When Israel was established, were palestinians removed from their homes?
Biff Bam
2013-07-28 17:00:36 UTC
I'm confused. Is religious belief the reason behind the creation of Israel? Palestinians occupied that land for many centuries, whereas Israelis have been there for half a century. Why not stop the bloodshed by moving the Israelis somewhere else? Why not America?

Now, if for whatever reason that land was not previously owned by Palestine, this would be helpful information, but if Palestinians were kicked out of their homes.... then doesn't that make the west, America, Israel, and all supporters of Israel... the bad guys?
Nine answers:
Tim D
2013-07-29 04:18:16 UTC
Israel was based on jewish nationalism not religion. Many Israelis including Ezer Weizman, have been atheists. During the 1948 war, Palestinians were essentially kicked out by jewish soldiers who committed atrocities, including rape and murder. Deir yassen was an example. See the book by walt and mearsheimer, which debunks the well-known Israeli propaganda narrative of events--based largely on Israeli scholarship btw.
2013-07-29 00:17:51 UTC
the land of Israel was Formed The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is an Egyptian inscription of c.1200 BCE which speaks of an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel. The term "Land of Israel" is found in the Hebrew Bible. During the biblical period, two kingdoms occupied the highland zone, the kingdom of Israel in the north and, somewhat later to emerge, the kingdom of Judah in the south

then the Arab conquest in 7th century, the majority of the population was Jewish or Samaritan. According to one estimate, the Jews of Palestine numbered between 300,000 and 400,000 at the time

this was when the Arabs tried to Kick all the Israelis from their God Given Homeland

in 1948 the UN voted to Give it back and No one stole anything from any arab there was is and never has been a country of Palestine

the Arabs are the Thieves Murderers Because today the Israelis are Home and it is time the Arabs Integrated or moved on

I like all Intelligent people support the truth and Nothing any person who calls themselves Palestinians is true
2013-07-31 18:37:23 UTC
Zionism, the ideology that led to the creation of Israel, is the concept that Jews, as a nation, deserve there own state in their historic/ancestral homeland. The early Zionists, mainly Jews from Europe, were actually quite anti-religious (as many preferred secular culture, and others were atheist communists) and based the Jews claim to Israel on the fact that Jews originated in that land, have lived their for thousands of years continuously (since way before Arabs invaded in the 7th century), and were forcibly exiled from the land by the Babylonians and Romans in antiquity (i.e. Jews did not choose to leave Israel).

Israel is a new creation, but Jews are an ancient people who have lived in Palestine for thousands of years. Palestinians have seen themselves as either Arabs or specifically Syrian Arabs until the formation of the Jewish state. There was never such a country as Palestine, as before Israel was established, the land was administered by the British, and before that the Ottomans, etc.

Israelis will certainly not agree to moving somewhere else. Jews feel very attached to the land, as it is the land of their ancestors (genetic tests have proved this.) Israel is a place where Jews are free to express their culture, and is the only place where the national and religious language of the Jewish people, Hebrew, is spoken.

Why not move Palestinians to Jordan, as that was supposed to become Palestine? Or Syria, since many Palestinians themselves have said that they are indistinguishable from Syrians in terms of ethnicity, language, and culture?
2013-07-29 07:25:19 UTC
the palestinians were removed from their homes in the context of the 1948 war.

The reason for leaving their homes are various, some left just to find other places to live, others were forced to leave, others left by the request of the arab leaders (they thought that after the arabs will win the 1948 war they will return).

The palestinian owned their own lands and their own houses, but there was no such a state which owned "Palestine", till 1948 war the jews lived in places they bought from their arab/ottomans owners and only in the context of the 1948 war the jews took more territory.
2013-07-28 17:53:27 UTC
Israel was created as a secular state. It's gotten more religious since then, but is still secular.

Most of the Arabs who lived there before are still living there. They are called Arab Israelis. They are Israeli citizens.

Most of the Arabs living in the West Bank are Jordanians. The ones living in the Gaza Strip are mostly Egyptians. There are also quite a few Saudi Arabians mixed in. On top of that, there are some Arabs who fought against Israel and fled, plus some innocent Arabs who got caught up in the conflict. Israel long ago offered this last group the "right of return" or monetary compensation if they don't want to come back, but the other Arabs put the kibosh on that and won't allow it.
2013-07-28 17:39:42 UTC
Can't say it any better then tham did......just two details to add......

the British had tried very hard for 4 years to come up with some equitable distribution of land, but even then the Moslems and Jews wernt talking very well.......the best the Brits coulddowas come up with a crazy-quilt division of Palestine.......this 5 square miles here would be run by the Israelis, the bext 5 miles by Arabs,then a long strip Jewish, with a few Arab dots thrown in.......completly impractical and out of reason, but it at least recognized majority Arab areas to be run by Arabs, and Jewish by Jews,

then, when Israel was about to be declared, the Mufti of Jerusalem....the top Muslim cleric in the area..... told the Arab living in Palestine to leave so the Arab armies would have a clear field of fire.

