People who have that opinon are completly nieve and blind to the facts so before they twist any more history and move into the realm of nazi apologetic or holocaust denial they need to read more factual information and stop getting their information from nazi fan website and hobby sites. The German army in world war 2 was not something cool with neat weapons and uniforms, that has been post war commercialization by reanactors and hobbyist and it has been twisted into many fivtional stories and half truths.
History professors, educated Germans and people with factual knowledge on the subject matter will all say that these facts are wrong.
Here are some things to think about
-it's not Germany, it's the evil nazis Most Nazis were German however most in modern society don't make Germans feel guilty or bare any cross. Most Germans live day to day with little guilt. So this argument is really pointless and quite obvious
-only a small number of Germans were nazis. Most Germans were opressed by the evil nazis... That is wrong many Germans were nazis and many supported them. In you saying this, people who make most Germans out to be victims is ridiculous . Look at the crowds of supporting Germans at nazi rallies. If you talk to most Germans who lived during the war they will tell you that over 50 to 70 percent supported the nazis and many were party members. I have lived in Germany,
-treaty of Versailles was so unfair...: There is some factual information there but don't we learn not to blame others for our failings. That argument only supports what they are trying to argue against.
-only SS were bad and Wehrmacht soldiers were heroes fighting for their country... This is not true, the SS were not only the bad ones. There is documented fact that the Whermacht helped in the holocaust. The organization itself swore an oath tho Hitler and the party. They can argue that some of its members we're not guilty but the organization did support the nazis,.
-eastern Europe is the cradle of antisemitism ... That has no value in the argument. Germany was the cradle fo communism does that mean Germany is guilty for Stalins crimes. Antisemitism goes back to Rome and Egypt, that does not give any rights to any people to percicute and create a genocide.
-Jews were opressed in pre-war Poland.... So? They were also treated poorly in France and other European countries. That is a silly argument, that would be like saying I bully a kid because others bulky him too.
-Polish fascist government helped Hitler in partitioning of Czechoslovakia... And again their point is?
-those stubborn Polacks refused to submit to Hitler and give him Danzig so they are at least partially responsible for the WWII... Now they are showing true colours, Polacks? Got a little hate on for Poland do we. Why should Poland submit to Hitler? That is like saying someone did not submit to me so I beat him up.
-poor Germans didn't know about the camps, Poles knew and DID NOTHING.... Wrong again, they say they support Germans, this argument makes the Germans look stupid. The Germans knew, not all but many there were many large camps in Germany near towns and villages. Many Germans were employed near and around the camps. Not all the poles knew about the camps, you should not generalize on either side. I have been to camps in Germany and I can verify that the Germans knew.
-people employed at the camps were mostly eastern European Slavs .... Wrong again camps were all over occupied Europe, there were French who worked in and near the ones in France, there were Belgians and Dutch, many Germans across Germany and Croatians. Dachau in Bavaria was predominantly for Germans and it was run by Germans. There were locals that worked in and around the camp.
-eastern Europe collaborated with the nazis on a large scale while western Europe fought for the Jews... Again so? Just because some Easter Europeans collaborated with thev nazis and SS does not mean that the Germans are any less guilty. That is like saying that the killer is less guilty because he had an accomplice. By the way there were many French, Belgians, Dutch, and Italians that joined the Waffen SS and SS. It was a French SS unit that was one of the last to defend Hitlers government district.
So before they go on their nazi / German defense they need to read a little more as the argument is not sound and is making them look ignorant.
You can argue that antisemitism was a European problem, you can argue that the treaty of versatile was unfair and helped cause WW2 but what you can not do is use this to wave responsibility. What is actually funny with this is most have moved on and don't feel it necessary to dwell in such trivial question or blaming.
I fail to understand why so many are still so passionate and ignorant about this.