

in 1933 the USA loaned Hitler $840,000,000 from Wall st and Corporate USA Here are 3 of the Contributors Who caused WW2

Standard Oil of New Jersey $120 million invested there;

General Motors $35 million;

ITT $30 million; and

Ford $17.5 million. But he Reinvested his Profits

Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, and in March of that year, Heinrich Himmler announced the first Nazi concentration camp, which opened in the town of Dachau, just outside Munich, a major city in southern Germany. The camp initially housed political prisoners why would anyone need such a Large place Unless you intended to Fill it up with people you don't Like 

Hitler had planned to Murder his own People from 1922

The Holocaust Usually refers to Nazi Germany where Hitler had 6 million Jews and 9 million other Civilians murdered in death camps Here are 22 Known Death camps  there were 25,000 camps in the Reich Transit camps Labour camps Prison camp and death camps Operation Reinhard Transit Camps: They Were Death Camps  No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus and 15 Million civilians would not have died1.Auschwitz–Birkenau, Poland 2.5 Million including 1.2 Million Jews Dr. Johann Kremer witnessing the gassing of victims at Birkenau2.Bełżec, Poland 600,000 Jews3.Bergen-Belsen, Nazi Germany 50,000 on Liberation day there was 13,000 corpses Not buried4.Chełmno, Nazi Germany 180,0005.Dachau, Nazi Germany 43,000 died6.Gross-Rosen, Poland 40,0007,Koldichevo, Belarus 22,0008.Majdanek, Poland 60,0009.Mauthausen, Austria 90,00010.Natzweiler/Struthof, France 20,00011.Neuengam, Nazi Germany 55,00012.Plaszow, Poland 80,000 most in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.13.Sobibor, Poland 250,000, the majority being Jews.14.Stutthof, Danzig 65.00015.Theresienstadt, Czech Republic16.Treblinka, Poland 1,000,000 Jews Murdered here17.Sajmiste in Serbia, 23,00018. Logor Jasenovac in Serbia, 800.00019.Maly Trostenets in the USSR, 206,00020.Janowska, in Ukraine 40,00021.Gornija Rijeka 2,00022.Jasenovac was Croatia’s largest death camp.The worst in WW2 they Murdered some 700,000 serbs and the Bodies were thrown in the River Auschwitz, Majdanek, and Jasenovac were retrofitted with Zyklon-B gas chambers and crematoria buildings as the time went on, remaining operational until war's end in 1945 these were all the Camps in CroatiaJadovno concentration campJasenovac concentration campSisak children's concentration campStara  Gradiška concentration campLobor concentration campSajmiste concentration camp was run by the GermansTenja concentration camp.These sites were used to test the best way of exterminating People and Zyclon B was chosen as the best all from their own Mouths and Documentation and those that refuse to believe need Psychiatric help or are Closet Nazis it was called Operation Reinhard the designer of the Final solutionBełżec 600,000 deathsSobibór 250,000 deathsTreblinka 900,000 deathsLublin/Majdanek 130,000 deathsAll from the German Nazi records Poles 3 million +Yugoslavians 1.5 million +Gypsies 200,000 – 500,000Mentally/Physically Disabled 70,000- 250,000Homosexuals Tens of thousands Spanish Republicans Tens of thousands Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500 – 5,000Boy and Girl Scouts, Clergy, Communists, Czechs, Deportees, Greeks, Political Prisoners, Other POWs,  Resistance Fighters, Serbs, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Others UnknownThe six million figure used in the Jewish death toll is an estimate for total lives lost. These Jewish lives were taken by a number of groups, not just Nazis.The six million figure includes Jewish lives lost in other countries as well, not just Germany, and by the various modes of killing, not just camp deaths. Ukrainian deaths were due to Russian and Nazi perpetrators alike, some killed on "acquired" German soil, others killed on Russian soil, some killed outright, others worked or starved to death.The total Murdered By the Nazis in WW2 was 15 Million including the 6 million Jews The Nazi Euthanasia Centre at Bernburg operated from 21 November 1940 to 30 July 1943 in a separate wing of the State Sanatorium and Mental Hospital Bernburg on the River Saale  It was one of several euthanasia centres run by the Nazis under their official "Euthanasia Programme", later referred to after the war as Action T4. A total of 9,384 sick and handicapped people from 33 welfare institutions and nursing homes as well as around 5,000 prisoners from six concentration camps were killed here in a gas chamber using carbon monoxide gas.Each extermination camp operated differently, yet each had designs for quick and efficient industrialized killing. While Höss was away on an official journey in late August 1941 his deputy, Karl Fritzsch, tested out an idea. At Auschwitz clothes infested with lice were treated with crystallised prussic acid.The crystals were made to order by the IG Farben/Standard Oil America Dupont chemicals company for which the brand name was Zyklon-B. Once released from their container, Zyklon-B crystals in the air released a lethal cyanide gas. Fritzch tried out the effect of Zyklon B on Soviet POWs, who were locked up in cells in the basement of the bunker for this experiment.Höss on his return was briefed and impressed with the results and this became the camp strategy for extermination as it was also to be at Majdanek. Besides gassing, the camp guards continued killing prisoners via mass shooting, starvation, torture The first period of operation in Belzec and Sobibor lasted about three months, in Treblinka five weeks. After this initial phase, those holding key positions in Operation Reinhard decided to introduce "improvements" into the camps so as to increase their extermination capacity. This decision was brought on by Himmler's order of July 19, 1942 that all the Jews in the General Government, with a few exceptions, were to be eradicated by the end of that year. The main problem was finding a way to speed up the extermination procedure, i.e., increasing the absorption capacity of the gas chambers. Belzec was the first camp in which large gas chambers were built. The old wooden structure containing the three gas chambers was demolished, and on the same spot a larger, strong building was erected, which was 24 m. Iong and 10 m. wide. It contained six gas chambers. Statements differ as to their size; they fluctuate between 4 x 4 m. and 4 x 8 m. The new gas chambers were completed in mid July. (StA Munich 1, AZ: 22 Js 68/61, pp. 2602, 2613.)No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus  and is something we must never Forget if you cant prove any of this wrong then dont give me thumbs down.Victims of Nazism included Slavs . Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians and Serbs, Romanis (gypsies), French, Belgians, Dutch, Greeks, Italians LGBT people, lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender the mentally or physically Handicap Soviet POWs, Roman Catholics, Race defilers Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Spanish Republicans, Freemasons, people of colour Afro-German Mischlinge, called leftists, communists, trade unionists, capitalists, social democrats, socialists, anarchists, and every other minority or dissident not considered Aryan (Herrenvolk,as well as those who disagreed with the Nazi regime and Jews wiki gives 6 million Jews and 11 million of the Others I have listedDeath camps in Germany all of these had Gas chambers where they gased those that opposed Hitler Bergen-Belsen, Nazi Germany 50,000 on Liberation day there was 13,000 corpses Not burried and was a Prison camp with No Gas chamber and no cans of Zyclon be were found?Chełmno, Nazi Germany 180,000 31 miles) north of the metropolitan city of LodzDachau, Nazi Germany 43,000 died 10 mi) northwest of MunichNeuengam, Nazi Germany 55,000Bergedorf district of HamburgStutthof, Danzig 65.000(21 mi) east of  DanzigMauthausen, Austria 90,000question why were the Prisoners of Bergen Belsen Not Fumigated with Zyclon B answer because it was a prison camp Not an extermination camp..
2020-12-02 00:52:27 UTC
Hitler did not rebuild the German economy. He tripled the National Debt between his seizure of power in 1933 and 1939. He spent money Germany did not have on building his war machine.

