Where were you on September 11, 2001?
2015-03-01 12:49:02 UTC
I was in 6th grade and I remember my teacher turning the TV on and the whole class just sat there going Whooaaa, and I remember a few parents coming and taking their kids away because they were panicking
93 answers:
2015-03-03 02:32:54 UTC
i was 1
2015-03-03 19:05:27 UTC
I was in 7th grade back then. I was on the bus to school when someone mentioned planes flying into the WTC and I didn't believe them. Then I got to my first class and the teacher told everyone about what happened. I remember not really caring and wondering why everyone was so freaked out. It was pretty sweet though because we had an assembly that day which lasted like 3 hours where we didn't have to be in class, then we got to go home early because everyone's parents were all paranoid. For the next two weeks or so there wasn't any homework either because of all the "trauma" and many parents kept their kids home. All we did was sit in class an discuss current events, while I doodled cartoons in my notebook and gave nary a damn. It was sweet.
2015-03-01 17:59:07 UTC
At school, in Virginia. I was in 4th grade and the teachers weren't allowed to turn on the TV or tell us what happened. We were only about a half hour from the Pentagon, and they were probably afraid that some students might have had parents who worked there and didn't want to get everyone panicked. They tried to just continue with the day and act normal, but we could tell that the teachers were all upset about something. A lot of kids' parents started coming and picking them up early too. My parents didn't though, so I didn't find out what was going on until I got home that afternoon. My mom told me what was going on and we (me, my parents, and my older brother) just watched the news in horror.
Louie O
2015-03-02 16:52:14 UTC
I was at work in a 'clean room' about 20 miles from where Flight 93 crashed. An excited maintenance man came in the clean room (it's isolated with no windows) and said two planes have crashed into the World Trade Towers and another plane crashed 20 miles away they think terrorists did it and they think they have more planes in the air, he said stay here and we'll keep you informed and then he left.

He didn't come back and tell us what was going for another hour. For that hour we felt trapped because we couldn't leave and we couldn't see outside and we didn't know if a war had started or what. Later when I went home after my shift and turn the news on and saw what happened to the people in the Trade Towers I felt foolish for feeling trapped at work because we saw what being trapped really was. The next day my coworkers told me they felt the same way when they got home and turned on the news and saw what happened.
2015-03-02 19:15:34 UTC
Your question: "Where were you on September 11, 2001? I was in 6th grade and I remember my teacher turning the TV on and the whole class just sat there going Whooaaa, and I remember a few parents coming and taking their kids away because they were panicking"


Since it started at 8:46 AM in New York, I was asleep.

But I heard about it about 3 hours later on the way to work listening to National Public Radio.

driving to work.
2015-03-08 07:29:28 UTC
I was in my car on the way to the grocery store when the news first came on the car radio. I came to a grade-level railroad crossing, and was surprised to see an Amtrack train stopped a few yards short of the crossing. They just sat there. Then the radio reported that all public transport had been ordered to stop. Officialdom had no earthly idea what was going on - and they flat out panicked, the dumb clucks! I drove on past the crossing, and later marveled at the sheer stupidity of the government's reactions.
2015-03-03 14:33:34 UTC
I was in first grade. It was recess. While I was playing with a friend, my teacher came out and told me that my dad was there to pick me up. Of course I didn't question anything. I was just happy to be going home. When I went into the main office, I saw my dad, brother and sister waiting for me. While my siblings and I were waiting, my dad was talking to my teacher and principal, sort of whispering. Obviously, I know what they were talking about now. On the way home, my sister said to me "A lot of people died today." We got home and my mom came out and hugged all of us. She was crying. We went inside and the news was on. I knew it was a horrific tragedy, but I thought it was just an accident at the time. I didn't know how terrible this world could be sometimes.
2015-03-01 20:00:11 UTC
Born 1943 - aged 58 - I was early-retired and watching the 'breaking news' on TV.

With a profound sense of deja vu - and concern, as to whether the multi-pronged

plane attacks would include The White House - and President Bush.

Fortunately NOT. It was soon confirmed Bush was well away from the targets -

and there was little chance of a series of US nuclear RESPONSES being set in mistake.
2015-03-01 13:48:16 UTC
I was sitting at my desk at work in an empty office waiting for everyone else to arrive, When a coworker showed up she started telling me a weird story about a plane hitting the World Trade in NYC. While she was talking my phone rang and my mother was on the line telling me what had just happened
Texas Czech Chick
2015-03-03 11:47:34 UTC
I arrived at work at 8:00 a.m. in San Antonio, Texas only to see a few coworkers in the conference room watching the t.v. -The announcer said that a plane had hit one of the twin towers and they were speculating whether it was accidental,. Then within a few seconds as we all watched in horrror as the 2nd plane hit. Everyone of us freaked out. No one worked at all that day. We watched t.v. and it only got worse as we heard about the plane going down in the field and the hit on the Pentagon.

