Will Nazism come back?
2020-12-25 19:19:31 UTC
I dont mean stuff like white nationalism but Real nazism with lebensraum, germanic empire, etc.
57 answers:
2020-12-30 14:50:54 UTC
Its already here. They call themselves Anti-fa & BLM.
2020-12-28 20:26:35 UTC
Jesus Christ will come back before Nazism ever will. He'll come back before a lot of things
2020-12-28 16:46:05 UTC
German - Nazism is very unlikely to come back. The vast majority of modern Germans know all about WW2 and the crimes of the Hitler regime and know it must never happen again.
2020-12-27 19:53:22 UTC
They are already back. Look up military supremacists in the USA
2020-12-27 14:08:24 UTC
I don't see how you can mean parts of Nazism and not others. All the elements revolved around right wing authoritarianism running amok.

It was self-proclaimed white supremacist Richard Spencer who organized alt-right at Charlottesville. These people showed up w/ their Nazi and Confederate battle flags ready w/ antagonistic activism. The opposition was left wing ANTIFA.

Right wing extremism is alive and well in America. Most of Europe has outlawed Nazi symbolism.
2020-12-27 13:23:30 UTC
It is somewhat happening now among liberals. They are trying to stifle free speech, creating cancel culture, attacking and bullying to get their way, and boldly lying to the public with no conscious.
2020-12-27 07:34:54 UTC
how , its been in america since the end of ww2 , seems your in la la land .
2020-12-27 02:59:19 UTC
I think you are a bit confused. White Nationalism IS Nazism. German Nazism was about concepts social and biological Darwinism (a miss reading of Darwin’s theories). It was about the rights of one nation and one race to dominate all others due to some preconceived sense of “natural racial superiority” like it was owed to them. It was based in the notion that 1 nation equaled 1 race or ethnicity, hence the slogan “blood and soil”. 

Lebensraum was based on both the thoughts that the German race needed and deserved land to grow at the expense of other nations and non-aryan races. The German “empire” in and of itself was not necessarily about Nazism. The most classic German empire was that of Bismarck and the Kaiser (pre-Nazism). That was never about Nazism. That was about empire and colonialism. The Nazis wanted lebensraum for the German people, but it was based less on nationalism and empire and more on notions of racial preservation and prosperity. 

And I hope that the world is finally finished with Nazism in all its guises. It’s a poison that threatens to unravel the world. I worry that this horrible philosophy and world view which was once dead and buried is starting to revive. 
2020-12-26 21:19:59 UTC
Probably not in such blatant forms, but it has already come back in a form around the world.
2020-12-26 03:40:44 UTC
German - Nazism is very unlikely to come back.   The vast majority of modern Germans know all about WW2 and the crimes of the Hitler regime and know it must never happen again.   Besides anything else, the Nazi (National Socialist) party is banned in Germany.

1465...quote below....

" Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in WW1. He was right, only it wasn't Jews per se - in the cultural aspect, but "Zionism" in the political aspect."

....this guy knows nothing about history.   Germany lost WW1 for three reasons.  

1. The blockade of Germany was beginning to cause severe food shortages and starvation.  

2. Civil unrest inside Germany was threatening to cause a revolution.  

3. Germany was being militarily steadily defeated by the French, British and Americans after the last failed German offensive of summer 1918. 
2020-12-30 11:46:23 UTC
Maybe not as we knew it in 1939, but I’m sure we will see many more murderous regimes bent on “ethnic cleansing”.
2020-12-29 15:11:08 UTC
 Nazism has always been around even before WW2 days djqkpmc

 . . . . . . . . . .
2020-12-28 23:24:03 UTC
Well, there are card-carrying, uniform wearing Nazis around, in the US and in Europe. As long as we have the guts to teach the truth in schools about them, numbers will remain small. 

We are more likely to see Socialism and Communism rise, due to the Left's delusions of them.
2020-12-28 07:10:52 UTC
Nazism is just ending being on its deathbed following Exposé of its Raison d'être viz USARMY'S Walter Reed Projet a Genocide project Started by Hitler and transferred to USA Post WW2.

