Who discovered America?
2015-12-28 22:41:08 UTC
All Americans say America discovered America but didn t the British discover America.
263 answers:
2015-12-31 04:31:30 UTC
Christopher Columbus, Discovers America, 1492
2015-12-31 00:45:50 UTC
Christopher Columbus, Discovers America, 1492
2015-12-31 09:56:47 UTC
Christopher Columbus, Discovers America, 1492.
2015-12-31 14:02:03 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America
2015-12-30 02:13:46 UTC
Christopher Columbus, Discovers America, 1492
2015-12-29 23:26:54 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America
Legend Gates Shotokan Karate
2015-12-31 16:17:58 UTC
WOW I cannot believe how many are saying Columbus LOL, this one is a bit tricky actually, some historians say it may have been the Vikings while others even think it may have been the Chinese... either or were far before Columbus was even born,,,,, Has no one ever heard of Eric the Red & his son Lief Erickson or the Chinese around 1421 at that time the Chinese ruled the seas and they have an ancient map still legible today that shows the Continents this Chinese Admiral sailed in a MASSIVE ship along with many other ships, they went West to India, Africa, and ended over on the American Continent... so the historians debate was it the Chinese or the Vikings, all agree it was NOT Columbus......... beyond that Native Americans truly discoverd America as they were already here when any of the others came and discovered a new land to Europe or Asia, but it was not NEW to Native Americans, Aztecs etc. I hope that helps some... Google it that will help confirm what I am saying, their is a large debate over who actually did.
2015-12-30 21:23:58 UTC
Christopher Columbus, Discovers America, 1492
2015-12-30 22:11:32 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America
2016-01-01 13:00:41 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America
2015-12-31 09:26:52 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2015-12-30 19:53:58 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America
2015-12-31 13:37:54 UTC
John Cena discovers America,

2016-01-02 17:15:45 UTC
In spite of the overwhelming number of people who posted Christopher Columbus as the discoverer of America, that is false. Columbus never set foot anywhere on the North American continent. The farthest he got was Haiti, where he and his crew proceeded to infect a large number of local women with syphilis, most of whom passed it along, killing many natives.

Consensus is that the Vikings discovered America. There is even some credible evidence that the Phoenicians may have been first. Some have even suggested the Egyptians did. But it is for certain NOT Columbus.

And, finally...there are more than 300 million Americans. Are you sure ALL of them believe an American discovered America?
Nurse Ferk
2015-12-31 08:18:01 UTC
The Vikings discovered America way before Columbus
2015-12-30 22:21:45 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2015-12-30 06:45:54 UTC
It is not America discovering America as indicated in the question ;but America having been named after Amerigo Vespucci, who was the first to realise that what Columbus had discovered was a new land and not a part of East Indies as the latter had believed. Any way Amerigo Vespucci was not the first to reach America. As Columbus had led the team that had landed on the new continent first, there is nothing wrong in giving full credit of having discovered America to him.

Christipher Columbus discovered America.
Richard B
2015-12-31 13:17:39 UTC
Seems to me there is a problem with the use of "discovered". Any person who finds a land, be it an island, or a continent that they did not know existed before they found it has discovered that place. Haven't most of us made such "discoveries" in our lives? In that sense, there is clear evidence of multiple "discoveries" of America, and speculation of other discoveries either undocumented, or with questionable documentation.

The important question though is which discovery altered the history of the world. The Viking discovery certainly didn't, nor did possible discovery by Romans, Irish, Portuguese fishermen, or various cultures possibly that found the west coast of the America's. Two of the discoveries certainly did change world history. The first would have been by the first inhabitants lost to pre-history, call them what you wish, who created the initial human occupation of the America's, although it seems likely that this initial "discovery" probably happened multiple times. The second, of course, would have been Columbus. Even though there is speculation and some evidence that he already knew of the existence of America, it was his discovery or confirmation, which he announced as a discovery, that had an enormous impact on the history of the world.
2016-01-03 08:27:42 UTC
Nobody knows. Columbus is often credited, but there's evidence that North America has been visited by many people previous to 1492 including Vikings and Polynesians.

There's belief that Romans had as well.

Nobody knows for a fact who "discovered" America. It was probably discovered 20-40,000 years ago.

However, Columbus introduced it to Europe, and it was a great discovery to Europeans.
Smokies Hiker
2015-12-31 10:36:35 UTC
The Vikings had landed in what later became America some 500 years before Columbus ( about 1,000 AD )

was even born, the Viking Leif Eriksson and his crew found our North American Continent much the same way Columbus found accident when he was trying to return to Norway and became lost. And between that period of time when Eriksson visited North America and Columbus's "discovery" of North America, there were the true Native American Indians living here. So although the history books give credit to Columbus for the discovery or North America, he was at least third in line behind the Vikings and the Native American Indians.
2015-12-29 17:59:44 UTC
That's a very difficult question to answer. Evidence has been discovered that points to visits from sailors from multiple countries going back to well before Christopher Columbus and 1492. Japanese Stone Ship Anchors off the California coast, Norse settlements in newfoundland and modern-day Minnesota. If you're interested there's a history channel special called "Who Really Discovered America" that explores the examples I gave and many more in great detail.
2015-12-29 03:45:46 UTC
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2016-01-01 00:08:06 UTC
There is no question about it, it has been definitely determined that the Vikings were here 500 years before Columbus. The Vikings established a settlement in Newfoundland that lasted for about 10 years, and the remains of that settlement are still there.

The Vikings didn't stay longer because the Indians didn't want them to stay. The first time they saw Indians was when the Vikings came across 10 of them taking naps under their overturned canoes — and the Vikings killed them. That did make for a very good first impression. They tried trading, but the Vikings felt menaced and outnumbered, and knew the Indians did not want them around. The Vikings later returned to North America, but only for trading. They never tried to settle again.

