name for me the presidents and prime ministers who were murdered around the world?
2007-12-28 07:26:23 UTC
The presidents and prime ministers of countries who were assassinated like Sadat of Egypt.
Eight answers:
2007-12-28 07:42:53 UTC

* Hiempsal, (117 BC), co-ruler of Numidia

* François Darlan, (1942), senior figure of Vichy France

* Maurice Audin, (1957), communist mathematician

* Mohamed Khemisti, (1963), Algerian foreign minister

* Mustafa Bouyali, (1987), Islamic fundamentalist

* Mohamed Boudiaf, (1992), President of Algeria

* Youcef Sebti, (1993), poet

* Kasdi Merbah, (1993), former Prime Minister of Algeria

* Abdelkader Alloula, (1994), playwright

* Cheb Hasni, (1994), singer

* Lounès Matoub, (1998), singer

* Abdelkader Hachani, (1999), Islamic fundamentalist


* Jonas Savimbi, 2002, Angolan political and rebel leader

Burkina Faso

* Thomas Sankara, (1987), Head of State of Burkina Faso

* Clément Oumarou Ouédraogo, (1991), opposition leader

* Norbert Zongo, (1998), journalist


* Louis Rwagasore, (1961), Prime Minister of Burundi

* Jean Nduwabike, (1962), trade union leader

* Gabriel Gihimbare, (1964), first Roman Catholic bishop of Hutu descent

* Pierre Ngendandumwe, (1965), Prime Minister of Burundi

* Joseph Bamina, (1965), Prime Minister of Burundi

* Paul Mirerekano, (1965), leading Burundian politician

* Gervais Nyangoma, (1965), politician

* Martin Ndayahoze, (1972), leading army commander and information minister

* Ntare V, (1975), dethroned King of Burundi (disputed circumstances)

* Melchior Ndadaye, (1993), President of Burundi, Founder of The Burundi Workers' Party

* Gilles Bimazubute, (1993),

* Kassi Manlan, (2001), World Health Organisation representative


* Ruben Um Nyobé, (1958), leader of the Union of the Peoples of Cameroon (UPC)


* François Tombalbaye, (1975), President of Chad


* Ali Soilih, (1978), former President of Comoros

* Ahmed Abdallah, (1989), President of Comoros

Congo (Brazzaville)

* Marien Ngouabi, (1977), President of the Congo

* Émile Biayenda, (1977), Archbishop of Brazzaville

* Pierre Anga, (1988), rebel leader

Congo (Kinshasa)

* Kabongo Boniface Kalowa, (1960),

* Patrice Lumumba, (1961), former Prime Minister of the Congo

* Maurice Mpolo, (1961), Lumumba associate

* Joseph Okito, (1961), Lumumba associate

* Ferdinand Kabange Numbi, (1964),

* André Lubaya, (1968),

* Laurent Kabila, (2001), President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ivory Coast

* Robert Guéi, (2002), former President of Côte d'Ivoire

* Émile Boga Doudou, (2002), Interior minister

* Muhammad Ahmad alRashid, (2003), Saudi ambassador


* Pompey the Great, (48 BC), Roman politician killed in Egypt

* Germanicus, (19), Roman military leader, poisoned in Alexandria by Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso under orders from Tiberius

* Al-Afdal Shahanshah, (1121), vizier of Fatimid Egypt

* Al-Amir, (1130), Fatimid Caliph

* Qutuz, (1260), Mamluk sultan of Egypt

* Khalil, (1293), Mamluk sultan of Egypt

* Jean Baptiste Kléber, (1800), French general, in Cairo

* Boutros Ghali, (1910), Prime Minister of Egypt, by Ibrahim El-Wardan

* Sir Lee Stack, (1924), Governor-General of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, in Cairo

* Walter Edward Guinness, Lord Moyne, (1944), the UK's Minister Resident in the Middle East; killed in Cairo by the Stern Gang

* Ahmed Maher Pasha, (1945), Prime Minister of Egypt, in Cairo by Mahmud Issawy

* Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi, (1948), Prime Minister of Egypt, by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

* Hassan al-Banna, (1949), founder of the Muslim Brotherhood

* Anwar Sadat, (1981), President of Egypt

* Rifaat al-Mahgoub, (1990), speaker of Egyptian parliament

* Farag Foda, (1992), Egyptian politician and intellectual

Equatorial Guinea

* Atanasio Ndongo Miyone, Saturnino Ibongo, Bonifacio Ondó Edu, Armando Balboa, Pastor Torao and many others, (1969), Equatorial Guinean politicians, in murderous crackdown after coup attempt against President Francisco Macías Nguema


* Tilahun Gizaw, (1969), Ethiopian student leader

The Gambia

* Deyda Hydara, (2004), journalist


* Amílcar Cabral, (1973), Pan-African intellectual, in Conakry, Guinea


* Pio Gama Pinto, (1965), socialist politician

* Tom Mboya, (1969), Kenyan politician

* Josiah Mwangi Kariuki, (1975), Kenyan politician

* Robert Ouko, (1990), foreign minister of Kenya

* Karimi Nduthu, (1996), opposition activist


* Selometsi Baholo, Deputy Prime Minister

* Makhele

* Motuba

* Seheri

* Selala Sekhonyana

* Sixishe


* William R. Tolbert, Jr., (1980), president of Liberia killed in military coup

* Samuel Doe, (1990), president of Liberia


* Radama II of Madagascar, (1863), king of Madagascar

* Richard Ratsimandrava, (1975), president of Madagascar killed just days after taking power in military coup


* Eduardo Mondlane, (1969), leader of the independence FRELIMO movement, allegedly killed by the Portuguese branch of Gladio

* Carlos Cardoso, (2000), Mozambican journalist


* Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, (1999), President of Niger


* Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, (1966), Prime Minister of Nigeria killed during military coup

* Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, (1966)

* Adekunle Fajuyi, (1966)

* Samuel Akintola, (1966)

* Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, (1966), military head of state

* Murtala Ramat Mohammed, (1976), President of Nigeria

* Dele Giwa, (1986), journalist

* Ken Saro-Wiwa, (1995), activist

* Bola Ige, (2001), justice minister of Nigeria


* Mlimo, (1896), Ndebele spiritual leader and instigator of the Second Matabele War; assassinated by Frederick Russell Burnham, an American scout.


* Dian Fossey, (1985), primatologist, in the province of Ruhengeri; assassination probably planned by Protais Zigiranyirazo

* Agathe Uwilingiyimana, (1994), Prime Minister of Rwanda killed one day after genocide began

* Juvénal Habyarimana, (1994), His plane was shot out of the sky as it approached Kigali airport, and signalled the start of the Rwandan Genocide


* Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, (1969), president of Somalia

* George Adamson, (1989), British naturalist, at Kora

South Africa

* Shaka, (1828), king of the Zulus, near Stanger (now KwaDukuza) by Dingane and Mhlangana

* Mhlangana, (1828), Zulu prince murdered by Dingane. Shaka, Mhlangana, Dingane, Mpande and others were half-brothers, sons of a Zulu chief Senzangakhona with different his different wives.

* Hendrik Verwoerd, (1966), Prime Minister of South Africa, stabbed in parliament by Dimitri Tsafendas

* Onkgopotse Tiro, (1974), South African student leader

* Ruth First, (1982), anti-apartheid scholar and wife of Communist party leader Joe Slovo, by pro-apartheid "Koevoet" leader Craig Williamson

* Vernon Nkadimeng, (1985), South African dissident

* Dulcie September, (1988), head of the African National Congress in Paris, by South African Defense Force sergeant Joseph Klue

* Chris Hani, (1993), leader of the South African Communist Party shot by Janusz Walus

* Johan Heyns, (1995), prominent leader in the Dutch Reformed Church

* Brett Kebble, (2005), controversial mining magnate


* Cleo Noel Jr and George Curtis Moore, (1973), US Chief of Mission/Deputy Chief ot Mission (see Khartoum diplomatic assassinations)

* Guy Eid, (1973), Belgian Chargé d'affaires (see Khartoum diplomatic assassinations)


* Abeid Amani Karume, (1972), first President of Zanzibar, First Vice President of Tanzania


* Sylvanus Olympio, (1963), first president of independent Togo, in a coup led by dictator Gnassingbé Eyadéma

* Tavio Amorin, (1992), socialist leader (shot in Lomé, died in Paris)


* Khalil Wazir ("Abu Jihad"), (1988), military leader of the PLO, in Tunis

* Salah Khalaf ("Abu Iyad"), (1991), deputy leader of the PLO killed by Abu Nidal terrorists in Tunis, Tunisia


* Benedicto Kiwanuka, (1972), Chief Justice of Uganda

* Janani Luwum, (1977), Archbishop of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Boga-Zaire from 1974 until 1977


* Herbert Chitepo, (1975), Zimbabwean nationalist leader


* Attati Mpakati, (1983), left-wing Malawian politician

Assassinations in the Americas

Antigua and Barbuda

* Daniel Parke, (1710), British governor of the Leeward Islands


* Justo José de Urquiza, (1870), former president of Argentina

* Pedro Aramburu, (1970), former president of Argentina executed by the Montoneros

* Carlos Prats, (1974), Chilean general

* Zelmar Michelini, (1976), Uruguayan senator

* Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, (1976), speaker of the Uruguayan House of Representatives


* Sir Richard Sharples, (1973), governor of Bermuda


* Manuel Isidoro Belzu, (1865), President of Bolivia

* Mariano Melgarejo, (1871), President of Bolivia

* Che Guevara, (1967), Argentinean revolutionary leader

* Juan José Torres, (1976), former President of Bolivia


* João Pessoa Cavalcânti de Albuquerque, (1930)

* Adib Shishakli, (1964), Syrian military dictator

* Chico Mendes, (1988), Brazilian environmental activist

* Daniela Perez, (1992), Brazilian actress

* Dorothy Stang, (2005), American nun killed by business interests

* Pinheiro Machado,(1915), Brazilian politician

* Leon Eliachar, (1987), Egyptian writer

* Zuzu Angel,(1976), Brazillian activist

* Wladmir Herzog,(1975), journalist

* Paulo César Farias, (1996), Collor de Mello's campaign treasurer


* Thomas D'Arcy McGee, (1868), Canadian father of Confederation

* George Brown, (1880), newspaper editor and Senator

* Sergio Pérez Castillo, (1968), Cuban diplomat killed by anti-Castro forces in Montreal