My mother was on a plane that day headed out of Dallas enroute to a cruise in Alaska. She said she could tell the plane was turning around and the pilot announced they were going back to DFW. Once they got off the plane, she found out what happened.

I will never, ever forget that day seeing the horrified people running down New York streets, and those poor people jumping off of those towers. What those god damned barbarians did to us, and are still trying to to do America is just mind boggling.
Ivy Knowles
2015-03-03 15:10:13 UTC
I was a 9th grader at edison high school, I arrived to my health class late and they had the tv on, I swear I thought they were watching will smiths movie indepence day because I seen a building blowing up. I just remember thinking why are we watching a movie today but then I read the headline. My mom called the school and came and got me. I almost cried just now thinking about it.
Holly R
2015-03-03 07:45:41 UTC
I was at work and happened to stop by a co-worker's desk where she had a radio. When the news about the first tower was announced I began crying because I knew it was not an accident. She, the co-worker, looked at me and asked "What are you crying about?" And I told her that we had just been attacked. She looked at me and shook her head, not believing it. Shortly, the news about the second tower came through and I was too upset to react anymore. By this time, everyone in the office realized that we had been attacked by some entity other than our own terrorists. I realize that other people, other cultures have been affected just as strongly by violence in their lands, but this was the first time a foreign terrorist had attacked us and it changed our psyche immediately. I was heartbroken.
Mike W
2015-03-01 12:57:16 UTC
Was still sleeping when the first plane hit, it was only 5:45 AM. Heard something about an airplane hitting a tower on the radio, turned on the TV and got my first look at what happened.
2015-03-02 07:07:31 UTC
I was at work,

having just returned from a weeks holiday in New York !!

I was actually showing people my photos

one of me up on the roof of the Twin Towers

when the news broke.

A work collegue walked into the room

looked at the photo and said

''A plane has just crashed into that!''

We all thought it must be a small plane .. an accident.

Five minutes later he came back in and said

''Another plane has just crashed into the other one''.

The TV went on .. and no work was done that day.
2015-03-03 11:49:16 UTC
I was about one year old, but my class asked our teacher and she said that "it was wired because we couldn't get on the internet all day then we got like calls from parents to come pick up their kids early.

my aunt was working in the pentagon at the time but she was on the other side of the building. Once the plane hit she could feel it and everyone was trying to evacuate, she had to help people leave the building. She ended up walking home because the roads were bad. (her house isn't to far and she probably took the metro or something i remember her telling me that she had to walk)
2015-03-01 12:50:27 UTC
I was at 7-11 buying a double gulp and the Indian cashier guy was like " Did you see that, that was insane"

Then a few hours later I saw stupid asš bush on TV just sitting there with NOTHING to say
2015-03-03 07:43:44 UTC
Making bookshelves in my shop. It was perfect September day - cool and sunny. Went in for lunch and turned on CNN for any breaking news (they always had breaking news). Seemed like minutes when ANG fighters took-off from the local airport. The next few days it was apparent our lives were changed.
Weasel McWeasel
2015-03-02 07:12:21 UTC
As a life long new Yorker, who once worked in the complex..........I was actually in Italy in 2001.....and had just put my infant son down for his usual 2.30 nap........(8:30 am NYC time) and decided to make myself a cup of tea........and Flick on CNN, and see what was going on in the world.

Just as I flipped on CNN-------at that precise moment.....they broke in with the first reports of a "hole" in the North Tower . I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My sister still worked in the complex.

I tried to call her, but the lines were already jammed and I couldn't get thru.......

I sat there, watching it unfold, LIVE, from across the world. It was surreal.

As the reporter was looking AT the camera, with the smoking tower behind him......a second plane just swooped in and smashed into the other tower. Even the reporter didn't see it . He turned around, and started babbling about "secondary gas explosions".....and I was literally shaking the tv, screaming......

"It was a PLANE, you IDIOT!!!!!!! REPLAY the TAPE!!!!!!!!! But he had no clue-.....and for like 10 minutes......he just kept babbling.......until some bright boy, finally re-wound the tape........ and then it was clear.