There is also credible evidence that a Chinese fleet visited America on their way to present-day Kenya.

Columbus gets the credit as he was the first lasting European contact with the Americas, starting European exploration, conquest, and colonization of America. Columbus started the transatlantic slave trade and has been accused of starting the genocide of the Hispaniola natives. Columbus himself saw his accomplishments mostly as spreading Christianity.

During his first voyage in 1492, instead of arriving at Japan as he had intended, Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas that he named "San Salvador". Over the next three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming all of it for the Crown of Castile (part of present day Spain).
Enough Trolls
2015-12-29 01:15:36 UTC
Discovery requires

1/ getting there

2/ realizing it is a new place for your culture to know about

3/ getting back

4/ telling everyone about it

So the expedition under Columbus sponsored by the Spanish state counts as discovering the Americas.

First settlers did not tell the rest of the world.
2015-12-28 23:42:27 UTC
Officially, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2015-12-30 20:34:58 UTC
Americano Vespucci mapped America.

Christopher Columbus in 1492 discovered islands off the coast of this continent. He really didn't discover it. He stumbled across it looking for an easier route to India.

Asians crossed the Bering Strait long before also there is evidence of other cultures on the east coast finding it as well.

Columbus gets all the credit though.
2016-01-02 05:42:46 UTC
Until the history books are corrected you could say Columbus 1492. But there is factual evidence that Vikings landed here before that by as much as 1,000 years. There is also factual evidence that Polynesian people landed in what is southern California around 500 years before Columbus. However my argument has always been that America was inhabited by native Indian tribes when all the so called discoveries were made. You can't claim that you have found a new land when people inhabited it for thousands of years before you got there. It was only new to the newcomers!
2015-12-31 01:19:09 UTC
Christopher Columbus
2015-12-30 15:54:25 UTC
Who says "America discovered America" I've never heard that in my life. There is some interesting evidence pointing to the fact that Vikings discovered Nova Scotia long before Christopher Columbus set sail but history is written that it was Columbus. I personally believe that Vikings landed at Nova Scotia (Canada) first. It would be an easy trip and has been duplicated in modern times with Viking technology. The trio would be as follows: Scotland/Irenland to The Faroes to Greenland to Iceland to Nova Scotia.
2015-12-30 09:49:52 UTC
Correctly, Columbus is the first person of European descent, he was born in Genoa in 1451, to have sighted the continental land-mass we now know as the United States of America; he did not actually discover this country. Vikings from Norway are known to have been on the North America continent in the ten-hundreds.

Before them we have the original inhabitants that migrated across the Bering Straits several thousand years before and are currently as Native Americans; how so few of you want to credit them with the discovery of this country. You are being most short-sighted and unfair by over-looking those original Americans.
2015-12-31 00:13:12 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America. He was an Italian on the orders of the Spanish
2015-12-28 23:01:13 UTC
Palaeolithic people first found the lands of the Americas tens of thousands of years ago. About 1,000 years ago the Vikings discovered parts of the northeastern Americas, and about 500 years ago Cristoforo Colombo, an Italian merchant-explorer commissioned by Spanish royalty, discovered the Americas for the last time; soon after which the existence of the American continents became common knowledge around the globe. With this knowledge the British began colonizing the Northern American continent at the beginning of the 17th century, and by the late 18th century some of these colonists had declared themselves independent Americans.
2015-12-31 01:14:22 UTC
I wouldn't say Columbus 'discovered' American, he just took over and slaughtered and enslaved people... There were indigenous people in America before Columbus came along.

"[Discovering America] . . . of course, happened somewhere between 13,000 and 40,000 years ago when human beings first traveled from northern Asia to the Americas, probably by boat. It's certain that indigenous people discovered America. . . . "

These consisted of various groups of people.
2015-12-29 08:23:27 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered the New World and claimed it for Spain. The Americas were named after Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer and cartographer who like Columbus was under the employment of the Spanish crown. They were followed sometime later by the French, English and Dutch. Each claiming and settling their own parts of the New World.

Early on the Spanish for the most part explored and claimed Latin America the Caribbean and what's now the Western and South Eastern United States. The other Europeans explored and settled the North East and Canada.

If you're thinking specifically of the United States of America, that was indeed settled by English colonists, but much later.

There are going to be those that say the Native Americans were here first, which is true. But the topic is the European discovery of what they considered a "New World".
2016-01-01 10:43:35 UTC
Ok, For all of the people who finished Elementary school and your teachers said,"Christopher Columbus discovered America". It's not true because Columbus discovered the Caribbeans, central america and southern American coasts. America was already habited with native Americans.
2016-01-01 18:54:36 UTC
Aliens discovered America first
2015-12-31 07:32:23 UTC
I am an American, and NEVER in my life have I met an American who thinKS we discovered this continent. First, because we would have to be morons, knowing that the U.S. isn't even 240 years old yet, and the popular, although probably incorrect discovery theory gives it to Spain's Columbus in 1492. I don't know where you get the British ideas from, but toss it aside. I would focus on archeological finds, dating from a thousand or more years ago. They is a lot of information to prove the Vikings were here as early as the 900's, that is 500 years before Columbus. Also, the claim that "Native Americans" are the people who lived in teepees on the plains has been disproven by science as well. Sure, they lived he in large numbers, as yes we took the country from them, but science shows that we melt took it BACK from them. European Caucasian skeletal remains, from as far back as 50,000 B.C. have been discovered in North America. So red Indians were not the "natives", merely murderers.
2015-12-28 23:17:17 UTC
Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of America, although he never actually even came to America. Amerigo Vespuci was a Spanish explorer who created the first documented map of America. The first people in America were believed to be nomads from Russia, now known as Native Americans or American Indians.
2015-12-31 07:10:49 UTC
Leif Ericson discovered America almost 500 years before Columbus did, and Vikings built a settlement in what is now Canada. The Vikings did not tell other Europeans about their discovery and the settlement failed when their occurred a long cold spell.
2015-12-30 18:57:20 UTC
...Technically there is no one person who discovered America. Anyone who didn't know about America then eventually stumbled upon it discovered it. Then that person goes on to tell everyone they know. So basically I'm being an *** face here, and saying your question is quite vague. The answer could just be anyone who didn't know of America and stumbled upon it before anyone around them did.

