White people didnt enslave blacks?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
White people didnt enslave blacks?
222 answers:
2016-03-20 08:34:54 UTC
Some whites and Arabs bought slaves from African slave owners but most whites forced black men and women to be slaves. The only reason for this is because the very few white men who were in charge of calculating the money profits and wanted more forced more whites to enslave them and if those white men went against the "man in charge" would then be treated as a slave and have punishments like a slave. Honestly, most people didn't like the slave trade and only did it to please their boss. But Africans and African Americans have the right to either be thankful and stop bringing up the past...or they will revisit the past constantly and continue to use it against white people. But what not many people know is that whites were also slaves by their own kind all over Europe. But in my honest opinion we are all the same. I hate saying blacks or whites or any other race because the only reason our skin is different is because of how close countries where from the equator.
paul v
2016-03-20 04:26:57 UTC
A "mere 300 years"? That's several generations. It is so that Africans enslaved each other for a long time. But because of the high demand from the European slave traders, tribal wars were fuelled so that many more slaves got captured. They were treated much worse. Many died on the ship. In the Caribbeans, the average life span of a slave was 7 years.

The African kings (Dahomey, Ashanti, Yoruba.....) were as guilty as the Europeans.

Slavery has existed in every part of the world since the dawn of civilization. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians had millions of slaves, white black and brown.

Slavery still exists, mainly in Africa, mostly Arabs keeping black slaves.

Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1968. The last country to abolish slavery was Mauretania, in 1981.
2016-03-22 16:17:47 UTC
Your half right. White people are not the only ones who have enslaved Black people. Many tribes in Africa were attacking, raping and enslaving each other.

I would say White people just poured salt into the wound.

For example, slavery and slaves have been around for a long long time. But White people created an idea that because they are white that made them inherently better. During ancient times it didn't matter what color a slave was, because he was a slave. And they would mark slaves by branding or with certain ear or nose piercings. White men created the color caste system. It was a way of creating a huge labor force, and not needing to mark them, because they were already marked slave by their dark color. Very sad.
2016-03-21 15:15:24 UTC
I can almost excuse the outrage but not the ignorance of anthropology and history or the lack of common sense. The bulk of Africa didn't even have a written language while Caucasians, middle easterners and orientals were traveling the globe, inventing everything and advancing universal civilization. The original western slave trade was started by the spanish who wanted cheap labor to handle the sugar cane in the Caribbean to make alcoholic beverages, especially rum. Just as there is frequent warfare in Africa today, so it was in the 1500s and later which is how 15-20 spaniards armed with single shot muskets could take on 200+ slaves. They were already captured and enslaved. Arabs marched black slaves to the Mediterranean long before Europeans knew about Africa. African history is sad but events are not changed because the truth is inconvenient. Bob
2016-03-20 02:47:50 UTC
Moors enslaved White Spanish women and men.

Ottoman enslaved Slavs of Balkans and Romanians and Greeks.

History taught in schools forgets to mention these two facts.
2016-03-19 21:44:35 UTC
Funny how selective bigots and racists can be! Well, quite an exclusive club. However, particularly those bigots and recists who CLAIM to be Christians, READ yer effing Bibles and find out how there was SLAVERY in the Biblical times... and WAY BEFORE Europeans stumbled across this great land known then as the NEW WORLD... there WERE slaves (Blacks and WHITES... yeah, WHITE captives from wars and turned into slaves for not paying tribute and/or taxes or committing petty crimes) during the Roman AND Greek Empires, curing the Middle Ages IN EUROPE. Yeah, go ahead and pontificate like a bunch of pretentious, presumptuous sciolists, and MAKE BELIEVE you know something about history... your distorted, bogus, twisted version of history.

SLAVES were brought into the New World in chains by European invaders using military might for subjugating the people of whose lands they invaded and spread diseases and raped the women... through their imperialistic greed and need to exploit.
2016-03-19 20:19:10 UTC
Not sure it is true what you are saying, but You are outing yourself above others doing the same thing, first. So what, if a Black, Mexican, Arab rapes children of the same race, and then sells them to others of the same race, then finally they are sent to you, to be raped, then its ok. and your not as bad as the others of the same race. Or it is Ok for you to rape someone, because people of their own race did it first and sold you the child to be raped. Once you enslave someone, rape someone, kill someone, you did a terrible, hateful thing. No matter what other have done, or will do, it does not give you the right to say its not wrong to do. Even if you are right, on some level, white people did enslave others, Not just Blacks, Mexicans and Indians. but other whites that were less educated. Its just wrong, and for you to try to justify it, is just as evil.
2016-03-19 21:07:53 UTC
And so what? Does this ridiculous question suppose to release you from your white guilt? Yes, most blacks including myself are aware of the slavery that occurred in Africa before the Europeans arrived. The thing that YOU failed to realized that they were rival tribes that enslaved other tribal members for whatever reason but their conditions of slavery was way less severe than American slavery. American slavery was one of the most brutal slavery in history. Mainly, because once a person is born into it there's no escaping it for their entire lives. It was also a racial biased slavery. Whites had to literary make themselves believe that blacks weren't even human beings, until it came time to rape them. The point happened and that's American history. The sad dreadful part of American history came after slavery was supposedly been outlawed. Jim Crow lasted another 100 years. What does Jim Crow have to do with Africa?
2016-03-23 14:51:01 UTC
I agree with you that not only whites enslaved blacks.

I don't agree with the idea that you equated all those who enslaved the blacks as if they all did the same thing.

Enslaving a person, whether in terms of colour or anything else, is in itself terrible. Whites, however, surpassed others by their purposes and their history. They did not only make them work and treat them badly, but they also gave excuses and actually thought they were doing the right thing (the white man's burden). If you read History and how African Americans suffered to be free and to get through discrimination and segregation, you'll feel terrible.

I believe that people do mistakes. Whites and Africans and people from some parts of Asia enslaved other people. This was wrong. Now that we know it is wrong, I hope people can change their ways of thinking and try to start over. If we don't forgive and forget, we will never be able to go on.

And we should always admit to all the bad things we've done, as we express our admirations of our great achivements. Sometimes it's too bad an idea itself of enslaving people and giving excuses would be just worse.
2016-03-19 19:28:21 UTC
White people did enslave American blacks. What do you think happened when those original slaves had children? They gained the status of their mother ie, enslaved.

Before you try to absolve your self of guilt, at least try to make sense.
The Devil
2016-03-21 20:45:59 UTC
White people enslaved any kind of people they could get their hands on, including a few relatives. Since Americans bought Africans to work for no pay or free will to make their own destinies, those Africans were slaves of White people. How and why it began does not change the result or the history. I wonder why this question had to be posted anonymously- it was just provocation of a coward to stir up enmity of people against each other. What is wrong with peace? The cemetery is always quite peaceful.
2016-03-23 06:46:33 UTC
Africa was prosperous during the middle ages, then Europeans saw it and tried get some of the buck. This is called The Scramble for Africa. When the Europeans colonized Africa, they "sectioned" the continent in such a way that different tribes that spoke different languages were forced to inhabit the same land. There are over hundreds of languages and tribes in Africa, so you can see how this could've caused problems. If Africa was left alone, it would be flourishing off of the diamonds, oil, and tourism instead of in civil instability and long-standing conflicts between different people.


White people enslaved black Africans in Africa.

White people enslaved white people in Europe and gave it a nicer name in America (indentured servitude)

Native Americans enslaved Native Americans in America.

Black Africans enslaved black Africans in Africa.

Black Africans enslaved white people in Africa.

Humanity was not always as nice as it is now. If you bothered to learn, you d know that every race has been enslaved/indentured servitude. Many by their own race. I wish people would stop trying to press the stale argument that Africans were the only people to sell/enslave within their race.
2016-03-20 00:21:38 UTC
The fact is whites did more then just enslave blacks, they completely erased or stole blacks history. They claimed the Egyptians as white when genetic testing has been done on many of the Egyptian mummies and most of them (Old kingdom and middle kingdom) were black. They also did melanin test on them (Melanin is what makes black peoples skin black) and it's been verified that while Egyptians ranged in skin tones it's pretty clear that Egyptians were for the most part BLACK PEOPLE.

Yet, how long ago was it that "Gods of Egypt" came out? They are still white washing black peoples history. Then there's the fact that the bible was written about and by BLACK AFRICANS. Israel was part of Africa so the Israelites were African tribes (it wasn't called Africa in those days though). The only pure version of the bible, untampered with by Romans is the Ethiopic bible. It contains the old and new testament as well as the Apocrypha and book of Enoch, as well as some other lost books of the bible. Even science will tell you Adam and Eve were black people, so was Moses, Joseph and Paul. Jesus was a dark skin man that was either Black or of a black skinned race that has straight hair. I say this because the Muslim prophet Mohammed described Jesus as a handsome brown skinned man straight hair. So we even have a Muslim prophet as an eye witness, not just Christian/Jewish ones. Yet what do I see in just about every church in America? White Jesus. White Jesus everywhere.

