2006-11-08 17:28:40 UTC
You say you didn't know about modern slavery? Well, now you do, anyone who has had such a issue with slavery as the Afro-Americans should be studying the issue and organizing bans, boycotts and marches. Lets' start with the number two (2) area that being Chocolate, you should ensure that your family, friends and school boycott Chocolate that means candy, ice cream and hot chocolate, etc. The big companies have the power to make sure the Egyptians and others quit using slaves to gather the Coca Beans.
The number one (1) area is the sex trade, videos, prostitution and children. You cannot do much there but you could ensure the issue becomes publicized.
Number three (3) is Coffee and you should do the same thing as you should do with chocolate.
Number four (4) is drugs and it is even worse with this area (I believe they should be legalized; it worked in the Netherlands and would be a God sent to the Country) is that the profits are used to kill us.
Yes, I am against slavery are you? God Bless You and The Southern People.