QUITE Ironic POTUS Donald Trump's family ORIGIN from Germany !
2020-12-28 01:07:49 UTC
Yes, 100% if people won't stop them. 

Germany is not anti-military. They just want you to think this.
2020-12-27 19:45:16 UTC
I think we can assume so, given that we just elected Adolf Biden to run the country
2020-12-27 15:17:33 UTC
Most unlikely since Germany is so anti-military they are more likely to become entirely pacifist before they veer so far right again. 
2020-12-27 12:07:50 UTC
I hope not but history tend to repeat itself. A national socialist party has been a political idea since Sparta . The idea is that one group no matter their standing in the group is being taking care of by another people. Sparta force other Greeks to make their food so they could practice war. Nazism is the same idea. Rome and Greece were different in Rome a slave could rise to a wealthy citizen or a citizen sink to a galdiator.( An admire enterainer and sex symbol but lowest class in Rome)
2020-12-27 09:06:40 UTC
It already has in the RepubliCON party
USA War Crimes
2020-12-27 08:40:19 UTC
Nazism, Facism and National Socialism are political ideologies.  They can't go away.  The only variable is the number of people who subscribe to those ideas.  Since there are a wide range of people and their views, it is statistically that those will ever go away.
2020-12-26 19:33:17 UTC
It already has lgbt rights under fundies far right 
2020-12-26 17:17:48 UTC
It has already. But this time it is Islamofascism, spreading Islam by force and installing the sharia...with the help of some naive non-Muslims people on the left.

Also, they tried to install Islamic empires like ISIS tried to do and this Islamist terror attacks.
Dandy Desmond
2020-12-26 10:48:10 UTC
No because half of Germany and Austria is now black/Arab thanks to open borders
2020-12-26 04:47:34 UTC
Nazism? No. Something similar sure, there are and have been many totalian states.  A  number of factors were necessary for the rise of Nazism. You need a country to lose a war, but in such a way that large parts of the population think it was the governments fault. Then the country must be put under a very harsh peace treaty. Then there has to be a political party based on scientific racism, a desire to expand their borders and have leaders that are both charismatic

and ruthless charismatic and finally you need a crisis like the Great Depression.
2020-12-25 23:39:43 UTC
Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in WW1. He was right, only it wasn't "Jews" per se - in the cultural aspect, but "Zionism" in the political aspect.

There is a distinct difference between Zionism and Judaism, contrary to the beliefs of many who have been brainwashed into supporting those who are actually the main persecutors of the Jews but exploit them as a shield to hide behind.

Samuel Untermyer was a "Zionist" leader, and although he might have been Jewish also, it was his political views that lashed out against Germany when he declared war on them, with false claims of exterminating Jews.

Zionism is a political movement with an agenda that extends and takes priority over that which they claim to represent. The Jewish homeland in Palestine may have benefitted Jews who chose to go there, but their main objective was to establish a political state. "Homeland for the Jews" was just a sales pitch designed to draw in more support than they would have gotten at a political level.

The Balfour Declaration was the result of a deal between the Zionists and Britain to get the United States involved in WW1.

This is what caused Germany's loss, not the so-called "stab-in-the-back" myth. This claim is kept alive to have something to deny. The truth is not being told.

It was because Germany was nearly destroyed by the Versailles Treaty and the influence that Jews had during the following 14 years of the Weimar Republic. During this time, Germany suffered bankruptcy - twice as well as having their moral beliefs dragged through the mud by Jewish influence. Berlin was widely known as the Sex Capital of Europe during the 1920s.

Hitler had to take drastic measures to ensure that Germans were a priority. The economy started out with less than nothing and he brought it back within 6 years while the rest of the world was still scratching their heads over the Great Depression.

There's nothing wrong with "nationalism". Terms like "white nationalism" are racist-based and have no place in any society that focuses on its patriotism.