The fact is black people are STILL slaves in America. Slavery is allowed in America if the slave is in PRISON. Why do you think they put in these drug laws that ship black men and women to prison. Most prisoners work while they are in prison whether its making license plates or whatever, they work for free or are paid worst then sweat shop workers. This is slavery because they are cheap or free labor for companies. So blacks are slaves in America still!

Sorry but you will not be alleviated of your white guilt until you stop disrespecting black people, our culture, our history and set ALL the slaves free
2016-03-20 08:13:22 UTC
White people DID enslave blacks which is the reason why blacks are in the Americas: Latin America and North America. Blacks in West Africa were actually forced into selections by their very own lords and chiefs. These selections took slaves via the Middle Passage on ships nearly ALWAYS with harsh conditions that will follow them as they become slaves in the Americas. In return, their former lords and chiefs would get European trade goods. Thus, the blacks should not thank the whites for "freeing" them. Whether blacks may have been slaves in Africa or not, they became slaves in the Americas. Whites started the slave trade and ended it first. Blacks shouldn't thank the whites for starting the trade in the first place and attempting to end it. At the end of the day, blacks still endured harsh labors, were discriminated, and still are to this day. African societies were disrupted, causing more females than males in Africa due to the desire for male slaves. Sure African chiefs and lords played a role in the slave trade, but they were drawn to European goods. Europeans manipulated them into this conflict.
2016-03-19 20:39:25 UTC
You have a good point . White people actually gave them a better life. Even if i was a free African i would cut in line to get on board a ship for a free ride to America. If the blacks today could go back in time i bet they would have been throwing their ancestors on the ships. The blacks were not only slaves over there, some of them were food for enemy tribes. In their hearts many black people do thank the white people for rescuing them from a continent that is racked with hunger ,disease strife and misery. White people should be thanked for all the fathers, sons and brothers that lost their lives freeing them from slavery that really wasnt that bad considering what their lives were like in the jungle..The poor southerners did a good deed and they had to suffer too. Their argument was they treated their slaves better than the northerners treated their factory workers which was probably true. With inventions coming along the slaves probably would have been freed by the south without a war. 600000 deaths what a waste.
2016-03-20 08:21:33 UTC
Africa was prosperous during the middle ages, then Europeans saw it and tried get some of the buck. This is called The Scramble for Africa. When the Europeans colonized Africa, they "sectioned" the continent in such a way that different tribes that spoke different languages were forced to inhabit the same land. There are over hundreds of languages and tribes in Africa, so you can see how this could've caused problems. If Africa was left alone, it would be flourishing off of the diamonds, oil, and tourism instead of in civil instability and long-standing conflicts between different people.


White people enslaved black Africans in Africa.

White people enslaved white people in Europe and gave it a nicer name in America (indentured servitude)

Native americans enslaved Native americans in America.

Black africans enslaved black africans in Africa.

Black africans enslaved white people in Africa.

Humanity was not always as nice as it is now. If you bothered to learn, you d know that every race has been enslaved/indentured servitude. Many by their own race. I wish people would stop trying to press the stale argument that Africans were the only people to sell/enslave within their race.
2016-03-20 22:24:12 UTC
of course white people enslaved blacks. if you look at history every color has been enslaved at one point another. hell there still slaves now. milions of em of every color. if you have never heard of sex traffiking then perhaps you should do some more reserch. hell they use prison as a way of enslaving people to not just blacks but every color. ever since the beginning of man kind there has always been another person that thought they had the right to own another human being. through thousands of years we have used so many excuses. like for example an apprenticeship during the 1800s was basically just indentured servitude. sure the apprentice was free to leave eventually but through there apprentiship if they tried to escape they would be hunted down and punished. they were barely in higher standing then a hammer. in the beggining all people spoke one language. the language of the birds. then they built the tower of babel. then god got pissed made everyone differnt.
2016-03-21 06:17:00 UTC
Regardless of whether other people besides white people enslaved blacks doesn't really matter. White people bought them. They bought people. They beat and killed and lynched other humans because of their skin color. White people did enslave them as well, just like the Spaniards and Columbus enslaved and killed almost an entire race. White people thought it was okay to own people. They kept them enslaved. They DID enslave free black people as well. Watch 12 years a slave if you want further insight. Maybe it will show you how awful white people were
2016-03-20 12:06:56 UTC
It was done as an idea originally thought of by Bartolome de Las Casas of Spain to use African slaves instead of natives in the West Indian colonies. When the colonizers got to West Africa, they did find that slavery existed there. Kings and /or slaveowners are known to have sold to the colonizers, people who were already slaves on the African continent. However, de Las Casas retracted his statement to say that slavery is wrong in all forms. So, no slaveowner on any continent could make being a slave in one area seem better than any other. The only way to improve the life of a slave is to set him or her free first. However, some the European influences on other peoples have made improvements on the quality of life. Those who may have been enslaved by European Americans may have found that they could appreciate things they learned from them. But not until they were set free.
Uncle Bilal
2016-03-20 10:15:21 UTC
I read most of the response thus far, however all have missed a very valid point. Yes there was slaves in Africa & other parts of the world before the whites came to Africa, however that slavery was very much different. Fact no one would like to be a slave at all, however like I said the slavery of the African tribes and even more so the slavery of the "Arabs (ie Muslims) was different in many ways, first in how the slave was treated, how they were fed & clothed & how they could get out of being a slave, how their children could get out from being a slave etc. The whites tried and intended to keep slaves as long as they could & made them slaves generations after generations. Continued until they were forced to erase, hide & destroy a people & their history & culture. This kind of slavery was not know before the whites came & took the slaves out of Africa. Still to this day there are too many who still have this hate in their heart, why do you think Trump is getting so much support?

No Blacks will not thank the whites for bringing them to America & making them slaves. Despite whatever illusion of freedom we have here. That would be like the circus lion that was born in captivity after 5 or 6 or more generations & now has fame, has his only little pride of females, eats good food and is about to retire after working 6 or 7 days a week for the last 20 years, that's like that lion saying thank you to the "ring master" I'm so glad my ancestors got caught & were brought here, because if they weren't brought here I wouldn't have been able to have such a wonderful life. What do you think the other older inteligent lions would say hearing something like that?

Certainly the others would not accept that.
2016-03-19 18:45:13 UTC
They where brought to the US by the Spanish. Which is just north of Africa. The Spanish taught the Mexicans how to speak. But thought they were to lazy and did not make good workers. Although some where sold as slaves. But the Africans were not intelligent enough to speak well. But yet stronger than a little Mexican. They could sell the ***** worker for 2 to 3 times as much as a Mexican. Although in northern Africa slavery still exists. This is mainly due to the religious beliefs of the Muslims. Ironically mosts blacks have choose to be of the Muslim religion. And the Mexicans have strategically been able to boost their countries economy. In the past 2 decades they have increased in technical manufacturing. Prior to this many blacks held jobs in a laboring manufacturing. But many blacks are not able to understand technology. If the work becomes easier. They want more more money. In the belief they have become smarter. While a Mexican says I need that easy job.
2016-03-23 14:21:04 UTC
You make a good point...White people weren't the first people who bought them as slaves. African people enslaved them and sold them to other people wanting to buy. Such as Muslims and other places in Asia. You never hear about Europeans being enslaved by Africans, which did happen. Now you still her Black people talking about when they were enslaved and they blame White people for it. Other African tribes enslaved other African tribes to start out with. Now slavery is still go on to this bad. Thousands of death because of slavery, but certain things happen for a reason.
2016-03-22 16:24:27 UTC
To a great extent it does not matter who enslaved whom. It is more how were the slaves treated and how did the cultures justify their actions. Africans often did enslave enemies, this was typical of most tribal cultures, the early Irish peoples were notorious for slave ownership. In a society where tribal strength and force of arms are essential slavery is a common condition.

However, the Georgian era Europeans and Colonial Americans were not tribal peoples, they were advanced societies with printed books, taxes, education systems, national currencies, trained military, postal systems, trade networks and insurance. For a tribesman to enslave a tribesman is one thing, but for someone from a modern culture to own hundreds of other human beings for financial gain is a much more deplorable state of affairs.
Maid Angela
2016-03-20 13:41:08 UTC
Slavery existed in most environments at the time but it was just a way of life. It was only when the white inhabitants of the Americas decided they needed a lot more slaves that the Atlantic slave trade began which resulted in at least 6 million Africans were stolen from their homelands doing terrible damage to their civilizations.If that does not make whites people feel guilty then the fact that if there was a problem with the slaves there was no hesitation in throwing them overboard to their deaths
2016-03-20 13:17:47 UTC
White people openly enslaved black people in the past but today it is under cloak. White people use the word "civilized" to make themselves appear superior than others. Every nation, culture and tribe has it's level of civilization, intelligence and it's own language that works within it's territory. What makes another nation say that another nation, culture or tribe is not civilized or intelligent? What white people have learned has actually come from enslaved blacks. Enslaved blacks created and made tools to help make their work easier and those tools became part of the industrialized world. White people (slave owners) then stole and/or incorporated what the slaves made and used into their white world; in essence stole credit from the blacks. Discriminatory laws of white people (segregation in schools, churches, and other public institutions and discrimination in employment and housing) is what leads to the civil unrest, protests, and violence and have become the realities of life in the United States and many other places. Destruction of life and property aside, the anguish, hatred, and personal indignities and sufferings that have resulted can only be regarded as the shame and disgrace of a so-called civilized society.

