PLEASE HELP , someone who lived in the 1980s !!?
Baby .
2011-05-12 06:39:21 UTC
please help me, im very far behind in schoolwork because i can not get this first part of my assinment finished! my mother is a terrible person and can't even answer 8 questions to help me in school ?! im sick, please help me guys. first answer gets best , unless its bogus .
Twenty answers:
2011-05-12 08:13:23 UTC
1. How would you describe the culture (beliefs, social behavior of society) of the 80's?

I would describe it as a resurgence of American beliefs, when compared to the spiritually, drug culture of the 60&70's. I found the 80's a really good time to be alive.

2. Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded? What do you remember about that incident? I was a soldier stationed in Bamberg Germany. One of our soldiers was hurt in a car accident and I went to the Hospital to pick him up and it was on German TV.

3. Which musician was the most influential to the decade? Why? People still bought albums and had phonograph players. Almost every party I had every went to the Micheal Jackson thriller album and, AC-DC Back in Black was in everyone's collection. I never saw Micheal Jackson live in concert, I have seen ACDC 3x, Van Halen was another great Band, along with the US festival. I tried to go to it but did not make it. I did however attend the Monsters of Rock in Germany.

4. How did the discovery of AIDS change the behavior of society?

I do not think anyone took the AIDS threat serious until laterin the 80's when more and more people died from having it. Because of the long incubation period and the constant chaning of the virus allot of people thought it was a scam.

5. Do you remember when the Berlin Wall came down? How did you feel about this event?

Yes I remeber it well. I was on my second tour in Germany. I had spent several months patroling the border. I had took a tour of Berlin that included a tour through East Berlin. I had to go to Prague and pick up 7 Soldiers that had mistaking crossed the Czech Border during a training exersize. I had used up all my leave and spent 65days backpacking around Europe, from the run of the Bulls in Spain, to Fez, then all over Western Europe. The night the wall came down the biggest party took place all alone the border of Germany East/West Border. People were partying at every crossing point. It was great.

6. Do you believe the 1980’s were a decade of materialism? Why?

I have often heard that but could never understand it, I think it was a counter reaction to the free will I am going get in touch with myself 60's generation. People decided that work had to be done and the only way to do it was to get up and work.

7. What was your favorite television show from the 1980s? What was your favorite movie?

I did not watch much TV in the eighties I must admit. I did watch MASH, Happy Days, Saturday Night Live was grest, the originals.

8. What do you remember about President Ronald Reagan?

Ronald Reagan inspired me, I was raised in public schools and in my teen years was a quasi socialist paficist just like my teachers wanted me to be, free world free everything. I do not know why but I heard Reagen speak and thought he was great. I got inspired and got involved in politics. I was a deleagte in the elections of 1980 & 1982. I liked what he said, I agreed with what he said, mostly. I liked the way he could look at you instead of looking at his notes. I liked his common sense approach, and the way he did not make things personnal. How he and Kennedy could be bitter political enemies and yet stop and have a beer together without anger or hatered. I believe he was the Greatest American president since FDR.
2011-05-12 06:58:45 UTC
1. How would you describe the culture (beliefs, social behavior of society) of the 80's?

I remember the death of disco stuff (or was that the 1970's)? Echo and the Bunnymen, and then the gradual dying out of punk and the growing interest in computers. Somehow these two disparate cultural events seemed connected.

2. Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded? What do you remember about that incident?

In New Jersey. Watched it on TV and remember thinking how perilous space exploration was. The pretty teacher who died and the others too--much sentimentalizing on the television, but a loss for their families. Thought Reagan handled it well.

3. Which musician was the most influential to the decade? Why?

The Clash. The Ramones. Second wave of punk, not as much fun or as sharp as Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols.

4. How did the discovery of AIDS change the behavior of society?

Less casual sex. Alas. Suddenly the notion of liberation--women's, gay, etc.--was complicated by biology. This was a moral come-down. The universe wasn't set up as we had all hoped. Danger in drugs, but I never liked drugs anyhow or used them.

5. Do you remember when the Berlin Wall came down? How did you feel about this event?

I thought at last Germany, which I had visited, would be reunited, but the eastern part was so much poorer that it would have a lot of catching up to do. The Soviet empire was cracking. Remember thinking that what years of the Cold War could not accomplish, economic forces finally did. Communism collapsed of its own weight.

6. Do you believe the 1980’s were a decade of materialism? Why?

Compared to the 1990's NO.

