Who killed John F Kennedy? ?
2020-02-09 08:10:03 UTC
I don't want to hear nonsense about Oswald. 

All of the eyewitnesses except one (who was legally blind) said the shooters in the SBD were two dark skinned men. 

The magic bullet theory failed. No one has every shown a single bullet can cause that much damage (it loses momentum) and a fourth shot would have been impossible in the amount of time 

The attempt to move the time of the first shot back also failed. Literally no one is reacting to gunfire including JFK who is smiling and waving after being allegedly shot at. It also contradicts what Connelly said and he is the best witness. 

Multiple earwitnesses say there were more than 3 shots including some who say as many as 10. 

Why would Ruby kill Oswald if not to keep him quiet? 

Why was law enforcement so easily able to identify Oswald that they sent half the police force to arrest a guy who snuck into a movie? They had no reason to believe he was the assassin at that point. 

Why are there some many inconsistencies between what the original investigators found and what the federal government found later. Initial investigators found a Mauser rifle. FBI said it was a mannlicher-carcano. The first doctors said JFK was hit from the front. Later doctors said it was from the back. 

36 answers:
2020-02-11 14:32:46 UTC
Someone or some people high up knew something that wiil never get disclosed so they had to get rid of him to save their skin.
2020-02-11 12:32:27 UTC
It was the one-armed man
2020-02-10 22:35:31 UTC
According to Robert Anton Wilson's. "Illuminatus" it was the fifth Dillinger quintuplet on the Grassy Knoll. 
2020-02-10 20:13:34 UTC
The F.R.B.,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2020-02-10 19:36:41 UTC
Browse or read the book "Mortal Error". A 223 frangible bullet traveling 3200fps from 100 yd.can easily cause that damage. Oswald knew he had been set up as the CIA patsy and was trying to stop it. Read "Lee and Me".

When you read or browse the book, "Mortal Error", keep in mind that the Secret Service confiscated Kennedy's brain and it has never been examined. Are they hiding something?

There was never a "magic" bullet when you know how the interior of the limo was configured. The shot that went through Kennedy's throat was the same bullet that hit Connelly. The magic was that a bullet was miraculously found on the gurney.
2020-02-10 17:35:48 UTC
the butler did it
Const. King
2020-02-10 17:12:52 UTC
Many believe Johnson had it done because Kennedy was not going to have him as his VP the next term.  An M-16 would easily do that much damage, the bullet tumbles.
2020-02-09 16:06:10 UTC
Oswald did it.  Most of your assertions are false. 

There were a few eye witnesses who saw someone in the sixth floor window of the TSBD before the shooting.  All of them describe a man who matches Oswald's description.  The single bullet theory has been proven to be completely possible.  The key is in placing the men in their proper positions in the car, with Tex Governor John Connally riding in a jump seat which put him lower than Kennedy and more towards the interior.  The documentary series NOVA duplicated the single bullet shot using modern ballistics researchers and found it completely consistent with what actually happened.   There were only three shots fired, or at least, no one has ever produced any evidence of more than three shots. 

As for Jack Ruby, he says he killed Oswald as revenge for killing Kennedy (Ruby was a big Kennedy fan) and also supposedly to spare Jackie from having to testify at Oswald's trial.  The idea of Ruby as a planned rub out by a conspiracy theory doesn't make sense.  For one thing, Ruby nearly missed his opportunity because he stopped to wire bail money to a woman he knew.  People in the Western Union office at the time say that he wait patiently in line and didn't appear rushed.   In fact, he would have missed his opportunity but at the last minute Oswald asked to change clothes, which delayed his departure enough that Ruby was able to get there.  It seems likely, from the evidence, that Ruby killed Oswald on impulse, although he was clearly contemplating it beforehand.  Furthermore, the idea that Ruby was acting at the behest of a conspiracy doesn't make sense.  In terms of specifics, Ruby was a braggart and blowhard.  One of his friends said "If he ever knew anything important he would have told everyone he knew in about five minutes".  Not exactly the person you want to use for a secret mission.  And the idea of killing Oswald, on camera no less, doesn't make sense.  If Oswald was "just a patsy" then he'd have no relevant information to give investigators.  But Ruby, if he was a conspiratorial hit man, would have information to give them.  So they'd just be trading a non-witness in custody for an actual witness. 