Lebensraum is defined as "expanding living space". Thus, when Hitler tried to force the return of the Sudetenland and Danzig/East Prussia he was accused of "Lebensraum" - even though these areas already belonged to Germany before being taken away by the Versailles Treaty.

But this applies to Hitler's Germany only. The State of Israel has been doing the same to Palestine since they declared their independence in 1948 - but they get accused of nothing. In fact, they're supported for their efforts.

Nazism is described as fascism. But it was this "fascism" of Hitler that was opposing Stalin. Fascism also opposes Marxism and Liberalism - which is why Trump is being called a fascist.

One other thing that fascism opposes is Democracy - such a word to be taken out of context by the Left.

America is commonly described as a "Democracy" when it actually has a "Republican" form of government. A "Democracy" is when laws and elections come about as a result of the popular vote - something we witnessed in the 2016 elections as an ideology that promotes the wishes of a few in one concentrated area of the country over the needs of the rest of the country.

And it's these antifascists and Marxists that are leading the coup against President Trump using violence and intimidation to force compliance.

Nazism has gotten a bad rap because of the false accusations of exterminating Jews - which was based on media propaganda that took place long before and throughout Hitler's leadership.

The defined type of "fascism" that opposes Marxism and Liberalism should, in fact, make a return and reclaim America for what the founding fathers had planned for it to be.

As to the "fascism" claims being thrown out by the Left and its terrorist groups against Trump, it's only natural that those who would oppose it would prevaricate the aspects to make it sound as if they were the saviors of the people.

Maybe they should let the people know just before they beat them senseless that they're there to make their lives better.
2020-12-25 23:17:59 UTC
It already has in the RepubliCON party
2020-12-25 22:50:52 UTC
Its not likely to come back in Germany as after the war the German parliament made it illegal to fly the Nazi Flag or there to be a Nazi political party.  Most Germans after WW2 were so horrified by what the Nazis had secretly done murdering millions of innocent people and the destruction of many of Germany's cities after they were forced to walk through the concentration camps and watch movies showing what their Nazi leaders had been hiding from the people.

  These days countries like Russia would likely just Nuke Germany if it tried another Nazi invasion and likely the rest of the countries would support them.  The factors that allowed Hitler to worm his way to head of Germany are unlikely to be repeated as it was the extreme poverty in Germany between WW1 and the mid 1930s that allowed Hitler to get the desperate behind his political party.  Back in the 1960s there were skin head groups who called for the Nazis to rise again so they could bash Jews and homosexuals legally but the government soon took control and they quickly quietened down.
2020-12-25 19:41:53 UTC
Considering  the Nazi Party was outlawed in 1946 I doubt it.
2020-12-25 19:26:21 UTC
no, nazism was defeated long ago and will not return.
2020-12-25 19:23:42 UTC
germanic, no .. the idea of a global 'riech' ruled by an all controlling elite that is self entitled to lord over

you .. thats exactly what we're seeing shape up with this 'scientific medical' global crisis .. the nazis fabricated a crisis as their excuse to .. its nothing new ..
2020-12-29 12:46:56 UTC
It hasn't left...................
2020-12-29 05:58:30 UTC
In Germany? Pretty unlikely. Elsewhere? Unfortunately yes, and it’s happening right now in front of our very eyes in China. Xi Jinping is the new Hitler. The Chinese version of Lebensraum is already taking place, just look at what they’ve done in Hong Kong, their genocide of the Uyghurs who are thrown into concentration camps, their ethnic Han supremacist nationalism and their expansionism in the South China Sea. The parallels are frightening. 
2020-12-29 00:20:33 UTC
Rick is a moron. To answer your question, no, ut will never come back.
2020-12-28 19:05:07 UTC
If republicans ever get back in power, it is assured that Nazism will take hold right here in America. That has been the republican agenda for the past 40 years.   Republicans are HATERS of democracy.  Republicans want America to be a FASCIST AUTHORITARIAN government.  They have said so repeatedly ad nauseum in case you haven't been listening.  
2020-12-28 11:10:57 UTC
No one here knows the future and this isn't Germany duh.
2020-12-28 03:29:09 UTC
No, lebensraum was a joke from the beginning. The very last thing the urban poor wanted in Germany was to be homesteaders in the Ukraine or Russia?! It was just a romantic notion that had no relation to the real problems of Germany in the interwar period. Himmler was the only Nazi leader who knew anything about agriculture, and he gave up agriculture to be a Nazi!