7. What was your favorite television show from the 1980s? What was your favorite movie?

_Cheers._ Then Pee Wee Herman.

_Airplane._ Still think it's hilarious. _E. T._ was very big, but I found it cloying. _Friday the 13th,_ but when I tried to give it a second viewing, I couldn't sit through it.

8. What do you remember about President Ronald Reagan?

I hated his smug, self-righteousness and his papering over of problems, his insistence that we had to keep chipping away at all the regulations that brought some sense of social equality to America. I know he's a saint now, but I believed Ronald Reagan was wrong on most every big issue--though he was a good spokesperson and the right guy for some diplomatic stances--and did this country great harm. Sorry. That's not a typical view, but I felt that way then and I feel that way still.
2011-05-12 06:57:41 UTC
1. How would you describe the culture (beliefs, social behavior of society) of the 80's?

It's nickname was the ME decade where yuppies were only concerned about themselves.

2. Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded? What do you remember about that incident?

I don't remember where I was. I think I saw it live but I can't be sure. I thought, Is it supposed to do that? Then I slowly realized that there was an accident.

3. Which musician was the most influential to the decade? Why?

If I have to pick one, I'd say Michael Jackson because of Thriller.

4. How did the discovery of AIDS change the behavior of society?

It brought fear to some people, and dislike against gays about which people said deserved what they got.

5. Do you remember when the Berlin Wall came down? How did you feel about this event?

I remember asking, Is this finally happening, and, I thought there would be a big war for that to happen but it happened overnight when the Soviets simply walked away.

6. Do you believe the 1980’s were a decade of materialism? Why?

The media said it was, but I didn't see it where I was working and living.

7. What was your favorite television show from the 1980s? What was your favorite movie?

I like Dallas. JR was smart and mean and rich. Movies: I remember Indian Jones and E.T.

8. What do you remember about President Ronald Reagan?

A lot. My parents loved him and talked about him often. I thought he was an odd choice for a President. I waited for him to fall down everytime I saw him on tv. I thought he was a stubborn in his beliefs but I admire that in a person who is in office.
2016-12-26 00:27:01 UTC
Jedi Jan
2011-05-12 07:03:55 UTC
1. I think there was a lot more possitivity and optimism all round. It was an era of reform and demonstrations. I believe most looked forward to a lot of social reforms; race, homosexuality, etc. 80s was also a time for the punks, the rebellious youth of that era, an idea that seems to have transferred to today's Goths or Emos.

2. I actually cannot recall where I was when this disaster happened. I felt quite disconcerted that these poor young people who had everything to look forward to had died so quickly.

3. Musician? Different ones for different people. I was fairly much into Midnight Oil (Peter Garrett) in the 80s - I can never tire of their music. Check out YouTube, especially "Power and The Passion."

4. Aids! It gave society a big shake up socially. I think the 70s were more sexually liberated but the Aids crisis really shook a few people back into sensibility. People were quite scared as very little was known about this disease. There was a time of people getting paranoid, wanting answers and looking to blame others; the homosexual community became a target of abuse for a time.

5. The Berlin Wall coming down? Yes! I felt that this was simply the best news of the decade. It was all very positive and uplifting. People power to the extreme. Thinking about all those families that hadn't seen each other for years, and those that had lost that opportunity to reunite. Television was full of jubilant scenes. One of my brothers actually visited East Berlin before the Wall came down; he said that many bombed out buildings since WWII on that side of the City had been left untouched, like it was only yesterday. It was to serve as a reminder of the War. He said there was quite a contrast in the apparent wealth and prosperity of East versus West Berliners.

6. Materialism yes! "Material Girl" Madonna, Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" etc. days. Everything was about buy, buy, buy. Recycling was definitely not on the agenda back then although people were becoming more aware on environmental issues.

7. So many ... MASH and I liked Doctor Who back then too. I used to watch "Fraggle Rock."

For a movie I guess you would have to say STAR WARS - they are classics.

8. President Reagan - Everytime I hear his name I recall the phrase "the president has lost his head." I think this was on a music video. He was known for his Hollywood cowboy days. Back here in Australia it seemed rather a funny joke that someone with his work background would find himself at the top position of political ambition.

