De la serna
2011-08-23 15:23:19 UTC
Have you ever considered the many different stories that contradict that Idea?
There were eye witnesses, body guards of Hitler, who supposedly claim the he did Kill himself.
But the thing is that they sometimes changed their stories and some contradicted others, so how reliable can they be? Supposedly Hitler's bodyguards burnt Hitler's body so the Russians wouldn't get their hands on it but than again there are "photos" or film of Hitler's corpse taken by Russians.
How about the fact that Stalin believed that Hitler had escaped, either to Spain or Argentina? not until Stalin's death did Russia came out with different stories claiming that Hitler did die, and believe me this stories have been changed many times. They first dug up his body from where he had first supposedly been buried, then they buried him somewhere near Berlin, after that in the 1970's they took out his body and cremated it but than said that they still had a piece of his skull, which showed some type of burning but not cremating, which later turned out not be his, it actually turned out to be that of a female!
How about the fact that many Nazi leaders disappeared completely, and others fled to others countries like Argentina! could have Hitler escaped with them, or in his own? I believe yes!
How about the doubles Hitler used, Hitler used doubles after assassination attempts like the 20 of July plot, could have a double be the one who supposedly died in Berlin? I believe it could be but I'm not sure.
How about the fact that the FBI didn't stop investigating Hitler's death years after the war was over?
the FBI searched for Hitler after many sightings were reported in south America.
I believe that Hitler died, but not in his bunker back in 1945.
I don't know what happened to him, but I sure don't think he died in 1945, nothing reliable points to it as true.
I know many of us would like to think that he did die in the bunker and that that bastard was coward enough to kill himself, but I just can't believe that he did.