Then I just watched in horror, as the first and then second Towers collapsed.............

how can ya forget a thing like that.............just unbelieveable. And in all that chaos, was my sister somewhere...............who, thank God, lived to tell her tale....
2015-03-01 15:03:14 UTC
I was at a pediatricians office with my youngest child and didn't know anything until after lunch that day. I was glued to the tv for the remainder of the day and wishing my other 2 kids were home from school with me.
2015-03-04 19:31:58 UTC
I was 6 years old at the time, in Vienna, Austria on my way back to the U.S. with the family when the flight was held for a week due to 9/11.
محمد‎ أسماء‎
2015-03-01 19:08:29 UTC
It was my 2nd day of school, and I had just started high school as a freshman. I was getting ready for school that morning. I heard something on the news when I was leaving out the door.. When I got to 1st period Science class everyone was talking about it. The teacher told us what happened, as the details unfolded. He then brought out a television, and we all watched it on the news.
2015-03-04 11:12:23 UTC
I was acually a college professor in those terrible days and i was teaching my class about modern day society funilyy enough and it just came up on our screen people panicked,dies parentscam epeople died its sad very sad i dont know what iv edone with my life after that i mean nevermind acually this isnt a place toshare.
2015-03-03 19:49:45 UTC
I was sleeping because it was early in the morning where I was. But my mother called me from the living room downstairs and i got up and went down. "Come and see what is happening" She said. I watched and OMG Did I Cry. It´s not the sort of thing you want to wake up to. I made an effort and held back most of my tears .. I could have cried much more than I did so.
2015-03-01 22:59:37 UTC
On the day 9/11 2001 I returned home from work early to see on TV a great pall of dark grey/black smoke pouring out of the City of New York. As a child of the London Blitz, I knew instinctively that what I was seeing was very serious indeed.

As a Londoner my reaction was to reach out to the people of New York and of the USA and tell them we are by your side.


London UK
Special EPhex
2015-03-02 18:35:30 UTC
It was my freshman year in college and I was on my way to class. As I was coming out of the dorm building as one of the Japanese exchange students was coming in. She asked me, "did you hear that their was terror in D.C." I assumed, being foreign to America, that she understand the crime we have in our major cities, thinking that is what she meant, as D.C. had one of the highest murder rates at one point around that time. I thought to myself, 'honey, the is terror everywhere,' if crime was her definition of 'terror'. I said no, and didn't even asked about what she meant or anything and I proceeded to the admissions office before class.

I was waiting in the lobby for my financial aid councilor and it was just me and the receptionist with the TV on in the background. At the time I heard a 'small plane has flown into the building', and I am thinking how does that happen? I turned and looked at the screen and I saw a close up of the whole in the WTC, but at the time I didn't know that it was the world trade building. Then I thought, was this the terror she was talking about?; there is nothing that tall in Washington. My councilor was saying stuff like, 'this is terrible, its really bad," and I'm like 'yeah', but I still did not know what the hell was going on.

I didn't find out until I got to class when my professor addressed it in class. She wouldn't turn the TV on so we can find out more, nor was class cancelled. After classes I remember group of students gathered in the lounge of our dorm building all day watching the news. No one had any idea of what this meant to the future of our country.
trurider t
2015-03-03 00:55:45 UTC
I was in my office in England working on my Computer when it went dead. I phoned the IT dept but got no answer. I then found out why, a plane had just gone into the bottom floor of our IT dept destroying it and trapping those of our IT dept it did not kill. Our IT dept was in the first tower hit and I worked for Marsh.
2015-03-04 15:33:02 UTC
That's funny because we both pretty much share the same story. I was in the 6th grade as well when that happened and my teacher turned on the TV, but I remember more students panicking than teachers or parents.
2015-03-01 19:53:55 UTC
In my Vascular Surgeon's office where I was having sutures removed from a recent vein ligation and stripping operation.
2015-03-01 12:54:22 UTC
I was on my way to work and I heard two people commenting on a plane that hit a building and that several other planes were "missing" thought to be hijacked.

By the time I got to my office, everybody was talking about it.
2015-03-03 17:03:52 UTC
I was two, but I can still remember it, oddly enough. This was a bit after it happened, but I remember playing outside in the backyard, and there were no planes in the sky. This was weird, because you can usually hear planes where I live (Chicago-area), in fact, there's almost always a plane in the sky. I can remember it was eerily quiet.
2015-03-03 14:41:05 UTC
I was at work in Oxford, England. I heard that planes had hit the twin towers and the BBC website was overloaded by hits when I tried to find out what was going on.
Shawn Robin
2015-03-03 13:38:05 UTC
I was in the Canadian city of Toronto, standing around in the driveway of my house in the Rosedale neighbourhood with two buddies as we all waited on a fourth friend to show up.