Far from stopping the spread of communism he facilitated it. He made a treaty with Stalin, and when he died he left his country divided and partially under Communist rule.

What massive advanced in science etc was he responsible for?

And yes, he did murder an estimated 6 million Jews, besides Roma, trade unionists, Jehovah's witnesses and homosexuals. You have offered no proof of your claim that he was not responsible for attempted genocide except the nonsense statement that it was mathematically impossible, which is quite meaningless.

Why on earth are you trying to defend him? do you really want to defend the mass murder of children?
2020-12-02 00:16:35 UTC
Terrible.  He "rebuilt" the German economy in a twisted, unstable sense, and then destroyed it utterly by choosing unending war with his neighbors.  

He did not stop the spread of communism, in fact, he aided in its spread first by agreeing to allow the Soviets to occupy the eastern half of Poland, and then by attacking the Soviets stupidly and losing, which in the end allowed the Soviet Empire to occupy all of Eastern Europe.  

Thos advancements you seem so impressed with were coming anyway.  Hitler's desperate need for super weapons, because he was stupid enough to go to war with the rest of the world, might have pushed some technologies along faster than otherwise would have been the case, but the cost was astronomical, and the advances were coming anyway.

Ultimately, Hitler was a complete and utter disaster.  He failed to eliminate England from the war, he invaded Russia much too late in the season, he declared war upon the US, despite the fact that he was not required to do so, and he continually refused to accept reality in economic, political and military matters, leading to the destruction of his armies and the conquest of his nation.  He even abandoned the German people at the end, like a petulant child, and ordered the destruction of critical non-military infrastructure in the last days of the war, saying that the German people had failed him, and should not survive.  

Hmmmm....good or bad?  Tens of millions dead, a decent into barbarity and madness in murdering 9 million innocent, helpless victims, a shattered country, a shattered Europe, and a invigorated, successful and confident Soviet Union.  that's what Hitler did.  
2020-12-01 21:46:56 UTC
He never advanced anything except murder and world wide hatred and 20 million deaths.
2020-12-01 21:09:10 UTC
What is the point of answering, you will delete this question like you did with the previous one.
2020-12-01 20:40:49 UTC
You need to look at the German-kept records of the time.  It turns out that 6 million was an underachievement.  If the Germans had been half as efficient as they wished there would have been 10 million Jews dead, 3 million Gypsies, probably another 10 million Russian (a doubling of the number of civilians that were killed), about 2 million Slavs, three million Greeks, four million Yugoslavs and (as soon as he was able) five million Italians.  Hitler was an abomination.  I'm voting 'bad' for both Germany and the world.
2020-12-01 20:17:44 UTC
Leaving aside you holocaust denial, he was also responsible for invading Russia which lead to half of Europe being under communist rule for 60 years.
2020-12-01 20:10:05 UTC
There are none so blind as those that won't see.
2020-12-01 22:31:05 UTC
His foreign relations and foreign policies and his way of going about things were what let him down.

His inability to use diplomacy turned everything that may have been positive about him, in to a negative.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.