Seriously, the Nazis had these bucolic fantasies at a time when zero Germans wanted 40 acres and a mule. Imagine if Goebbels promised that after the war was won, the winners would be planting potatoes on the steppe! Just imagine assorted neo-nazi riff-raff working the land, can you? 
2020-12-27 21:29:29 UTC
What do you think? There's always an opportunity to beat the masses.
Richard G
2020-12-27 20:42:02 UTC
They're already here
2020-12-27 16:39:44 UTC
When did it ever leave?
2020-12-27 12:52:46 UTC
I fear that the world created after the covid crisis has caused a rise of xenophobia worldwide, leading to the rise of ultranationalism in several countries, worst case, it could lead to some politician taking advantage of it and creating another Hitler idea.

The only one we need to hate globally is the Communist Party of China as they are the source of the Problem, nothing else or no one else, their lies lead to a global pandemic.
2020-12-27 10:03:30 UTC
how Nazism is very unlikely to come back. 
2020-12-27 09:16:29 UTC
No I don't think so.
2020-12-27 06:46:00 UTC
Nazism continued after 1945.  Funded by plundering the dead

of their children, dental gold, jewelry, property titles, savings,

and worse.  An ambition motivated by lust for resources of so-

called 'enemies of the people'.  Except in Germany where any

such racism merits swift punishment.  Recommend film fiction.

BOYS FROM BRAZIL, to appreciate fear of returning Nazism.
Rodney James
2020-12-27 01:42:12 UTC
Not in Germany or in Western Europe, I'd say, due to the trauma inflicted from the early-mid 20th century.

However, I do think it very well could be considered back in Vladimir Putin's Russia now.
One Horse Pony
2020-12-26 21:40:10 UTC
Yes and they will call it "Anti-Fascist" and "Liberalism." 
2020-12-26 14:48:55 UTC
it made a try with all the MAGA hats,   but luckily was defeated  soon enough. 
The Football God
2020-12-26 08:08:03 UTC
With government sponsored gun control, school teaching the ills of capitalism, eliminating religion, telling the weak and down trodden of their greatness and defunding the police it's not coming back. We f'n voted it in. 
2020-12-26 03:02:13 UTC
Why do you call those other things "real" Nazism? The racial theories were the essential element of Nazi ideology. Everything else was secondary.
2020-12-25 22:10:33 UTC
It is outlawed in Germany so what you see with white Supremacist groups and right wing nationalist movements around the world is as close as it will get. 
2020-12-25 21:00:32 UTC
Possibly. The one line of Brecht's that I agree with:

"The bytch that bore him is on heat again."


Dave (1465) you say: "Samuel Untermyer was a "Zionist" leader,"

No, he was not. Putting "Zionist" in inverted commas doesn't help. Untermyer differed from the Zionists on several important points. You have been told this numerous times, but it doesn't stop you repeating it - just as often you announce that Jacob Schiff financed the Bolshevik revolution, in spite of the fact that he hated the Bolsheviks - or you quote from a proven forgery of a speech that Benjamin Franklin never made, or misquote a letter to produce something Washington never wrote.

You say:" The Balfour Declaration was the result of a deal between the Zionists and Britain to get the United States involved in WW1."

No it wasn't, as anyone with any knowledge of history and an ability to read the very clear English of the Declaration can see. You have also changed your story about this. Originally you claimed that German Jews approached the UK and offered to bring Germany into the war. Quite unable to prove that (because it didn't happen), you then claimed the approach was from British Zionist Jews - who owed their loyalty to Britain, not Germany, so could not be accused of 'betraying' Germany - even if they had made such an offer, which, of course, they did not.

