What is the contribution of Islam in weakening the ancient Aryan Culture and how much had they.......?
EK Dharmyodha Arya
2009-07-02 08:43:08 UTC
Six answers:
2009-07-02 20:23:09 UTC
actually it is arya, not aryan. aryan term is coined by west. in indian context, aryan is used for invaders who invaded india and persecuted natives! ( which never happened ). it was just an attempt to divide indians ( read hindus ) on the basis of aryans and dravidians. on the other hand, arya is a sanskrit word used for a respected person. so, i suppose you are asking about islamic conquest of india.

islamic conquest of india was one of the most brutal event in history, which very few people remember. someone rightly said - deaths and bloodshed follow islam.

Bahmani sultans in central India (1347-1528) killed a hundred thousand Hindus, which they set as a minimum goal whenever they felt like "punishing" the Hindus, and they were only a third-rank provincial dynasty. The biggest slaughters took place during the raids of Mahmud Ghaznavi , during the actual conquest of North India by Mohammed Ghori and his lieutenants (1192), and under the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526). Prof. K.S. Lal once estimated that the Indian population declined by 50 million under the Sultanate, research into the magnitude of the damage Islam did to India is yet to start in right earnest ( thanks to secularism ).

After every conquest by a Muslim invader, slave markets in Bagdad and Samarkand were flooded with Hindus. Hindu slaves were converted to Islam, and when their descendants gained their freedom, they swelled the numbers of the Muslim community.

It is a cruel twist of history that the Muslims who forced Partition on India were partly the progeny of Hindus enslaved by Islam.

mountain range hindu-kush itself means slaughter of hindus.

Unlike the Jewish holocaust, the exact toll of the Hindu genocide suggested by the name Hindu Kush is not available. However the number is easily likely to be in millions. Few known historical figures can be used to justify this estimate. Encyclopedia Britannica informs that in December 1398 AD, Timur Lane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi, .. and after the battle those inhabitants (of Delhi) not killed were removed (as slaves), while other reference says that the number of captives butchered by Timur Lane's army was about 100,000. Later on Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that the (secular?) Mughal emperor Akbar 'ordered the massacre of about 30,000 (captured) Rajputs on February 24, 1568 AD, after the battle for Chittod. Another reference indicates that this massacre of 30,000 Hindu peasants at Chittod is recorded by Abul Fazl, Akbar's court historian himself. These two 'one day' massacres are sufficient to provide a reference point for estimating the scale of Hindu genocide. The Afgan historian Khondamir records that during one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afganistan, 1,500,000 residents perished.

According to Prof. Bill French, the eminent author of the book "Tears of Jihad", Muslims have killed approximately 120 million human beings around the globe (including 40 million Hindus in India).

Will Durrant, the celebrated author of "The Story of Civilization" has said that "the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodied story in history".

Koenraad Elst, the famous Belgian Indologist has said that "the Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the population massacred, with hundreds and thousands killed in every campaign and similar numbers deported as slave.

Mr. Anwar Shaikh, a Pakistani Muslim scholar of repute settled in U.K. also attested these facts.

The Islamic period of the Indian History was a very dark and dismal period of Indian History. It was a period of resistance, suffering and suffocation for Hindus. Islamic vandalism was so stark in its evil, so barbarian in its nature and so enormous in its magnitude that it demands eternal condemnation. The trauma and torture suffered by our forefathers must be passed on to our children; they should be told the truth.

Babur was a beast. He used to derive sadistic pleasure by watching heads of slaughtered Hindus. "I ordered that a tower of Hindu heads be set up on the ground." (Babur Nama, translated into English by A.S. Beveridge, p. 370)

The so called "Akbar the Great" on whom Mr. Manmohan singh has lavishly showered praise became a Ghazi by beheading the defenseless and severely injured Raja Hemchandra. "The king struck Himu with his sword and he won the title of Ghazi." (Tarikh-i-Akbar, p. 74, translated by Tanseen Ahmed) Akbar was a fanatic and cruel Muslim ruler of India. In his campaign against Rana Pratap and other Hindu Kings, he was guided and motivated by the satanic Quranic injunctions on Muslims. Akbar was the slaughterer of Hindus.

Jahangir, in his autobiography "Tarikh-i-Salim Shahi" wrote that under Akbar and Jahangir "five to six hundred thousand (500,000 to 600,000) Hindus were killed." (Tarikh-i-Salim: Trans. By Price, pp. 225-6) In relation to Akbar`s conquest in Chitor, Abul Fazl recorded that "following Akbar`s order, eight thousand Rajput warriors were first disarmed and then slain and along with them forty thousand peasants were also slain." (Akbarnama by Abul Fazl translated into English by H. Beveridge)

Shahjahan indulged in sex enslavement of Hindu women. His grandfather, Akbar possessed a harem consisting of 5000 women, mostly Hindus. After Akbar`s death Jahangir inherited the harem and increased the number of Hindu concubines to 6000. When the same harem fell into the hands of Shahjehan, he further enriched the same with a wide assortment of Hindu women and kept renewing it by throwing away the old women and bringing in new ones from Hindu households. (Akbar the Great Moghul: V. Smith, p. 359)

Abbas Khan Sherwani in his chronicle Tarikh-i-Farishtah recorded: "The Hindoos were pursued and slain by (Muslim) allies with such success, that the river was dyed red with their blood. It is computed by the best authorities, that above one hundred thousand (100,000) infidels were slain during the action and in pursuit.

It is a well-known historical fact that while Jahangir was ruling over India, fifth sikh Guru Arjun Dev was made to sit on hot iron plate; hot sand was thrown over his body, and he was boiled in a cauldron. tenth Guru Gobind Singh`s two sons were bricked alive by Islamists. Mati Das was sawed alive because he refused to convert to Islam. Guru Teg Bahadur was tortured and killed limb by limb by followers of Islam.