Racism has become one of the most divisive forces afflicting human society. Surely, it behooves all of us to search our own hearts, asking ourselves: Do I reject any teachings that proclaim one race to be superior to another? Have I sought to rid myself of any possible residual feelings of racial superiority?

It is also appropriate that we ask: What hope is there that racial bias and tension, so rampant today, can ever be eradicated? Can people of different nationalities, languages, and customs live together in peace?
2016-03-20 00:03:05 UTC
Yes, African tribes enslaved people from other tribes. However, that doesn't make them right and it doesn't make American slave owners less wrong. It was ALL wrong. But I will point out that slavery in Africa was not the same as slavery in America. For one, it wasn't based on skin color and having dark skin didn't make you less than human. It was the result of war In Africa, you weren't born into slavery and your children weren't born into it either. They were typically enslaved to pay of a debt or a crime, so it's probably closer to indentured servitude. They were basically treated as a regular person but with less freedom. The only thing a slave in Africa wasn't allowed to do was leave the compound without their master. Slavery is bad all around but don't compare African slavery with American slavery because the treatment was far less barbaric.
2016-03-20 14:24:59 UTC
At last. Someone that knows the truth about slavery. Blacks and Arabs enslaved blacks years before white men got in on the act.
2016-03-20 07:33:52 UTC
Yes White people did enslave Black people
2016-03-20 06:06:20 UTC
When a slave has children, should that child not be considered free? In America, if a slave were to give birth, then the child would to be forced into the peculiar institution of slavery.

In short, yes, white people DID in fact enslave blacks.
2016-03-21 06:40:39 UTC
What a complete stupid, arrogant, ignorant, despicable excuse for a human being you are. Even if what you are saying is correct, that does not make it right for white people to have bought human beings, enslaved them by putting them into the most appalling conditions, treating them like animals, treating them like personal possessions rather than other human beings, abusing them in every way imaginable is OK because the white people were not the ones who actually brutally attacked them in the homes and forced them away to slavery. Oh and let them be thankful it only happened for three centuries. Everyday I am more and more glad that I do not live in the USA. Because if you and the other racists who frequent this forum are a genuine cross-section of American Society I am more than happy to stay here in the UK.

Now that I have called you for your racism and ignorance I suppose you will run crying all hurt and upset to Y!A and report my answer. Go ahead, feel free but do not think for one minute decent human beings will not keep standing up to low lifes like you.
2016-03-23 01:58:05 UTC
I can't believe the ignorance here, who told you lot these "facts" I'm a Ghanaian living in Ghana and according to our history through word-of-mouth which I trust more. These "whites" did enslave Africans and caused People to turn against each other for simple stuff like guns, mirrors and alcohol. The tribes were already warring against each other *** usual but there was no slave market like the Europeans introduced and also wtf is with this Arab thing? They had almost nothing to do with the slave trade that caused the economic boom in Europe and America due to the resources being shipped there.

tldr; The whites most definitely enslaved my ancestors and warring tribes acted like any other people in other continents and ofc did some slave business, but not to the lvl of the Europeans
2016-03-21 11:09:21 UTC
We did. It's just that we weren't the only ones. Arabs, Muslims, and Jews were involved in it, as well as other blacks. Also, there were white Irish slaves you rarely heard about. Some of the biggest slave owners in America were blacks and Jews. The marines were created to fight Middle Eastern based pirates, many of them Muslim and known for a preference of white slaves.

So it's not that we shouldn't feel bad for our mistakes, but let's put things in perspective. Slavery of different kinds goes on today, esp in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe. It's everywhere, but more common there. It's pretty bad in South America, too.

Last time I checked Wikipedia, Brazil and Thailand were the worst places for sex slaves. Israel's not the best place in the mideast about sex slavery, either. They ain't the worst, but they are far from the best. They prefer Russian women, and if they get found out, these victims get treated like criminals.
2016-03-21 08:11:48 UTC
Yes they DID enslave blacks. Just because other people were also doing that doesn't make it right. Black people were brought to North America from Africa as slaves. That's a historical fact.
2016-03-20 05:59:14 UTC
I don't know too much about the slavery in Africa however slavery is wrong completely. Now as far as the Slavery that happened here on America to this day the things that they did is just beyond me, especially including the children I have a son & just the thought of him being a "slave" is sickening to me on top of they castrated some of the younger boys that is completely barbaric to me & for someone to comment on this post "they need to bring back slaves blah blah dirty N words" you sir need mental help & I hope you find it however at the end of the day slavery does still exist my whole point whether you are white black purple blue you are a human being that has a pulse you are no different no matter what your skin tone is we are ALL human
2016-03-20 09:33:00 UTC
Saying that "White people didn t enslave blacks" Is a totally inaccurate statement. It s definitely true that blacks WERE enslaved by their own people, it was on nowhere near as large of a scale as the north american slave trade. Not to mention the fact that Whites did not buy ALL of their slaves. They also plucked them out of their homes as they wished. Black people were removed from their homes, forced to cross an ocean and (those who didn t die on the way) were separated from their families and forced to work in terrible conditions without pay. Even years after slavery was abolished, blacks were mistreated and valued only as second class citizens. Even back in Africa, their homeland, Blacks were devalued by whites.

A mere 300 years? are you kidding? that s countless generations. Not to mention the lasting effects of racism that still persist today.

Blacks COULD technically be angry with their ancestors for using them as slaves, but here s the thing.

The slavery in Africa was TOTALLY different from the slavery in america. Life certainly wasn t easy for the slaves there, but at least the black population AS A WHOLE wasn t forced to work based on nothing but the color of their skin.

Slavery is never okay, and it s true that it still persists (on a SMALLER SCALE) today. But saying "Whites didn t enslave blacks we bought them from other black people" Is just inaccurate. Period.
2016-03-19 23:11:08 UTC
Blacks enslaved Blacks for the White Traders in Africa to make Money Fact

no white Traders less Black slaves
2016-03-21 12:12:34 UTC
Nobody has been good to blacks. Not even blacks. They re just not better off anywhere they go and so it s just best to face facts on this one. The only thing good for them would have been to leave them where they were and let the rest of the world move ahead. They just don t fit in well with other people no matter how it s done. Those who sold and bought slaves were being unrealistic, but they probably didn t care since money was made. The endeavor was like trying to change a snake into a swan. Now America has problems because the people were never a good fit for its society. Oh well.
2016-03-20 01:30:36 UTC
Shouldnt this be a reason for the modern day blacks to condone their own ancestors who sold them as slaves? and shouldnt blacks, who were enslaved by other blacks in Africa for thousands of years thank the whites for freeing after a mere 300 years of slavery (in contrary to their fellow Africans who until today still enslave each other in some tribes)?
2016-03-19 19:30:52 UTC
Iv'e said such things before an i can tell you from experience ppl don't like the truth. They just live easier with someone to blame for why they are not rich or got pretty wife or house or cool car. These days blacks are pushing the boundaries of racism with their black panther an blacklivesmatter nonsense. It's getting so bad that questioning it makes ppl call u a racist an makes questions like yours get censored by being deleted. It happened to me when i asked why black panther at super bowl. It happened to a man on facebook for questioning black racism directed to whites his page was banned. Careful don't talk about this stuff people will label you for questioning race or slavery an not falling in line before the black power.
Mata N
2016-03-20 15:29:50 UTC
The blacks and Arabs in Africa were in every way as culpable for the slave trade to America and the Caribbean as the whites who took advantage of the supply of captives. Imagine if the West African tribal states had been united and had refused to sell their brethren to the whites! They could have sent the white slave traders away empty handed and there would have been no slave trade. The concept that someone who is not of your tribe is still your brother appears to have been foreign to West Africans of the time. Actually the world owes a huge debt to the white West for outlawing slavery. It was the religion of Christianity which provided the moral impulse to abolish first the slave trade and then slavery itself. Jesus enjoined us to love our neighbour as ourselves and he redefined the idea of neighbour to mean all fellow men and women, not the members of your group or tribe. White reformers and freed slaves in the United Kingdom and the USA campaigned for the abolition of slavery at a time when most nations were engaged in it. This is something of which the descendants of these forward-looking people may feel proud. There are still many injustices in this world and unfair discrimination between groups is rife, not only in the USA and against black people. Harking back to old wrongs for which no living person, white, yellow or black, is responsible is a misdirection of our energy, which should be used for dealing with today's problems of unfair discrimination and failure to realise people's full potential in some parts of society.