You also make the truly ridiculous claim that:

"Nazism has gotten a bad rap because of the false accusations of exterminating Jews - which was based on media propaganda that took place long before and throughout Hitler's leadership."

No, Dave, Nazism has a bad reputation because of the ghettos, the death-camps, the mass shootings, the use of rape as a weapon of war, the experiments on prisoners, the killing of the 'useless mouths, the Nuremberg Laws and the gas chambers - and that is not an exhaustive list.

And - can you explain how Hitler could be 'falsely accused' of exterminating Jews before he was born, never mind came to power? That surely suggests supernatural abilities on the part of "the Zionists."

What you call a 'media campaign' was simply press reports on the on-going and vicious persecution of Jews by Russia and E Europe which began in the 1880 and went on and on, driving nearly two million people to flee the area. Neither they nor the sober report of the death of an estimated 6 million Jews were false accusations, but obviously only the latter was aimed at Hitler.

Oh, and by the way, 'lebensraum' means 'room to live'. Hitler could not be 'accused' of 'lebensraum' but of using murder and deportation to clear territory that he would then fill with Germans. And no, Germany's population was not actually in need of extra room.
2020-12-27 20:06:37 UTC
On Earth, we have a rather dramatic transition from gas (our atmosphere) to solid (the Earth's crust). That sharp transition creates a medium in which we can easily move through the air but receive enough resistance from the solid that it can support us - we can stand on it.

On Jupiter there is no such transition. Instead as we work our way down through Jupiter's atmosphere it just keeps getting denser and denser. Eventually the gaseous hydrogen becomes liquid hydrogen. We keep descending and it becomes denser and denser until that liquid hydrogen becomes a super hot liquid metal. If we kept descending, we likely would eventually come to a solid core. But the interior pressure on Jupiter is millions of times greater than on the Earth. The heat and pressure would have destroyed us and our spacecraft long before we got to that core. The extreme density of the liquid would have made it impossible for us to even propel ourselves towards the core.
2020-12-27 17:57:51 UTC
OK.  So you "don't mean stuff like white nationalism".  Would that include Trump, Trump supporters, all Republicans and everyone you don't like?  Sounds like a Nazi to me.
2020-12-26 20:42:45 UTC
It won't now that that tRUMP (Hitler) will no longer be able to advance the agenda he was on. Had he been re-elected I would have given him a year until the persecutions of Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Indians, Muslims, Hindu Indians and any other culture he deemed non-white. With the help of his poisoned supporters including his white Nazi's who are spread everywhere in the U.S, would have helped make it happen. I have no doubt he would have gone after Jews at some point because his new army would have convinced that Jews aren't white either. tRUMPs never ending spewing of mass hatred will end. But never say never. Jews and Christians would have laughed at that idea until Hitler. 1933-1945. 12 years if horror.
2020-12-26 19:28:49 UTC
The Germans themselves wouldn’t allow it to happen.
2020-12-25 20:43:31 UTC
Never say "never."  Who can say what the future may bring.  Hitler's ideology was much more complex & detailed than most seem to think.  He was not the 1st or only 

to have such ideas.  While the party was outlawed by German law in 1946, it had also been banned by various German states & nationally in the past, but still lingered.  Was it any worse than Bolshevism/Marxism?  Any worse than the false democracies we now live under?  That's debatable.  It's not so much Nazism, but any form of zealotry that's the real problem.     

I see we have some EXCEPTIONALLY stupid fools among the crowd who know F.A. about F.A.  This includes the Eternal Idiot "bill" who thinks McCarthyism, was "leftist"!       
2020-12-25 20:41:24 UTC
I'm more worried about the constant McCarthyism we are faced with today in the leftist movement.
2020-12-25 19:30:03 UTC
No. It was a phenomenon of a particular time, place and circumstances. There is no chance of it coming back and the clowns that swan about in silly uniforms and swastikas are just making fools of themselves. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.