Besides that I constantly hear that Christopher Columbus discovered America first which I know isn't true. I think that Amerigo Vespucci discovered it before him (but may be wasn't the first) and that America was even named after him (America is the female version of Amerigo).
2016-01-01 09:33:17 UTC
I cant believe that people are saying columbus discovered america. He did not. African Americans are native here. Americans, African americans- native tribes were already here, the british try to take credit and a mapmaker even named america after a british explorer who came to america, amerigo vespucci. Except, they made it america because they wanted to feminize it. But, honestly, the question honestly goes with what you belive.Do you think its discovered by those who were born there, or is it discovered by an outsider, making it worldwidely known.
2015-12-31 11:50:17 UTC
Eric the red, a viking called it vine-land , about 500 years before Columbus, and the Russians colonized the west coast from Alaska down. Not sure when. And to go back further, South America was settled by people from the Mediterranean, probably about 6 000 to 10 000 years ago. There was no early evolution of man in America, they 'just arrived. read Thor Heyerdahl RA and then Kontiki, and then Aku-Aku
2015-12-30 19:09:56 UTC
Actually Christopher Columbus didn't discover America. But yes the Bristsh did discover America. No one really knows who, but most say it was the British :)
2015-12-30 04:21:26 UTC
There is clear evidence, as in the buildings, of the Norse having first attempted colonisation of an atea in Nova Scotia at about 1000 Ace.

This is attributedvto Leif Ericsson. However, Ericsson was guided to North America by a 'lost fisherman dsupposedly named Snurri who recorded the way back home. He may have been with Ericsson at the time of his venture.

That gives you a name.

However ( again) arrowheads ofva type similar to European designs have bern found roughly contemporary with thevreported Clovis points.

Some anthropologists think the european points may be modified clovis points themselves, but oddities have been found: in the stone points, both east coast and clovis show a mineral content more toward european materials ( east coast)

and asian or south pacific mineral content ( west coast)

But bear in mind: at the time these points were made, the sea levels were considerably lower and the ice shelves farther out, essentially shortening the distance between continents
2015-12-29 05:12:06 UTC
The Vikings from Norway first discovered America, but they did not document it well. Christopher Columbus landed in what is now the Dominican Republic and later Spanish explorers discovered America. The Italian explorer Americo Vespucci is the person after whom America is named.
2016-01-02 15:13:53 UTC
Native Americans finally discovered that they lived in America.
2016-01-01 08:00:47 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 by accident! He wanted to travel to India but the ship was in a wrong way. When he was in America for the first time, he thought that he'd arrived in India and that's why he called the native Americans "Indians".
2015-12-31 12:03:41 UTC
Christopher Columbus if you consider the West Indies as part of America! Don t think he actually discovered what is now the USA.

Viking settlements in present day Newfounland and Labrador predate Columbus , but we re not known to civilization nor were any maps generated,( as far as I know)

2015-12-31 00:06:31 UTC
Christopher Columbus
2015-12-31 09:17:02 UTC
Vikings discover America!!!
2016-01-01 07:35:44 UTC
Native Americans
2015-12-30 09:23:26 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America and he was Italian.
2015-12-31 12:02:31 UTC
Actually, Native Americans lived in America far before anyone else "discovered it," but in 1492 Christopher Columbus (on a journey to India) mistakenly landed upon a Native American tribe in America. He thought he was in India and gave Native Americans the nickname "Indians."
2015-12-31 17:41:46 UTC
I tell u a story.

Columbus didn't discover America, Indians did. There where people hear before Indians but they didn't stay, So Indians came over making it their home. So that goes to show that Indians had don the discover. Columbus just took the credit. and now during the 1800s, white men did their best to get rid of them, but never win
2015-12-29 04:38:10 UTC
The Vikings were first to discover the Americas and made writtin accounts of the foreign lands.

The paleo Indians were the first humans to inhabit the Americas some ten thousand years ago.

Columbus re-discovered the americas and his doscovery was the trigger for the succesfull colonisation if the new world.
2015-12-29 13:44:27 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2015-12-30 19:15:14 UTC
Native Americans
2016-01-01 06:35:14 UTC
Native Americans crossed the Beringia land bridge across from Siberia to Canada during the last Ice Age, and discovered America 13,000 years ago.
2015-12-30 17:54:34 UTC
It depends what part of America you're talking about. And it's also possible that the first person to actually discover it was never recorded as having done so in the history books
2015-12-31 23:31:13 UTC
It could be been the Vikings or Chinese but it sure wasn't Christopher Columbus, in fact Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover the Americas. The Europeans had the most recourses and were mapping the world at that time. So Europe having more recourses and superiority knowledge wise claimed themselves to be the original discoverers
2015-12-30 10:28:53 UTC
Most history books say Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, ( The queen of Spain financed his exploration) but there is evidence that the Vikings landed on Greenland centuries before Columbus arrived in America. The British had nothing to do with discovering it. The British were just one of many nations that colonized the land that became known as America.
2015-12-30 02:12:34 UTC
Christopher Columbus. Discovers America, 1492. Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia (the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited
2015-12-31 20:04:12 UTC
There is evidence that many peoples had been to America before Coloumbus, centuries before. Ranging from Vikings to Africans, to others. Columbus wasn't the first to discover America. He just took the credit, and ya know, killed everyone.
2016-01-02 17:19:06 UTC
Well it was NOT Christopher Columbus. It was Native Americans, that were related to Asians and Aztecs. Native Americans (Indians of diffrent tribes) came over from Asia to America when there was land between what is Asia and America (called Pangea) 300 million years before Vikings or Christopher. Did you know 300 million years ago Pangea was a SUPERCONTINET that conneted present day North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and other continets.
2015-12-29 02:54:31 UTC
>"All Americans say America discovered America"

I have never heard anyone claim that. Something discovering itself seems vaguely hippy.

