Of all the silly questions I have seen on this forum, this has to be one of the silliest. There are people here who have genuinely interesting, challenging questions, and yet you waste our time with your idiotic question asking people to speculate as to who would win a fight, as if that would determine the merits of each contestant's worldview (at least I assume that is what you are suggesting by your riduculous query).
I won't even bother to speculate, and actually the only reason I responded was to take you to task for your intellectual laziness. For instance, you blame "liberals" for your lack of knowledge as to Marx's nationality, when in fact, since you are obviously online, a moment's research could have answered that question. The fault is yours, and yours alone.
Finally, since Patton is such a hero to you, you should at least get his name right (another indication of your laziness). His middle name was Smith, not Armstrong. You are obviously thinking of George Armstrong CUSTER, which, again, you would have known if you had bothered to check your facts.
In the future I would suggest you either do your homework before you post a question, and even then ask a substantive question, or restrict your questions to the "Singles and Dating" section, which, judging by your profile, seems to be your main area of interest.