Don't know if this helps you much but at least it isn't bogus!
2016-02-27 00:58:02 UTC
Pretty much the same as we live today but without the internet and mobile phones.The 80s is considered a decade of excess (not me - I didn't have the money for it).. watch some movies and TV shows from the 1980s - One which shows the 1980s quite well is "When Harry met Sally" It actually starts in the 1970s and ends the late 1980s. You can see the changes in fashion and hairstyles
2011-05-12 07:12:42 UTC
1. familes were more orinted. Meaning it was more about family rather than everyone running around to make a doller. It was a lil more lax too..this was the era for peace and love and woodstock. lol

2. I was at home as most people were, what i recall about that is the teacher who went into space for the first and last time, Christa Mcauliffe. very sad.

3. This depends on the type of music that one person may listen to, but for your points sake lets say Nirvana.

4. well in my opinion the discovery of aids changed behavior of socity by also disciminting same sex relationships.Because it evolved, it was said that it became because of this. A good movie to watch regaurding this question is Philiadelphia.

5.Being of a German decent, I do remember this. It was an even to remeber. It signified justice and freedom. By having the wall come down relieved a lot of people of feeling baracaded.

6.i believe it was, again this goes off of where you lived...for me it was about the shoes you wore and how fat your laces sounds funny but true.for some it was about jewlery and big hair, too too skirts and leggins..kangos and addidas..

7. hummm...The Breakfst club... tv show...m*a*s*h was ok...

8. Reagan..was shot a few weeks after becoming president..

hope i was able to help good luck!
Sue Straka
2011-05-12 07:27:33 UTC
1. I loved the 80's. It was the "ME" generation and we were all high and prosperous during the "go-go" years of the Reagan administration. I was rich. Everything was very glamorous and there was a lot of conspicuous consumption. For example, I was 26 years old, right out law school, bought a $140,000 house with a pool and a hot tub built into a pagoda, had a great job, drove a top of the line Buick loaded with options had tons of savings, threw parties where I hired dishes, waiters, florists, bartenders, etc. but still felt that I was unsuccessful because I didn't have a summer home in Rhode Island. I only shopped for clothes at Neiman's and name boutique shops. I once threw a "black tie and tennis shoes" farewell party for my priest.

2. At work. I was streaming it on my computer and I called my girlfriend in Minnesota to tell her to turn the TV on

3. Oh, lots of them. It was the age of heavy metal, so maybe ACDC, John Cougar Mellankampf, the Clash and Derrick and the Dominoes (Eric Clapton in the Eighties). Whoever said Michael Jackson was right. I remember being in England and all they played on the radio was "Billie Jean". To this day, if I never hear that Michael Jackson song, it will be too soon. But he was huge, as was Madonna. Lady Gaga is nothing but reincarnation of her.

4. Those of us who weren't married stopped having sex. If you started dating someone new, you'd actually go and get tested for AIDS and make the other person do it too, and you'd trade certificates and periodically do it, if you weren't monogamous. There were NO "hook ups" then because it was too dangerous. Initially, we thought it was limited to the homosexual community, but we found out too late that it wasn't.

5. I think it was 1989. Reagan was standing there saying "Tear down this wall." I felt very proud and relieved and somewhat worried because one of my best friends moved to Germany and still lives there and at the time, I remember worrying about the ability of West Germany to absorb the refugees and what would happen to the currency,

6. See my answer to question 1.

7. The Golden Girls The Prince of Tides (just to name two)

8. He was a very, very effective communicator. When he came on TV, he spoke plainly, and it was like your Dad talking to you. You trusted what he said. He brought gravitas to the office. He had also run the SAG and California successfully, so you knew he was experienced in running a business and was attentive to the business of government. Very decisive, but not at all irritating in the way that "W" could be irritating in 2000, and I'm a Republican. He also got the hostages out of Iran right as he went into office and told PATCO to go to hell.
balloon buster
2011-05-12 20:52:11 UTC
Remember, your mother is human too. It could be the 80's are a sensitive subject for her. It may be she had bad experiences then.

1) Boring, conformist, and blind. A total lack of long term vision and awareness of reality. Our leaders learned nothing from Vietnam.

2) I was in bed sick. A female (not sexual partner) friend came in the bedroom and told me. I jumped out of bed, naked and ran to the tv to see. We watched the replay and I shouted, "they had a burn through on the far side booster." We just sat there, we couldn't even cry. We both were pro-space, L5 society members. We had known it could happen, it was one of many things that could happen. We also both knew there were no parachutes on the cabin, they had been sacrificed in one of the congressional mandated redesigns.

3) I don't remember which musicians go with which decades.

