The second answer is onto the crux of this matter.
"Karl Marx" father was a jew lawyer named Mordechai Levy(i?). He changed it because the
noachide sheople he was hoping to fleece didn't
trust people with names like that.
If "Marx" says the workers have no country
he's talking about the jewrabs whose nations
"israel" hopes to swallow up--you know, the ones they depend on to work their fields whenever their four-letter-word god says they oughn't to break a sweat? Eventually their whole calendar will be a holiday.
It will be all gentiles--they are the ones the
Marxists see as workers. Someone has to sit back and enjoy the "skim" though, don't they?
Who's going to miss what it takes to make 12 million so rich they don't even have to lift a finger?
Further, zionism is a nationalist movement all right, but it's citizens seem to move around a lot, and hold dual citizenships, and are citizens of a nation named after a nation that was composed of an actual people--semites--but which is now mostly composed of a lot of europeans who have taken on this persona--and even the arrogant mannerisms living in the midst of reluctant neighbors who are actual semites.
It's all very confusing and intended to be so.
Just remember this though: there would be no "israel" now without U.S. support of it right up to the point where bullets go in flesh and boots crunch on gravel. The rationale for U.S. support has always been that "israel" is supposedly a "democracy"--the implication being like our anti-communist capitalist democratic republic. It's not.
After there first became what could be described as an "israel"--by default more-or-less--the first and only nation which would sell the terrorist thugs peopling it weapons was Czeckoslovakia, under the Soviet umbrella. This undoubtedly worried some in the U.S. department of state and allowed others who knew better to argue that "the U.S. must support "israel" in order to keep a european-style effective Soviet satellite from being on one side of the Suez while a Soviet client state occuppied the other.
That's what it was all about then, Old habits
die hard and we continued with our "special relationship" (whenever you hear that term get out the KY, you're going to get a reamin') with the "landlocked aircraft carrier in the middle-east" long after that was any sort of issue. No wonder the arab terrorists went
So if you look at the way things are working out it's really no surprise the father/author of communism was in-fact the fruit of the loins of two jews. If you go on the operant theory that you can tell they're lying when their lips move, you'll do a whole lot better understanding this.
There would be no "israel" now without there having been the jew-created communist bogey-man to herd the sheople/noachide in that direction.
Now we're beyond the phase where the U.S. secures the figurehead state of an international borderless state of "israel". That is done, our usefulness is almost over and prepare to be scuttled so as that no other entity might pick up such a dangerous weapon and wield it in a non-zionist-consistent way, or that we might seize our own power and use it for our own purposes.
For as has been earlier said, the zionist jew nationalist movement came out of the same area (and labor pool) as the premier communist power--and a power which murdered more christians than hitler ever dreampt of killing of jews. Odd how there's not a museum to that holocaust on every street corner and you'd be hard-put to find a school child who's ever heard of that... But then someone might examine some of the names and lineages of those involved in that slaughter-of-innocents.
They were practicing.
Likely thePRC will become their next and possibly last golem--brutal dictatorial enforcer state for their world dominion.
Henry Ford was hip to it. JFK got whacked by it (he was talking tough about nuclear non-proliferation when the jewk was in early critical-phase development--stealing our prometheun fire).
Though it's been carefully made to seem as if there's some sort of mutual exclusivity between zionism and communism, nothing could be further from the truth. They had to dress up the organizational style of the "israeli" economic means-of-production as a "kibbutz". Commune just wouldn't have sounded all that encouraging when the pretext for helping these death-stalkers was to *fight* communism.
You've got to get it through your head you're a member of a 2000year-old civilization being manipulated by and matching wits with one which has been doing what they do at least twice that long. Once you get that through your head things start falling into place.