The Mufti had spent 1936-1945 as a guest of Adolph Hitler in Berlin.

Didn't, to answer your question, no, not many Arab/Palestinians were actually forcible evicted.......
John E
2013-07-29 02:54:53 UTC
Armouror, are you kidding?

Why would he be asking about something back in the 7th century? The "god given" homeland? That's religion! You have no proof! And besides! IT WAS IN THE 7TH CENTURY!!!!!!! By your logic, America, and many other countries, should give their land back to the natives that were there at the time. I hope you see the irony in your claim of "liking all intelligent people", yes?

Look, your comparing something from back in the 7th century, when these kinds of conquests shaped history, to the present! Merely 60 years ago! The UN voted to give it back? While the ethics of that may depend on certain facts of the war, the main question is "were Palestinians kicked out of their homes because of superstitious belief?", and you, Armouror, make the answer a loud and clear "YES!!!"

2013-07-30 15:13:53 UTC

Wars unfortunately normally lead to refugees. There has been no proper or reasonable evidence that the Israelis deliberately forced Palestinians from their homes during the war which lead to the Re-establishment of the Jewish state as the State of Israel. As a result of that war many Jewish people living in Arab countries also became refugees.

I hope the following will help you understand the origins of the current dispute:

The last "indigenous" state (meaning run by the natives rather than by a foreign power) that comprised the area now called Israel and Palestine, before the formation of the State of Israel, was the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea with its capital at Jerusalem (now called “East Jerusalem” also “the Old City”).

You can view the position of the Jewish Kingdom of Judea, here:

And you can view coins from the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea, here:

This came to an end because of a Roman invasion and most, but not all, Jews were expelled to many places including Europe.

Apparently the Palestinians deal with this by denying that there ever was a Kingdom of Judea.

The Jews of that Judean kingdom are referred to in the Koran as “the People of the Book"; "Book" meaning the Bible.

At the end of the Holocaust the Jews wished to return to their homeland.

Today, the Arab peoples deal with this Return of the Jewish people, by apparently denying that the Jewish people are “the People of the Book" of the Koran. So while millions of Jewish men, women, and children were murdered by the Nazis for being Jewish, the Palestinians allege that the Jewish people are not the Jewish people, and so claim that they are foreign invaders!

Consequently, the Jews are the only people in this world who are perversely accused of having "stolen" their own homeland, meaning Israel.

When the Jews restored their state as the "State of Israel" in 1948 (being a small area about the size that Wales is in the U.K.), this was authorised under the United Nations “Partition Plan” which separated the land between Jewish and Arab areas.

The surrounding Arab countries attacked the new Jewish state, but lost the war.

Arab people were living in Palestine when the Jewish state was re-formed as the State of Israel, and many Palestinians became war refugees (as did many Jews from Arab countries). These refugees had owned homes there, but home ownership is not proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the land in which you live.

The Palestinians claim Israel expelled them. Not only is this untrue, but Palestinians live in Israel, and also Israel offers them citizenship. Most Palestinians refuse this citizenship because they believe Israel should not exist.

The Palestinians have expelled the Jewish people from all areas under Palestinian control.

Currently the Palestinians have two areas which they run themselves with their own military and police, but they do not yet have the full status of an independent sovereign state because Israel first wishes a peace treaty with them.

Consequently, Palestinians describe the Palestinian controlled areas as "occupied" by Israel. However, Palestinians do also describe the State of Israel itself as "occupied", as they claim it as Palestinian land. This is because they refuse the Jewish people the right to have their own homeland.

Although the Palestinians believe they have the right to a homeland, yet at the same time they also wish to deny that same right to the Jewish people.

Israel is accused of being in breach of United Nations resolutions. While there is just one Israel, there are many Muslim and Arab countries. So, with each member country having one vote you may not find it surprising that there have been many anti-Israel United Nations resolutions passed. The Palestinians are in breach of the United Nations resolution which set up Israel, since the Palestinians refuse Israel’s right to exist.

You can read about the United Nations Partition Plan, here:

The two-state solution would in my personal view seem appropriate. Two peoples living as good neighbours, peacefully co-operating, giving and learning from each other; making certain the children of both peoples should never know the horror of conflict.

If you look back in history England and France used to be enemies at one time, and it went on for very many years, until at last they realised the stupidity of it, and no doubt of all those lost years when they missed out on being friends.

I hope this helps.



2013-07-29 08:55:27 UTC
Want a non bull **** view watch a documentary called "Blood and Tears" its a two hour DVD about the history of conflict in that region.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.