World War I
Treaty of Versailles and formation of the League of Nations
NFL formed in 1919
Black Sox Scandal
Native Americans are granted citizenship in 1924
Great Depression and Stock Market Crash
First Talkie in 1927 Wings
Babe Ruth breaks the 60 home Run barrier in 1927
Hitler becomes chancellor in Germany wnhich almost runs parallel to FDR being President of the US(Hitler 1/30/33-4/30/45 an FDR 3/4/33-4/12/45)
Baseball's All-Star Game begins in 1933 at Comiskey Park in Chicago
Prohibition legislated in 1919 and repealed in 1933
New Deal of FDR
Japan flexes its muscle in Manchuria, China and the rest of Asia and the South Pacific and bombs Pearl Harborin 1931,1937,1940-1941
World War II 1939-1945
D-Day June 6,1944
Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6,9,1945
V-E Day May 8,1945 V-J Day September 2, 1945
Cold War 1945-1991
Rise of Suburbia in the 1950's
Korean War 1950-1953
Vietnam War 1954-1975
Gulf War 1991
Operation Desert Freedom 2003-Present
Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962
March on Washington and "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28, 1963
Kennedy assassinated on November 22,1963
Man walks on the Moon July 20,1969
Nixon visits China in 1972
Watergate 1973-74
Bicentennial year 1976
Miracle on Ice in 1980 Winter Olympics
Iranian Hostage Crisis lasting last 444 days of Carter's administration
First Super Bowl played on January 15,1967
the Invention of TV in the late 1920's
Invention of the Internet in the early 1970's
Berlin Wall comes down in 1989(eected in 1961)
Communist Revolution begins in 1917 and ends in 1991
handi assassinated in January 1948, only months after India received independence on August 15,1947
Communists under Mao take over China on October 1,1949
Challenger disaster on January 28,1986 and Columbia disaster on February 1,2003
Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19,1995
First Trade Center bombing in February 1993
September 11,2001- the day time stood still
Election of 2000 Bush wins by a chad
Sandra Day O'Connor nominated and received as the first woman on the Supreme Court in 1981
Roe vs Wade on January 22, 1973