Wars unfortunately normally lead to refugees. There has been no proper or reasonable evidence that the Israelis deliberately forced Palestinians from their homes during the war which lead to the Re-establishment of the Jewish state as the State of Israel. As a result of that war many Jewish people living in Arab countries also became refugees.
I hope the following will help you understand the origins of the current dispute:
The last "indigenous" state (meaning run by the natives rather than by a foreign power) that comprised the area now called Israel and Palestine, before the formation of the State of Israel, was the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea with its capital at Jerusalem (now called “East Jerusalem” also “the Old City”).
You can view the position of the Jewish Kingdom of Judea, here:
And you can view coins from the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea, here:
This came to an end because of a Roman invasion and most, but not all, Jews were expelled to many places including Europe.
Apparently the Palestinians deal with this by denying that there ever was a Kingdom of Judea.
The Jews of that Judean kingdom are referred to in the Koran as “the People of the Book"; "Book" meaning the Bible.
At the end of the Holocaust the Jews wished to return to their homeland.
Today, the Arab peoples deal with this Return of the Jewish people, by apparently denying that the Jewish people are “the People of the Book" of the Koran. So while millions of Jewish men, women, and children were murdered by the Nazis for being Jewish, the Palestinians allege that the Jewish people are not the Jewish people, and so claim that they are foreign invaders!
Consequently, the Jews are the only people in this world who are perversely accused of having "stolen" their own homeland, meaning Israel.
When the Jews restored their state as the "State of Israel" in 1948 (being a small area about the size that Wales is in the U.K.), this was authorised under the United Nations “Partition Plan” which separated the land between Jewish and Arab areas.
The surrounding Arab countries attacked the new Jewish state, but lost the war.
Arab people were living in Palestine when the Jewish state was re-formed as the State of Israel, and many Palestinians became war refugees (as did many Jews from Arab countries). These refugees had owned homes there, but home ownership is not proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the land in which you live.
The Palestinians claim Israel expelled them. Not only is this untrue, but Palestinians live in Israel, and also Israel offers them citizenship. Most Palestinians refuse this citizenship because they believe Israel should not exist.
The Palestinians have expelled the Jewish people from all areas under Palestinian control.
Currently the Palestinians have two areas which they run themselves with their own military and police, but they do not yet have the full status of an independent sovereign state because Israel first wishes a peace treaty with them.
Consequently, Palestinians describe the Palestinian controlled areas as "occupied" by Israel. However, Palestinians do also describe the State of Israel itself as "occupied", as they claim it as Palestinian land. This is because they refuse the Jewish people the right to have their own homeland.
Although the Palestinians believe they have the right to a homeland, yet at the same time they also wish to deny that same right to the Jewish people.
Israel is accused of being in breach of United Nations resolutions. While there is just one Israel, there are many Muslim and Arab countries. So, with each member country having one vote you may not find it surprising that there have been many anti-Israel United Nations resolutions passed. The Palestinians are in breach of the United Nations resolution which set up Israel, since the Palestinians refuse Israel’s right to exist.
You can read about the United Nations Partition Plan, here:
The two-state solution would in my personal view seem appropriate. Two peoples living as good neighbours, peacefully co-operating, giving and learning from each other; making certain the children of both peoples should never know the horror of conflict.
If you look back in history England and France used to be enemies at one time, and it went on for very many years, until at last they realised the stupidity of it, and no doubt of all those lost years when they missed out on being friends.
I hope this helps.