Does anybody know anything about Dorothy Dear Metzger Hutton Weir, widow of E.F. Hutton?
2008-03-19 14:24:55 UTC
She was born Dorothy Dear in Jersey City in 1906. Her father was an executive at the Jersey City Printing Company. She married Homer P. Metzger and had one daughter (Nancy Joan Metzger) while living in South Orange New Jersey. She divorced and married E.F. Hutton in 1936. After he died she remarried to Viscount Weir in Scotland. I believe that she is now 102 and living in New Jersey. Homer Metzger remarried to Catherine Dale Owen, the film actress. They had one son Robert Owen Metzger, and they lived in NYC. Homer Metzger was originally from Asbury Park. I live in the area and am fascinated with this piece of local history. If anyone knows any part of her story, or of the stories of the Dear families (of Jersey City and Montclair) or the Metzger family (of Asbury Park and NYC), or has any information about the Jersey City Printing Company (does it still exist?) I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Four answers:
2008-03-20 02:18:24 UTC
"In February 1936 [E.F.Hutton] married twenty eight year old Dorothy Dear Metzger, who had just divorced her husband, Homer, the previous October. Dorothy originally met E.F. through Marjorie's daughter Adelaide. Adelaide had invited Dorothy and Homer to spend a weekend with her and other friends at the Hutton's Long Island estate, Hillwood. Dorothy and Homer P. Metzger had one daughter, Nancy Joan Metzger, who was born in 1927. They had resided in South Orange, New Jersey."
2015-07-30 23:45:05 UTC

The Dowager Viscountess Weir, widow of the 2nd Viscount Weir, died 23

June, 2002, at Newport, Rhode Island, United States.

She was Dorothy, daughter of William Yerrington Dear, and widow of

Edward F. Hutton. She married secondly, in 1973, as his second wife,

the 2nd Viscount Weir, CBE, (1905-75), Chairman of the Weir Group,

1955-72; Director of Dunlop Co. Ltd, Scottish Television Ltd, &c, of

Montgreenan, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, and Palace Street, London SWI.

Viscountess Weir lived latterly at Far Hills, New Jersey, USA.


Michael Rhodes.
2016-09-07 11:53:05 UTC
Lady Weir was once my first-class grandmother. She sadly kicked the bucket within the early 2000s at (i think) the age of ninety four. She was once dwelling in New York City on the time someplace on Sutton Place. Even in her past due eighties she was once fly fishing and taking pictures. She didn't remarry after Lord Weir's dying. You can discover pics of her from quite a lot of eras on New York Social Diary.
2014-05-25 07:10:27 UTC
Hello and good day to you in America : )

Let me introduce myself.....My name is Martin Baker aged 48 from the United Kingdom ( uk ) I write to you today with interest of the above family as I used to work for Ms Nancy Joan Metzger for 5 to 6 years in the 90`s her former name before she sadly passed away was Nancy Joan Patterson Roberts of Folkingham Village Lincolnshire uk, She lived in a 4 bedroomed house a former Raf officers house with a lovely well established and maintained by my good self of course : ) I used to do/run all of her erons/jobs for her as she lived alone but was a very astute and determined lady indeed, difficult at times to I may add lol but once I got to know her and spent many hours with her in her garden she was a true delight to be around and work for. Whilst working for her I got to know quite much about her and her family in New York City as she quite often used to chat with her mother Lady Weir of Manhatten and whilst my friendship with her she was working/writing her book about her life/fortunes and experiences of which sounded very very exciting indeed. Nancy Joan Metzger has lived a colourful lifestyle indeed from her conversations with me over those years but sadly one sunday morning was my last time I worked for her as when I left the house for the last time the next day I learned that she sadly passed away in her sleep at the age of 69. She had had a hip operation you see and whilst in recovery she had a suspected blood clot that killed her, bless her : ( 1994/5 she was cremated and her ashes lye in the grounds of Folkingham Church today. A truly incredible lady who could be very difficult at times but a joy to be around none the less : ) I learned much from her and sadly miss her to this day. I`ve looked on the internet regarding her family and history from time to time and you know I`d like to know more and travel to new york one day I really would so. Before I go I finally wanted to add that after the day she died her final manuscript came through the post completed and the book was ready to publish : ( how very sad is that indeed as she spent many days and hours on her book. I so you know want to read it when I can find it that is. Any way I`m glad to have found somebody of whome knows of the family and it`s history to : ) I hope that this is of some help to you Peter Lobell and should you wish to contact me then please do at my email address of which is my cell fone contact number of which is 07910893823 I hope to hear from you at some point Peter.

Have a nice day and thankyou.

Kindest Regards

Martin Baker.......

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