Finally for more information on who is guilty, if it is still of interest, I recommend this site Here we have present day African rulers acknowledging the part their ancestors played in slavery, even before Europeans came on the scene.
2016-03-22 20:21:50 UTC
WHITE PEOPLE: MEANING Portugese (Portugal) Dutch (Hollanders) Britians(English), Spanish (Spain) French (France).

Most of the young female Africans we impregnated on the slave ships by the above named slave holders. More than six months on the waters, the slave holding men...most less than 30 years old....randy as ever....created a stampede of rape and miscegenation. Many of the girls now pregnant brought in double the pay because of this. Homosexualality was just as rife and the young African males forced to perfom lewd and lasciviouse sexual acts. Know that the slaves were little more than youngsters under the age of 20. Not that shameful movie crap that shows the Africans always in their 20's, plus. It is sickening just to think about it even now. It will never

be lived down, and still...not even 1 acre let alone a mule.
2016-03-20 03:50:49 UTC
Assuming its just American whites, even though whites weren't the original slave owner, they were still slave owners nonetheless. Plus, the slave trade ended in 1807. Every new slave past that point was born on American soil. Though, this led to new developments. These blacks had never been to Africa and most traces to their culture would have been all but gone. As far as they were concerned, they were Americans, not Africans. This contrasts with the second point you make. You assume that blacks condone it but up until now, I doubt anyone even cares for their African roots anymore, that'd be a first for me. As far as I'm concerned, I am a Black American, not an African American. After watching the aftermath of the Battle of Mogadishu, I stopped caring for my roots.

Though, if this question is going beyond the scope of American slavery, we have to consider apartheid in Africa, slavery in Ancient Rome, and slavery in Ancient Greece.
2016-03-21 05:30:12 UTC
Yes black people participated in the capture and enslavement of their fellow Africans. Plus white people were once slaves aa little over a thousand years ago. There called the Irish and they didn't hold on to the hate and anger nearly as long as African Americans.
2016-03-20 07:17:09 UTC
hahaha..however the way in which they treated slaves when and if they made it to America was evil.

Most people that I know understand that African Kings would trade with the European for slaves, but that does not cover up or make ok what the white man did in regards to slavery.

The funny thing is they tried to bring over INDENTURED SERVANTS from Ireland but they were not able to make the trip because of Scurvy.

I understand where you are trying to go but white people in America still have to bear responsibility for their evil, although we know that African took slaves and trades those slaves. The TransAltlanic Slave trade was more than that tho. The idea of bringing thousands to this new world was inhumane.
2016-03-22 15:22:13 UTC
I don't know about blacks enslaving their own people, but white people did enslave blacks and were really racist. however this is NOT at all the case today, so y'all shouldn't condemn white people for enslaving blacks, because WE didn't. our ancestors did, and we have no control over our ancestors
2016-03-20 09:29:17 UTC
But the whites enslaved our ancestors, they're equally as bad. And erm...I'm pretty sure there were white slaves at some point enslaved by white people so.
2016-03-21 08:15:12 UTC
What does it matter of race of the slaves? There were European slaves (they enslaved their own people), Asian slaves (millions of people were enslaved in Ancient China), Aboriginal American slaves (who enslaved each other) and yes, Africans enslaved each other as well, shocker.

The only unique aspect to the story of slavery in human history is British in the New World ended slavery. And the slaves they happened to own mostly were African slaves... but they also enslaved Irish people and Chinese people. So what is the relevance of the race of the slaves or slaveowners? Both were different depending on what region of the world you look at.
2016-03-19 20:18:57 UTC
Blacks are so used to saying that White people enslaved them, that they don"t look further and find that other black people from different tribes sold their prisoners to the Arabs. The Arabs (or people of the Muslim faith) then sold these people to the Europeans. Btw, Muslims are still enslaving Africans to this day in Africa.
2016-03-21 08:41:35 UTC
Regardless of whether other people besides white people enslaved blacks doesn't really matter. White people bought them.
Big Russ
2016-03-21 02:40:24 UTC
Really dumb thing to talk about, It doesn't matter who initiated slavery. White people perpetuated it. We are responsible, but the issue I do see is why is there no credit given for the very large number of white people who died during the Civil War. Yes slavery was terrible and it was abolished through the blood of many who were part of it. The matter should be closed and reparations are just ridiculous.
Radio Sky
2016-03-23 05:04:39 UTC
They'll never appreciate the humiliation of having to be saved by outsiders from the own kind. Most oppressed people eventually just rise up and revolt. The western Europeans took from them that chance. (They never would have revolted anyway though because they were all submissive to masters. Hey you'd be mad too. It's like they all have inherent built in switches that are in a constant state of temptation to say "yassah" whenever someone says "boy". Then the rage kicks and they blame the closest smart person.)
2016-03-22 13:51:55 UTC
White people enslaved the blacks.
2016-03-19 20:34:16 UTC
If you want to play the numbers game I would say that 45 percent were kidnapped by whites while the other 55 percent were enslaved by west African blacks after bieng captured in tribal wars and detained for various crimes.
2016-03-21 05:29:08 UTC
Everyone has enslaved everyone. To some extent or another, you ARE ALREADY a slave. It's not a race issue- it's a human defect. Humans- the noblest and vilest of creatures. I wonder if we're better off alive or extinct...
2016-03-21 22:18:16 UTC
Regardless of who captured and sold who, Western people still used and abused black people as slaves, denied them rights and freedom and outright killed them for trying to escape. At some point, people of just about every ethnicity have enslaved and exploited other people, of other ethnicities or their own ethnicity. For example, the Greeks and Romans had slaves. In Medieval Europe they had serfdom, which was similar. Regardless of ethnicity or race or what have you, slavery is bad.
Christopher T
2016-03-22 00:38:43 UTC
Who cares it was the past. I mean it's nice to know your history but come on is it really significant now it's not like whites are enslaving people today. everyone needs to give it a break.
2016-03-20 07:50:12 UTC
Black people should thank whites? Are you serious? Thank them for what exactly? The 300 years of slavery or the 100 years of racial abuse, segregation, lynching, oppression and forced poverty? You are a serious dumbass if you think that black people owe whites a debt of gratitude. Do you have any idea what it's like to be treated like you are less than human just because of the colour of your skin?
2016-03-22 00:38:41 UTC
well....whites used slaves, but yes, the atlanti clave trade involved europe, africa and the US. The people that brought.the slaves to the US purchased them from Africa. The funny thing is that was not a problem. The black slave traders were considered equal, they were respected business partners. There letters from Kings written to the Africans that reflected that. The majority of the slaves were black because Africans were willing to sell their own people for less than everyone else....but black people today refuse to acknowledge the fact that their own ancestors were the Pablo Escobar of the atlantic slave trade and white people were the junkies. Blaming whites for slavory is like blaming a crackhead for all the cocaine from Colombia. Im not defending white slavers, they were shiity people..... its like how black people pretend to not notice when a white person is killed by cops despite the fact that cops kill more white people than black people...they refuse to accept responsiblity for their actions, want pitty and special treatment and prefer pointing their finger and blaming everyone else for their problems
2016-03-21 20:12:01 UTC
this is actually true to an extant the rulers of Africa sold poor Africans to the English as slaves for gold but heres what changes historically speaking slaves on legal terms in Africa other than ancient Egypt were treated more like servants same with leagally kept slaves in the middle east but in ancient rome Greece and Egypt slaves were subhuman and were treated like animals this is the form of slavery America took after as well most of Europe so the slavery that the Africans were going into was a foreign idea to them
2016-03-19 18:26:33 UTC
What happened in Africa is part of Africa's history. In America, black Africans were bought and enslaved by white Americans. They did hard physical labor from dawn to dusk, lived in miserable conditions, were subjected to physical abuse and rape by their owners, were forbidden from getting an education and were not allowed to leave their owners under penalty of death. THAT is part of America's history.
2016-03-19 23:17:44 UTC
The slave trade of black people was introduced by black people in Africa. That much is true. Early Americans just continued it and brought it overseas. Liberal democrats do not like to focus on this though. Early Americans are the only ones to blame in the eyes of many. Stupid, but that's how it goes I guess.
2016-03-20 13:54:33 UTC
White people enslaved MOSTLY Africans, they also bought slaves from the Bahamas, Africa, and even Irish and Scottish people
2016-03-20 14:35:39 UTC
Depends on your POV.

They were contracted to do work, the problem was that the contract was carried down from one generation to the next. So it didn't really expire. Its called indentured servitude.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mexicans of the future said that in todays history they were "enslaved," by white corporations.