* Pierre Laporte, (1970), Quebec Minister of Labour, was kidnapped and murdered by the FLQ

* Atilla Alt?kat, (1982), Turkish diplomat assassinated by Armenian nationalists in Ottawa

* Tara Singh Hayer, (1998), journalist killed by Sikh separatists


* René Schneider, (1970), Chilean general

* Victor Jara, (1973), singer

* Jaime Guzmán, (1991), Chilean Senator

* Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, (1971), Chilean ex Secretary of interior affairs

* Salvador Allende, (1973), President of Chile (allegedly; may have committed suicide)


* Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, (1948), Liberal Party leader

* Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, (1984), Minister of Justice

* Tulio Manuel Castro Gil, (1985), Superior Judge of the Bogota Circuit

* Alfonso Reyes Echandía, (1985), President of the Supreme Court

* Manuel Gaona Cruz, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Carlos Medellín Forero, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Ricardo Medina Moyano, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* José Eduardo Gnecco Correa, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Alfonso Patiño Roselli, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Pedro Elías Serrano, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Fabio Calderón Botero, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Darío Velásquez Gaviria, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Horacio Montoya Gil, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Fanny González Franco, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Dante Luis Fiorillo Porras, (1985), Supreme Court Justice

* Hernando Baquero Borda, (1986), Supreme Court Justice

* Jaime Ramírez Gómez, (1986), Head of Antinarcotics Police

* Jaime Pardo Leal, (1987), Presidential candidate, leader of the Patriotic Union party

* Guillermo Cano Isaza, (1986), Director of El Espectador newspaper

* Carlos Mauro Hoyos, (1988), Chief District Attorney

* José Antequera, (1989), Senator, member of the Patriotic Union party

* Antonio Roldán Betancur, (1989), Governor of Antioquia

* Valdemar Franklin Quintero, (1989), Chief of Police of Antioquia

* Luis Carlos Galán, (1989), Presidential candidate, leader of the Colombian Liberal Party

* Carlos Ernesto Valencia, (1989), Superior Judge of the Bogota Circuit

* Jorge Enrique Pulido, (1989), notable Journalist and director of the JEP media network

* Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa, (1990), Presidential candidate, leader of the Patriotic Union party

* Carlos Pizarro Leongómez, (1990), Presidential candidate, leader of the M-19 party

* Diana Turbay (1991), journalist and daughter of former Colombian president Julio César Turbay Ayala

* Enrique Low Murtra, Minister of Justice

* Myriam Rocío Vélez, Superior Judge of the Bogota Circuit

* Andrés Escobar, (1994), International footballer

* Manuel Cepeda Vargas, (1994), Senator, leader of the Patriotic Union party

* Alvaro Gómez Hurtado, (1995), former presidential candidate and director of El Nuevo Siglo newspaper

* Rodrigo Turbay Cote, (1996), Congressman, former president of the House of Representatives

* Fernando Landazábal Reyes, (1998), Minister of Defense

* Eduardo Umaña Mendoza, (1998), union leader and human rights activist, former advisor to the Patriotic Union party

* Jaime Garzón, (1999), Notable journalist and satirist

* Crispiniano Quiñones Quiñones (2000), retired Army general, former commander of the 13th Army Brigade

* Isaias Duarte Cancino, 2002, Roman Catholic archbishop

* Guillermo Gaviria Correa, (2003), Governor of Antioquia

* Gilberto Echeverry Mejía, (2003), former Minister of Defense and peace advisor to the governor of Antioquia

* Elson Becerra, (2006), International footballer


* Antonio Guiteras, (1935), Revolutionary Socialist Leader

Dominican Republic

* Ulises Heureaux, (1899), president of the Dominican Republic

* Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, (1961), Dominican Republic dictator

* Orlando Mazara, (1967)

* Flavio Suero, (1968)

* Henry Segarra, (1969)

* Amín Abel Hasbún, (1970)

* Otto Morales, (1970)

* Amaury Germán Aristy, (1972)

* Francisco Alberto Caamaño Deñó, (1973)

* Gregorio García Castro, (1973)

* Florinda Soriano, (1974)

* Guido Gil Díaz, (1974)

* Orlando Martínez, (1975)

* Narciso González, (1994)


* Gabriel García Moreno, (1875), president of Ecuador known for his support of the Catholic church

* Jaime Hurtado and Pablo Tapia, (1999), communist legislators, in Quito

El Salvador

* Manuel Enrique Araujo, (1913), President of El Salvador

* Farabundo Martí, (1932), communist leader and peasant revolt organizer.

* Roque Dalton, (1975), poet and revolutionary.

* Rutilio Grande García, S.J., (1977), Roman Catholic priest

* Mauricio Borgonovo Pohl, (1977), Foreign Minister, taken hostage and killed by guerrillas.

* Alfonso Navarro Oviedo, (1977), Roman Catholic priest

* Osmín Aguirre, (1977), former President of El Salvador

* Ernesto Barrera, (1978), Roman Catholic priest

* Octavio Ortiz Luna, (1979), Roman Catholic priest

* Rafael Palacios, (1979), Roman Catholic priest

* Alirio Napoleón Macías, (1979), Roman Catholic priest

* Óscar Arnulfo Romero, (1980), Archbishop of San Salvador, by right-wing death squad

* Enrique Álvarez Córdova, (1980) and five other leaders of the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Front ("FDR," for its Spanish initials), captured and killed by government aligned security forces.

* Ita Ford, Maura Clarke, Dorothy Kazel, and Jean Donovan, (1980), Roman Catholic nuns, by the National Guard of El Salvador

* Albert Schaufelberger, (1983), senior U.S. Naval representative

* Ignacio Ellacuría, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army

* Ignacio Martin-Baro, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army

* Segundo Montes, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army

* Arnando Lopez, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army

* Joaquin Lopez y Lopez, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army

* Juan Ramon Moreno, (1989), Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, by Atlacatl Battalion of the Salvadoran Army


* Cirilo Flores, (1826), Vice President of Guatemala

* José María Reina Barrios, (1898), President of Guatemala

* Francisco Arana, (1949), presidential candidate

* Carlos Castillo Armas, (1957), president of Guatemala

* Karl von Spreti, (1970), German ambassador in Guatemala

* Alberto Fuentes Mohr, (1979), Social Democratic Party leader

* Manuel Colom Argueta, (1979), Mayor of Guatemala City

* Jorge Carpio Nicolle, (1993), Liberal politician and journalist

* Juan José Gerardi, (1998), Roman Catholic bishop

* Mario Pivaral, (2006), UNE congressman

* Clara Luz López, (2007), local council candidate


* Michael Forde, (1964), PPP activist killed when a bomb he was removing from the party's bookstore exploded

* Leo J. Ryan, (1978), US Congressman (D) from San Mateo, California; killed while investigating religious cult led by American Jim Jones

* Walter Rodney, (1980), Guyanese historian and political figure

* Satyadeow Sawh, (2006), Agriculture Minister was murdered along with his brother and sister, a security guard by masked gunmen dressed in military fatigues


* Jean-Jacques Dessalines, (1806), Emperor of Haiti

* Antoine Izméry, (1993), businessman and Lavalas supporter

* Guy Mallory, (1993), minister of justice

* Jean-Marie Vincent, (1994), Roman Catholic priest and Lavalas supporter

* Jean Dominique, (2000), journalist

* Jacques Roche, (2005), journalist


* Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, (1966), president of El Salvador from 1931 to 1944


* Francisco I. Madero, (1913), President of Mexico

* Emiliano Zapata, (1919), revolutionary

* Venustiano Carranza, (1920), President of Mexico

* Doroteo Arango a.k.a. Pancho Villa, (1923), revolutionary

* Felipe Carrillo Puerto, (1924), Governor of Yucatán

* Álvaro Obregón, (1928), President-elect

* Julio Antonio Mella, (1929), Cuban revolutionary

* Leon Trotsky, (1940), Russian communist leader

* Mauro Angulo, (1948)

* Rubén Jaramillo, (1962), peasant leader

* Enrique Camarena, (1985), policeman

* Carlos Loret de Mola Mediz, (1986), Journalist and State governor

* Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo, (1993), Roman Catholic Cardinal of Guadalajara, at the Guadalajara Airport

* Luis Donaldo Colosio, (1994), Presidential candidate

* Francisco Ortiz Franco, (1994}, contributing editor to Zeta.

* José Francisco Ruiz Massieu, (1994), Secretary-General of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional

* Paco Stanley, (1999), Comedian

* Digna Ochoa, (2001), human rights lawyer

* Mario César Ríos, (2007), congressional deputy


* Benjamín Zeledón, (1912), Liberal revolutionary

* Augusto César Sandino, (1934), Nicaraguan revolutionary

* Anastasio Somoza García, (1956), President of Nicaragua

* Rigoberto López Pérez, (1956), Assassin of Somoza García

* Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal, (1978), newspaper editor, Nicaraguan Somoza opposition

* Enrique Bermúdez, (1991)

* Carlos Guadamuz, (2004), Journalist


* José Antonio Remón Cantera, (1955), president of Panama

* Ruben Oscar Miró Guardia, assassinated on 12/31/1969.