4)Shut down the idea of free love. It also caused a lot of self-deception on the part of people. I believe that is when the phrase, on the down-low, started. It is the epitome of self deception.

5) I almost didn't notice. After Reagan doublecrossed us on fiscal responsibility and tried to back the Samosistas instead of Commander Zero down in Nicaragua I tuned him out and concentrated on how to make money on the collapse that was coming in our economy. 1987. It could be that the collapse of the USSR freed up enough capital in the USA to prevent the collapse in 87 from becoming a world depression. I have no idea what could save us this time.

6) We, that baby boomers were running head on into the problem of survival in the real world. Materialistic, yeah.

7) Gilligan's Island? Connections with Edmund Burke? The wood-wright shop? I don't remember the dates. Back to the Future?

8) In addition to the above: I voted for Reagan on the recommendation of Jack Kemp and Gerald Ford. I won't do that again. (Kemp is still around, but I'm not listening.) After Challenger I learned from my friends in NASA and the L5 Society that Donald T Regan, White House Chief of staff, did make that phone call, "Get that ******* bird in the air." so Reagan could give the State of the Union Address with live pictures of the Astronauts on the big screen behind him. Understand, I might have done the same thing, but it was when Reagan canceled the next flight for a safety review to last 2 years that I started calling him a coward. We had another launch date in 30 days. If I'd been President it would have gone on, and I'd have been on it. Opening new frontiers is not for cowards. By chickening out he sacrificed billions, trillions in inflation adjusted dollars of investments by ordinary people and all the economic growth and cures for global warming and limited resources that went with it. After years of considering it, I have come to the conclusion that the Democrats were right, Reagan cut a deal with the Ayatollah to hold the hostages till after the election. See arms for hostages. And that, is very close to treason, as defined by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Paul A
2011-05-12 07:32:36 UTC
Hello! I guess I was alive in the 1980s! Unfortunately (for you) I'm British so semi-detached from US culture and history, though that was an era when we were quite similar.

1. Wow. Socially very divided between victims/supporters of Thatcher (=Reagan), very down/bitter and self-confident respectively. Actually not as violent as the 70s once the riots/miners' strike were over later in the decade. Despite the right being in power, beginning of political correctness/human rights culture - eg corporal punishment banned in British state (you would say public) schools, rise of non-racist/sexist "alternative" comedians. Large numbers of people going to university for the first time. Very brief answer!

2. Watching TV with my family I think. I liked the shuttle - after the collapse of the Apollo missions, it seemed the cheaper way forward. It was going to be "the first teacher in space" and she had young kids which was sad. However the shuttle program seemed to survive its' 2 big disasters.

3. For me, Shane McGowan of the Pogues, opened up a whole new genre to get interested in as I got too old to be into chart/pop music and reconciled my two favourite genres, folk and punk. See also Michelle Shocked. Very personal answer to me though.

4. I gather gay culture had got ridiculously promiscuous, stopped that, actually got gays some sympathy among younger people at least.. Not my scene. Sadly a lot of heroin users in the 80s so they got badly hit sharing needles. Most public sympathy over totally non-self-inflicted haemophiliacs killed by contaminated blood transfusions.

5. Was that the 80s? I thought it was 1990!

6. Thatcher's revolution in the City of London (=Wall St) brought a lot of young working-class stockbrokers whose dads had been literally market traders fabulous wealth and their style got copied ("trickled down" a/c to Thatcher). First cheap electronic gadgets (huge mobile phones, ghetto blasters). High taxation no longer in fashion so more disposable income.

7. Spitting Image, savage political satire puppet show. Glory the American war film.

8. "The President's Brain Is Missing" - ongoing story on aforementioned Spitting Image. Sorry but we saw him as an elderly idiot. There was a lot of talk in left circles initially abour Reaganomics but that soon succumbed to the cartoon view. We did admire how he was joky when he was nearly assassinated however. The British like humour in adversity, it's how we survived WW2.

It would still be better to actually interview somebody, particularly for #1 however. Good luck.
2017-03-11 05:53:13 UTC
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2017-03-02 10:01:24 UTC
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2016-12-26 03:33:15 UTC
Don't just stand there! Do squats while cleaning your teeth, calf raises though standing in line, or lunges while chatting for the phone.
2016-07-13 20:36:01 UTC
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High quality movies
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2016-04-14 02:00:04 UTC
Add sprinting intervals to your workout to belly fat.
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.