Eisenhoweer Bradley and Monty calimed it an 80 % sucess it was a Bridge to Far as the Movie shows
but the Capture of the Nijmegen Bridge allowed us to Invade the Ruhr Valley
over the Merrs River and the smaller Bridges further south
Once the Bridge at Ramargen had fallen into the River there were No Bridges along the Danube Main and the Rhine we needed bridges
as a Result of the capture of the Nijmegen Bridge and the capture of the Port at Antwerp the allies Built up a stock pile of Fuel food and Equipment for the Big Push into Germany
the supply Run from Normandy was costing to much time
Built a 6 lane Highway from the Coast to Brussels and a Giant Airport in Holland and Belgium
I was posted to Germany after WW2 and My friend was Posted to RAF Indhoven the Longest Runway in europe all to get supplies to Holland and to be Driven across the Nijmegen Bridge
when you look at the Strategic location of these Bridges and realize without them we had No was across without Building Our own
Arnhem was a victory for the Germans albeit tempered by their losses further south and a major defeat for the British army.
The Allies withdrew from the southern bank of the Rhine and the front stabilised on "the island" between the Rhine and Waal rivers. Although the Germans counterattacked in October they were repulsed and subsequently the front line in the Netherlands would not move until after the winter. However, the bridgeheads across the Maas and Waal served as an important base for subsequent operations against the Germans on the Rhine and the strike into Germany.
It would have been easier with that Bridge But there it was a disaster with the Loss of 1,485 Killed and 6,525 captured
the Battle of the Bulge Proved that the Operation did Succeed when the Germans main aim was to split the allies cut off the Supplies and take Antwerp
Note what we did Not Know was there was Panzers In the Forest at Arnhem Bridge
when I was In Germany stationed at a place Called Weeze I got My Dutch friend to show me
where we were and where the Germans were even if Our Tanks had Moved towards Arnhem they would not have been able to do anything
By 21 September, the fifth day of the battle, German forces outnumbered the British by 3:1 and continued to increase with Tanks
In fact, SHAEF Eisenhower's HQ was aware that there were at least two Panzer divisions at Arnhem but with the operation looming chose to ignore them. Such information would have been gleaned from Ultra intercepts that the Allied Airborne Army was not privy to and therefore could not act upon themselves
so this blaming the wrong people for the Lack of Information to the People On the Ground was Eisenhower's Fault but we did Get the Main Bridge