The police swarmed Oswald at the movie theater because he had just killed a cop.  Multiple witnesses saw Oswald talk to DPD office JD Tippett and then shoot Tippett when the officer got out of his car to confront him.  Oswald even started to leave, then came back and shot Tippett again.  In terms of Oswald's complicity in the assassination this is evidence of a guilty mind, since innocent people don't shoot cops.  Learning, from emergency calls, that one of their own had been shot, the police began searching the area.  The ticket clerk at the theater told them that someone had ducked inside without paying and they figured, correctly as it turned out, that this might be their guy.  When they went to arrest him, Oswald tried to shoot another cop, but the cop grabbed Oswald's gun. 

As for Oswald's guilt we've got pretty conclusive evidence that he shot Kennedy.  First off, we know that the shots came from the TSBD.  Most witnesses identified that as the origin of the shots.  More importantly, forensic ballistics show that the origin point of the shots is an area centered on the sixth floor window.  We also know that shots came from there because employees watching on the sixth floor heard the shots coming from directly above them.  As I said, a couple of witnesses, IIRC two, saw a man who matched Oswald's description standing in the window before the motorcade arrived.  Oswald was last seen by fellow employees on the sixth floor of the depository.  He was not seen anywhere other than the sixth floor until after the shots were fired.  When police got to the sixth floor snipers window they found that someone had stacked boxes around the window so as to screen it from the view of anyone on the sixth floor.  These boxes had Oswald's fingerprints on them.  They also found a manlicher carcano rifle (to my knowledge the police never claimed it was a different type of gun, although perhaps this was misreported in the press).  The rifle, which was later ballistically shown to have killed Kennedy, had Oswald's fingerprints on it. The rifle was shown to have been ordered through the mail to a PO Box in the name of an A Hiddel.  When Oswald was arrested at the movie theater he had an ID on him with his picture but the name Alec Hiddel.  Oswald's wife, Marina, saw him with the rifle on numerous occasions and said that he regularly practiced dry firing it.  Marina even took a picture of Oswald with the rifle (as well as the pistol he would use to murder Tippett) in their back yard earlier in the year.  Conspiracy theorists sometimes allege that the photo was doctored but Marina admitted to taking it and several different groups of experts have examined the negatives and concluded that ti was not faked.  (Conspiracy theorists often find it improbably that Oswald would have a picture taken of himself with a planned murder weapon.  But the photo was taken in IIRC March and Kennedy's trip to Dallas had not been planned, much less announced, yet).  We also know that the photo is genuine because Oswald gave a copy of it to a friend and wrote on the back "Killer of Fascists, Hahaha" in Russian.  The handwriting has been shown to be Oswald's.  When Oswald went into work that morning he got a ride from a colleague.  Oswald had a long thin package wrapped in paper with him.  The package was of such a size as could have contained the rifle.  Oswald told his coworker that it contained "curtain rods" for his rooming house.  The paper that the package was wrapped in was found on the sixth floor, but no curtain rods were ever found.  Nor was anything else found that could have been in the package other than the rifle.  Immediately after the shooting, Oswald fled the TSBD.  He told the cops that he left because he assumed that work would close down after the shooting, but his had fled the building within minutes, a suspiciously short time frame, managing to get out just before cops locked down the building.  He was also the only employee to flee the scene.  This is why DPD Officer Tippett stopped Oswald.  He matched a description of a man who had fled the scene where the cops believed the shots to have come from (based on witness testimony and the discovery of the gun). 

So we know that Oswald owned the rifle which killed Kennedy.  We can strongly surmise that he brought it to work that day.  Oswald was the only person seen on the floor from where the shots came and his fingerprints were found at the crime scene.  He was not seen anywhere else during the shooting (no alibi) and demonstrated consciousness of guilt by fleeing the scene and then murdering a cop when they tried to question him. 
2020-02-09 09:32:22 UTC
You have asked this 327 times.

What answer would you like to hear?
2020-02-09 08:12:14 UTC
russia and israel . oswald was an honorary soviet citizen , israel didn't like him either . 
2020-02-12 07:42:56 UTC
The whole story was always weird. All I know is that I didn't do it, I was born 8 years after he died.
2020-02-12 06:14:32 UTC
it was the illuminate boi
2020-02-12 02:00:24 UTC
Ted Kennedy.  He also killed Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Mary Joe Kopechne.
Sid Boggle
2020-02-11 21:31:20 UTC
2020-02-11 16:54:32 UTC
Find  the book "Case Closed". It'll tell you all you need to know.
2020-02-11 01:22:42 UTC
Some questions should not be asked :-)

this is ONE OF THOSE..