The plan for the day was to spend the morning golfing and the afternoon with our wives & girlfriends out on Lake Ontario sailing.

All of us were (and still are) self employed, so skipping out on work was no problem except for that last guy.

While myself and the others own our own businesses, he's a dentist and was held up by an early morning emergency appointment.

That's why he was running late.

Early autumn in Canada is still summer weather, and it was a sunny, warm and gorgeous morning that day.

We had a 9 AM tee-off time booked at a nearby golf club we were all members of and worried we'd be late.

I put the top down on my car and turned on the radio in my car so we'd have some music to listen to and to get the traffic reports.

Instead, we heard news of a plane hit a building in New York and that it was total pandemonium down there.

We all trooped inside and turned on the news just as the second plane hit.

-It's not every day you watch the start of a war on live TV.

My friends didn't realize that's what we were seeing, but I knew it wasn't a coincidence. It was deliberate.

I had it confirmed when a relative in the Canadian military phoned to say we'd just gone on full alert because the Americans were under attack.

(A Canadian General was in command at NORAD that day. So our military realized what was happening even as the US chains of political and military commands froze - and failed - in shock.)

I also knew what it meant for Canada - we invented NATO, wrote parts of its treaty - and I knew war against any NATO nation was war with all of NATO. Meaning Canada was at war too.

It was one hell of a surreal experience none of us will ever forget, along with the Canadian victims of 9/11.

(Citizens of more than 90 nations - including 24 Canadians - died in the 9/11 attacks, not just Americans.)

As a Canadian, my proudest moment was how we handled all the flights bound for the US diverted to our airspace.

Places like the tiny town of Gander Newfoundland took in thousands of panicked travellers, cared for them like they were family, and kept them safe till US airspace was reopened.

Canada took a huge risk Americans have never truly realized or appreciated because we had no idea if there were more terrorists on any of those planes. Terrorists that might settle for crashing planes into Canadian buildings in revenge for their flights being diverted to our airspace.

-We let them land at airports all over the country before closing our own airspace.

Canada could've said, "Screw you" and closed our own skies to those flights and let them all run out of fuel and crash at sea or on US soil but we did the decent, honourable thing and saved thousands of lives.

As it turned out, there weren't more hijackers. But nobody knew that on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
2015-03-01 13:32:08 UTC
At home watching tv when a plane came on tv flying into a tall building. I thought what the hell was that.
2015-03-04 14:02:49 UTC
I was less than two weeks old lying in an incubator at the hospital, completely oblivious to the tragedy that was occurring miles away from where I was peacefully resting.
2015-03-03 10:55:43 UTC
I had flown to Oklahoma from California to visit my best friend. Of course all flights home were cancelled. When I could finally fly home, I was terrified the whole way home.
2015-03-02 14:07:28 UTC
Camden N.J. on top of a silo working- the U.S.S. NEW JERSEY docked next to plant an the Walt Whitman bridge 1/4 mile south. We were called down an sent home. For the one who down voted my answer then u tell the other*s where I was smarta#$
2015-03-03 01:20:27 UTC
I was either working or playing a game of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
2015-03-02 21:23:02 UTC
Leon Wieseltier~ No great deed private or public had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty.
2015-03-02 02:33:19 UTC
i was a 14 yr old, it was around afternoon time here, & i was in the waiting area at social services, there was news about the twin towers on a small TV which people were crowding around to gawp at. i'll be honest and say i didn't think of it much, i had other things to think/worry about.
2015-03-06 08:01:28 UTC
I Was not even Born then.

P.S. I am Sorry for those people killed.

