Is the Holocaust a propaganda tool?
2017-05-22 00:13:06 UTC
Is the Holocaust a propaganda tool Jews use to guilt and subjugate non-Jewish people? Is it mostly fictitious?
Thirteen answers:
2017-05-25 04:22:57 UTC
In the same way I can ask :Are you real? Who are you hanging out with?
2017-05-24 19:47:51 UTC
Also, the Holocaust didn't just kill jews. Catholics, gypsies, the mentally disabled were also sent to the camps.

Victims enumerated

Further information: Holocaust victims

Victims (enlarged) Killed Source

Jews 5.93 million Dawidowicz[339]

Soviet POWs 2–3 million Berenbaum[340]

Ethnic Poles 1.8–2 million Piotrowski[341][342]

Serbs 300,000–500,000 Yad Vashem[343][344]

Disabled 270,000 DCHGS[345]

Romani 90,000–220,000 USHMM / Hancock[346][347]

Freemasons 80,000–200,000 Hodapp [348]

Slovenes 20,000–25,000 ICH[349]

Homosexuals 5,000–15,000 Harran [350]

Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500–5,000 Shulman [351]

Spanish Republicans 7,000 Pike [352]

The number of victims depends on which definition of the Holocaust is used. The traditional view identifies over five million European Jews as the lone victims of the Holocaust. According to British historian Martin Gilbert, the total number of victims is actually just under six million, or around 78 percent of the 7.3 million Jews in occupied Europe at the time.[353] Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia (2000), have adopted a broader definition which also embraces the Romani and the handicapped as victims of racially motivated crimes, along with the Jews.[354] They also offered two additional definitions which include the viewpoints of historians who identify several additional victim groups.[355] Timothy D. Snyder wrote: "The term Holocaust is sometimes used in two other ways: to mean all German killing policies during the war, or to mean all oppression of Jews by the Nazi regime."[356]

Broader definitions of so-called "parallel Holocausts" include the two-to-three million Soviet POWs who died as a result of mistreatment due to Nazi racial policies, two million non-Jewish ethnic Poles who died due to the conditions that resulted from the Nazi occupation of Poland, 270,000 mentally and physically disabled people who were killed in Nazi Germany's eugenics program, 90,000–220,000 Romani, 80,000–200,000 Freemasons, 20,000–25,000 Slovenes, 5,000–15,000 homosexuals, 2,500–5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses and 7,000 Spanish Republicans, bringing the death toll to around 11 million. The broadest definition would include six million Soviet civilians who died as a result of war-related famine and disease, raising the death toll to 17 million.[357] A research project conducted by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimated that 15 to 20 million people died or were imprisoned.[14] Rudolph Rummel estimates the total democidal death toll of Nazi Germany to be 21 million

2017-05-22 16:48:41 UTC
No, but you are defnitely a troll. Please go away and stop giving a platform for the Holocaust deniers by asking questions like this.
2017-05-22 10:08:18 UTC
Here are 22 Known Death camps please try and Prove anyone was Not Or prove they never existed

Operation Reinhard Transit Camps: They Were Death Camps | Holocaust Denial on Trial

Dont challenge me I have put up the Challenge you prove them wrong or never existed if you cant then shut up dont Challenge me to prove anything

1.Auschwitz–Birkenau,Poland 2.5 Million including 1.2 Million Jews

Dr. Johann Kremer witnessing the gassing of victims at Birkenau

2.Bełżec, Poland 600,000 Jews

2.Bergen-Belsen, Nazi Germany Liberation day there was 13,000 corpses Not burried

4.Chełmno, Nazi Germany

5.Dachau, Nazi Germany 43,000 died

6.Gross-Rosen, Poland]

7,Koldichevo, Belarus

8.Majdanek, Poland

9.Mauthausen, Austria

10.Natzweiler/Struthof, France

11.Neuengam, Nazi Germany

12.Plaszow, Poland

13.Sobibor, Poland 250,000, the majority being Jews.