Discover has a clear meaning, you are confused into thinking that it means the first person to reach an area.


No true hippy would think that was a slur.
2015-12-30 02:29:15 UTC
Christopher Columbus
2015-12-28 22:42:23 UTC
Native Americans
2016-01-03 17:25:25 UTC
It depends who you ask. Most Scandinavian (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) and non mainland nations (Iceland and to some extent Britain) know that Leif Erikson discovered America in the early 11th century where he established a small village which soon collapsed for unknown reasons.

Of course if you ask the average american or central European it was Christopher Columb us.
2016-01-02 06:52:23 UTC
The homesteaders moved from England to america by boat looking for a new and better life in the plains, However this doesn't mean that they originally discovered america.
Shiang Shaing
2016-01-01 17:54:56 UTC
Christopher Columbus
2015-12-31 05:26:55 UTC
serfwefr s
2015-12-31 13:09:58 UTC
No one discovered America, the Indian were there way before. It is rather who from Europe was here first !!
2015-12-29 14:29:22 UTC
What interests me in this question is the fact that the questioner seems to believe a fact that is totally wrong. No one believes that AMERICANS discovered America In since the year 1921 they have taught that Columbus discovered America. In the past 20 years textbooks have corrected it to Columbus landed on the island of Guanahani in the Bahamas and planted the flag of their sponsors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.

So the questioner had never been to a school in the United States or is not listening.
Linda R
2016-01-03 15:29:13 UTC
In 1492, Christopher Columbus. However, Native Americans walked here, from Russia, eons earlier.

America's northern west area, Alaska, is where they landed.
2015-12-30 20:40:53 UTC
America was inhabited by people long before Europeans came along. Europeans love to think they discovered America (and other places) because they used to think white people were superior and anyone who wasn't white didn't count for anything.
2015-12-31 22:33:32 UTC
Christopher Columbus
2016-01-03 09:46:40 UTC
Surely it was the Native Americans or don't they count they should do its there land and was it lost in the first place? someone said the Vikings had attempted to live there Columbus only landed there in 1492 not long in Historical terms We British commandeered some of it and later with the help of the Dodges of the Great Stockport built Dodge city and the railways that opened up the country to more people dividing the plains and killing thousands of Bison Mind you American History is so bad it can only get better
2016-01-06 12:01:02 UTC
Vinland or Vineland (Old Norse Vínland) is the area of coastal North America and Newfoundland explored by Norse Vikings, where Leif Erikson first landed in ca. 1000, approximately five centuries prior to the voyages of Christopher Columbus.
2015-12-31 04:09:56 UTC
2016-01-01 04:36:00 UTC
lol at all these people saying colombus discovered the americas.

there were already people on the american continents, you don't "discover" a land when people are already on that land. you only discover land when there hasn't been anyone there before.

1492 marks the date when the europeans arrived on the north american continent and that's when the europeans started settling down in north and south america.

colombus didn't discover anything he just told the rest of the world about north america, and if you want to say "when did the white people discover north america" then there were europeans who were in north america before colombus

there were people in north and south america over 10,000 years ago, the indigenous people to the americas discovered the americas when they arrived in the americas
2015-12-31 13:49:35 UTC
Christopher Columbus did not discover America. He landed on the new world, but thought he was in India. In fact that is why we call the Native Americans "Indians."(Named by Columbus himself.)
2015-12-30 20:21:27 UTC
Vikings. And america discovered America what does that even mean???
2015-12-31 01:00:52 UTC
Actually, it was Leif Ericsson at 1,000 AD. Columbus never actually discovered America.
2016-01-02 14:07:55 UTC
Lmao gtfo christopher columbus never found america. 500 years prior a man named Leif Erikson found america. Not columbus what evidence is there that he stepped on american soil? He was a guy who put them into sexual slavery around the ages 9-10.
Petra Chor
2015-12-29 21:48:23 UTC
America wasn't "discovered". It was here the whole time. Some say the Vikings came here before Amerigo Vespucci, after whom the country is named. Christopher Columbus, who was hired by the Queen of Spain, stumbled across the country because he got lost on his way to India.
2015-12-29 02:19:47 UTC
No, the british did not discover america,it had been discovered long before,columbus is thought to be the first european to discover america in 1492, he was italian,but the vikings were there long before him!
2015-12-31 09:48:05 UTC
christopher columbus discovered cuba. technically one could say the vikings did, while some might say native americans discovered america. there are also theories that chinese ships made it to the west coast and that japanese ships made it to south america. all of these theories have time frames well before columbus brought syphilis to the new world.
2015-12-31 07:46:27 UTC
Depends what america are you talking about, usa or the continent. Columbus discovered usa, the rest was discovered by portugueses and spanish people.
2015-12-31 05:22:56 UTC
The Vikings, Christopher Columbus..... Several people have discovered it. Does that make sense? Several people discovered it because when they found it, they did not know it was there
2015-12-30 18:29:49 UTC
The native Americans, ancestors to those who saw the first Viking sails and, hundreds of years later, Spanish sails, discovered and settled the Americas. Come to think of it, they discovered Europeans.
2015-12-30 23:46:19 UTC
Not Christopher Columbus
2015-12-31 02:16:31 UTC
I discovered America in 1999. There were some barbaric tribes already living there, but they don't count.
2015-12-30 00:11:03 UTC
It is believed that Erik the Red actually discovered North American long before Columbus.