* Juan Bautista Gill, (1877), President of Paraguay

* Anastasio Somoza Debayle, (1980), former President of Nicaragua

* Luis María Argaña, (1999), vice president of Paraguay


* Francisco Pizarro, (1541), Spanish conquistador, in Peru

* Luis M. Sánchez Cerro, (1933), president of Peru

* Antonio Miró Quesada, (1935), publisher of El Comercio


* Bram Behr, (1982), Surinamese journalist, in the Decembermoorden

United States

* Joseph Smith, Jr., (1844), Mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois and presidential candidate

* Abraham Lincoln, (1865), President of the United States

* Thomas Hindman, (1868), Confederate General

* James Hinds, (1868), U.S. Congressman killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan

* Wild Bill Hickok, (1876), lawman and gunfighter

* James Garfield, (1881), President of the United States

* John M. Clayton (Arkansas), (1889), Congressman from Arkansas

* David Hennessey, (1890), Police Chief of New Orleans

* Carter Harrison, Sr., (1893), Mayor of Chicago

* William Goebel, (1900), Governor of Kentucky

* William McKinley, (1901), President of the United States

* Frank Steunenberg, (1905), former governor of Idaho

* Don Mellett, (1926), newspaper editor and campaigner against organized crime

* Anton Cermak, (1933), mayor of Chicago

* Huey P. Long, (1935), Louisiana senator and former governor

* Walter Liggett, 1935, Minnesota newspaper editor

* Carlo Tresca, (1943), anarchist organizer

* Albert Patterson, (1954), Alabama Attorney General

* Curtis Chillingworth, (1955), a Florida judge

* John F. Kennedy, (1963), President of the United States

* Lee Harvey Oswald, (1963), assassin of John F. Kennedy

* Medgar Evers, (1963), U.S. civil rights activist

* Malcolm X, (1965), black Muslim leader, killed in a Manhattan banquet room as he began a speech

* George Lincoln Rockwell, (1967), founder of the American Nazi Party

* Martin Luther King Jr., (1968), U.S. civil rights activist

* Robert F. Kennedy, (1968), Presidential candidate and John F. Kennedy's younger brother, shot in Los Angeles

* Fred Hampton, (1969), Deputy Chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party

* Dan Mitrione, (1970), FBI agent and torture expert, killed by the guerrilla movement Tupamaros

* Orlando Letelier, (1976), Chilean ambassador to the United States under the administration of Salvador Allende

* Harvey Milk, (1978), gay rights campaigner and city supervisor of San Francisco, California

* George Moscone, (1978), Mayor of San Francisco.

* John Wood, (1979), first US federal judge killed in the twentieth century

* Allard K. Lowenstein, (1980), Congressman from New York

* John Lennon (1980), musician, activist, former member of the Beatles

* Alan Berg, (1984), radio talk-show host, killed by Neo-nazis

* Chiang Nan, (1984), Taiwanese-American writer, allegedly killed by Kuomintang agents

* Alex Odeh, (1985), Arab anti-discrimination group leader, killed when bomb exploded in his Santa Ana, California office

* Alejandro González Malavé, (1986), famous undercover policeman, in Bayamón, Puerto Rico

* Tommy Burks, (1998), Tennessee State Senator

* James E. Davis, (2003) New York City Councilman assassinated by Othniel Askew a political rival in the Council chambers in City Hall.

* Chauncey Bailey, (2007), journalist


* Bernardo P. Berro, (1868), Uruguayan president

* Venancio Flores, (1868), Uruguayan president (on the same day as Berro, though in completely separate incidents)

* Juan Idiarte Borda, (1897), Uruguayan president


* Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, (1950), chairman of the military junta of Venezuela

* Danilo Anderson, (2004), State prosecutor

Assassinations in Asia


* Habibullah Khan, (1919), emir of Afghanistan

* Mohammed Nader Shah, (1933), king of Afghanistan since 1929

* Mohammed Daoud Khan, (1978), president of Afghanistan killed in communist coup

* Adolph Dubs, (1979), U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan

* Nur Mohammad Taraki, (1979), communist president

* Hafizullah Amin, (1979), communist Prime Minister of Afghanistan killed during Soviet invasion

* Mohammed Najibullah, (1996), president of Afghanistan from 1986 to 1992, killed by the Taliban during the capture of Kabul

* Ahmed Shah Massoud, (2001), leader of the Afghan Northern Alliance

* Abdul Haq, (2001), Afghan Northern Alliance commander killed by remnants of the Taliban

* Abdul Qadir, (2002), vice-president of Afghanistan

* Abdul Rahman, (2002), Afghan Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism

* Abdul Sabur Farid Kuhestani, (2007), former Prime Minister of Afghanistan


* Mujibur Rahman, (1975), president of Bangladesh

* Fazlul Haq Mani, (1975), politician

* Abdur Rab Serniabat, (1975), politician

* Tajuddin Ahmed, (1975), politician

* Syed Nazrul Islam, (1975), politician

* Mohammad Mansoor Ali, (1975), prime minister

* Khaled Mosharraf, (1975), coup organizer

* Ziaur Rahman, (1981), president of Bangladesh


* Jigme Palden Dorji, (1964), Prime Minister of Bhutan


* Ieu Koeus, (1950), briefly prime minister of Cambodia in 1949


* Sidibala, (1323), grand-khan of the Mongol Empire, Emperor of Yuan China

* João Maria Ferreira do Amaral, (1849), Portuguese Governor of Macau

* Ito Hirobumi, (1909), Japanese Resident-General of Korea, in Manchuria

* Chen Qimei, (1916), revolutionary activist

* Liao Zhongkai, (1925)

* Zhang Zuolin, (1928), Manchurian warlord, by officers of the Japanese Guandong Army

* Lu Huanyan, (1930)

* Chen Lu, (1939), foreign minister of Wang Jingwei Government

* Fang Zhenwu, (1941)

* Han Guojun, (1942)

* Wen Yiduo, (1946), Chinese poet and scholar


* Cemal Pasha, (1922), former Ottoman Minister, in Tbilisi, by an Armenian or allegedly by either the NKVD or Cheka.


* Brhadrata, (185 BC), last ruler of the Mauryan dynasty

* Abul-Fazel, (1602), vizier of the Mughal emperor Akbar

* Mohandas Gandhi, (1948), Independence leader

* Indira Gandhi, (1984), Indian prime minister

* Rajiv Gandhi, (1991), former Indian prime minister, son of Indira

* Beant Singh(Chief Minister), (1995), chief minister of Punjab

* Phoolan Devi, (2001), bandit queen turned politician and activist for people of lower castes

* Abdul Ghani Lone, (2002), moderate leader of Kashmiri Muslims

* General Arun Shridhar Vaidya, Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army from 1983 to 1986.


* Xerxes I, (465 BC), Persian king killed by guards

* Xerxes II, (423 BC), Persian king killed by his half-brother Sogdianus

* Sogdianus, (423 BC), Persian king killed by his half-brother Darius II

* Khosrow I, (238), Armenian king

* Nizam al-Mulk, (1092), Persian scholar and vizier of the Seljuk Turks

* Nader Shah, (1747), Shah of Persia

* Nasser-al-Din Shah, (1896), Shah of Persia killed by Mirza Reza Kermani

* Firouz Mirza Nosrat-ed-Dowleh Farman Farmaian III, (1930), Iranian Diplomat and Politician

* Abdolhossein Teymourtash, (1933), Iranian Statesman

* Taghi Arani, (1940), Communist intellectual

* Qazi Muhammad, (1947), dissident Kurdish Iranian political leader, in Mahabad

* Ali Razmara, (1951), Prime Minister of Iran

* Hassan Ali Mansur, (1965), Prime Minister of Iran

* Mohammad Beheshti, (1981), killed along with 71 others in bombing

* Mohammad Ali Rajai, (1981), president of Iran

* Mohammad Javad Bahonar, (1981), Prime Minister of Iran, killed in bombing with Rajai


* Gordian III, (244), Roman emperor, near Circesium (modern day Abu Sera) by his troops

* Faisal II, (1958), King of Iraq

* Nuri Pasha as-Said, (1958), Iraqi politician, and

* Ibrahim Hashim, (1958), Jordanian politician, prime minister several times between the 1930s and shortly before his death - the previous three were all killed during the July 14 military coup in Iraq

* Abdul Razak al-Naif, (1978), former Prime Minister of Iraq

* Ali Garmaii, (1996), dissident Kurdish Iranian activist in Halabja

* Mohammad Nanva, (1996), dissident Kurdish Iranian activist, in Sulaymaniyah

* Aquila al-Hashimi, (2003), Iraqi Governing Council member

* Sayed Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, (2003), ayatollah

* Sérgio Vieira de Mello, (2003), UN Special Representative in Iraq

* Waldemar Milewicz, (2004), Polish journalist

* Mounir Bouamrane, (2004), Algerian-Polish TV operator, killed alongside with Milewicz

* Hatem Kamil, (2004), deputy governor of Baghdad Province

* Ezzedine Salim, (2004), chairman of the Iraqi Governing Council

* Barawiz Mahmoud, (2005), judge on the Iraqi Special Tribunal

* Dhari Ali al-Fayadh, (2005), Iraqi MP

* Adel Koskh Khabar and three brothers, (2005), leader of al-Ghadr Brigade

* Ihab al-Sherif, (2005), Egyptian envoy to Iraq

* Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, (2006), al-Zarqawi's spiritual advisor

* Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, (2007), Sunni tribal leader


* Hugh II of Le Puiset, (1134), count of Jaffa

* Miles of Plancy, (1174), regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

* Conrad of Montferrat, (1192), King of Jerusalem, leader in the Third Crusade

* Jacob Israël de Haan, (1924), pro-Orthodox Jewish diplomat

* Chaim Arlosoroff, (1933), Zionist leader in the British Mandate of Palestine

* Folke Bernadotte, (1948), Middle East peace mediator, assassinated by Lehi

* Rudolf Kasztner, (1957), Hungarian Zionist leader, negotiated the Kasztner train with the Nazis

* Sheikh Hamad Abu Rabia, (1981), Member of the Knesset

* Yitzhak Rabin, (1995), Prime Minister of Israel and 1994 Nobel Peace Prize recipient

* Rehavam Zeevi, (2001), Israeli general and politician


* Emperor Sushun, (592), Emperor of Japan

* The Sogas, (645), Japanese political family

* Minamoto no Sanetomo, (1219), the third shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate

* Mimura Iechika, daimyo, feudal leader in Japan

* Matsudaira Hirotada, (1549), feudal leader in Japan

* O-uchi Yoshitaka, (1551), daimyo, feudal leader in Japan

* Oda Nobuyuki, (1557), Japanese samurai, younger brother of Oda Nobunaga

* Ashikaga Yoshiteru, (1565), Shogun, feudal leader in Japan

* Yamanaka Shikanosuke, (1578), Japanese samurai

* Oda Nobunaga, (1582), samurai warlord

* Shakushain, (1669), Ainu chief

* Shimazu Nariaki, (1858), Japanese daimyo in Satsuma Province, now Kagoshima prefecture

* Hashimoto Sanai, (1859), Japanese political activist

* Ii Naosuke, (1860), Japanese politician

* Tokugawa Nariaki, (1860), Japanese daimyo, a relative of Tokugawa shoguns

* Yoshida Toyo, (1862), Japanese political activist

* Charles Lennox Richardson, (1862), English diplomat, by Shimazu Hisamitsu's samaurai in Namamugi. Called the Namamugi Incident

* Serizawa Kamo, (1863), a chief of Shinsen-gumi

* Ikeuchi Daigaku, (1864), Japanese politician

* Kusaka Gennai, (1864), Japanese politician

* Sakuma Shozan, (1864), Japanese politician

* Sakamoto Ryoma, (1867), Japanese author

* Yokoi Shonai, (1869), Japanese political activist

* Okubo Toshimichi, (1878), Prime Minister of Japan

* Ito Hirobumi, (1909), First Prime Minister of Japan

* Hara Takashi, (1921), Prime Minister of Japan

* Hamaguchi Osachi, (1931), Prime Minister of Japan

* Takuma Dan, (1932), zaibatsu leader

* Inukai Tsuyoshi, (1932), Prime Minister of Japan

* Takahashi Korekiyo, (1936), Prime Minister of Japan

* Isoroku Yamamoto, (1943), Japanese Admiral

* Inejiro Asanuma, (1960), Socialist Party of Japan chairman

* Hitoshi Igarashi, (1991), translated The Satanic Verses into Japanese

* Hideo Murai, (1995), one of the leading members of Aum Shinrikyo

* Koki Ishii, (2002), Japanese politician

* Iccho Itoh, (2007), Mayor of Nagasaki


* Abdullah I, (1951), King of Jordan, when entering the Al Aqsa Mosque

* Hazza al-Majali, (1960), Prime Minister of Jordan

* Wasfi al-Tal, (1971), Prime Minister of Jordan

* Laurence Foley, (2002), USAID official, by Al-Qaeda operatives


* King Bunseo of Baekje, (304), King of Baekje during the Three Kingdoms of Korea

* Queen Min of Joseon, (1895), the last empress of Korea

* Lyuh Woon-Hyung, (1947), former head of People's Republic of Korea

* Park Chung Hee, (1979), President of South Korea

* Yuk Yeong-su, (1974), Wife of President Park Chung Hee and First Lady of South Korea

* Lee Bum Suk, (1983), foreign minister of South Korea, killed along with several other South Korean cabinet members by North Korean agents while visiting Burma


* Hardan al-Tikriti (1971) Former Iraqi defense minister and vice president


* Raymond II of Tripoli, (1152), count of Tripoli

* Philip of Montfort, (1270), Lord of Tyre

* Sami al-Hinnawi, (1950), Syrian head of state

* Kamal Jumblatt, (1977), Lebanese Druze leader

* Tony Frangieh, (1978), Lebanese Christian leader

* Bachir Gemayel, (1982), president-elect of Lebanon

* Maya Gemayel, (1979), daughter of president-elect Bachir Gemayel

* Rashid Karami, (1987), Prime Minister of Lebanon

* René Moawad, (1989), President of Lebanon

* Dany Chamoun, (1990), son of late president Camille Chamoun

* Elie Hobeika, (2002), Lebanese militia leader

* Rafik Hariri, (2005), former Prime Minister of Lebanon

* Bassel Fleihan, (2005), Lebanese legislator and Minister of Economy and Commerce

* Samir Kassir, (2005), Columnist at "An Nahar" daily Lebanese newspaper, long a fiery critic of Syria

* George Hawi, (2005), former chief of Lebanese Communist Party

* Gibran Tueni, (2005), Editor in Chief of "An Nahar" daily Lebanese newspaper

* Pierre Gemayel, (2006), Minister of Industry of Lebanon

* Walid Eido, (2007), member of the National Assembly

* Antoine Ghanim, (2007), member of the National Assembly


* Sir Henry Gurney, (1951), was British High Commissioner in Malaya (1950 - 1951), killed by Malayan Communist Party guerillas

* Sir Duncan Stewart, (1949), was Second Governor of Sarawak, a British Crown Colony (1946 - 1963), killed by the Rukun 13 members, Rosli Dhobie, Awang Ramli Mohd Deli, and Bujang Suntong


* Aung San, (1947), Burmese nationalist leader

* Thakin Mya, (1947)

* U Ba Cho, (1947)

* U Razak, (1947)

* U Ba Win, (1947)

* Mahn Ba Khine, (1947)

* Sai San Tun, (1947)

* U Ohn Maung, (1947)

* Ko Htwe, (1947)

* Kenji Nagai, {2007), Japanese Photojournalist


* Birendra, (2001), King of Nepal (along with Queen Aiswary and 9 other members of the royal family)


* Liaquat Ali Khan, (1951), Prime Minister of Pakistan

* Meena Keshwar Kamal, (1987), Afghan founder of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

* Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, 1988, 10-year President of Pakistan and 12-year Chief of Army Staff in a sabotage-induced aircraft crash.

* Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, (1989), militant Islamist, near Peshawar

* Fazle Haq, (1991), former governor of the Northwest Frontier province, Pakistan, from 1978 to 1985

* Iqbal Masih, (1995), 13-year-old anti-child labor activist, in Rakh Baoli

* Siddiq Khan Kanju, (2001), former foreign minister of Pakistan from 1991 to 1993

* Benazir Bhutto, (2007), former Prime Minister of Pakistan, by unknown assassins

Palestinian Territories

* Yahya Ayyash, (1996), Hamas' explosives expert

* Abu Ali Mustafa, (2001), leader of PFLP

* Salah Shahade, (2002), leader of Hamas' military wing

* Ibrahim al-Makadmeh, (2003), co-founder of Hamas

* Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, (2004), leader and founder of Hamas

* Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, (2004), leader of Hamas

* Izz El-Deen Sheikh Khalil, (2004), Hamas operative

* Adnan al-Ghoul, (2004), Hamas' explosives expert


* Fernando Manuel de Bustamante, (1719), Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines

* Diego Silang, (1763), early rebel leader

* Andres Bonifacio, {1897},

* Antonio Luna, (1899), a leader of the Filipino army during Philippine-American War

* Julio Nalundasan, (1935), Ilocos Congressman, young Ferdinand Marcos tried but acquitted for the slaying

* Jose Abad Santos, {1942), Supreme Court Chief Justice

* Aurora Quezon, (1949), former First Lady of the Philippines

* Ponciano Bernardo, (1949), mayor of then Philippine capital Quezon City

* James Gordon, (1967), Olongapo City mayor

* Juan M. Alberto, (1967), Catanduanes governor and GSIS president

* Guillermo de Vega, (1975), Executive Secretary and Board of Censors head

* Joe Lingad, (1980), former Pampanga governor

* Benigno Aquino, Jr., (1983), senator and politician, leader of the opposition against Ferdinand Marcos

* Cesar Climaco, (1984), famed mayor of Zamboanga City and prominent opposition leader

* Evelio Javier, (1986), Antique governor and ally of then presidential candidate Corazon Aquino

* Emma Henry, (1986), police officer and film actress

* Elvira Mangahan, (1986), actress, host and fashion designer.

* Rolando Olalia, (1987), head of the Kilusang Mayo Uno

* Lean Alejandro, (1987), prominent student activist leader

* Jaime Ferrer, (1987), Interior and Local Government Cabinet Secretary

* Roy Padilla, Sr., (1988), Camarines Sur governor, father of Robin Padilla

* James N. Rowe (1989), US Military advisor

* Moises Espinosa, (1989), Masbate Congressman

* Bonifacio D. Uy, 1989, Ilagan, Isabela mayor

* Eduardo Batalla, (1989), AFP general

* Oscar Florendo, (1990), AFP general and spokesperson

* Francisco Abalos, (1992), Lanao del Norte governor

* Jose M. Crisol, (1993), former Defense Department official, leading counter-insurgency tactician

* Tito Espinosa, (1995), Masbate Congressman

* Alberto Berbon, (1996), DZMM senior editor and journalist

* Rolando Abadilla, (1996), controversial Marcos era military officer

* Clarence Aragao, (1996), human rights lawyer

* Marcial Punzalan, (2001), Quezon Congressman

* Rodolfo Aguinaldo, (2001), former Cagayan governor and Congressman

* Filemon 'Ka Popoy' Lagman, (2001), founder of the Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP)

* Romulo Kintanar, (2003), leader of the New People's Army (NPA)

* Arturo Tabara, (2004), leader of Revolutionary Workers' Party

* Henry Lanot, (2004), former Pasig City Congressman

* Romeo Sanchez and Abelardo Ladera, (2005), local Filipino politicians and

* William Tadena, (2005), clergyman with the Philippine Independent Church, by anti-NPA vigilantes

* Marlene Esperat, (2005), Sultan Kudarat journalist and Department of Agriculture officer

* Fausto Seachon, (2005), former Masbate Congressman

* Amir bin Muhammad Baraguir, (2006), Sultan of Maguindanao

* Renato Marasigan, (2006), Pasig police chief

* Fernando U. Batul, (2006), DYPR broadcast journalist/commentator, former Puerto Princesa City, Palawan vice-mayor

* Noli Capulong, (2006), Bayan Muna activist and pastor

* Sotero Llamas, (2006), former Rebel Leader, activist and former governatorial candidate of Albay

* Delfinito Albano, (2006), Ilagan,Isabela Mayor

* Pablo Glean, (2006), Makati business manager and bodyguard of Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay

* Alberto Ramento, (2006), bishop of Independent Church

* James Bersamin, (2006), Board Member of the 2nd District of Abra

* Luis Bersamin, (2006), Congressman of Abra

* Federico Delgado, (2007), Citadel officer, businessman

* Julia Campbell, (2007), Freelance journalist and U.S. Peace Corps volunteer

* Jomel Bocalbos, (2007), Makati deputy chief of police (killed by robbers)

* Alioden Dalaig, (2007), Law Department Chief and Director of COMELEC

* Joseph Del Rosario, (2007), COMELEC Officer from Cavite

* Wahab Akbar, (2007), Representative form Basilan


* Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, (2004), separatist President of Chechnya from 1996 until 1997

Saudi Arabia

* Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf, (624), chief of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir

* Umar ibn al-Khattab, (644), second caliph

* Uthman Ibn Affan, (665), third caliph

* Faisal of Saudi Arabia, (1975), king

Sri Lanka

* Solomon Bandaranaike, (1959), Sri Lankan socialist prime minister, by Buddhist monk Talduwe Somarama

* Alfred Duraiyapah, (1975), former Mayor, Jaffna, by Tamil Tigers

* A. Thiagarajah, (1981), MP, Vaddukoddai, by PLOTE

* V. Dharmalingam, (1985), MP, Manipay, by TELO aligned to Indian Intelligence Agency

* K. Alalasunderam, (1985), MP, Kopay, by TELO aligned to Indian Intelligence Agency

* A. Majeed, (1987), former MP, Mutur, by Tamil Tigers??

