What year did the Spanish Armada sail for England?
2006-04-09 15:01:15 UTC
What year did the Spanish Armada sail for England?
Four answers:
2006-04-09 15:47:40 UTC
The preparation of the Armada, which began more or less from scratch early in 1586, took over two years. It launched in 1588 and arrived off of Lands End in July.

Elizabeth's support for the largely Protestant Dutch rebellion against her former half-brother-in law, Philip of Spain, and her apparent connivance in raids on Spanish colonies and trade, led to war with Spain from 1585. In 1588, Philip sent an Armada - a massive force of 130 ships and 19,000 troops - from Lisbon to Calais.

The English (under the admiral, Howard of Effingham and his lieutenants, Francis Drake and John Hawkins) mounted a night-time attack with fireships against the fleet at Calais and then inflicted considerable damage in a battle off Gravelines. However, weather conditions forced the Armada back to Spain, round the north of Scotland and the west coast of Ireland - suffering heavy looses from storms and shipwrecks on the way. Further fleets were sent in 1596 and 1597, but both were stopped by storms.
2006-04-10 13:44:46 UTC
2006-04-09 15:02:10 UTC
2016-10-16 03:55:08 UTC
England might win the floor conflict, by using fact England might desire to enhance a huge military while Spain might have basically the army that it would desire to maintain on ships. many of the Spanish ships may be blown out of the water by using cannon on shore batteries, any surviving ships might discover British troops waiting to greet all people silly adequate to bypass ashore. England had seem-outs observing for a Spanish invasion and a device of beacons (great fires) to warn of an attack, there might desire to be no ask your self invasion.

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