That he sailed from Greenland or Iceland and landed in that is now Northern Canada.
2015-12-29 21:41:39 UTC
My only question is are you sure you weren't high while writing this? America can't discover it's self. It's not possible. And technically I believe Native Americans descovered America first.
2015-12-29 03:43:30 UTC
In historical order:

1] North Eastern Asians about 16,000 years ago. previously no humans in the Americas.

2] Leif Erikson, a Norseman ("Viking"), in about AD 1000 - his expedition stayed for a few moths, and was not known about in Europe in general.

3] The big one as far as European history is concerned: In AD 1492 Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor wanting find the "back route" to the riches of the Far East by sailing around the world westwards - his expedition was financed by the king of Spain. Columbus accidentally came across the Caribbean islands and Central America. His discovery set off the general European invasion, which included expeditions from Spain and several other coastal countries of Europe, including England ("Britain" was not a united kingdom in those days, thus I write "England").

NOTE: It is faintly possible that Irish priests visited the coast of North America in the AD 700s or 800s, but the story is very uncertain. It is quite likely that English and/or Portuguese fishing expeditions came across the coast of North America about 20 years before the expedition of Columbus, but the stories are uncertain.

The name "America" comes from an Italian, Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer a few years after Columbus. The "natives" who had come from Asia about 16,000 years earlier doubtless had different names for different parts of the huge continent, but "America" was obviously not one of those names.
2015-12-31 21:24:16 UTC
George Washington!
2015-12-29 00:45:15 UTC
Wrong again! The British aren't the owners of what we call America today. North, central and south America were discovered by so called "Indians", "Red Indians", "Amerindians". Wow, there are such dumb words to call people who are from America and not from anywhere near India. The true owners and discoverers of America are the tribal people such as Aztecs, Mohicans and those native american tribes.
2015-12-31 11:01:54 UTC
Nobody really knows who was first to discover America. We only know we learned or heard of in our past.
2015-12-30 07:51:23 UTC
the Vikings discovered america about 300 yrs before Columbus off the coast of canada
2015-12-31 18:00:49 UTC
Actually some scientists believe that a Chinese admiral discovered America named Zheng he, there are some supported theories about this topic
2015-12-31 13:04:31 UTC
The Vikings found it long before Columbus, but they had the unfortunate luck of not documenting it. As it's been said before, pictures or it didn't happen... And YES, they didn't have cameras, but that's not the point...

Before the Vikings, it's likely that early Chinese ancestors crossed over into Alaska and colonized long before that. If you look at the genetic features from the Chinese to the Eskimos to the Native Americans... well, it's not hard to imagine a link.
2015-12-31 13:38:03 UTC
It was always taught in school Columbus did in 1492, however the vikings made it to Greenland and on to northern Canada. It wasn't a disovery either time, it was more of accidentally setting foot on a continent they had no idea existed and wondered when they would fall of the edge of the earth.
2015-12-30 20:15:35 UTC
Black people. I truly believe they were here first. I ve done reading and searching on it, I ve known about this for months and it is that the first Americans were black Australian aboriginals. The black Kemets(aka Egyptians) brought civilization here and the genealogists or whoever you call them found their sculptures in the Americas. There is evidence that the olmec heads were ******* and they were found in the Americas. Columbus called the people indian(INDi=black). The natives had short, curly, black hair. The Blacks were already here before it was discovered. The native red people came from south america.
2015-12-28 22:50:28 UTC
The modern people who discovered America might have been Leif Erickson, but he may have been following romurs that the Scottish or the Irish have have been here first. It definitely was not Columbus.
2016-01-01 19:05:45 UTC
Human beings have inhabited the America's for at least 23,000 years. That is the oldest archaeological data, and they were probably here much longer than that. We think they came from Asia, but how and exactly when are still a mystery.
2015-12-31 09:46:44 UTC
It wasn't Columbus. Someone else discovered it before him. His name was Bjarni Herjólfsson and he discovered the land in 986.
2015-12-30 22:50:39 UTC
2016-01-02 03:09:33 UTC
The Indians. The first European to discover America was Gunnbjorn Ulfsson, in the year 900. Take the test here:
2016-01-01 20:00:51 UTC
Donald Trump
2015-12-31 12:54:15 UTC
Captain Morgan some welsh guys and 2 Scottish guys, honest,who doo you think Columbus met when he got there, unless you mean who destroyed America then yes columbus
Mr. Wizard
2015-12-29 08:01:07 UTC
For decades, modern U.S. history gave Christopher Columbus credit for first arriving to and discovering America; now disputed by undeniable evidence discovered by archaeologists and anthropologists.

Who exactly FIRST shored up on the land later named America in 1492 by Columbus, is of debate.
2015-12-29 15:02:36 UTC
The natives that lived here discovered the continent now known as the America's probably coming over on the land bridge that joined with what is now Russia and Alaska it what is now (and they were not lost and didn't need discovering), Columbus didn't discover what didn't exist by that name until Europeans decided to name it America,
2015-12-30 11:43:19 UTC
Early indicators suggest Colombus discovered America but another frontleader was the eminent adventurer Lt. Ronald 'Ronnie' MacDonald who travelled before said Spaniard in order to establish beef eateries owing to the large number of bison which were so prevalent on the prairies. This is an ongoing argument to which I wish to add no further confusion.
2016-01-01 07:55:27 UTC
I think you're referring to the United States as "America" ?? Am i right? Because America is really a continent, not a country. It kind of annoys me when people get those two terms mixed up.
2015-12-30 21:45:21 UTC
Indians were already born here so that doesn't count and seeing as how Mexico is so close to us in sure a mexican wandered off and stumbled across America before any other foreigner did.
The Mikel
2015-12-30 02:02:06 UTC
Christopher Columbus may have found the West Indies, which he thought was India.

