The "noble savage" helplessly preyed upon by savage whites is today's PC delusion. It's Disney history. There's no innocent party to the conflict, but there was a deliberate calculated choice by most Indians to reject and oppose in various ways--including war--European civilization. Don't make them out be to saints, or to be helpless fools.
What did Indians do when on the "war path?" Why did they call males "braves?" Why did early settlers identify "Indian summer?" Who was it that early Indian cannibals ate, before the whites came?
Indians declared war also on settlers, when some tribes had no more claim to the land they occupied than any one else.
Navajos for example made vicious attacks against the "old ones" long before Columbus came; the attacks were to force Indian settlements to support them.
The Lakota of Custer's fame were nomads from Canada, not citizens of South Dakota. All the Apache tribes (Geronimo, etc) were fierce war-making nomadic tribes who came north over centuries killing and enslaving other Indians in their way.
And yes Indians did scalp and do other awful, bloody deeds to whites and Indians alike. There is a kind of noblity in their proud refusals to bend a knee, or accept Western civilization (though they valued its products as much as the makers of those products).
There's not much good to be said for Indians having chosen a mean poverty, illness, famine, and other hardships over available alternatives.