* Vijaya Kumaratunga, (1989), movie actor turned SLFP-SLMP politician, by JVP.

* Stanley Wijesundara (1989), Colombo University Vice Chancellor, by JVP.

* V. Yogeswaran, (1989), former MP, Jaffna, by dissident group of LTTE aligned to Indian Intelligence Agency

* A. Amrithalingam, (1989), former MP, General Secretary, TULF, by dissident group of LTTE aligned to Indian Intelligence Agency

* K.Gunaratnam, (1989), business entrepreneur, by JVP.

* Rohana Wijeweera, (1989), founder of JVP, by Sri Lankan Armed Forces

* T. Ganeshalingam, (1990), Minister, North East Provincial Council, by Tamil Tigers

* Sam Tambimuttu, (1990), MP, Batticaloa, by Tamil Tigers

* P. Kirubakaran, (1990), Finance Minister, North East Provincial Council, by Tamil Tigers

* V. Yogasankari, (1990), MP, Jaffna, by Tamil Tigers

* K. Kanagaratnam, (1990), MP, Eastern Province, by Tamil Tigers

* Ranjan Wijeratne, (1991), Minister of State, Defence

* Ranasinghe Premadasa, (1993), President of Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* Ossie Abeygunasekara, (1994), member of Parliament Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* Dr. Gamini Wijesekara, (1994), member of Parliament Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* Weerasinghe Mallimarachchi, (1994), member of Parliament Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* G. M. Premachandra, (1994), member of Parliament Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* Gamini Dissanayake, (1994), Presidential candidate, UNP, member of Parliament Sri Lanka, by Tamil Tigers

* Thomas Anton, (1995), Deputy Mayor, Batticaloa, by Tamil Tigers

* Arunachalam Thangathurai, (1997), member of Parliament Trincomalee

* Mohammad Maharoof, (1997), Member of Parliament (MP), Trincomalee, by Tamil Tigers

* Sarojini Yogeswaran, (1998), Jaffna Mayor, by Tamil Tigers

* S. Shanmuganadan, (1998), Member of Parliament (MP), by Tamil Tigers

* Ponnudurai Sivapalan, (1998), Jaffna Mayor, by Tamil Tigers

* Neelan Thiruchelvam, (1999), Member of Parliament (MP) and TULF leader

* C. V. Gunaratne, (2000), cabinet minister, by Tamil Tigers

* Joseph Pararajasingham, (2005), Tamil MP in Batticalo, by GoSL supported para-military Karuna Group

* Lakshman Kadirgamar, (2005), foreign minister, by Tamil Tigers

* Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, (2006), Tamil rights activist by by GoSL supported Karuna Group

* Parami Kulatunga, (2006), army general

* Nadarajah Raviraj (2006), Tamil National Alliance politician, by SL paramilitary Group

* S P TamilSelvan (2007), Tamil Tigers Political Leader, by Sri Lankan Air Force aligned to Indian Intelligence Agency


* Antiochus II Theos, (246 BC), Seleucid king

* Seleucus III Ceraunus, (223 BC), Seleucid king

* Seleucus IV Philopator, (176 BC), Seleucid king

* Alexander Balas, (146 BC), Seleucid king

* Antiochus VI Dionysus, (138 BC), Seleucid heir to the throne

* Numerian, (285), Roman Emperor, by his father-in-law, Arrius Aper, in Emesa (modern-day Homs)

* Zengi, (1146), ruler of Aleppo and Mosul and founder of the Zengid Dynasty

* Abdul Rahman Shahbandar, (1940), Syrian nationalist


* Hasan Fehmi, (1909), journalist, by government agents

* Mahmud S,evket Pasha (1913), prime minister

* Abdi I.pekçi (1979), liberal journalist

* Kemal Türkler (1980), labor union leader

* Nihat Erim (1980), former prime minister

* Musa Anter (1992), Kurdish activist

* Ugur Mumcu (1993), left-wing journalist

* Hrant Dink (2007), Armenian journalist


* Hans Imfeld, (1947), French colonial agent

* Ngo Dinh Nhu, (1963), politician

* Ngo Dinh Diem, (1963), first president of South Vietnam


* Imam Yahya, (1948), King of Yemen

* Ibrahim al-Hamadi, (1977), president of North Yemen

* Ahmad al-Ghashmi, (1978), president of North Yemen killed by bomb along with envoy from South Yemen

* Jarallah Omar, (2002), deputy secretary-general of Yemeni Socialist Party

Assassinations in Australia and Oceania


* John Newman, (1994), New South Wales state Member for Cabramatta

* Ivens Buffett, (2004), Deputy Chief Minister of Norfolk Island

New Caledonia

* Pierre Declercq, (1981), Kanak independence leader

* Éloi Machoro, (1985), Kanak independence leader

* Marcel Nonaro, (1985), Kanak independence leader

* Jean-Marie Tjibaou, (1989), Kanak independence leader

* Yéiwene Yéiwene, (1989), Kanak independence leader


* Luagalau Levaula Kamu, (1999), cabinet minister


* Haruo Remeliik, (1985), president

Assassinations in Europe


* Avni Rustemi (1924), nationalist member of parliament


* Archduke Franz Ferdinand, (1914), assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, who also killed the Archduchess Sophie

* Karl von Stürgkh, (1916), Minister-President of Austria

* Franz Birnecker, (1923), Austrian labour representative at Semperit

* Engelbert Dollfuss, (1934), Chancellor of Austria

* Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou, (1989), dissident Kurdish Iranian political leader, in Vienna


* Julien Lahaut, (1950), chairman of the Communist Party of Belgium

* Maximiliano Gómez, (1971), Dominican communist leader

* Gerald Bull, (1990), Canadian developer of the Martlet cannon, in Brussels, Belgium (possibly assassinated by Israeli Mossad agents)

* André Cools, (1991), Belgian politician


* Stefan Stambolov, (1895), Prime Minister of Bulgaria

* Aleksandar Stamboliyski, (1923), Prime Minister of Bulgaria

* Lambo Kyuchukov, (1995), ex-Minister of education

* Vasil Iliev, (1995), insurance boss, owner of "VIS-2"

* Andrey Lukanov, (1996), former Prime Minister of Bulgaria

* Ivo Karamanski, (1998), insurance tycoon

* Lyubomir Georgiev Penev, (1999), majority owner of Nova Televizia TV

* Velichko Todorov, (2000), leader of the People's Party in Pleven

* Georgi Valkov Georgiev, (2001), European champion, karate

* Nikolai Kolev, (2002), Supreme Court of Cassation prosecutor

* Todor Matov, (2003), international wrestling referee

* Iliya Pavlov, (2003), president of Multigroup corporation, the wealthiest man in Bulgaria

* Stoil Slavov, (2004), "Interpetroleum and Partners" associate

* Martin Elandzhiev, (2004), national kick-box champion

* Shinka Manova, (2005), director of Customs Control

* Emil Kyulev, (2005), banker, voted Mr. Economics in Bulgaria for 2002

* Georgi Stoyanov Vasilev, (2005), Sofia city councillor

* Ivan "Doktora" Todorov, (2006), businessman alleged of smuggling


* Youssef El-Sebai, (1979), Egyptian writer, in Cyprus

* Youcef Essalhi, (2001), 19 years old French fundamentalist shot dead in Cyprus by unknown gunman

Czech Republic

* Ludmila, (921), Wife of Duke Bor(ivoj, Grandmother of Duke Václav I

* Václav I (Saint Wenceslas), (935 or 929), Duke of Bohemia

* Václav III, (1306), King of Bohemia

* Albrecht von Wallenstein, (1634), Czech general during the Thirty Years' War

* Alois Rašín, (1923), Minister of Finances of Czechoslovakia

* Reinhard Heydrich, (1942), a General in the Nazi German paramilitary corps and governor of occupied Czech lands


* Erik V Klipping, (1286), King of Denmark


* Bishop Henry, (1156), English bishop in Finland (according to a legend)

* Eliel Soisalon-Soininen, (1904), attorney General

* Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov, (1904), Governor-General of Finland

* Heikki Ritavuori, (1922), Minister of the Interior of Finland


* Charles d'Espagne, (1354), constable of France

* Louis of Valois, Duke of Orléans, (1407)

* John the Fearless, (1419)

* Gaspard de Coligny, (1572)

* Henri III, (1589), King of France

* Henri IV, (1610), King of France

* Jacques de Flesselles, (1789), Provost of Paris

* Jean-Paul Marat, (1793), revolutionary

* Marie François Sadi Carnot, (1894), President of France

* Jean Jaurès, (1914), politician, pacifist

* Gaston Calmette, (1914), editor of Le Figaro newspaper

* Marius Plateau, (1923), secretary of Action Française

* Paul Doumer, (1932), President of France

* Louis Barthou, (1934), foreign minister of France killed along with King Alexander I of Yugoslavia at Marseille

* Ernst vom Rath, (1938), German diplomat in France

* Constant Chevillon, (1944), head of FUDOFSI, by Gestapo in Lyon

* Camille Blanc, (1961), mayor of Evian

* Mehdi Ben Barka, (1965), Moroccan socialist leader and Third-World Tricontinental leader, disappeared in Paris

* Outel Bono, (1973), Chadian medical doctor and anti-Tombalbaye activist

* Oktay Cerit, (1976), First Secretary of Turkish Embassy, by an unknown assailant. The Secret Armenian Army is suspected.