America is America because Amerigo Vespucci drew the map and his name was there after associated with it.
2015-12-30 04:03:15 UTC
No one discovered America.

Those explorers such as Columbus who sailed the world, simply found out that it was already there !
2015-12-30 16:02:00 UTC
2015-12-31 11:01:40 UTC
Christopher Columbus discovered it but the British Empire created the settlements
finn mchuil
2015-12-30 12:18:10 UTC
mmmmmm Christopher Columbus came across America, it wasn't lost however and was already inhabited by the Paleo-Indians.

Christopher Columbus led a Spanish transatlantic maritime expedition in 1492, however the Paleo-Indians.would have migrated before the land masses separated probablly following the herds of Bison and mamoths. So technically they would have discovered America long before Columbus.
2016-01-03 14:05:31 UTC
The Vikings are known to have been in Greenland hundreds of years before Columbus and it's very probable they made it to the east coast of America.

The Wright brothers didn't invent flight either.
2015-12-29 23:03:25 UTC
2015-12-29 23:51:27 UTC
Christopher Columbus in 1492. He was Portuguese.
2015-12-31 23:42:39 UTC
By no means is it Columbus. Do they still teach t hat non-sense in school? The truth of the matter the continent known now as America was visited by man peoples. There is evidence of several ancient cultures but is is classified under forbidden archaeology.
2015-12-30 22:39:06 UTC
2016-01-02 12:25:49 UTC
Leif Erikson
2015-12-29 19:26:27 UTC
In Modern times John Cabot for the British explored Nova Scotia and Maine where the Closest Columbus Got was the Caribbean But Lief Erickson set up Vineland 500 years before Colubbus Knew weathere he was a Boy or a Girl

some states actually Celebrate Lief Erickson Day
2015-12-30 01:47:30 UTC
Nomadic peoples who crossed the then-existing land bridge from Asia circa 10,000 B.C. were the first human beings to set foot on the continent that eventually became known as North America.
2015-12-31 07:28:18 UTC
Actually many many years before Christopher Columbus Swedish Nords landed somewhere up north east, but usually you hear the whole "Coulumvus sailed the ocean blue in 1492" stuff (also he was sailing in the name of Spain at the time)
(@..@ )
2015-12-31 10:32:46 UTC
Amerigo Vespucci
2015-12-29 16:04:35 UTC
How can someone say they Discovered a place when it was already here all they did was take over and rob,raped and destroyed a land just to confiscate its territory ,geese people get a grip
2015-12-30 22:29:19 UTC
2015-12-31 15:18:43 UTC
No an Italian did . Christoper Columbus.

The British Cabot explored what is now Canada and New England.
2015-12-31 16:52:35 UTC
It was discovered before Christopher Columbus by a Norse man and before that the knights of Christ
2015-12-30 11:52:41 UTC
Some historians will argue with you that NO ONE "discovered" America, because people already lived here. But yes, by most other accounts, Christopher Columbus.
2015-12-30 15:31:55 UTC
I can tell you who didn't discover America- our good, old friend Chris Columbus.
2015-12-29 12:04:31 UTC
There were no Americans before the Americas were discovered...silly child. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS first discovered the land. The English then started to migrate there... Virginia was named after Elizabeth I ...belonged to us ...UK...until the American war of Independence when King George refused to allow the colonists to have a say in their country.

Mo University Lecturer
2015-12-29 07:52:04 UTC
Columbus did NOT discover anything. You can't discover something where people already live. Secondly he did not land on what we call America or what is known as the USA. He landed in Hispaniola ' and then proceeded to start killing off the indigenous tribes who had been there for thousands of years by force and disease. It's like this lets say I drove to your house and proclaimed I "discovered " your house. I then proceeded to take over and eventually caused the death of your family by giving them a disease you hade no immunity to. BTW..... he is not the only one who did this. Why do you think they speak Portuguese and Spanish in south America .

ALSO the British never discovered anything they only took over and colonized the areas to increase England's power and wealth. What's wrong with you people. You still believe those stupid school history books.
2015-12-29 06:00:39 UTC
No. Space aliens from Basingstoke discovered America.
lewis b
2015-12-28 22:44:20 UTC
Leif Erikson
2015-12-30 05:28:11 UTC
christopher columbus accidently discovered america as he wason his way to india
2015-12-28 22:44:04 UTC
America was found by some race soooooo long ago. tHe british didn't discover anything. The natives were already here, weren't they? Question answered.
2015-12-31 15:41:58 UTC
America was discovered by the first ancient Asians who crossed the Siberian-Alaskan land bridge.

Their descendants became what we now call "Native Americans".
2015-12-31 02:12:27 UTC
Kevin John
2015-12-30 19:08:15 UTC
Christopher Columbus obviously!
Valy jan
2015-12-31 21:04:10 UTC
Christopher Columbus did
2015-12-31 18:16:10 UTC
The native Americans discovered America because that was their home... Then they "accepted" us into their country (after killing their children, burning their homes and raping their daughters and wives)
2015-12-29 09:03:10 UTC
Adolf Hitler discovered America
2015-12-30 22:49:11 UTC
Christopher columbus
2015-12-31 19:22:53 UTC
Norwegian man Leif Erikson discovered Newfoundland around year 1000, about 500 years before Columbus. He called it "Vinland".

But it could also be the chinese. In 1421.