You see, they will just twist the history to where it benefits them.
2016-03-21 10:46:53 UTC
Although you are right that most slaves were indeed captured and enslaved before the West got their hands on them; but by treating them as slaves, and preventing their freedom, the USA did indeed enslave Africans. Also, for your information, the descendants of slaves were forced into slavery- by the slave owners. Were they not enslaving?
2016-03-21 09:50:38 UTC

why are we talking about this??

the Africans used Africans as slaves the Africans were very mean to each other same as the native americans north and south natives the whites was mean every body messed up not just white black Mexican or natives jesus are you saying whites was mean because they was white? no because they was human maybe they should make a movie how the mayans cut peoples heads off for sports or a movie about how the Africans killed and cannibalized one another. this is bullshit all lives matter
2016-03-21 10:20:41 UTC
Hi so you would like to think that well as the truth hurts and we brits did our part in all this yes bristol was one of the major ports where the slave ships travelled from to pick up the black people to enslave them and deliver them to the west indies in exchange for sugar and coffee and chocolate. hiding behind such words simply does not cut it sunshine we in the european countries are responsible for this trade as are your forefathers for making use of this human resource. Now you might not like the back lash but this is the truth.
2016-03-20 00:31:35 UTC
My Norse-Garlic line was transported out of England

to North America and sold to the Dutch. Their owner

was murdered. The slaves walked south and east into

the Creek Nation. Marriage into the Nation followed.

Their offspring walked northeast to Virginia to join the

7th Continental Line. English scalps were anticipated.

After Boston was captured from the British my forbearers

declined to volunteer anew for a return to the New York

region. They became saltpeter miners and contributed

gunpowder for regional hunting and militia activities until

1861. Rather than sell gunpowder to the Confederate

States of America, the mine was shut, and its owner

swam the Tennessee River at night to volunteer for the

Federal Army. After 1865 this person returned to Alabama

as a Federal Judge to administer reconstruction of former

slave owners. Discover your history with
2016-03-20 16:01:53 UTC
White enslave dem.. Have been to slavery port in West Africa 🌍 when u get there I will understand what I mean
2016-03-22 01:33:47 UTC
Europeans are responsible for the most butchering. We all want to forgive and forget our past for what we did and for what happened to us whether we purple or pink but unfortunately America never gives up. America is almost... or about a tenth fraction of the planet yet all they do is drive in the bushveld with their pick up trucks and rifles, and shoot hundreds of innocent tame deers and bucks that are young and old every single day of their lives. What are you guys going to do with all the oil, land and resources? America is the saddest country in the world. It looks like the rich are jealous for the poor. A tiny fraction of Americans and Christians worldwide are war supporters but all they do is make the loudest noise. So your statement is contradicting pure truth, but face it buddy. This sounds like a beautiful joke for a wide audience in the world's most largest theatre.
2016-03-21 02:23:52 UTC
of course white people enslaved blacks.
2016-03-21 14:39:07 UTC
Not ALL blacks were enslaved prior to their trip to America, but you are right that many were. Africans would usually sell their prisoners of war (almost all African) to the Englishmen to get rid of them or to show opposing tribes/colonies that they were a force to be reckoned with. They would only sell people from their own colonies in desperate situations. (i.e., lack of resources in which they would need money to keep their colonies going.) I wouldn't say that Americans "saved" blacks because thousands died through transportation and foreign diseases, but because of the morals that our Constitution was founded on, it gives those who struggle with slavery in other countries a "safe haven" to come to......legally, of course.
2016-03-19 16:29:14 UTC
Arabs and blacks invented slavery. The earliest civilizations did it back in the Middle East thousands of years ago. Egypt rounded up black & tribals and had a completely different culture & thinking but blacks in the West like to associate themselves with Egypt when most Blacks came from West Africa which had nothing but huts, sticks, and stones.

Before whites came to Africa, the Egyptians had been dead and gone for 4000 years.

When we came, it was run by Arabs.

Whites were the ones who discovered tombs and archaeological sites all across Europe.

They discovered many precious Artifacts, that have been preserved in museums all across the world.

When we left everything went to hell and it hasn't gotten any better since.

Today, it is so dangerous in those parts of the world like Africa and the Middle East, we have to hire mercenaries and death squads just to go in their to protect archaeological sites and dig for artifacts in order to sell them us so they can end up in the right hands.

But the Egyptians never did die out. Their faith, political system, and many aspects of their culture are still present in societies across the globe today. Thanks to the Civilized peoples of the world.
2016-03-19 22:09:05 UTC
I do agree 👍 with most answers though I'd like to add that mike Jacksons song or doesn't matter if you're black or white comes into affect
Moe Lester
2016-03-19 15:56:53 UTC
Before white people came, Africans were sacrificing their women & children while worshiping snakes. They killed slaves in their rituals. When a important member of the African tribe died, they would kill that person's slave as well.

The white people that went over to Africa were no different from today's humanitarian workers. They built hospitals, roads, and educated the Africans.

Anyone who complains needs to learn the truth. Arabs had 120 million slaves in North Africa.

All races have been subjected to slavery at some point by their own and by others. No one should try and take pride in their ancestors just for enduring slavery under whites . That takes blame away from the original slavers. All races have endured horrible things, it doesn't make any better than any other race.

1. The first Africans brought over to America were actually indentrued servants. That meant they could work for a period of 4 to 7 years and then they would be free.

2. Less than 12% of whites in the South owned slaves.

3. Most slave owners only owned around 4 slaves. Only the rich could afford more.

4. Slaves costed a lot of money and most were treated with care. They were like investments, not to be misued or abused, that was rare. Most slaves were treated with dignity and respect.

5. Most slaves were not shipped not to the United States, but South and Central America.

6. New ships and routes were developed to make slave ships safer and trips faster.

7. According to the US census, prior to the Civil War, many free blacks in the US held slaves. In Louisiana, around 3000 free blacks owned slaves. In 1865, there were at least 3 free blacks in Louisiana, that owned 65 or more slaves.
Busta M
2016-03-19 23:02:14 UTC
I do agree that the ghetto part of the black community tends to like to blame all there problem or white people.

I mean the closest thing we have to a slaver owner today are pimps. Which see to be mostly black people.

Pimps take woman off the street as young as 12 years old. Get them addicted to drugs. beat them, rape them, never let them leave. threaten their families with death threats if they try to leave..

Pimps are like Slave owners\Kidnappers\Bully's & Pedophiles all rolled into one
2016-03-19 23:30:14 UTC
All humanity is same. There must not be any racial discrimination. It is no use blaming whites for slavery system that existed in the past. There have been various stages in social and economic development. There was slavery everywhere in the world and no particular race can be faulted.
2016-03-21 11:04:11 UTC
White people's record of slavery is NOTHING compared to some other races.

It's rare that white people cant compete in something.
2016-03-21 02:13:02 UTC
Why label it. Almost if not all cultures,races,religion, empires,creeds,sects, etc etc all owned,sold,bartered for,exchanged slaves. Read your bible. Really all I'm saying is we are all guilty in the past of slavery one way or another. But now, as a whole man kind realizes how stupid it was. Let's stop this labeling and admit all our ancestors were guilty and stupid and let's emplacement one another.
shushi dimsum
2016-03-21 20:51:24 UTC
that's only partially true. Some American slaves were bought from slave traders. But there were alot of Amercan slaves who were kidnapped by white people who went to Africa and kidnapped them by just throwing a rope around a random person they saw in the village and dragging them back to camp.
2016-03-22 09:07:31 UTC
You can't be serious. That's like raping someone and saying that you really didn't rape them because they were raped before you got to them. Anyone who enslaves someone is wrong. It doesn't matter who did it first. They're both in the wrong. The second group doesn't get a pass because they were the second to do it.
2016-03-21 11:14:11 UTC
So does that in any way justify the cruelty and heinous acts committed against blacks by tje hand of white slave owners I don't think so
2016-03-20 21:29:04 UTC
True, but the world doesn't always make sense. To say that white organizations are saving all these black lives today is taboo. Blacks rather pitty themselves as victims over stuff that happened 100 years ago.
Respect My Authoritah
2016-03-19 20:08:41 UTC
White people owned black people and their kids and there grand kids and they worked for them for free for there whole lives so that is enslavement moron.
2016-03-20 11:26:43 UTC
While White Europeans usually did not go out and capture Black Slaves themselves, Europeans provided an enormous market for slaves. This gave the Black Africans who were capturing slaves and bringing them to the ports an incentive for their treachery. The market for slaves in the New World institutionalized slavery. It created a type of slavery based on Race that was not seen before. When the first slaves were brought to the English Colonies by the Dutch, they were treated like any other indentured servants, but within a generation or two, they were slaves for life, based on race. White indentured servants were still in servitude for seven or eight years, but Black People who were brought to this land and sold were enslaved for life, and their children were enslaved for life. Even mixed-race children were enslaved for life. That made Black Slavery in the Americas different from any other kind of slavery that came before. Blacks could be segregated from the rest of the population. Freedmen (slaves freed by their owners or slaves who managed to save enough to buy themselves out of slavery) were not equal to Whites. Even after their emancipation, Blacks were segregated from the white population for at least another 100 years. Black people sold their countrymen into slavery in Africa, but they did not institutionalize slavery like it was done in North America.