P.P.S. I was born September 12th 2005.
2015-03-01 23:51:40 UTC
Was driving to work listening to Howard Stern talking about the first plane. They brought a TV into the studio to report and then the second plane hit while he was live on air. i had to pull over to digest what I had just heard
Kit Fang
2015-03-01 13:02:52 UTC
I was at school. My grandparents picked me up at the end of the day (I live in the UK), and they always had Sky News on in the background, and me and my grandfather walked into the kitchen where the tv was just as the second aeroplane hit.
2015-03-02 17:49:39 UTC
I was home recovering from some injuries - and realizing I'd be going back into the Infantry if I wasn't too badly damaged.
Q The First Timelord
2015-03-03 16:36:25 UTC
I was in a plane heading for the World Trade Center.
2015-03-03 04:32:44 UTC
I was 4 months old 👶
2015-03-03 16:08:28 UTC
I was at home sleeping. When my clock radio woke me up, the first thing I heard was "Jets have struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America is under attack"
2015-03-02 12:07:28 UTC
I was at work . It's was not till I got home turn the Tv on and stood there for awhile in shock as I could not believe my eyes .
2015-03-01 19:41:47 UTC
I was in my garden.My neighbor worked the night shift and just got off work and came over and told me.I remember it was a beautiful day,I thought she was joking at first.
2015-03-02 19:30:28 UTC
In the library. I was inn first grade, and I had to return a book. One of the teachers whispered to the other and told me to leave and that my mom will be coming to pick me up.
Jay R
2015-03-04 09:42:03 UTC
I had risen from bed and entered the kitchen where my mother stood looking out the window on that California morning. In a subdued tone, she said. "We've got troubles". Assuming that she was seeing the "troubles" through the window, I stood beside her to have a look.
2015-03-02 19:29:05 UTC
Sleeping in my bed cause I was like 1 year old.
Peter Sokolwskyj
2015-03-02 18:50:20 UTC
Have U been asleep for a hundred years sleeping beauty, turn on your computer check out Utube then look at false flags and 911 hoaxes, Ull learn 911 was the best scam ever in history manufactured by George Bush and Silverstone that greedy ole property developer U al know so well Mr super rich that no one can touch meT ha! ha! ha!. The world trade towers were asbestos ridden and the buildings were condemned along those other wrecks alongside all were demolished separately with explosives ridden inside. Inside Job mate! No planes but bombs placed precisely for demolition style and surface to air missile launched either by destroyer or aircraft carrier struck the Pentagon obviously ordered by top brass. High command job; the presidents office was in on it and bombed their own people to start a war in order to steal oil. gold etc.from Iraqi. Worst of all he corrupt C&N Media collaborated with global networks fabricating those phoney planes crashing illusions on prime time bullshit brainwash dangerous evil telly frightening us globally to oblivion! there's more....... that ole war criminal George Bush is still at large and all this amazing features is another American manufactured Hollywood set product like the false Oklahoma bombing wasn't that too an inside job? I maybe a aussie down under but wow I love Utube they sure expose the bullshit quickly and correct the historical data and keep the truth in tact from the corrupt evil new world order.
Tad Dubious
2015-03-02 05:35:50 UTC
St. Louis. A park ranger even told me that morning they were closing down the Arch grounds as they feared it would be attacked.
2015-03-04 08:58:44 UTC
I was at home in Las Vegas. I was not even 1 yet so I don t remember it. My mom said she was feeding us when it came on the television. So yeah, that s where I was ^-^
2015-03-04 04:23:44 UTC
I think I was like 8 then. I was living in Perth with my parents.
2015-03-01 13:06:18 UTC
That was over a decade ago, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday!
2015-03-03 10:10:54 UTC
In the 8th grade. Nobody panicked. The teacher just kept on going with class.
2015-03-03 07:29:25 UTC
Driving a city bus.
2015-03-03 16:51:41 UTC
I was in 2nd grade, I remembered a kid from my class yell "THE TWINS TOWERS ARE FALLING" (My school was in Brooklyn NY, you could see the Twins towers perfectly) The teacher said "Yeah Right", then everyone started yelling and the teacher saw it.
Guru Hank
2015-03-01 16:32:39 UTC
Setting charges. I was doing demolition work on this building in Manhattan. I remember it because the boss disappeared and I never got paid.
2015-03-04 19:27:02 UTC
Not sure since I was only 1. Probably sleeping, though.
2015-03-03 15:51:03 UTC
I was less than a year old and I was in my house in Maine.
2015-03-01 13:16:14 UTC
In a meeting at work. The caretaker came in and told us - we abandoned the meeting to watch the awful news.
2015-03-02 04:50:22 UTC
At work.
Kei Winchester
2015-03-02 07:45:30 UTC
Under a blanket in my mom's bed while she was at work....the news just happened to be left on...that was the day I learned what "terrorism" was..
Mild Mind
2015-03-03 09:55:09 UTC
I was killing trees under a power line on the Oregon coast.
2015-03-01 13:09:51 UTC
I was in a stinking hot desert in the Middle East at the time.
2015-03-04 10:19:18 UTC
In meh mom's belleh.
2015-03-01 12:49:39 UTC
In my car, listening to country music.
2015-03-04 15:28:19 UTC
I was in class in 1st grade
2015-03-01 20:14:41 UTC
listening too former president georgre bush read from those kids books downe in florida at that time
Sunday Crone
2015-03-03 13:22:14 UTC
I was in bed asleep, until someone called me and told me what was going on.
2015-03-01 12:53:30 UTC
watching tv
2015-03-02 06:45:17 UTC
i was 1 year old
2015-03-03 18:44:47 UTC
I was in boot camp, of all places, preparing to reap the whirlwind.
2015-03-01 13:19:51 UTC
It was a false flag attack -that's what matters.
2015-03-03 02:09:22 UTC
I was at work as a civil servant in the UK. When somebody said (mid-afternoon our time) "They have bombed the twin towers" I said "What are the twin towers?".
2015-03-02 17:27:58 UTC
I was in bayside queens new York that morning going to my job at Columbus circle near ground zero. we had seen the first building collapse on tv and truly thought it was some type of howard stern joke. when I went to work that morning traffic was stopped on the grand avenue and when we got to the overpass we got out and saw building two go down. I am not old enough to know the horrors of the holocaust but I supposed if I did it would've resembled that. to see people jumping to their deaths and to smell the smells and hear the screams are visions I will never forget. as a transplanted guy from ohio in nyc at that time, my first thought was god, why me.