But to be exactly correct, Native americans discovered it, when they were traveling to America from Asia, when Alaska or something like that was with eastern Russia.

That happened about the ice age or something like that. idk
2015-12-31 09:30:18 UTC
The first human who set foot there, so probably an ancestor of the "Indians".

Much later the Vikings came, then the Spaniards, i.c. Columbus.

Presently there ar rumors that maybe the Chinese were there before the Vikings.
2016-01-01 18:33:34 UTC
Margaret Thatcher.
2016-01-02 11:26:48 UTC
!- Vikings 2- Chinese 3- Russian 4- Portegise 5- Spanish
2016-01-03 04:09:11 UTC
Technically, the Native Americans already knew it was there, but it became known to the Western world when Christopher Columbus arrived.
2015-12-30 11:34:51 UTC
First ones came the Vikings before years 900 or 1000.

Then came Columbus with the Spaniards in 1492.
2016-01-03 09:49:54 UTC
2016-01-03 10:37:16 UTC
Danny Kaye
2015-12-29 14:18:30 UTC
Christopher Columbus.
Arandom Guy
2016-01-01 00:31:02 UTC
The Vikings, they were hundreds of years earlier than Columbus. They were driven out by native Americans though.
John C
2015-12-29 23:42:27 UTC
Columbus was definitely not the discoverer. There were Vikings there much earlier, Leif Erikson , etc. Recent report suggest Romans may have got their first.
2015-12-30 04:42:14 UTC
The first person who crossed the Bering Strait hundreds maybe a thousand years before Columbus.
2015-12-29 07:09:48 UTC
The people from a city called Southampton (where I live!!) in England, set out to find new land and discovered America
2015-12-29 09:02:17 UTC
Cristophor Columbus.
Thomas Z
2015-12-30 12:13:11 UTC
America was first discoverd by natives but if you're refering to Europeans than America had first been settled by Vikings long before the arrival of the spaniards
Rodney James
2016-01-02 20:43:41 UTC
Leif Erickson.
2015-12-30 17:25:25 UTC
Kenbec man, white men and women who came before Native Americans. Unfortunately Native Americans have had their cemetery buried under a man made lake so proper research cannot be done.
2015-12-30 10:58:57 UTC
The NORSE aka Vikikngs discovered America long before Columbus or the BRITS ever got here.
2015-12-29 09:47:39 UTC
I was taught that Columbus did NOT discover America...Amerigo Vespucci did. I'm not sure if it's correct but Amerigo..America
2015-12-29 18:49:09 UTC
The Asians. They do everything first. They came from Asia to America.
2015-12-29 10:09:28 UTC
So, if Native Americans were the first inhabitants, wouldn't it make sense to say they discovered America? Just because they did not document their discovery doesn't mean it did not happen.
2015-12-30 14:01:17 UTC
2016-01-02 20:56:29 UTC
2015-12-29 07:25:09 UTC
2016-01-04 01:02:57 UTC
Human beings
2016-01-04 12:52:38 UTC
2015-12-31 11:23:45 UTC
The Indigenous people of America.
2015-12-29 12:25:34 UTC
We are currently in the midst of a maelstorm of controversy concerning where the Native Americans came from, to say nothing of In-betweeners like the Vikings (technical term for those who believe in pre-1492 contact, diffusionists), before we even get into the Contact discovery parts.
2016-01-02 10:21:35 UTC
It discovered its self
The Chainisse Man
2016-01-01 23:16:07 UTC
If what you ask is the continent, south Americans came from Africa (they say) and North Americans (maybe) people from North Asia, or Vikings (just a theory).
2015-12-29 22:22:35 UTC
chances are it was probably the Vikings but there is even one researcher who says who has found proof it was discovered by the romans but I'm sure his claims have not been evaluated by any group of archeologists.
2015-12-31 15:40:29 UTC
Christopher Columbus gets credit for the modern discovery.

But we know that Vikings & Chinese were here before him.
2015-12-30 09:28:18 UTC
the vikings were the first europeans to settle in north america, in Main and other new england states. many many yrs columbus landed in the carribean
Tad Dubious
2015-12-29 09:24:15 UTC
Anon', in the USofA, standard education credits Columbus, who apparently never set foot on the present day USofA. We rarely discuss Amerigo Vespucci. We sometimes will even give the Vikings some credit. But never the British.
glen asking you
2016-01-02 11:46:24 UTC

2015-12-29 10:08:21 UTC
Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia (the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited.
2016-01-03 03:25:50 UTC
The Vikings, decades before Columbus.
Rajath Rajeevan
2015-12-31 21:21:54 UTC
the official credit actually goes to Amerigo Vespucci though columbus became first renaissance sailor to set foot on the americas. of course there's the legend of vikings especially of leaf ericcson and chinese imperial treasure fleet but the european historians JUST WOULDN'T SIMPLY ACCEPT IT BECAUSE THEY CANT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT SOMEBODY OTHER THAN EUROPEAN DID IT FIRST :D
2015-12-30 23:26:38 UTC

2016-01-02 10:01:57 UTC
A water bug named Whey Whey did.
2015-12-29 07:07:53 UTC
In the news recently there was a story about a man who found a Roman sword in New England (?) so he believes that the ancient Romans were here.

