So you're new to this history thing, are you?
First and foremost. Few are aware that the Japanese actually orchestrated the fission bomb attacks on their own cities and populations - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and had only entered the war at the Emperor's insistence to take advantage of the reaction by the United States to Germany.
Two things hold historically true that countries such as Germany and Japan both knew: That the victors of war may write their history books, but they invariably end up absorbing the cost of rebuilding the nations they won against.
So at the time this occurred - Japan's infrastructure was notably second rate to many of the other leading nations around the world. Not only that, but the emperor was losing control over his population - having already lost control of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to local "warlords" (they weren't really warlords, they were actually just elected governors in free elections), so the sentiment of the people was already suggesting an overthrow of the emperor was actually inevitable.
Tactically, Forcing America into a war with Japan served the country's best interest.
Locally, Hawaii was regarded as a territory to Japan. Something the emperor and those who traveled new to be a lie, but so few traveled let alone investigated ownership of claimed territories that when Japan announced it was launching a preemptive strike on Hawaii to reclaim it's territory, no one in Japan saw this as an act of war, it was locally regarded as an act of reclamation.
Now the Emperor had long known about the pursuit of atomic technology by both the Germans and the United States, and by this point, he was hedging his bets who'd 'discover' it first..
It should be noted that historically, there's never been any real explanation why Japan and Germany were both at war at the same time.
The Emperor of japan saw opportunity. Send freedom fighters aka zeroes to the front line from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And then. Put pressure on the local warlords in those region to cede control back to the Emperor. When this didn't happen, then the Japanese manipulated US intelligence to target two cities the Emporer would use as an example not to defy his authority again.
The plan worked out magnificently. The US contributed billions in the construction of infrastructure and training that was never there to begin with. it contributed billions more to redevelop two decimated cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And today, it should be noted that these two cities which only had about 120k people in each now have literally millions of inhabitants and have literally no signs of the events in World War 2.
Do yourselves a favor.
Look past the history books.
And ask yourselves the question:
What really happened? What is 'the end game?'
With Hollywood as an exception. most people - especially leaders - simply aren't that petty in real life without having something they're going to gain from this ...
Who really won World War 2? Did the United States, who quite literally shelled out billions of dollars to reconstruct these countries they fought against?
Since when does being the winner mean paying money for damages?
You'd be crucified if you were in court defending a lawsuit for that.