* Henri Curiel, (1978), anticolonialist activist

* José Miguel Beñaran Ordeñana "Argala", (1978), Basque leader

* Pierre Goldman, (1979), left-wing activist

* Salah al-Din Bitar, (1980), Syrian Baath politician

* Yehia El-Mashad, (1980), Egyptian atomic scientist.

* Jean-Pierre Maïone-Libaude, (1982), right-wing activist and criminal

* Pierre-Jean Massimi, (1983), secretary of the département Haute-Corse

* René Audran, (1985), General

* Georges Besse, (1986), Renault executive

* André Mécili ("Ali Mécili"), (1987), Algerian opposition leader, in France

* Dulcie September, (1988), African National Congress representative, in Paris

* Joseph Doucé, (1990), activist for sexual minorities

* Shapour Bakhtiar, (1991), Prime Minister of Iran briefly in 1979, stabbed to death at his home in France

* Abdelbaki Sahraoui, (1995), co-founder of the Algerian Islamic Salvation Front, in Paris

* Claude Erignac, (1998), prefect of Corsica

* Didier Contant, (2004), journalist, grand reporter, former editor in chief of Gamma

* Robert Feliciaggi, (2006), Corsican MP, in Ajaccio


* Alexander Severus, (235), Roman emperor, near Moguntiacum (present-day Mainz) by his troops

* Postumus, (268), Gallic emperor, in Mainz

* Laelianus, (268), Gallic emperor, in Mainz

* Philipp von Hohenstaufen, (1208), Emperor, in Bamberg

* Engelbert I. von Köln, (1225), Archbishop of Cologne

* Konrad von Marburg, (1233), inquisitor

* Johann Windlock, (1356), Bishop of Constance

* Kaspar Hauser, (1833), purported son of Karl, Grand Duke of Baden

* Kurt Eisner, (1919), Prime Minister of Bavaria

* Talat Pasha, (1921), former Ottoman Minister of Interior Affairs, in Berlin by Soghomon Tehlirian

* Matthias Erzberger, (1921), politician

* Walther Rathenau, (1922), industrialist and politician

* Dr Erich Klausener, (1934), Minister of Police

* Gustav von Kahr, (1934), politician

* General Kurt von Schleicher, (1934), advisor to Reich President Paul von Hindenburg

* Salah Ben Youssef, (1961), Tunisian politician, in Frankfurt

* Belkacem Krim, (1970), Algerian politician

* Günter von Drenkmann, (1974), Berlin chief justice

* Siegfried Buback, (1977), German attorney general

* Jürgen Ponto, (1977), CEO Dresdner Bank

* Hanns-Martin Schleyer, (1977), president of the German employers' organization

* Heinz-Herbert Karry, (1981), Minister of Economy in Hesse

* Ernst Zimmermann, (1985), industrialist

* Karl Heinz Beckurts, (1986), Siemens executive

* Gerold von Braunmühl, (1986), official in the German Foreign Ministry

* Alfred Herrhausen, (1989), Deutsche Bank CEO

* Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, (1991), director of Treuhandanstalt for former East Germany

* Sadeq Sharafkandi, Fattah Abdoli, Homayoun Ardalan, Nouri Dehkordi, (1992), dissident Kurdish Iranian political leaders, in Berlin (Mykonos restaurant assassinations)


* Hipparchus, (514 BC), tyrant of Athens

* Ephialtes, (461 BC), leader of the radical democracy movement in Athens

* Alcibiades, (404 BC), Athenian general and politician

* Philip II of Macedon, (336 BC), king of Macedon, by Pausanias of Orestis in Pella

* Seleucus I Nicator, (281 BC), founder of the Seleucid dynasty, near Lysimachia

* Cleon of Sicyon, (272 BC), tyrant of Sicyon

* Tidas, (252 BC), tyrant of Sicyon

* Archimedes, (212 BC), greek mathematician, was killed in syracusa, magna greece

* Ioannis Capodistrias, (1831), first President of Greece

* George I of Greece, (1913), king

* Gregoris Lambrakis, (1963), leader of anti-fascist movement in Greece.

* George Tsantes, (1983), U.S. military attaché in Athens

* Nikos Momferratos, (1985), Greek newspaper publisher

* William Nordeen, (1988), Tsantes successor as U.S. military attaché in Athens

* Pavlos Bakoyannis, (1989), New Democracy politician

* Costis Peratikos, (1997), Greek shipowner

* Stephen Saunders, (2000), Brigadier and British military attaché in Athens


* István Tisza, (1918), former premier of Hungary


* Lord Frederick Cavendish, (1882), Chief Secretary for Ireland

* Thomas Henry Burke, (1882), Permanent Under Secretary for Ireland

* Tomás Mac Curtain, (1920), Lord Mayor of Cork

* Michael Collins, (1922), President of the Provisional Government and "IRA" guerrilla leader during the Irish War of Independence

* Kevin O'Higgins, (1927), Irish politician

* Christopher Ewart-Biggs, (1976), British ambassador to Ireland

* Lord Mountbatten of Burma, (1979), Admiral of the Fleet, last Viceroy of India

* Rev. Robert Bradford, (1981), Unionist MP in Northern Ireland

* Veronica Guerin, (1996), Irish journalist

Italy (and former Roman Empire)

* Titus Tatius, (748 BC), Sabine king, in Rome

* Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, (579 BC), Etruscan king of Rome, in Rome by the sons of Ancus Marcius

* Servius Tullius, (534 BC), Etruscan king of Rome, in Rome by Tarquin II

* Tiberius Gracchus, (133 BC), Roman tribune, in Rome by Roman senators

* Julius Caesar, (44 BC), Roman general and dictator, in Rome by members of the Roman Senate

* Cicero, (43 BC), Roman orator, outside of Rome under orders from Mark Anthony

* Caligula, (41), Roman Emperor, in Rome by Cassius Chaerea through a conspiracy with the Praetorian guard and the Senate

* Claudius, (54), Roman Emperor, poisoned in Rome by his wife, Agrippina

* Vitellius, (69), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Flavian army

* Galba, (69), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard under orders from Otho

* Domitian, (96), Roman Emperor, in Rome by Stephanus, steward to Julia Flavia

* Commodus, (192), Roman Emperor, killed in Rome by Narcissus the wrestler

* Pertinax, (193), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard

* Didius Julianus, (193), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard

* Publius Septimius Geta, (212), Roman Emperor, in Rome by centurions under orders of Caracalla

* Caracalla, (217), Roman Emperor, between Edessa and Carrhae (modern-day Sanli Urfa and Harran) by Martialis, possibly under orders of Macrinus

* Elagabalus, (222), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard under orders of Julia Maesa and Julia Mamaea

* Maximinus Thrax, (238), Roman Emperor, outside Aquileia by his troops

* Pupienus, (238), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard

* Balbinus, (238), Roman Emperor, in Rome by the Praetorian Guard

* Volusianus, (253), Roman Emperor, near Interamna by his troops

* Trebonianus Gallus, (253), Roman Emperor, near Interamna by his troops

* Aurelian, (275), Roman Emperor, near Caenophrurium (modern-day Corlu)

* Florianus, (276), Roman Emperor, near Tarsus

* Giuliano de' Medici, (1478), co-ruler of Florence

* Martin Bovelino (Martino Bovollino), (1531), envoy of the Grisons

* Pellegrino Rossi, (1848), Papal States Minister of Justice

* Umberto I of Italy, (1900), king

* Said Halim Pasha, (1921), former Ottoman Prime

* Giacomo Matteotti, (1924), Italian socialist politician

* Luigj Gurakuqi, (1925), Albanian independence leader, in Bari

* Benito Mussolini, (1945), fascist Prime Minister of Italy

* Enrico Mattei, (1962), Italian public head officer, head of Agip oil company, supported Algerian independence

* Pier Paolo Pasolini, (1975), Italian writer, poet and film director

* Aldo Moro, (1978), former Prime Minister of Italy

* Giuseppe Impastato, (1978), Anti-mafia activist

* Emilio Alessandrini, (1979), magistrate in Milano

* Giorgio Ambrosoli, (1979), lawyer, liquidator of Banca Privata Italiana

* Cesare Terranova, (1979), magistrate

* Carlo Ghiglieno, (1979), Fiat manager

* Italo Schettini, (1979), regional councillor of Democrazia cristiana

* Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, (1982), General of the carabinieri, indirectly investigating on the death of Enrico Mattei

* Rocco Chinnici, (1983), magistrate

* Leamon Hunt, (1984), U.S. chief of the Sinai Multinational Force and Observer Group (assassinated in Rome)

* Antonio Saetta, (1988), judge

* Giovanni Trecroci, (1990), vice mayor of Villa San Giovanni

* Giovanni Falcone, (1992), anti-mafia judge

* Paolo Borsellino, (1992), anti-mafia judge

* Salvatore Lima, (1992), mayor of Palermo

* Pino Puglisi, (1993), priest

* Massimo D'Antona, (1999), advisor of the Italian Minister of Labour

* Marco Biagi, (2002), Italian Labor Ministry advisor


* Fathi Shakaki, (1995), leader of Islamic Jihad


* Count Floris V, (1296), murdered by fellow noblemen

* William I of Orange, (1584), leader of the Dutch war of independence from Spanish rule (Eighty Years' War)

* Johan de Witt, (1672), politician, and his brother

* Cornelis de Witt, (1672), by an angry crowd

* Pim Fortuyn, (2002), publicist and politician, leader of his political party

* Theo van Gogh, (2004), film director, writer and critic


* Ahmed Bouchiki, (1973), Civilian, mistakenly believed to be Ali Hassan Salameh, assassinated in Lillehammer by Israeli Mossad agents

Ottoman Empire

* Mehmed Sokollu, (1579), Grand Vizier of Suleyman the Magnificent

* Osman II, (1622), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

* Mahmud Sevket Pasha (1913), Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire

* Azmi Bey, (1922), former Ottoman Ittihat and Terakki Party member, by an Armenian

* Celal Pasha, (1929), former Ottoman Minister for the Navy, in Istanbul, due to his role in the Armenian Genocide.


