Did Hitler Know the Truth of the Death Camps?
2007-10-03 03:24:30 UTC
I am ignorant about history, but there are so many highly intelligent and educated people on here can I ask a question that bugs me -

I have been told on more than one occasion, and I have read in books now and then, that Hitler was aware of the concentration camps for Jews (and Gay's) but he did not know they were 'Death Camps'

I have been told that the 'Death Camps' were conceived and run by the German SS.

Apparently, when Hitler was told the truth about the mass slaughter in these camps, he was horrified and that contributed to his ultimate suicide.

I would appreciate answers from intelligent people with reliable sources - leave emotion out of this please.

27 answers:
2007-10-03 03:45:23 UTC
Why are you trying to justify Hitlers action?

His signature was on ALL of the documents at the Death Camps when they were finally stopped.

He personally negotiated the deal that supplied the chemicals used to kill many thousands.

He suicided because he was a nut and was beaten.

There are 2 things to do when you are insane. Get help and be cured, or take the rest of the world with you.

I wonder which Hitler went for?

As for sources for this information, the Nazi propaganda groups admit that Hitler knew all about the Concentration camps and was fully aware of the death toll.

If you want to become a Nazi then just do it.

Don't try to justify Hitlers actions as someone who did not know what was happening or was misunderstood.

With regards to keeping emotion out of this, thats very difficult because my father was a survivor of one of these camps.

The rest of our family was murdered at these camps.

It may simply be History now, but it is still strong in those who were directly affected.
Nia A
2007-10-03 05:46:03 UTC
Hitler was a psychopath, he ordered the "final solution," and placed a top priority on the building and managing of the death camps and concentration camps. He knew every phase of their operation. Far from being horrified, he was pleased with the numbers of people being gassed, particularly at the end of the war. He visited these camps to make sure they were "efficient," and promoted Eichmann for his contribution to this horror. Hitler committed suicide because he did not want to face the charges for the crimes he had committed, and because even at the end, he could not stand to lose. A review of "Mein Kampf" (My Life) will clear up any doubt you have about Hitler's attitude about Jews, Gays, Gypsies, Negros and other races that he believed were inferior. His illusion of a "master race" is still plaguing the world. We are all descended from a single African Mother who lived 150,000 years ago, so racism is simply a really stupid form of self-hatred. Try to resist "revisionist" history - which is just another way of saying "propaganda."
Kevan M
2007-10-04 06:55:16 UTC
Yes Hitler was aware of the camps, he may not have been aware of the finer points of the camps, but he certainley did know about the differances between Concentration, Work and Extermination Camps and squads and approved of the 'Final Soloution' of the Jewish Question as documented by the 'Wanasee' Conferance in 1941.

Indeed with so many camps, foreign workers and infrastructure devoted to this area it would easy to say that 75% of the Population residing inside of Germany knew about them and numerous front line units would have heard rumours, whispers and even participated in some of the crimes
2007-10-03 09:08:25 UTC
What wonderful question.

And what if what has been told is only misunderstanding? Just a big manipulation event?

As you said, all those intelligent and cult people in YR are aware that concentration camps got gipsy, polish, russian, colored people and other religions than hebrew, but history usually talks olny about one minority.

History does not talk about compensations to other minorities that had fallen in this terrible situation during the second war.

History talk neither about many documents, newpapers articles and published stories that illustrates German discourse about hebrew. But documents published everywhere in europe 20 years before 1st. war adn nto related to Germans (!). Documents talking about control and domination. Basis for the War II discourse. Same anti semitic argue that comes from all persecutions happened in many different centuries before, in many different cultures and countries.

I'm glad that finally Anti-Semitic discourse belongs to the past.

As a open minded, I'm really interested in hear the "If" possibility. Try to not be blind by dogmas and try to see surroundings of the tragic events of the second war.

Despite my lack of culture, I'm sure that is well know that History is made by the Winner and ask is always important to find the real true's path.

