Questions about the Nazi's "Final Solution"?
2014-01-10 11:21:08 UTC
Nazis coined the team “The Final Solution”. To what does the term refer? Why did they use this language? What were some of the stages implemented as part of "The Final Solution"? What wasthe intended purpose of these state-sponsored programs?
Ten answers:
2014-01-10 11:48:30 UTC
The term "Final Solution" refers to their deliberate policy of exterminating as many of Europe's Jews as possible.

The expression was used to fit in with Nazi propaganda that they were solving an alleged problem - that is Jews and other races were racially undesirable and were weakening the gene pool and deliberately preventing the Germanic/Aryan race from fulfilling its true potential and destiny. Also because if they said that they were going to gas several million Jewish people that the policy might have been unpalatable to many people.

The stages in the Final Solution were:

1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor and via the Enabling Act he took dictatorial powers.

1935: Nuremberg laws - these defined who was and wasn't Jewish, restricted certain rights to Jewish people, such as making them a Star of David, banned Aryans and Jews from getting married.

1938: Kristallnacht - the night of broken glass, following the assassination of a German embassy official by a French-Polish Jew upset at his family's deportation from Germany to Poland an antisemitic pogrom was carried out where synagogues were burnt down, Jewish shops and businesses attacked and many Jewish people attacked leading to many deaths. After Kristallnacht the Jewish community was made to then pay for the damage.

1939: WWII kicks off with the Nazi invasion of Poland. Following up behind the invasion were specially appointed groups of SS thugs called Einsatzgruppen. Their job was to round up groups of Jewish people and execute them. The invasion of Poland and then the USSR after the invasion of the Soviet Union brought millions of Jewish people into the Nazi Empire. Those who the Einsatzgruppen did not murder were placed in ghettos and they were forced to work in Nazi related industries - making uniforms, crushing rocks for road construction etc. However the large number of Jewish people meant that all other options that were debated such as letting them die off gradually, deporting them to Palestine, Madagascar etc were considered impractical as Germany was at war.

20 January 1942 - The Wannsee Conference - under the chairmanship of Reinhardt Heydrich a group of Senior Nazis endorsed what became known as the Final Solution or the Holocaust and meant the genocidal death of the Jews in Nazi captivity. It was estimated at this conference that there were 11 million Jews in Nazi occupied Europe.

Subsequently a number of extermination camps, mostly in Poland, were established with the purpose of gassing as many Jews as possible via the use of Zyklon-B gas pellets. These were dropped into sealed rooms designed to look like shower rooms and were activated by human body heat. The bodies, after they were processed, that is gold fillings were removed as well as prosthetic limbs etc were then mostly cremated.
2014-01-10 12:03:35 UTC

After the Nuremberg Laws were passed it was Hitler who first used the expression `Final Solution `. He told the Reichstag , `If these laws did not solve the Jewish problem ,it must be handed over by law to the National Socialist Party for a final solution`

The rapid expansion of the Third Reich in the occupied territories brought over two million Jews under the control of the SS .

On 31 July 1941 Goering authorized Heydrich , chief of the RSHA ,to co- ordinate the resources of the Reich `for a final solution of the Jewish question in the area of German influence in Europe ` .

On 20 January 1942 Heydrich invited 15 key officials from various Reich ministries ,, including Adolf Eichmann ,to a conference at a lakeside villa in the Berlin suburb of Wansee . At the Wansee Conference as it became known , Heyrich presented plans `to implement the desired final solution of the Jewish Question`

Heydrich informed those present that Hitler had authorized the operation . The word extermination was never used during the conference but the intention was clear .

Heydrich summed up the conference in these words

`Another possible solution of the problem has now taken place of emigration , that is , the evacuation of the Jews to the east . Such activities are, however , to be considered provisional actions ,but practical experience is already collected which is of the greatest importance in relation to the final solution of the Jewish problem ` .By this , the extermination of the Jewish people was decided upon.
2014-01-10 11:33:41 UTC
The Nazis had persecuted the Jews for nearly five years before they started to implement the "Final Solution". The Nazis had coined this term because they had done everything else in their power to remove the Jews from Germany e.g. Placing them in ghettos (Warsaw), encouraging them to emigrate, segregating them etc. The stages of the Final Solution involved working the Jews and other minority groups to death or in some cases, gassing them. The Nazis also experimented on the Jews and minority groups for the advances of science ( The Nazis had discovered that smoking caused cancer before anybody else). The intended purpose of the programs was to annihilate all Jews and minority groups.

I hope this helps! :)
2014-01-10 13:59:03 UTC
They wanted to rid Germany & other countries of the Jews & by association communists, retarded, crippled, gypsies, homosexuals because they wanted a pure society of Aryans.

Hitler, Goebbels & their crew used language & spectacular events to work their followers up into a ravenous mob, idolizing the furher almost as a demi-god.

They also felt most Slavic people were inferior to the true Aryans, but if the Slavic children had blue eyes 7 blonde hair they could be brought into the German race.

A lot of what they believed began in the late 19th century when a bunch of pseudo scientific beliefs were the rage in Europe. Over population in Germany, mixed with the pseudo religious tripe, mixed with a semi-loss in WW I, mixed with the expansion of Soviet style communism & a recipe for all this stuff became law.
2014-01-10 15:59:29 UTC
The Germans found that it was an expensive way they were slaughtering a few Jewish people and others at a time in theirs hundreds and thousands when they were aiming at exterminating millions, and Final Solution to figure how they could handle that number as efficiently as possible.

Even today Germany are regarded as one of the most efficient nations in the world and to get things carried out

Sigmund Fraud
2014-01-10 12:21:33 UTC
The term came from Hitler's book Mein Kampf in which he talked about "the final solution to the Jewish problem". In his eyes the Jewish problem was basically that they existed and the Nazi solution was to exterminate them, the intended purpose of putting Jews in the camps was pretty simply, they would be used as slave labor for as long as they were able to work and then killed. The Nazis didn't see Jews as people which was their twisted justification for all of it.
2014-01-10 11:36:32 UTC
1) "The Final Solution” referred to extermination of the Jewish people.

2) They used this language to obfuscate what they were doing.

3) They first identified the Jews, used them for slave labor, and then sent them to concentration camps to be murdered.

4) While it was state-sponsored homicide, it originated with Hitler and his anti-Semitic pro Aryan (master race) views
2014-01-10 11:43:32 UTC
They knew they were going to lose world war 2. they still had lots of jews and they knew if they lost the war they were going to be liberated. so, the final solution was to kill every jew left before the nazi government collapsed. this period when the soviets and brits and americans started entering germany is when a majority of jewish deaths came.
Tim D
2014-01-10 11:32:08 UTC
The Final Solution was the answer to the Jewish Question (but they used German – Judenfrage).
2014-01-10 11:27:50 UTC
They wanted to kill all the Jews in the world primarily ,they killed other groups in the Holocaust too like the Romany

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