* Stanis?aw Szczepanowski (1079), Bishop of Kraków (now a saint)

* Gabriel Narutowicz, (1922), President of Poland

* Franz Kutschera, (1944), German SS general and chief of police, by Polish resistance

* Jerzy Popie?uszko, (1984), Polish priest, by the communist political police

* Marek Papa?a, (1998), chief of the police, by the mafia


* Viriato, betrayed to the Romans

* Inês de Castro, (1355), posthumously declared Queen of Portugal

* Fernando II, (1483), Duke of Braganza

* Diogo de Beja, (1484), Duke

* Carlos I of Portugal, (1908), King

* Luiz Filipe of Portugal, (1908), Crown Prince

* Sidónio Pais, (1918), President

* Humberto Delgado, (1965), General, Presidential Candidate


* Mihai Viteazul, (1601), Ruler of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania

* Barbu Catargiu, (1862), Prime Minister of Romania

* Ion Duca, (1933), Prime Minister of Romania

* Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, (1938), politician

* Armand Ca(linescu, (1939), Prime Minister of Romania

* Nicolae Iorga, (1940), former Prime Minister of Romania, historian

* Constantin Ta(nase, (1945), actor


* Ján Ducký, (1999)


Tomb of José Canalejas in the Panteón de Hombres Ilustres, Madrid.

Tomb of José Canalejas in the Panteón de Hombres Ilustres, Madrid.

* Juan Prim, (1870), Prime Minister of Spain and Governor of Puerto Rico

* Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, (1897), Prime Minister of Spain

* José Canalejas, (1912), Prime Minister of Spain

* Eduardo Dato Iradier, (1921), Prime Minister of Spain

* José Castillo, (1936, Socialist lieutenant in the Assault Guards

* José Calvo Sotelo, (1936), right-wing politician

* Federico García Lorca, (1936), Spanish poet and dramatist, by fascists

* Mohamed Khider, (1967), Algerian politician, in Madrid

* Melitón Manzanas, (1968), secret police officer

* Luis Carrero Blanco, (1973), Spanish prime minister

* Ricardo Tejero Magro, (1985), Spanish Central Bank director

* Francisco Tomás y Valiente, (1996), former president of the Spanish Constitutional Court

* Miguel Ángel Blanco, (1997), Basque politician, by ETA

* Fernando Buesa Blanco, (2000), Basque politician and party leader

* Ernest Lluch Martín, (2000), former Spanish minister


* King Sverker I of Sweden, (1156)

* King Eric IX of Sweden, (1160)

* King Charles VII of Sweden, (1167)

* Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson, (1436), statesman, Regent of Sweden

* King Eric XIV of Sweden, (1577), on order of his half-brother King John III of Sweden

* King Gustav III of Sweden, (1792)

* Axel von Fersen, (1810), statesman, Grand Marshal of Sweden

* Andreas von Mirbach, (1975), German military attaché in Stockholm

* Heinz Hillegaart, (1975), German diplomat in Stockholm

* Olof Palme, (1986), Swedish prime minister

* Anna Lindh, (2003), Swedish foreign affairs minister

* Fuat Deniz, researcher in social science.


* Berthold von Helfenstein, (1233), Bishop of Chur

* Albert I of Habsburg, (1308), German King and Duke of Austria, by his nephew John Parricida, whom he had deprived of his inheritance, at Windisch on the Reuss River

* Guichard Tavelli, (1375), Bishop of Sion

* Pompejus von Planta-Wildenberg, (1621)

* Jörg Jenatsch, (1639), in Chur

* Rudolf von Planta, (1640), judge in lower Engadin, at the Umbrail pass

* Rudolf von Planta-Wildenberg, (1641), at Rietberg

* Josef Leu, (1845), Catholic politician from Lucerne

* Elisabeth ("Sissi"), (1898), empress of Austria and queen of Hungary, in Geneva

* Vaslav Vorovsky, (1923), Soviet diplomat assassinated in Lausanne

* Wilhelm Gustloff, (1936), German leader of the Swiss Nazi party

* Félix-Roland Moumié, (1960), successor to Ruben Um Nyobe at the head of the UPC, assassinated by the SDECE (French secret services)

* Kazem Rajavi, (1990), Iranian opposition leader, in Geneva


Main article: List of assassinated Turks

* Necdet Bulut, (1978), university professor in Computer Science, by Grey Wolves in Trabzon

* Dog(an Öz, (1978), Assistant district attorney of Ankara, by Grey Wolves in Ankara

* Bedrettin Cömert, (1978), university professor in Art History, by Grey Wolves in Ankara

* Bedri Karafakiog(lu, (1978), dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, by Grey Wolves in Istanbul

* Abdi Ipekçi, (1979), journalist, Editor-in-Chief of Milliyet newspaper, by Mehmet Ali Ag(ca in Istanbul

* Kemal Türkler, (1980), Labor union leader, by Grey Wolves in I.stanbul

* Nihat Erim, (1980), former prime minister of Turkey, by a Dev Sol operative in Istanbul

* Gün Sazak, (1980), contractor and nationalist politician, by Dev Sol in I.stanbul

* Muammer Aksoy, (1990), university professor in Law, by Islamist militants in Ankara

* Bahriye Üçok, (1990), university professor in Islam Studies, in Istanbul, by Islamist militants

* Çetin Emeç, (1990), journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, by Islamist militants in Istanbul

* Turan Dursun, (1990), Islamic scholar, author, and journalist with a critical view of Islam, in Ankara, unresolved, most probably by Islamist militants

* Musa Anter, (1992), dissident Kurdish Turkish activist and writer, in Diyarbak?r, unresolved, attributed to Turkish military intelligence (JITEM)

* Ug(ur Mumcu, (1993), journalist, Cumhuriyet newspaper, by Islamist militants in Ankara

* Onat Kutlar, (1995), writer, poet, founder of Cinemateque Istanbul, columnist for Cumhuriyet newspaper, attributed to Islamist militants in Istanbul

* Konca Kuris,, (1998), Islamic feminist author, kidnapped and tortured to death by (Turkish) Hizbullah in Mersin

* Ahmet Taner K?s,lal?, (1999), politician, Ankara University professor in Political Science, Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist, by Islamist militants in Ankara

* Gaffar Okan, (2001), Police Commissioner of Diyarbak?r, by (Turkish) Hizbullah in Diyarbak?r

* Necip Hablemitog(lu, (2002), university professor in History, in Ankara, unresolved, attributed to Islamist militants, German intelligence, or MOSSAD

* Mustafa Yücel Özbilgin, (2006), high court judge, Council of State (Dan?s,tay), by an Islamist lawyer in Ankara

* Hrant Dink, (2007), Journalist, publisher of Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos, in Istanbul, currently unresolved, but has been continuously threatened by Turkish ultra-nationalists

United Kingdom (and predecessor states)

* Carausius, (293), usurper of the Western Roman Empire

* King Edmund I, (946), king of England, stabbed at a banquet

* Edward the Martyr, (979), King of England

* Thomas Becket, (1170), Archbishop of Canterbury

* Henry Stuart, 1st Duke of Albany (best known as Lord Darnley), (1567), consort of Mary, Queen of Scots

* James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray, (1570), Regent of Scotland

* George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1628)

* James Sharp, (1679), Archbishop of St Andrews, in Fife, near St Andrews

* Spencer Perceval, (1812), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in London by John Bellingham; the only British prime minister to be assassinated

* Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, (1922), British field marshal, retired Chief of the Imperial General Staff and Conservative politician

* Paddy Wilson, (1972), Social Democratic and Labour Party politician

* Ross McWhirter, (1975), co-author of the Guinness Book of Records and right wing political activist

* Kadhi Abdullah al-Hagri, (1977), past prime minister of Yemen Arab Republic, killed in London

* Georgi Markov, (1978), Bulgarian dissident

* Airey Neave, (1979), British Conservative politician

* Sir Norman Stronge (1981), aristocrat and Northern Irish politician

* Sir James Stronge, 9th Baronet (1981), aristocrat and Northern Irish politician

* Rev. Robert Bradford, (1981), Unionist MP in Northern Ireland

* Edgar Graham, (1983), Ulster Unionist politician.

* Patrick Finucane, solicitor

* Ian Gow, (1990), British Conservative politician

* Rosemary Nelson, (1999), Irish Catholic solicitor and human rights advocate

* Alexander Litvinenko, (2006) Russian critic of Vladimir Putin

Serbia and Yugoslavia

* Gallienus, (268), Roman emperor, near Naissus

* Probus, (282), Roman emperor. Assassinated at Sirmium

* Carinus, (284), Roman emperor. Assassinated at Margus

* Julius Nepos, (480), Roman emperor. Assassinated near Salona (modern Solin).

* Aleksandar Obrenovic' and Draga Mašin, (1903), king of Serbia. Assassinated in Belgrade.

* Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie, (1914), killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, see: Assassination in Sarajevo

* Milorad Draškovic', (1921), Yugoslav interior minister killed by Communist Alija Alijagic'

* Alexander I of Yugoslavia, (1934), was king of Yugoslavia. Assassinated in Marseille, France.