14.Stutthof, Danzig

15.Theresienstadt, Czech Republic

16.Treblinka, Poland 1,000,000 Jews Murdered here

17.Sajmiste in Serbia,

18. Logor Jasenovac in Serbia,

19.Maly Trostenets in the USSR,

20.Janowska, in Ukraine and

21.Gornija Rijeka

22.Jasenovac was Croatia’s largest death camp. And the worst in WW2 they Murdered some 700,000 serbs

Auschwitz, Majdanek, and Jasenovac were retrofitted with Zyklon-B gas chambers and crematoria buildings as the time went on, remaining operational until war's end in 1945

These sites were used to test the best way of exterminating People and Zyclon B was chosen as the best all from their own Mouths and Documentation and those that refuse to believe need Psychiatric help or are Closet Nazis

Bełżec 600,000 deaths

Sobibór 250,000 deaths

Treblinka 900,000 deaths

Lublin/Majdanek 130,000 deaths all from the German? Nazi records

Poles 3 million +

Yugoslavians 1.5 million +

Gypsies 200,000 – 500,000

Mentally/Physically Disabled70,000- 250,000

Homosexuals Tens of thousands

Spanish Republicans Tens of thousands

Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500 – 5,000

Boy and Girl Scouts, Clergy, Communists, Czechs, Deportees, Greeks, Political Prisoners, Other POWs, Resistance Fighters, Serbs, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Others Unknown

The six million figure used in the Jewish death toll is an estimate for total lives lost. These Jewish lives were taken by a number of groups, not just Nazis. The six million figure includes Jewish lives lost in other countries as well, not just Germany, and by the various modes of killing, not just camp deaths. Ukrainian deaths were due to Russian and Nazi perpetrators alike, some killed on "acquired" German soil, others killed on Russian soil, some killed outright, others worked or starved to death.

The total Murdered By the Nazis in WW2 was 15 Million including the 6 million Jews

The Nazi Euthanasia Centre at Bernburg operated from 21 November 1940 to 30 July 1943 in a separate wing of the State Sanatorium and Mental Hospital Bernburg on the River Saale It was one of several euthanasia centres run by the Nazis under their official "Euthanasia Programme", later referred to after the war as Action T4. A total of 9,384 sick and handicapped people from 33 welfare institutions and nursing homes as well as around 5,000 prisoners from six concentration camps were killed here in a gas chamber using carbon monoxide gas.

Each extermination camp operated differently, yet each had designs for quick and efficient industrialized killing. While Höss was away on an official journey in late August 1941 his deputy, Karl Fritzsch, tested out an idea. At Auschwitz clothes infested with lice were treated with crystallised prussic acid.

 The crystals were made to order by the IG Farben Dupont chemicals company for which the brand name was Zyklon-B. Once released from their container, Zyklon-B crystals in the air released a lethal cyanide gas. Fritzch tried out the effect of Zyklon B on Soviet POWs, who were locked up in cells in the basement of the bunker for this experiment. Höss on his return was briefed and impressed with the results and this became the camp strategy for extermination as it was also to be at Majdanek. Besides gassing, the camp guards continued killing prisoners via mass shooting, starvation, torture

dont bother reading the fool on the hill a confirmed Nazi and an anti semitic

The construction of Birkenau began in October 1941. The building was supervised by the “Central Building Authority of the Waffen SS and Police, Auschwitz, Upper Silesia”, established on 1 October, 1941, and headed by Sturmbannführer (Major) Karl Bischoff. The Blueprint Office, headed by Hauptscharführer (First Sergeant-Major) Wichmann, was responsible for preparing the construction plans, which were drawn up by SS officers who had studied architecture or engineering, and several prisoners with the appropriate technical training. Herta Soswinski, a prisoner who worked as a clerk at the Building Authority, recalls:

“The task of the Bauleitung [Building Authority] was the overall planning of all the construction works within Auschwitz, including living quarters, medical facilities, crematoria, gas chambers…The Bauleitung was not only responsible for the planning, but also for the labor itself, the allocation of materials and supervision. The SS men who worked on the plans, were also active at the building sites, when necessary.”
2017-05-22 08:37:08 UTC
No it is not, one of my family members died in one of hitler's camps, believe me the holocaust happened,only morons do not believe it now.
2017-05-22 06:49:51 UTC
There is no doubt that it has been used as a propaganda tool (by both pro- and anti-semites).

