You don't have to have a huge farm to feed yourself. Work hard and you can feed yourself and a family on 50 or 60 acres of land. You might eat a lot of corn, or a lot of Okra, but if you have 30 or 40 acres that you are willing to work hard, you will have a full belly most of the time. When you plant corn, deer will come to visit. You can shoot them by the light of the moon about 5 days a month. They did not have poaching laws, deer were a nuisance. How did people in the North get by? You ever hear the term trading? People used to go to market with a couple chicken and a small pig, and trade for flour from the mill or sugar. Next time you pay attention, look how many streets are named somethingorother Mill Road, or Somethingorother Gin House road. These were family names who owned a grinding mill or a gin still, they took goods in trade for what they needed to live. A blacksmith didn't always work for cash, he would shoe your mule for a chicken and a peck of corn. People used to have a dozen kids or so, Cotton and Tobacco were cash crops. You get 6 or 10 kids old enough to harvest, and the older kids got new shoes that winter, the younger ones wore the older ones hand me downs. Nobody thought anything of it, every family was going through the same thing. I doubt many families in the south owned slaves. If you just think about the cost, and ignore the humanity (I know that is hard). Slaves were owned by rich family's. They were never owned by 95% of the population. They were always owned by the minority, and as much as you do not want to hear it, They were owned by rich liberals more often than not. Don't trust me and don't trust your politicians, go to the history books. The big money in the south voted democrat for 190 years.
If you want the real truth, and are not afraid of the real truth, read the history books. Do it yourself, don't believe what you hear.