What is worse, religion was used as an excuse to do this to Black people. Initially, the excuse to enslave Africans was that they were not Christians, not the color of their skin. The same excuse was used to enslave the Catholic Irish by the Cromwellians. However, in the English Colonies in America, the Irish were viewed as indentured servants. In the Caribbean islands, the Irish were in effect often enslaved for life. An indenture was 7 years, but clicked back to 0 if the servant was sold, under 14 years old when sold into servitude, or if the master was a "poor record keeper," and the servant illiterate.

In both the Islands and in America there were specific laws governing who was born into slavery and who was not. Often relationships between European servants and Blacks were encouraged by slaveholders because if a European woman had children with an African, her children would be enslaved for life, and she would often remain in servitude voluntarily to remain with them.

After WWII, America could have ended segregation. It instituted the GI Bill to help returning servicemen get a college education, buy good housing and get good jobs. White servicemen were able to take advantage of this, but Black servicemen were not supported in the same way. There was discrimination in employment, institutions of higher learning and Redlining in the granting of mortgages. Blacks never benefited from the GI Bill in the same way Whites did. It is only just becoming more equal with the change in our economy and after over 50 years of trying to solve the problem. Slavery in the Americas was a cruel business based on race, in a way it never was in Europe, the Middle East or Africa. Blacks have a right to be disgruntled, but that attitude will not solve anything. The way to solve the problem is for Blacks and Whites to decide to work together, recognize the attitudes in the past were wrong and to acknowledge the truth that "All men are created equal." While not all people are born into equal circumstances, as Americans we have to recognize that all Americans are entitled to equal rights, and we need to work to see that everyone is treated fairly. We also need to recognize that we are all Americans, and that to succeed we need to leave behind our partisan attitudes and work for a comon goal of making our country great--together.
2016-03-19 17:05:19 UTC
Ain't no footboons, hoops gorillas, or rapping apes in Africa making hundreds of millions for doing close to nothing. They will say it, but I'm sure they are glad they were made slaves and got to stay here to leech off us.
Gerry G
2016-03-20 09:25:17 UTC
I believe that blacks were the first to enslave blacks.
Kinkade 0001
2016-03-22 08:09:48 UTC
When it comes to modern whites.....less than 2 % are descended from anyone who ever actually owned slaves....and less than 5% of African slaves ended up in the United States.
2016-03-20 08:10:06 UTC
there are 2 different forms of slavery - voluntary (indentured) and involuntary. the first slaves brought to north america - english, irish and west africans were indentured due to hunger , minor infractions, etc. they agreed to be enslaved for 7 years. in the book of genesis jacob sold himself to his uncle to pay the bride price. the west african slave traders began kidnapping people. so, in the late 1700s , importing slaves was made illegal in the united states. in some ancient societies, voluntary slaves held high positions.
2016-03-19 20:44:52 UTC
No, you're mistaken. Many African leaders willingly sold poor people in their villages into the European slave trade but they weren't technically enslaved prior to then.
2016-03-22 10:21:51 UTC
Whites actually called British enslaves every type except their own.
2016-03-19 17:58:29 UTC
The logic is there but people don't want to see it. People don't want to see their own ancestry as the root of their problems so they pass the buck. You'll be called a racist for speaking the truth and trying to simply clear yourself of wrongdoing. In saying, "I'm not racist", people will see that you are being a racist. If you deny racism then that somehow makes you a racist nowadays...
2017-01-28 07:56:16 UTC
Whites enslave more people on a world wide scale, Than the Arabs have, The Portuguese,Spanish and other European empires mass murdered Millions world wide on scale not even heard of in History, Europeans enslaved people all over the world, even their own kind, People as far away as China,Japan,Korea,Malaysia,Philippines were being enslaved by the Portuguese and Spanish, Native Americans were also enslave in the Millions by the Spanish, The Guanches people of the Canary were Nearly exterminated and enslaved so where the Australian Aborigines by Europeans, It wasn't just Black Africans that were enslaved by Whites the whole world was being enslaved by white, Stop blaming Arabs they didn't even come close to enslaving the whole world like Whites did,in the past.
2016-03-20 21:01:41 UTC
THE WORD *SLAVE* - comes from "slav" (of slavic ethnicity) - whites.

In the 16th – 18th century, Africans enslaved 1.5 million White Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade.

From the start of the 17th century to the early 19th century, between one half and two thirds of all the White colonists who came to the New World came as slaves.

Most of the American slaveships and American slave-markets were run by Jews. But no one blames modern Jews. Because if anyone today says anything was “run by Jews”, they’re immediately dismissed as a crazy anti-Semite, regardless of whether or not it’s true.

Native Americans and Jews owned Black slaves. In fact, Jews were the biggest slave-owners in America per capita.

"In the pre-Civil War United States 2% of white gentile households owned slaves. 40% of Jewish households owned slaves. Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than white gentiles."

Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times, whereas slavery still continues in Africa to this day. In Mauritania slavery was only made a punishable offense in 2007!

Only 5% of the black slaves transported across the Atlantic actually went to the modern U.S. Most in fact went to Latin America to serve Hispanic slave-owners.

whites have always been a minority in the world; currently around 16%, projected to fall to single digits by 2060.

to this day, about 50-90% of american men have slave brands on their genitals.
2016-03-20 20:54:27 UTC
sshhh... youre gonna piss of the feminists!
2016-03-20 20:51:14 UTC
Yes they did. In the states in 1800s.
2016-03-20 20:30:07 UTC
You're absolutely correct
2016-03-20 20:18:08 UTC
What "school" did you go to?

Slavery in Africa was the spoils of war, and POWs. They had no idea about the type of slavery we know of. At some point, most of those "slaves" in Africa were let go, sort of like indentured servitude or sharecropping. Whichever tribe beat the other tribe in war, anyone who may have been taken as a slave was only taken because the other tribe beat theirs in war. Otherwise, the slaves would not have been taken. If anyone was taken at all. Those slaves never saw the brutality that slaves in America saw. And, no one "owned" the slaves in Africa. It was more like spoils of war. The slaves were forced to work for nothing, as losers in war. Kind of like some people in China or Cuba getting one dollar per day or week or month for heavy labor.

You make it sound like Africans enslaved themselves, as if it were America before 1865.
2016-03-20 20:13:13 UTC
Yes, the entire worlds problems are the "whites" fault. And no we didn't enslave blacks...we BOUGHT black slaves from BLACK slave traders just like the rest of the world did. Here's a clue, MAN has been enslaving MAN for thousands of years.( You know, red and yellow , black or white). You aren't special. Get over yourselves. Get so freaking sick of the racism. Pretty much the only people who are racist are the ones screaming racism. What the hell are you guys gonna do when you can't cry that anymore and white people start screaming racism. Because that's exactly what you are doing. Racist YOU are.
2016-03-20 19:00:52 UTC
Slavery should be banned on a global scale. Period! Who in the hell wants to be owned anyway, and that is a rhetorical question by the way. No one wants to be enslaved, and this white man is glad that it is no longer allowed in America.
2016-03-20 18:54:49 UTC
2016-03-20 18:03:48 UTC

# 1: If they are the 'lost books' of the Bible then how can anyo ne know what they say?

#2: If Moses was Black, then why does the story go to such detail to point out that he married a 'BLACK' woman?

#3: Mohammad was born over five hundred year after Jesus, how can any description of Jesus be fact? How can he be an eye witness?

#4: You mean the same science that says there is "NO GOD"? If there is no God then can there be an Adam and Eve...(no matter what color)?

#5: There is no doubt Jesus of Nazareth Was Hebrew.

#6: Joseph was a Hebrew not an Egyptian.
Stan Dalone
2016-03-20 17:32:28 UTC
What you point out is technically true: white slavers didn't go into the interior and round up slaves; they bought them already enslaved by local authorities.

However--and this is a big however--the Transatlantic Slave Trade vastly expanded the whole slavery thing. It transformed the economy of West Africa and disrupted the political situation. Where before slavery was a relatively small part of the scene, it now took center stage. Kings could get rid of dissidents and prisoners by selling them to Europeans. Whole kingdoms had their economies centered around the slave trade, and those that didn't lost power to those that did. The TST caused a substantial brain drain, since it's the best and brightest who are most likely to question authority and fall afoul of the authorities.

So, while Europeans didn't introduce slavery to West Africa or do the actual physical enslaving, their demand for slaves caused substantial trouble there. To take an analogy, you don't have to actually be the one who pulls the trigger to be guilty in a murder.