But it does not follow that it is fictitious.

Why is logic so difficult for you?
poornakumar b
2017-05-22 05:26:38 UTC
It is very low in propaganda, against the background of what was done really.
Elaine M
2017-05-22 01:15:46 UTC
Only the uneducated ever ask this question.

Learn your HISTORY. You obviously missed it in class.
2017-05-22 00:35:33 UTC
No, just look up the facts. No one could have made up something of this magnitude.
2017-05-22 00:22:49 UTC
No, and no, and also, you are going to rot in hell.
2017-05-23 04:13:07 UTC
No. Knock off the anti-Semitic nonsense.
Shawn Robin
2017-05-22 17:16:52 UTC
No, it's a fact proved by Germany's own Holocaust archives:

"The 50 million pages stored in this central German spa town since the mid-1950s previously had been used by Red Cross staff to respond to inquiries about missing persons or the fate of family members, and later to document compensation claims. The gray metal shelves and cabinets contain 16 miles (25 kilometers) of transport lists, camp registries, medical records, forced labor files and death certificates of some 17.5 million people subjected to Nazi persecutions."

Link -

"The Bad Arolsen facility, spread over several buildings, began as a British Red Cross card index in 1943 and was used to reunite families beginning in 1946. It now has details on an estimated 17.5 million civilians killed or forced to leave their homes by the Nazis. It includes meticulous records kept at concentration camps by the Nazis and a complete postwar index of every non-citizen who was on German soil during the war years."

Link -

And it's hardly the only such Archive there is:

"EHRI – the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure – provides access to rich information about more than 1,800 Holocaust-related archival institutions in 51 countries..."

Link -

Then there's all the eye witnesses to the Holocaust who saw it for themselves:

-Civilians on both sides who witnessed Jews being rounded up and/or lived near death camps.

-Nazis who freely admitted their roles in the Holocaust

-Soldiers from the American, British, Canadian and Soviet armies who'd liberated Nazi death camps.

And all their supporting evidence: military reports, sworn affidavits, photos, enemy prisoners, etc.

When the Germans freely admit committing the Holocaust - and can prove they did it - only nuts & dummies are stupid enough to sit around pretending it didn't happen.
2017-05-22 02:23:17 UTC
No, a thousand times no.

There are eyewitness accounts from soldiers who liberated the camps. President Eisenhower was so enraged by the slaughter that he went to a camp and invited journalists and the media to publicize the horror.

When the SS guards left the camps, they left in such a hurry that they left behind mountains of documents. The Nazis themselves made films and took photos of the atrocities. This was the worst evidence presented against them at the Nuremberg Trials.

The Nazis were careful record keepers. In the concentration camps every death was attributed to pneumonia, typhus, typhoid, influenza, etc,, but not starvation, which underlay all the deaths.

The Final Solution was a top level Nazi plan put into place in 1942 at a conference (the Wansee conference, I believe). Since about the age of 19 Hitler ranted ceaselessly about how Jews had to be exterminated. Nazi propaganda called for the same thing.

At the Nuremberg Trials none of the top Nazis denied the Holocaust. They simply claimed to be following orders.

Hitler's architect and Reichs Minister Albert Speer wrote his autobiography, in which he admits the reality of the Holocaust.

Jews are not the only ones who claim they were victims. The Nazis also killed large numbers of Poles, and nearly wiped out the Gypsies. If you need more information, I can direct you to libraries full of it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.