my mother was in her eighties and my first thought was that I needed to get word home that I was alive to her and my wife. all of the cell towers were down that day at ground zero except one. I remembered that a local radio station at home would know me if I called and I also knew they could put me in contact with my family to let them know I was ok. I got through somehow on the twentieth try and had one shot at it.

I told them I would do an on air report at that moment if they would leave the line open and let me talk to mom and they did. for the next twenty minutes I described the horrors around me and then I heard my moms voice. I remember telling her as the baby of the family, shed seen it all but now her family had survived a terrorist attack. for the next month I would write me thoughts both morning and night about how my life had changed in nyc. call it a diary. I thought of it as therapy. I truly felt I had seen the face of death.

the night of the attack around seven or so, we were pushed outside in a crowd of thousands. someone handed me a candle and with thousands of others, we raised them to the sky all shouting usa usa usa. it became a deafining defiance to bin laden and a tool of survival.

what I remember most of that time was the eerie quiet. broadway was deserted. the usual street noise and chatter was gone. the peace of going to the market or deli was replaced by federal marshalls with shotguns. it was definitely time for me to go home. I still cringe at the sound of wax paper (it sounded like the buildings) and still have breathing problems from the stench. every time I see ash from a fire, I think of the philharmonic playing the smoky remains of fourteenth and canal when people came down from the observation deck of the trade center cavity in the ground crying for their loved ones.

it changed me. im no longer interested in making my future in nyc. I came back to ohio and hugged my kids and remained close to my family. I made a deal with god that I would thank that radio station every year on that day that I could tell my mom and my wife I was alive and did so until my moms death last year.

I never understood the real meaning of family until I told mine, "hey, im alive". I remember it intimately. I grew from it and wish people would remember it for what it was, a time of renewal of spirit for this nation. god bless you and thank you for allowing me to tell my story.
2015-03-02 11:12:03 UTC
Does this question have ANY relevance? Yahoo A. pull your pants up on this one.
2015-03-01 15:53:00 UTC
It wasn't me,I have witnesses.
2015-03-01 16:35:20 UTC
On my way to work, listening to the radio show.
2015-03-01 12:51:53 UTC
at work watching on CNN as planes hit the WTC
2015-03-02 07:47:50 UTC
I was in high school
2015-03-01 19:23:09 UTC
at school
2015-03-04 08:20:07 UTC
i was at the daycare. i was 2 when it happened.
2015-03-04 07:30:37 UTC
i acc cant remember why anything special happened?
2015-03-01 19:30:20 UTC
at home
2015-03-01 17:15:48 UTC
i was almost a year old
2015-03-02 20:51:07 UTC
No born yet.
2015-03-02 17:38:54 UTC
Jerking off to porn
2015-03-02 13:44:40 UTC
at work on that day of infamy
2015-03-02 01:28:12 UTC
i was in my university
2015-03-04 16:51:19 UTC
Still in bed, but I had the TV on.....!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.