2009-12-21 12:25:17 UTC
The days when it was legal for a man to beat his wife and children.
The days when children wandered off unsupervised.
The days before health warnings on cigarettes and alcohol, the days before expiration dates on food, the days before bike helmet and seat belt laws.
The days when homosexuals were locked up for engaging in consensual sex.
The days when corporal punishment was commonplace in schools.
The days when bullying was not only a fact of life but considered a 'right of passage'.
The days when persons in authority were obeyed without question.
The days when all fit young men were forced to do military service...
The days when racial segregation was very common and heavily enforced
The days of the Cold War, when there were planes constantly patrolling the skies armed with nuclear bombs, ready to drop them at a moment's notice.
The days when abortion was illegal and young girls died from sticking broken glass bottles up themselves.
I could go on and on.............