I'll read these answers and try to find logic explanations instead of reage and wrath and fury.
And P
2007-10-03 05:11:29 UTC
Yes, there are somewhere the minutes of the meeting between Him, Himmler Goring and all the top brass of the Nazis, where they made the decision to begin the killing, they laid out the whole process from the ghettos to the concentration camps, even German officers who where there or knew of this meeting have given evidence, this is where the term the final solution was coined from Hitlers own words during this meeting.

Even more damning evidence is his own book written while in exile before he came to power "Mein Kampf"

In his book, Hitler divides humans into categories based on physical appearance, establishing higher and lower orders, or types of humans. At the top, according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as an Aryan. He asserts that the Aryan is the supreme form of human, or master race.

And so it follows in Hitler's thinking, if there is a supreme form of human, then there must be others less than supreme, the Untermenschen, or racially inferior. Hitler assigns this position to Jews and the Slavic peoples, notably the Czechs, Poles, and Russians.

Hitler describes the struggle for world domination as an ongoing racial, cultural, and political battle between Aryans and Jews. He outlines his thoughts in detail, accusing the Jews of conducting an international conspiracy to control world finances, controlling the press, inventing liberal democracy as wells as Marxism, promoting prostitution and vice, and using culture to spread disharmony.

Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, crafty, sly, wily, clever, without any true culture, a sponger, a middleman, a maggot, eternal blood suckers, repulsive, unscrupulous, monsters, foreign, menace, bloodthirsty, avaricious, the destroyer of Aryan humanity, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity...

I really don't think he would commit suicide over the deaths of people he thought of as parasites !
peter gunn
2007-10-04 00:20:56 UTC
It's one of the great questions of the 2 nd world war.

We will never know to what extent Hitler had knowledge of the death camps. It would have been inevitable that he would have known about it but he did a great job at working on his deniability in case things went wrong. Officially Hitler knew nothing of the entlösung (final solution) he never put his own signature on any documents concerning this and even his staff or direct surroundings never involved themselves or noted having knowledge of them. If you check the movie der untergang you see an interview with his personal secretary in which she declares that even she nor any other of his direct surroundings knew about it. The only real involvment that is found is a document signed by one of his staff members stating that Hitler allowed a mother to terminate the life of her mentally handicapped son. The theory put forward by many historians is that the SS took things in their own hands inspired by this case. It is however highly unlikely that they could have set up such an operation without the knowledge of the head of state. But again due the fact that there is no physical evidence the question remains. We'll never know if and how much Hitler did actually know about the final solution
2015-02-15 14:53:38 UTC
National Socialism focuses less on the short term and more on the long term. Although to many the idea of exterminating people with unwanted genes sounds gruesome and is harmful in the short run, it is beneficial for future generations to live in a world without genetic diseases, without jewry, or communists. Now Hitler realized although he may get a bad impression and holocausting people of his current generation would not directly benefit him or his current generation he did this as a gift to the future generations who he may never see. Thus he was never selfish and his intentions were virtuous. My only wish is Americans would stop being short sighted and sympathize for their own generation and instead make sacrifices for the better of future generations much like selfless Hitler did.
2007-10-03 11:34:22 UTC
Oh he knew all right. He was largely responsible for the "final solution" himself. The reason he killed himself was to prevent capture by the Russians. And he had his body burned so the Russians wouldn't even have his corpse as a trophy. He was a bitter, hateful man, and lashed out at anyone he could.