Still nobody can 'explain' the 'red lady'

the woman who claimed it was her,  that day,  (many many years later...) was talking b/s.  She wasn't her.

that red lady, that woman was creepy and had some involvement definitely.

President JFK was 'assassinated' by those who deemed him as a threat to the interests of the USA. He had his agenda and it was this which conflicted heavily with those who heavily opposed it.

thats about all I know.
2020-02-10 15:18:37 UTC
The American Sniper guy! 
2020-02-10 07:59:05 UTC
You don't have the stones to post this using your own screen name, but you try to sound tough by outlining which answers you will and will not accept or entertain. All spineless cowards are the same. Everybody knows that Fidel Castro approached the Mafia about taking out JFK on orders from the Soviet premier and the mob hired Oswald to do the job, only Johnson got wind of the plot, but let it go down anyway. Is that whacky enough for you? I wonder if you yellow bellied lily livered curs spend your entire life trying to be anonymous. Don't wear a paper bag on your head when you go to the market, we wouldn't want you to get hit by a bus or anything. 
2020-02-10 04:36:49 UTC
if not john henry oswald, then your granddad
2020-02-10 00:19:38 UTC
Who knows ? Watch the Zapruder film, Oswald's shots made JFK slump forward and  then the last shot hits JFK in the side of his head and you can see a bit of scalp/skull fly backward over the trunk of the car, the last shot obviously came from a different angle than Oswald.
Dandy Desmond
2020-02-09 20:50:49 UTC
I used to fancy Zara from doctors from 2005 approx...I miss the old girls
2020-02-09 19:42:47 UTC
All of those conspiracy theories have been debunked by careful examination of the facts. The Grassy Knoll theory is nonsense. The images that are supposed to be other shooters are so obscure they could be anything you want them to be. And all movie and audio recordings back up the theory that Oswald acted alone.
2020-02-09 19:40:32 UTC
Use your marketable skills in the free market to your advantage. Work for someone who will pay more. Move if you have to. Lots of new jobs are opening up all over America.
2020-02-09 19:37:18 UTC
I believe Oswald did it. If he didn't do it, then shooting a cop was a poor way to prove his innocence. There is nothing magic about the magic bullet theory. That is what FMJ rounds are meant to do. 
2020-02-09 16:15:05 UTC
Sound, logical, repeatable evidence all points to Oswald as the lone shooter!

The 1963 Warren Commission made a very great number of small errors; some very extreme and unforgivable in the time line of the shooting. Those errors of 1963 contribute to you doubts.  That has been modernly revised by carefully combined multiple chronographic film evidence and is air tight! Such recourses were not available in 1963. 

From your above display of random illogical rant … that means nothing at all to you… and never will!
2020-02-09 11:33:23 UTC
E. Howard Hunt of the CIA
2020-02-09 09:10:06 UTC
The gunman at street-level, in the grassy knoll, shot Kennedy in the neck, and in the back of the head.  Oswald's shot is the one that hit Connelly in the wrist.
2020-02-09 08:28:34 UTC
A commie democrat

maybe Bernie Sanders

He fits the profile
2020-02-09 08:20:03 UTC
Some dude on the grassy knoll
2020-02-09 08:13:40 UTC
JFK was shot by assassins hired by Richard Nixon.
2020-02-11 07:28:21 UTC
A theory has surfaced that the JFK headshot was the accidental work of the Secret Service, hence all of the covering up of information and the gaps in the Warren Report.  When the first shot was heard, the driver of the Secret Service convertible behind the car carrying the President stepped on the accelerator at the precise moment when an agent in the back seat was pulling a JAR (just another rifle) from its special holster.  The agent holding the rifle accidentally pulled the trigger, and the rest is TragiHistory.   Anyone who wants to argue with me, please email me.  I love Historical arguments, especially about this topic. 
2020-02-10 05:05:24 UTC

you DO see that
2020-02-09 12:37:30 UTC
Eyewitnesses get things wrong all the time you can’t always trust their testimony
2020-02-09 09:07:34 UTC
who really cares? I dont
2020-02-09 08:17:16 UTC
It was the lady in the babushka. 
2020-02-09 08:16:48 UTC
Israel and Mossad. He was planning on having an even hand in the mideast and the Christ-killers didn't like that for their attack dog, America

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.