1. How would you describe the culture (beliefs, social behavior of society) of the 80's?
I remember the death of disco stuff (or was that the 1970's)? Echo and the Bunnymen, and then the gradual dying out of punk and the growing interest in computers. Somehow these two disparate cultural events seemed connected.
2. Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded? What do you remember about that incident?
In New Jersey. Watched it on TV and remember thinking how perilous space exploration was. The pretty teacher who died and the others too--much sentimentalizing on the television, but a loss for their families. Thought Reagan handled it well.
3. Which musician was the most influential to the decade? Why?
The Clash. The Ramones. Second wave of punk, not as much fun or as sharp as Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols.
4. How did the discovery of AIDS change the behavior of society?
Less casual sex. Alas. Suddenly the notion of liberation--women's, gay, etc.--was complicated by biology. This was a moral come-down. The universe wasn't set up as we had all hoped. Danger in drugs, but I never liked drugs anyhow or used them.
5. Do you remember when the Berlin Wall came down? How did you feel about this event?
I thought at last Germany, which I had visited, would be reunited, but the eastern part was so much poorer that it would have a lot of catching up to do. The Soviet empire was cracking. Remember thinking that what years of the Cold War could not accomplish, economic forces finally did. Communism collapsed of its own weight.
6. Do you believe the 1980’s were a decade of materialism? Why?
Compared to the 1990's NO.
7. What was your favorite television show from the 1980s? What was your favorite movie?
_Cheers._ Then Pee Wee Herman.
_Airplane._ Still think it's hilarious. _E. T._ was very big, but I found it cloying. _Friday the 13th,_ but when I tried to give it a second viewing, I couldn't sit through it.
8. What do you remember about President Ronald Reagan?
I hated his smug, self-righteousness and his papering over of problems, his insistence that we had to keep chipping away at all the regulations that brought some sense of social equality to America. I know he's a saint now, but I believed Ronald Reagan was wrong on most every big issue--though he was a good spokesperson and the right guy for some diplomatic stances--and did this country great harm. Sorry. That's not a typical view, but I felt that way then and I feel that way still.