I've seen people try to claim the Hitler either didn't know, or was not responsible, but that's usually someone trying to justify their admiration of him. He was a brilliant politician, and he did some good things for Germany before the war. But that's all been overshadowed by the horrors he perpetrated later.
2007-10-03 09:45:40 UTC
hitler definitely knew about the deathcamps... they where part of his " final solution" with dealing with the jews... they where his plan to exterminate the undesirables in his 3rd reich ...hitler knew the truth about the whole thing and the only reason he commited suicide was because in april 1945 the red army had overrun berlin and defeated his army...he knew the 3rd reich was over and didn't want to be captureda nd he or his boby put on display like his alley mussilinis had! ... if he really commited suicide because of the camps ... why would he take his mistress and dog with him...jst adding to the daeth toll really!...whoever told you that was an idiot or hope 4 the latter!
2016-11-07 08:23:48 UTC
dying camps opened the door for each little thing it is merciless, undesirable and sadistic in people. Who ever believed that a complicated and civilized u . s . as Germany could desire to commit so super atrocities? via the way, the comparable ingredient did the Russians, with their gulags, and the Serbians. And the comparable ingredient do the Jews to the Palestinians, too. it appears that evidently people learn very straight away the thank you to torture and kill their fellow creatures.
bottle babe
2007-10-03 03:48:01 UTC
No. The poor chap was entirely innocent of such matters. Concentration just showed how many there were of german jews in a country, and must have been deliberate. Jews considered themselves master people (mistress race from sarah) ordained by god. Proper jews scarpered, leaving their offspring to be punnished. The law required that they were taken from the city and put to death...jewish law. It is claimed he was illiterate. He was also a jew, and with a german father. Nazi dom sought to unite germany 's left and right wing parties. Jews could not follow a 'father' nation. The poor little wee devul him.
2007-10-03 03:35:11 UTC
There is no documentary evidence that Hitler knew about the camps, but, based on the content of his speeches and writings, it is pretty certain that he did know about them and even if he didn't, he would have approved of them. He mentions the removal of the jewish race from Europe in several speeches.
2007-10-03 03:31:52 UTC
Herr Hitler hated the Jews, Homosexuals, Romany Gypsies, handicapped, and disabled people amongst others and his solution was to exterminate them, if anyone says that he did not know there were death camps then they are telling blatant lies.
Vinni and beer
2007-10-03 03:34:19 UTC
'Mein Kampf' - apart from being a mad incomprehensible rant - is a definate pointer towards the death camps.

Hitler hated jews

He believed they were 'Untermenschen' - not quite Human

The Wannsee conference in 1942 is a clear indication that the Final Solution was known about, and approved by Hitler
2007-10-03 04:17:31 UTC
I spent four years of my childhood in one of Hitlers' resorts for Jews. My mother, father, two brothers and two sisters died there. I don't know if Hitler was aware of what was happening there or not, and I don't care.
2007-10-03 03:41:02 UTC
He invented them , planned them ordered them built and revelled in the carnage , He was a murderous coward of the first order, When it came to his turn he sat whimpering for months terrified of the death he visited so easily on millions of other human beings. well documented fact. whoever told you that rubbish must be a sympathiser
Mike C
2007-10-03 03:30:48 UTC
He sanctioned it, and therefore knew about it.

Read "Mien Kampf". Probably not spelt correctly, but it shows his thoughts on the jews
2007-10-03 05:38:51 UTC
it was hitler who ordered them built as a part of the final solution
2007-10-03 03:28:25 UTC
He knew about them as he wanted rid of all Jews from Europe
2007-10-03 09:26:14 UTC
Of course
2007-10-03 09:15:29 UTC
Having been born prior to World War II I consider this less history than personal life experience, that is, things I grew up understanding. Understanding about Hitler is part of that experience. Even so, there is a great deal of information available to understand Hitler and his personal view of the world and one such source is ‘Mein Kampf’.

In this book Hitler expressed his beliefs and his goals for the future. There is at least a dozen references to Jews in the book covering a number of subjects. The following cite from Mein Lampf in the chapter on Nation and Race, expresses Hitler’s basic feelings about Jews:

“ . . . The Jew forms the strongest contrast to the Aryan. Hardly in any people of the world is the instinct of self-preservation more strongly developed than in the so-called ‘chosen people.’ The fact of the existence of this race alone may be looked upon as the best proof of this. Where is the people that in the past two thousand years has been exposed to so small changes of inner disposition, of character, etc., as the Jewish people? Which people finally has experienced greater changes than this one – and yet has always come forth the same from the most colossal catastrophes of mankind? What an infinitely persistent will for life, for preserving the race do these facts disclose!

