the Battle of Britain if the UK had Lost No Bases for the launch of D Day No win In North Africa no Americans in Europe
and From the Loss of the battle of Britain the Nazis never won any battle that helped them Win WW2
No Britain in WW2 No Americans In Europe No allies in Europe Just the USSR against the Nazis alone without any Lend lease without any Supplies from Canada
No D Day and the Germans Taking Moscow and Stalingrad
Take the British Out of the war In Europe and what do You Have
Answer a Nazi Fortress Fighting on One Front against the USSR end of story
D Day was only to ensure Stalin's 7.2 Million stopped at agreed Lines he could have Moved on to the Mediterranean and Not even the Incompetent Paton could have Done anything about that
Go to Europe Look at the Battle Ground No UK in WW2 the Germans only had one front so the battle of Britain was the First Major defeat in WW2
followed By the Double defeat of El Alamain Both lost By the Germans thus keeping the British in WW2
Many Historians say the Germans would have Lost without a single American putting a single foot on European Soil