Many people have been here - too hard to really say who deserves the title.
Robert F
2016-01-01 20:57:28 UTC
there were people in America before Columbus , there are signs the Vikings made it here long before Columbus .
2015-12-30 21:43:53 UTC
It was the indigenous peoples of the Americas such as the Aleuts,Inuit and Native Americans
2015-12-31 10:51:42 UTC
people were already here. No white man discovered anything.
2016-01-01 14:52:09 UTC
Native Americans Since they were living on it obviously.
2015-12-29 09:39:43 UTC
Bob Lackey
2015-12-29 07:40:12 UTC
Polynesian sailors and Mongoloid refugees established the Pacific coast up to 40000 years ago. By 1700 , California was the site of mankinds greatest sophistication.
2015-12-29 01:57:57 UTC
Well it certaintly WASNT Christopher Columbus.
2015-12-30 15:27:20 UTC
The Indians or vikings or Cave Men
2015-12-31 05:32:03 UTC
Some say it was the Vikings, others say it was people from north east Siberia. Sometimes I wish they hadn't bothered.
2015-12-31 10:45:53 UTC
The Native American indians were here first, but we're slaughtered and enslaved by europeans
2015-12-31 06:02:35 UTC
Columbus !
2015-12-30 06:50:20 UTC
Columbus of Course! Any one else did not record it!
2015-12-30 15:13:40 UTC
It was not Christopher Columbus, as People were already here when he & his entourage arrived! I believe no one truly knows the answer to that question. I do know that The Vikings arrived to this hemisphere of the globe before he did.
2015-12-30 10:31:26 UTC
How can tobacco and cocaine residue have been found in Ancient Egyptian Temples if Egypt didn't go to The Americas?
Irish Aristocracy
2016-01-01 13:40:39 UTC
Vikings landed their first and even the moors but they never went there to conquer it like the Europeans did
2015-12-31 14:33:25 UTC
The Native American tribes. They were there first. Chris C. just traveled there with his people but he wasn't always there.
2015-12-29 07:44:00 UTC
Eskimos. Native Indian tribes. Vikings even went fishing on the (now) Canadian coasts way, way before Columbus and his friends.
2015-12-29 00:27:13 UTC
nobody it was already there it discovered us we have a high opinion of ourselves don't we like we are all that matters how did everything survive without us tch tch
2015-12-31 22:18:56 UTC
White men.
2015-12-31 02:05:37 UTC
No one. People have been living here since people first existed.
2015-12-30 09:47:18 UTC
NO ONE but the very first people that arrived so many eons ago their names will never be known.
2015-12-31 19:08:06 UTC
It wasn't Columbus not true.
2015-12-31 11:59:31 UTC
The vikings are the founder of America.
2015-12-29 11:27:21 UTC
it was either the vikings or columbus, take your pick. it was never the americans who discovered it since there were no americans, other than native americans, when those folks landed here.
2015-12-31 06:40:20 UTC
Barack Obama of course!!!
2015-12-30 00:10:05 UTC
the Native Americans
agnes p
2016-01-01 01:56:53 UTC
The first one was Amerigo Vespucci
Betty Boop
2015-12-30 14:20:11 UTC
Balboa, the Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European to see the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean.
2015-12-30 02:10:59 UTC
The native americans
2015-12-30 09:59:49 UTC
I agree with you Michael
2015-12-30 21:46:46 UTC
Ok did u even go to school because u to stupid to even get a job at McDonald's 🍟🍔
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-30 08:13:28 UTC
There is PROOF, that the Vikings were here LONG before those others !
2015-12-29 03:43:19 UTC
All Americans do not say that.
2015-12-30 13:40:50 UTC
there was already people living there . native american indians so it wasnt discovered just stolen from them
2015-12-31 16:48:30 UTC
The Natives.
2015-12-30 19:34:33 UTC
2015-12-30 12:14:20 UTC
Well Donald Trump of course.
2015-12-30 16:17:33 UTC
possible vikings or Phonecians
2015-12-31 20:51:38 UTC
The native indians.
2015-12-29 23:36:45 UTC
people from Siberia in 15,000 b.c
2015-12-30 14:19:06 UTC
The Welsh around the year 1000.
2015-12-30 02:41:52 UTC
The Vikings
2015-12-30 11:50:41 UTC
Just about every race can claim the title - the evidence is out there.
2015-12-31 18:20:42 UTC
leif erikson, but also prince madoc
2015-12-29 15:32:27 UTC
A man named God.
2015-12-30 09:46:31 UTC
do you mean pre pangea or post pangea?

cuz that technically matters.
2015-12-31 03:00:20 UTC
no one ! founded by som one with no correct ans!. secretss
2015-12-29 17:39:00 UTC
2015-12-31 17:39:31 UTC
the indians did a very long time ago.
2015-12-30 02:50:41 UTC
Each citizen of the USA !
2016-01-02 03:37:18 UTC
2015-12-30 14:58:08 UTC
I DID lol

why, what do you want to know about it ? america ?

i found it. whadya wanna know bro ?
2015-12-30 20:51:57 UTC
Columbous... I think
2016-01-02 05:53:05 UTC
Michael W
2015-12-29 10:25:51 UTC
I think it was Columbus right?
2015-12-29 16:28:05 UTC
The Indian and the Eskimos.
Adam Smith
2015-12-31 03:34:28 UTC
The Egyptians.
2016-01-01 11:42:59 UTC
2015-12-30 17:01:51 UTC
The Jaredites.
2015-12-31 13:13:48 UTC
cow did
2015-12-29 05:55:48 UTC
amerigo vespucci
2015-12-31 19:48:03 UTC
2016-01-03 17:34:55 UTC
The above
2015-12-31 22:54:57 UTC
The vikings
2015-12-29 17:20:20 UTC
I did.
2015-12-29 16:59:58 UTC
I did.
2016-01-03 13:48:19 UTC
2016-01-01 07:32:57 UTC
I do not know about this..
2015-12-29 16:16:03 UTC
The dinosaurs... but... but... where are they now?
2016-01-02 00:46:43 UTC
ur mom,son.
2016-01-01 14:53:00 UTC
2015-12-31 05:43:04 UTC
2015-12-29 18:35:13 UTC
Captain America duh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.