Also the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as ‘clever,’ and in a certain sense he has been so at all times. But his reason is not the result of his own development, but that of object lessons from without. For also the human mind is not able to climb the heights without steps; for every step forward he needs the foundation of the past, and, moreover, in that comprehensive meaning which can be revealed only through general culture. All thinking will rest only to a very small extent on one’s own realization, but to the greater extent on the experiences of the time past. . . . “

This continues as an extensive documentation of Hitler’s belief in the subspecies status of the Jews and I only offer it here as a foundation to support that which subsequently to the war at the Nuremberg Trials, some small selections follow:

Note: the German word Aktion is the rough equivalent of the English word Action and that is mentioned because a number of official ‘Aktions’ are part of the record and were known to Hitler and even initiated by him.

The extermination camps began relatively small (small only in the context of the ultimate numbers) and can be traced back to a written order by Hitler.

Berlin, September 1, 1939

Reichsleiter Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, who are to be designated by name, to the end that patients who are considered incurable according to the best available human judgment after critical evaluation of their condition can be granted mercy killing.

Adolf Hitler

With this order Hitler doomed about 100,000 Germans. More significantly this set in motion the machinery that produced the extermination camps in which millions of Jews perished.

Since no system existed for the carrying out the secret order, new systems had to be improvised. This began with a questionnaire being sent to German hospitals requesting information about patients suffering from a number of medical problems. Those which received a ‘red’ mark (as opposed to a blue mark) were slated for death. This was a totally secret operation and the operation had the code name ‘Aktion t 4.

At first these patients were rounded up, herded into prisons and abandoned castles, and allowed to die of starvation. These first camps came into operation in November of 1939. A more systematic method was required, and by early December (1939) Aktion t 4 had evolved a primitive gas chamber fed by exhaust fumes from internal combustion engines. This was not a preferred method because it took people a long time to die. However, by the spring of 1940 this ‘gas chamber’ had evolved into nearly its final form with the chamber disguised as a shower room. The patients were ordered to undress completely and told they were to take a bath. To make them feel more at ease they were given fake medical examinations during which they were examined for gold teeth and there chest was then stamped as to whether they had gold teeth or not.

All of this and far more is recorded in absolute detail from the Nuremberg Trials and those transcripts are available.

The point is, Hitler not only knew about this, but it was initiated by him and fit fully within his view of those (including Jews) that were undesirable.

Hitler's suicide was done because he didn't have the guts to face the enemy in the final hour. That so many died (men, Women, children) had no impact on him at all.

That such atrocities have occurred in other times by other people is of no consequence to this specific question. It is also true that the sins of the past impact current and future times. This is particularly true when those of the latest generations are not aware of these acts, or worse, do not seem to care enough to delve into the facts. For example, today there is a war occurring between the Western Cultures and the Eastern Cultures that does have a link to these times of World War II. Specifically, the uncle of the past dictator Sadam Housain was a officer in the German SS with the express duty of bring 20,000 Islamic soldiers into the war specifically to fight the Jews. We today, in part live with this legacy from World War II.
2007-10-03 03:28:33 UTC
They were run by the "Shultstaffel" SS,,,mainly by the "Totenkopf Division",and Hitler knew all about them
2007-10-03 03:28:09 UTC
He knew alright he ordered the deaths.
2007-10-03 03:47:21 UTC
If he didn't know, he missed the thrill of his life!

But, seriously, it's ridiculous to suggest he didn't know and approve heartily.
2007-10-03 03:27:33 UTC
Well the Church knew about them.
Ste B
2007-10-03 03:31:52 UTC
he knew all about them, from the very start
2007-10-03 03:42:17 UTC
of course he knew..............

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