Most people worked quite hard in those days, and generally longer hours than people do now. Children of poorer families would probably leave school and start work quite young. Married women also worked if they were poor, if they didn't work outside the home they often took in washing or sewing, or perhaps took in lodgers. Housework was harder than it is now, because there were fewer of the labour-saving devices that we are used to, and fires and oil lamps created a lot of dirt in houses. Wealthier people had more leisure time, middle-class women would have servants to help with the housework, or if they were rich enough, to do it all, so they would have more time to pursue their own interests. However, even poor people usually had some time to enjoy themselves.
When they weren't working, they enjoyed going out dancing, to the theatre and to the music hall. Moving pictures were beginning to become very popular at this time. Bicycling was very popular at the turn of the last century, with men and women, in fact it was a major craze. By 1900, more than 10 million bikes were on the road in the USA .Tennis, golf and croquet were popular games, and men played or watched football and baseball (or cricket if they were in the UK). Horseriding was popular with those who could afford it.
At home, people read books, newspapers and magazines, listened to records on the gramaphone if they had one, or played their own musical intruments. Most children were taught to play a musical instgrument, if they were girls it was most often the piano, boys might learn piano or they might be taught the violin. Board games were very popular, chess, draughts, backgammon, etc. Word games and riddles and conundrums etc were also popular. A lot of women and girls sewed, either for practical purposes, or they did embroidery for decorative purposes. Drawing and painting were also popular activities.
children of course played ball games, boys played with toy soldiers, and girls with dolls, they skipped and bowled hoops and climbed trees and used their imaginations.
Women's clubs were very popular, middle-class housewives met to discuss history, current affairs, or literature. There were thousands of women's clubs throuhgout the USA at the turn of the last century. and of course many people were involved in social reform, some women belonged to the Women's Suffrage movement, and many more to the Temperence movement. Many people were engaged in charitable work, like Jane Addams who started the Settlement House movement in New York.