Also, there are different kinds of slavery. While that may sound like a "sort of pregnant" kind of argument, it's true. African slavery was relatively gentle, more like "you own the person's labor". In some systems, a slave can own property, even other slaves. The US had straight-up chattel slavery, where you OWN a person and can do anything you like to them. American slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be humiliated, killed, whatever, with no repercussions to those who did it.
2016-03-21 01:55:47 UTC
2016-03-20 00:15:34 UTC
Slavery is slavery no matter how many people are involved.That is just a chain of vice and everyone in it is to be blamed.The whites get blamed more because the chain ends with them.
spot a
2016-03-22 04:52:13 UTC
Why do you think the words "white slavers" exist? Your white ancestors took powerful weapons (compared to spears and rocks) to Africa and captured free black people, forced them into slavery, and brought then to America in terrible conditions in slave ships. They did not buy from slave treaders as it was much more profitable to capture new people for free
2016-03-19 22:57:25 UTC
2016-03-19 15:54:38 UTC

some moron wheels out "this" insight every day

IF the Europeans werent buying, they wouldnt have been any reasons for the slavers in Africa to round up slaves

supply and demand bud


read about the triangle trade

early industrial Europe was literally built on slaves and sugar
2016-03-20 04:51:12 UTC
It may be that the initial captor was not white, but anyone who "possessed" another human being by definition enslaved that other human. They didn't free them, they bought them.
thomas f
2016-03-19 15:55:02 UTC
Well, when there is a market and cash money available to be paid for something, then someone will fill that vacancy. Those who bought the slaves are just as guilty as those who sold them.
2016-03-22 12:35:56 UTC
We enslaved all people
2016-03-20 01:55:10 UTC
Watch how all these ignorant supposedly white people dislike all the truth coming from the answers. OWN UP! Africa isnt yours, America, Australia isnt yours, thats all in your just like the whole superiority complex. Your group did pretty nasty stuff, OWN UP.
2016-03-22 16:15:25 UTC
The first Slave Owner in the U.S. was an Angolan Sub Saharan Anthony Johnson.

150 Years under the British Empire & 88 Years under the United States. 300+ years of Sub Saharan Slavery in the Americas was in Spanish & Portuguese Territories that continued on 3 or more decades after the U.S. Abolished Slavery through Civil War between Caucasian Citizens to stop Slavery from Increasing Sacrificing Jobs for Free Men & Indentured Servants.

Abolition of Slavery which incorporated Basic Civil Rights, & Human Rights were conceptualized by Eurocasians Abolitionist to stop the growth of Sub Saharan Slavery in their Sovereign.

Slavery in Ancient, Pre-Collombian & Contemporary Africa didn't just involve war captives, but Human Sacrifices as well, virgin pubescent offerings as payment to a family or spiritual leader by an offender who committed an offense to members of society or the spirits. During any Raiding there were brutal rapes of tweens to grand ma's which still occurs to this day where sub Saharan's conglomerate anywhere in the world, but non Sub Saharan's are the preferred victims outside of Africa due to the level of attractiveness & protected status of the perps in the U.S. . Sub Saharan's were the first Pedophiles since 100'000 BC. Child Trafficking in N. Africa, Sahel, & Sub Sahara W. C. E. & S Africa is common & huge business specially in the Sahel, W, & E Africa.

#Bring Our Girls Home is Pointless or a Scam as it is the people in such backward society that needs to change society & enforce the changes not outsiders, otherwise the people are just getting a free ride while the practice continue in their society.

It is like Sub Saharan Americans, a protected class, Complaining about 7% percent (Wht on Blk) of interracial homicide perpetrated by members of the Eurocasian descent that may include Mestizos & Mid Easterns while 15% (Blk on Wht) of Interracial homicide are perpetrated by members of Sub Saharan Descents on Non Sub Saharans mainly Euromerican when the Cuacasian Population is at 72%, & the Sub Saharan Population is at 12%. If both population were to meet in the middle at 36% then 7% of Wht on Blk homicides whould have to be devided by 3 resulting in 2.33% then 15% of Blk on Wht homicides will have to be multiplied by 3 resulting into 45%. 130 years of KKK existence of Intimidation has nothing to how much devastation Sub Saharan miscreants does annually if not in 2 consecutive seasons in the calendar.

Obsession with fine straight or wavy silky hair seems to have a devastating effect when it comes to Interracial Rape of 1 a Sub Saharan female, more likely a 50% mix Caucasian if not higher, Perpetrated by a Degenerate Caucasian; There are 1000 Rape of a Caucasian female perpetrated by a Degenerate Sub Saharan annually.

As Obese Al Sharpton Said If you want to off a cracker, go off a cracker no one is holding your back.
2016-03-19 15:53:09 UTC
Plenty of them were NOT slaves before they were brought here. At any rate, they were kept enslaved, not set free until Lincoln did it.
2016-03-19 16:00:01 UTC
No, dear. I'm a professional historian, and I can assure you that you are incorrect.

Don't try to pass off fabricated pseudo-history as factual.
Mr. Wizard
2016-03-21 03:33:57 UTC
For the most part, hundreds of years ago, African tribal chiefs ruled with a defining clear and bluntly brutal reign of hardship towards their people; defiance and/or escape from the tribe meant a slow and creatively horrific death--which kept others in line. These chiefs, over time, evolved into evil dictators--some actually attaining fame along the way.

Yet it amazes me to this day, that American blacks totally disavow that factual aspect of the African tribal life their ancestors lived in BEFORE being sold out by those very same chiefs, to the white man--who wooed them with tobacco, alcohol, furs, guns and yes....silver and some gold.

Oh, nooooo!! American blacks WILL NEVER admit THAT historic fact as well; almost laughable how they claim pride in being descendants of African tribes people.

Debate on whether life for these African blacks who got SOLD into slavery was better IN Africa or IN the U.S. is debatable; depends on what PART of America those blacks landed.

Slave or Indentured Servant:

African blacks sent to the southern regions didn t see any quality life improvements, while they toiled working endless acres of cotton farm crops; life for these stereotyped "slaves"--the purported reason behind the Civil War ( which I doubt, for logical reason--based on overlooked historical facts )---was shamefully brutal and tough.

But to be fair--and yet, it IS another disavowed historical fact blacks today don t acknowledge:

Those "Union" liberal WHITE people also used black "slave" labor!! Call it "indentured servitude"--and life as one of these indentured servants, by stark contrast to their relatives sent "down south"---was pretty civil and not at all that bad. Black indentured servants lived well taken care of: They were treated with some degree of respect, were paid wages ( albeit a pittance ), very clean / civil residency living conditions---and many of these servants were given education schooling.

Yes--these servants, along with liberal compassionate white people--did create and operate the "underground railroad", that served to allow many southern black slaves to escape their hellish existence and find refuge in the North.

And now, you know why the answer to this question depends on which REGION of the U.S. the African black person was sent to upon arrival to the U.S.
Ronnie j
2016-03-20 12:56:06 UTC
What about the white slaves.. What about the Irish slaves brought to America??? I'm not whining about it and demanding justice.... just a part of my history.
2016-03-26 16:12:17 UTC
People seldom want to embrace reality. Being a victim is much easier. Being a victim absolves one of the responsibility for self. BTW... yours is not a question, but a statement.
2016-03-22 14:34:12 UTC
It was white slave traders who had enemy African tribes fight over the guns that whites imported into Africa. That was the incentive for African participation. Sorry, but that's the truth.

And it was whites in America who implemented racial chattel hereditary slavery, and the racism that came from it. No Africa is responsible for that. Sorry.
2016-03-21 04:56:39 UTC
May be but Slavery is still Slavery and wrong no matter who started it or condones it All people everywhere are Equal in the sight of God
2016-03-19 18:26:08 UTC
We be taking yo women n shiiiyit i's gonna get revenge 4 da slavery's n whitey raping our mudda fuggin women by muh dikking yo wyite womenz
2016-03-21 09:43:56 UTC
Blacks were called nlggers originally
2016-03-19 16:50:53 UTC
Black people needed a place to live when they were homeless, and white people gave them that, but they the black people had to do what they were told.
2016-03-22 05:15:05 UTC
Black white better than Muslim's
el atlatl
2016-03-22 18:18:13 UTC
Learn English: "Shouldnt this be a reason for the modern day blacks to condone their own ancestors who sold them as slaves? "

Maybe you mean "condemn."\\

To condone: condone

[kuh n-dohn]

Spell Syllables

verb (used with object), condoned, condoning.


to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like):

The government condoned the computer hacking among rival corporations.


to give tacit approval to:

By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior.


to pardon or forgive (an offense); excuse:

His employers are willing to condone the exaggerations they uncovered in his résumé
2016-03-21 16:50:50 UTC
seems to me that the black man got lucky in the end by coming to America. They have a world of opportunity in this country if they choose to go for it. if not they can stay on welfare sell drugs and complain of their pitiful existence. Oh Wait..We have a black president. wonder what he thinks about black opportunity.??????
2016-03-21 04:52:23 UTC
That's a lie
2016-03-20 12:17:45 UTC
Get over it. You are enslaving yourself.
New here
2016-03-20 06:02:02 UTC
Why don't we hear Jews complaining and crying about their past? Is it because they know that our government wont hand out to them and they have to work hard and earn a living?
2016-03-21 11:37:04 UTC
THEY DID enslave them, but they didn't start it. however they finished it (in some senses.) but i get what you're saying. They weren't the only ones
2016-03-20 11:44:11 UTC
I agree.. African elites like plantation owners used to sell these slaves to European nations but later European countries took over the control..
2016-03-20 20:35:49 UTC
Not true white people did .Well some white people did not.
2016-03-21 11:15:39 UTC
White people are Gods who can do no wrong
2016-03-19 21:10:22 UTC
That's not a question . . . that's a hacked cracker dissemblance of skewed racialist induced regurgitation of your BS KKK grammatically challenged pamphlet . . .
2016-03-22 17:54:11 UTC
Some slaves and slave owners have been white but also some have been black or other races.
2016-03-20 04:46:15 UTC
My mistake. Hundreds of years of slavery was just made A-OK because whites weren't the ones doing the dirty work.
2016-03-20 16:19:38 UTC
I never owned a slave. I refuse to fell ashamed for something I did not do. Anyone who doesn't like that can kiss my ***.
2016-03-21 08:41:06 UTC
Since the whites didn't set them free once the blacks got here, yes they did.
2016-03-21 13:34:35 UTC
doesn t mean that it was okay for the whites to join in and encourage the enslavement of Africans
2016-03-19 15:54:34 UTC
they still kept then as slaves, so it doesn't really matter who started it especially given that their children were sold in white countries already.
Cenk Uygur the Snarkster
2016-03-19 16:04:26 UTC
You racist cons are so racist it makes me sick! You are always talking about things that happen! Why are you so racist you can't understand that we good liberals don't care about things that happen we care about what feels right! Blaming white conservatives feels right you racist!
2016-03-20 01:56:24 UTC
Oh my god! The White slave trade was a discusting part of history whoever was slave traders before that
2016-03-20 03:19:51 UTC
Getting a bit serious innit
2016-03-21 04:23:08 UTC
Sounds like a pretty feeble excuse. Be brave and admit the truth.
Baa baa
2016-03-19 16:37:22 UTC
Thank the CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves. I could never understand why African Americans vote democratic. Poor choice!
John Louis
2016-03-21 19:39:32 UTC
every race enslave eachother from the dawn of humanity.
Adam Howard
2016-03-19 19:33:16 UTC
Uhm sorry sweetie but our white ancestors uhm owned slaves so uhm we must pay for their sins so sorry sweetie
2016-03-21 13:04:38 UTC
whites then could've freed them in that case and didn't, whites went on to own slaves for the next few centuries
2016-03-19 19:48:52 UTC
You meant condemn not condone.

If you're going to be an asshole and troll around yahoo at least spell-check yourself.
2016-03-21 22:58:46 UTC
That is a good racist way of thinking.

And the kkk were merely Africans with cotton dress.
Sivan Suresh
2016-03-19 18:18:56 UTC
Black people do not condemn Arab muslims for modern day slavery
2016-03-19 21:56:31 UTC
They did. It happened in the 1800s
2016-03-23 08:28:15 UTC
2016-03-20 00:56:52 UTC
2016-03-21 20:48:43 UTC
Slavery never happened. Black immigration happened.
2016-03-20 05:14:46 UTC
I would love to hear a drug pusher using this as a defence

"I didnt sell the drugs your honour -- they were already sold (to me)"
2016-03-20 09:33:34 UTC
Dude enough with ur questions stfu
2016-03-19 18:31:42 UTC
Not originally but eventually
2016-03-21 09:57:01 UTC
they did but some of the africans traded the africans to they so black people kind of helped slavery start
2016-03-20 12:30:00 UTC
2016-03-22 07:38:13 UTC
What are you talking about? Didn't you pay attention in school?
2016-03-19 21:35:45 UTC
brought in chain with capted slave it's same thing .Even Pharaohs did the same thing ,Roman did the same thing ,Spain did the same thing ,Portuguese did the same thing ,but when white did ,thing start to make different means .
2016-03-20 04:37:44 UTC
they should all be enslaved anyway, bring back slavery and put them back in their rightful place, dirty nigas
2016-03-29 09:53:24 UTC
Technically they didn't do it directly, but they still participated.
Fox News Lover
2016-03-19 17:58:29 UTC
We need to bring black slavery, the economy was booming back then.
2016-03-22 15:56:44 UTC
Well yes, your right, this, however, was the trans-Atlantic slave trade, there was also another slave trade going on inside the USA.
2016-03-20 07:50:29 UTC
Wow this question is just riddled with ignorance.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-03-20 11:31:42 UTC
I once paid a Black prostitute; Does that count ?
2016-03-21 13:55:25 UTC
So there is something we have in common with Africans and arabs
2016-03-20 08:35:19 UTC
They slaved them
2016-03-20 06:37:52 UTC
I'm not sure about that
2016-03-19 20:22:58 UTC
That's like saying: "I didn't rape her. Ten guys had already raped her before I did."
2016-03-19 19:10:30 UTC
You're the biggest retarded racism supported I have EVER SEEN!

Why the hell are you making yourself anonymous? PUSSY!!
2016-03-22 04:49:40 UTC
2016-03-21 18:32:11 UTC
2016-03-19 15:52:31 UTC
You're making stuff up.
2016-03-21 16:47:37 UTC
Finaly someone speaks the truth
2016-03-21 00:44:38 UTC
Idk look it up one thing for sure is that europeans were masters in this buisness,through north and south america read more about this and im sure it wasnt just whites
2016-03-22 07:48:20 UTC
it is the slavery of one race by another race that is accused. and it doesnt stop there. it is the after math that is more saddening..
Special EPhex
2016-03-19 16:41:38 UTC
Yeah, and the neighborhood dope dealer is really innocent, it is the kingpin that is really at fault.
2016-03-20 06:29:03 UTC
2016-03-21 18:07:16 UTC
It's still slavery.They might not have "started" slavery, but they "continued" it.
2016-03-19 19:32:11 UTC
Of course they did
2016-03-21 12:46:18 UTC
Is there a question here?
2016-03-22 11:35:03 UTC
Yes they did it
2016-03-20 07:48:40 UTC
Yes they were
2016-03-20 09:52:16 UTC
I agree with all the answers that say that you are wrong
2016-03-22 12:20:15 UTC
Black people where the first slave owners
2016-03-20 03:25:39 UTC
White & Black
2016-03-20 10:28:04 UTC
2016-03-19 16:32:50 UTC
the educational system today is corrupted all of you been told the truth your own research
No name
2016-03-22 11:18:19 UTC
Can we end this topic already?
2016-03-24 16:40:30 UTC
Very good point!
poornakumar b
2016-03-21 03:32:19 UTC
This is a lie
2016-03-20 09:55:02 UTC
racist white christians still at it
2016-03-21 11:07:41 UTC
there are still slaves today...and not just black ones.
2016-03-20 09:01:38 UTC
They had religon to day no to that
2016-03-19 17:24:19 UTC
2016-03-23 04:04:56 UTC
They did.
2016-03-23 19:17:43 UTC
2016-03-21 05:31:36 UTC
i like aids!! have a nice day
2016-03-21 10:33:30 UTC
Why were they even freed is my question?
2016-03-21 13:52:41 UTC
they did, and surprise! so did black people.
2016-03-21 20:38:46 UTC
Does it matter?
2016-03-21 20:35:20 UTC
im sorry but you're ignorant as fukc.....
2016-03-21 10:57:02 UTC
Bull, you are in denial !
2016-03-21 13:28:58 UTC
no they didnt
2016-03-22 06:04:14 UTC
dam it them ****** should still be slaves!!
2016-03-21 09:25:56 UTC
2016-03-20 22:38:53 UTC
muslims did
2016-03-19 17:35:38 UTC
Um...yes they did.
2016-03-21 06:51:06 UTC
your right
2016-03-22 01:26:19 UTC
no comment
2016-03-19 20:55:59 UTC
2016-03-21 08:57:45 UTC
i don't know
2016-03-20 07:28:18 UTC
yeah they did
2016-03-21 20:58:24 UTC
they did i think
2016-03-20 03:45:03 UTC
2016-03-22 21:13:59 UTC
africa was posperou
2016-03-19 17:07:04 UTC
2016-03-21 11:01:39 UTC
2016-03-21 09:59:10 UTC
2016-03-20 15:27:37 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.