* ?uro Basaric(ek, Pavle Radic' and Stjepan Radic', (1928), Croatian MPs killed in the Parliament of Kingdom of SHS by Puniša Rac(ic'

* Sekula Drljevic', (1945), Montenegrin nationalist

* Ivan Kramberger, (1992), Slovenian presidential candidate

* Irfan Ljubijankic', (1995), foreign minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina

* eljko Ra natovic' ("Arkan"), (2000), Serb paramilitary leader

* Pavle Bulatovic', (2000), defense minister of Yugoslavia

* Boško Peroševic', (2000), Premier of Vojvodina

* Ivan Stambolic', (2000), Serb politician

* Zoran ?in?ic', (2003), Prime Minister of Serbia killed by organized crime groups


* Mykola Leontovych (1918) - Ukrainian composer

* Symon Petlura, (1926), Ukrainian political leader assassinated by Sholom Schwartzbard

* Yevhen Konovaletz (1938) Ukrainian nationalist leader assassinated by Pavel Sudoplatov

* Dmytro Revutsky (1942)- Academic

* Lev Rebet (1957) - Ukrainian nationalist leader assassinated by Bohdan Stashinsky

* Stepan Bandera (1959) - Ukrainian nationalist leader assassinated by Bohdan Stashinsky

* Volodymyr Ivasiuk (1979) - Ukrainian composer

* Vadym Hetman (1998) - Politician, banker

* Georgiy R. Gongadze (2000) - Ukrainian journalist

* Stepan Senchuk - (2005)

Assassinations in Russia and the former Soviet Union

* Peter III of Russia, (1762), Emperor of Russia

* Paul of Russia, (1801), Emperor of Russia

* Mikhail Andreyevich Miloradovich, (1825), military Governor of St. Petersburg

* Nikolay Vladimirovich Mezentsev, (1878), Executive Director of the Third Section

* Alexander II of Russia, (1881), Emperor of All the Russias

* Dmitry Sipyagin, (1902), Russian Interior Minister

* Vyacheslav Pleve, (1904), Russian Interior Minister

* Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, (1905), former Governor-General of Moscow

* Peter Stolypin, (1911), Russian Prime Minister

* Grigori Rasputin, (1916), controversial friar and mystic

* Tsar Nicholas II and his family: Tsarina Alexandra, Tsarevich Aleksey, and the Grand Duchesses Anastasia, Tatiana, Olga and Maria (1918)

* V. Volodarsky, (1918), revolutionary

* Wilhelm Mirbach, (1918), German Ambassador in Moscow

* Fatali Khan Khoyski, (1920), former Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, in Tbilisi

* Simon Petlyura, (1926), Ukrainian independence leader

* Sergei Kirov, (1934), Bolshevik party leader in Leningrad

* Giorgi Chanturia, (1994), Georgian opposition leader

* Vladislav Listyev, (1995), a Russian journalist and head of the ORT TV Channel

* Dzhokhar Dudayev, (1996), first Chechen separatist President and anti-Russian guerrilla leader

* Galina Starovoitova, (1998), influential politician, then member of Russian parliament (Duma)

* Ruslan Chimayev, (1998), Chechen rebel politician

* Otakhon Latifi, (1998), Tajik journalist and opposition figure

* Vazgen Sargsyan, (1999), Prime Minister of Armenia

* Karen Demirchyan, (1999), speaker of Armenian parliament

* Leonard Petrosyan, (1999), Karabakh politician

* Georgiy Gongadze, (2000), Ukrainian journalist

* Valentin Tsvetkov, (2002), governor of Magadan

* Sergei Yushenkov, (2003), Russian politician, in Moscow [1]

* Yuri Shchekochikhin, (2003), Russian journalist, in Moscow [2]

* Georgy Tal, (2004), leading Russian businessman

* Paul Klebnikov, (2004), editor of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine

* Akhmad Kadyrov, (2004), Kremlin-backed President of the Chechen Republic

* Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, (2004), former President of separatist Chechnya

* Aslan Maskhadov, (2005), President of separatist Chechnya

* Anatoly Trofimov, (2005), former FSB deputy director

* Elmar Huseynov, (2005), Azerbaijani journalist

* Zhirgalbek Surabaldiyev, (2005), Kyrgyz MP and businessman

* Magomed Omarov, (2005), deputy Interior Minister of Dagestan

* Bayaman Erkinbayev, (2005), Kyrgyz MP

* Altynbek Sarsenbayev, (2006), Kazakh politician

* Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, (2006), President of separatist Chechnya

* Anna Politkovskaya, (2006), Russian journalist and human rights campaigner.

Deaths under suspicious circumstances

* Ivan Safronov, (2007), Russian journalist and columnist. Died after falling from the fifth floor of his Moscow apartment building

* Yerzhan Tatishev, (2006), Chairman of the second largest bank in Kazakhstan Bank TuranAlem

* Zamanbek Nurkadilov, (2005), Kazakh politician

* John Garang, (2005), Sudanese politician and former rebel leader (suspicious helicopter crash)

* Ehtiram Jalilov, (2005), Azerbaijani politician

* Nicola Calipari, (2005), Italian intelligence agent (circumstances of the death are well-established; the motives are unclear)

* Zurab Zhvania, (2005), Prime Minister of Georgia

* Enrique Salinas, (2004), brother of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas. Found with a plastic bag over the head in a parked car

* Yassir Arafat, (2004), Chairman of the PLO, conspiracy theorists believe that he was poisoned

* George Bacchus, (2004), accused a Guyanese government minister of links to death squads

* Iris Chang, (2004), author of The Rape of Nanking

* Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mowhoush, (2003), Iraqi general, died in American custody

* Dr. David Kelly, (2003), UK weapons expert, found dead after inquiry into Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, investigation into his death

* Paul Wellstone, (2002), liberal Democratic United States Senator from Minnesota, killed in mysterious plane crash during his reelection campaign

* Giorgi Sanaia, (2001), Georgian journalist known for opposition to government, shot in apartment

* John Kaiser, (2000), missionary (officially recorded as a suicide but the evidence strongly suggests otherwise)

* Christopher Notorious B.I.G. Wallace, ([1997]), victim of West coast and East coast war and subsequent police cover-up

* Tupac Amaru Shakur, ([1996]), gunned down on Las Vegas strip

* Kurt Cobain, (1994), lead singer and guitarist for the band Nirvana; apparent suicide (self-inflicted gunshot wound) in his home in Seattle

* Juvénal Habyarimana, (1994), President of Rwanda, and

* Cyprien Ntaryamira, (1994), President of Burundi, killed in mysterious plane crash; the resulting political instability led to the genocide in Rwanda and the outbreak of full-scale war in Burundi

* Pablo Escobar, (1993), head of the Medellín Cartel

* Zviad Gamsakhurdia, (1993), former president of Georgia - apparent suicide, though unconfirmed

* Joseph Rendjambe, (1990), leader of the Gabonese Progress Party. Found dead of poisoning in a hotel owned by President Omar Bongo

* Samora Machel, (1986), President of Mozambique, killed in air crash on the border of South Africa; Machel was a leading anti-Apartheid spokesman

* Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, (1988), military ruler of Pakistan

* Uwe Barschel, (1987), minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein

* Roberto Calvi, (1982), CEO of Banco Ambrosiano, found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge in London

* Eduardo Frei Montalva, (1982), president of Chile from 1964 to 1970

* Mehmet Shehu, (1981), Prime Minister of Albania, death ruled a suicide but often believed to have been ordered murdered by Enver Hoxha

* Omar Torrijos, (1981), brigadier general and president of Panama, died in a plane crash

* Francisco Sá Carneiro, (1980), prime-minister of Portugal, died in a plane crash

* Amaro da Costa, (1980), minister of defense of Portugal, died in a plane crash

* Josiah Tongogara, (1979), died in a car crash on the eve of Zimbabwe's independence

* Pope John Paul I, (1978), has been contended by author David Yallop to have been assassinated

* Haile Selassie, (1975), Ethiopian emperor who was deposed and imprisoned a year earlier by the military after an eventful reign of over 40 years

* Edmundo Bosio, (1975), dismissed Vice President of Equatorial Guinea

* Aman Mikael Andom, (1974), Ethiopian military figure

* Edward Mutesa, (1969), possibly from poisoning

* Dag Hammarskjöld, (1961), United Nations Secretary General, killed in plane crash in Zaire, sabotage suspected

* Camilo Cienfuegos, (1959), Cuban revolutionary, plane disappeared on flight from Camagüey to Havana

* Barthélemy Boganda, (1959), Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, in a plane crash

* Joseph Stalin, (1953), Soviet leader

* Jan Masaryk, (1948), son of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk; Czech diplomat, politician and Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia

* King Ananda Mahidol of Thailand, (1946), died of gunshot wounds; suicide, accident or assassination

* Ghazi of Iraq, (1939), King of Iraq

* Leon Sedov, (1936), son of Leon Trotsky, leader of the Trotskyist movement

* Ottavio Bottecchia, (1927), Italian cyclist

* S. L. MacGregor-Mathers, (1918), well-known magician and occultist, died of an unknown cause; it is known that he had many enemies

* Ludwig II of Bavaria, (1886), King of Bavaria

* Emperor Ko-mei, (1840), Emperor of Japan

* Alexander I of Russia, (1825), Tsar. Died in the city of Taganrog in mysterious circumstances.

* Napoléon Bonaparte, (1821), French general and emperor, died in exile on the island of Saint Helena possibly slowly poisoned by his 'sommelier' who would have been working for Louis XVIII

* King Charles XII of Sweden, (1718), killed in action possibly by Swedes

* Moctezuma II, (1520), Aztec emperor. According to Spanish accounts he was killed by his own people, according to Aztec accounts he was murdered by the Spanish

* King Jean I of France, (1316)

* King William II of England, (1100), killed by an arrow while hunting

* Flavius Claudius Julianus, (363), Roman emperor

* Carus, (283), Roman emperor

* Tiberius, (37),Roman emperor, rumours he was suffocated, may simply have died of old age

* Tutankhamun, (1324 BC), Egyptian pharaoh
2007-12-28 07:31:32 UTC
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2007-12-28 08:07:22 UTC
there have been many.

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.