Harry C
2009-12-02 08:58:39 UTC
But why the **** to Americans think it would just be Britain speaking German had they not helped??
If America had not done **** and Britain did get took over, you think America would have won the war?
If Britain did get taken over thorld would have been siriously ****** up, because the Germans would of had Holland,Britain Italy and France plus if Britain got taken over, Russia i think would have helped the Germans way more plus Japan and way more countries would have formed an allience to Germany the day Britain got controlled.They are so many other countries that hate America that would have formed a big *** allience.America is strong but do you think you could have won that war.Plus without Britain it would be way harder to get to europe for America.
You did help us in force but Winston Churchill had so many spies that gave him a lot of intelligence and then with the force of Canada/America/Britain won the war.
And some kid on yahoo answers thinks because we owe America for WWII and by pulling are troops out of Iraq to Afgan was dis loyal.Like do you America have history books do the kids know that England/Europe are the ones that killed all the native Americans took it over and now you are Americans.Thats why places like New York means NEW york and i think Englands York has been around so much longer than New York and this is why you have places like NEW england in americans.
I mean am i wrong saying we English gave birth to America?
How would you feel if Russia or China invaded Native America ?
Isn't every American somehow in there family tree related to a Brit?
People that say Blair was Bush's Lapdogg? Blair see 9/11 thought it was unacceptle then the London bombs happend plus he and Bush probaly got two fat pay checks isnt that enough reason to go to war instead of being a lap dogg?
Again i love most Americans because you are my family but sometimes i feel like you guys do not have great schools(thats coming from a Brit are school are ****)