Indian Muslims were responsible for the partition of our Motherland in 1947. Muslims forced Hindus to cede Sind, West Punjab, Balochistan, North West Frontier and East Pakistan. They gleefully warned Hindus: Has Has ke Liya Pakistan, Ladke Lenge Hindustan. After creation of Pakistan, a reign of loot, murder, rape and terror was unleashed against Hindus and Sikhs. Muslims drove out 10 million Hindus from Pakistan.

They reduced Hindu population from 23% in 1947 to 1% in Pakistan. In Bangladesh Hindu population was reduced from 35-40% in 1947 to 8-9%. After consolidating their position, Muslims turned their eyes on Kashmir. They tortured Hindu to such an extent that more than 600,000 Hindus fled their homes and hearths. Now Muslims want to get rid of Hindus living in Jammu.

In 1971, more than 3 milllion people were killed in Bangladesh, out of which 80% were Hindus. More than 20 million Bangladeshi Muslims are already in India. Muslim population in Assam is increasing with leaps and bounds. Situation is assuming an alarming proportion and soon Kashmir-like situation could arise there too.

Islam has divided humanity into two parts: "we" and "they". At present, Muslims consider India "Dar-ul-Harb" (country yet to be subdued or enemy country). They are working to convert it into "Dar-ul-Islam" (Islamic nation). the undeterred terror attacks are part of the plan to terrorize Hindus and establish Nizam-e-Mustafa in Hindu land. One can go on and on.

Note that attempts are made to deny this history. In Indian schoolbooks and the media, an idyllic picture of Hindu-Muslim harmony in the pre-British period is propagated in outright contradiction with the testimony of the primary sources. Like Holocaust denial, this propaganda can be called negationism. The really daring negationists don't just deny the crimes against Hindus, they invert the picture and blame the Hindus themselves. Thus, it is routinely alleged that Hindus persecuted and destroyed Buddhism; in reality, Buddhist monasteries and universities flourished under Hindu rule, but their thousands of monks were killed by Ghori and his lieutenants.

In spite of such voluminous and irrefutable evidence about Islamic brutalities and barbarities perpetrated against hapless Hindu, Mr. Manmohan singh has temerity to say that "there is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding about the role of Islam and how it came to India." Before putting his foot in his mouth, Mr. Manmohan singh should have acquainted himself with the true History of India. In his anxiety to be politically correct, prove his secular credential and appease his Muslim guests, he has exceeded his brief and made himself laughing stock in the eyes of those who know India`s history very well.

and now these muslims are enjoying haj subsidies, madrasa grants, free coaching ( in the name of minority, which is growing at 1.5 times faster than hindus ) by the taxes paid by hindus.

this proves that muslims not only succeeded but they are still bullying hindus in a supposed hindu nation.
2009-07-02 08:58:16 UTC
None. There could be no connection whatsoever. "Aryan" is the proto-language from which ii was once thought that all European languages descended. It's an archaic term.

The last misuse of the term was in the fantastic history concocted by the Nazis---all without any scholarly basis.

Whatever, there were Millennium between the first indo-european languages, modern european/middle eastern civilizations and the rise of Islam.

The historical question is what went wrong with Islam after the 15th c as the West advanced and Islam declined. (Colonialism is not an answer, but a symptom of the problem.)
Big Avatar
2009-07-03 03:40:36 UTC
Foolish question - Aryans were of a time 5000 years old and they married the most civilised people called Dravid. Dravid were also interested to have such beautiful healthy children like Aryas. They married and new generations were born. Aryas used their wisdom in developing the Dravid civilization and forwarded much ahead with the culture and implemented new social law and rules and creed and life-style. Then the Mahabharat period. Even the untouchability and aftermath are the contributions of Aryas. After long long future, the prophet Muhammed was fled to Madina by then-Muslims existed there. Thus, from his despair he founded the Islam, that is suitable to satisfy his revenge in such a geographical province. RELIGION IS MERELY LIFE-STYLE suitable for certain place AND NOTHING ELSE. In short, if I say that I took initiative to end the Mahabharat War, the question is nothing different. - weakening the ancient Aryan Culture - which has never been weakened until the en d of 20th century, when the transportation and news media developed.
2009-07-03 10:54:29 UTC
Islam has destroyed India and has devastated the Hindu civilisation. The invading muslim armies demolished the first universities in the world - the university in taxila and nananda were the world's first universities. Islam demolished 70 000 Hindu temples, massacred 80 million men across the tenure of mughal imperialism and raped the same number of women. Muslim people destroyed our culture and our heritage. Before Islam came to India, it was the India of Ashoka, of AryaBhuttha and of the ancient Vedic civilisation. India was a centre of learning, culture and influence. As soon as Islam came to India, far from being a centre of learning and civilisation, Indians were having a foreign bogus arab religion forced down their throats. Then in 1947 all Muslim people were supposed to leave. Instead they decided to stay back and make our lives miserable. These people are the biggest obstacle to India's rising superpower status and the biggest threat to its growing economy.

Had Muslims left India in 1947 there would be no terrorism.

Had Muslims left India in 1947 there would be no communal riots.

Had Muslims left India in 1947 there would far less crime.

Had Muslims left India in 1947 there would be no over population issue.

Had Muslims left India in 1947 there would be no corrupt vote bank politics.

90% of the world's conflicts are Muslims fighting Muslims or Muslims fighting non-Muslims. Every country that has Muslim minorities has problems with them. USA, France, Spain, Netherlands, India, Nigeria, Thailand, Phillipinnes, Russia - you name it.....It is very obvious that Muslims can't get along with anyone...
J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి
2009-07-02 21:22:22 UTC
Almost nil. Shah of Iran just before being ousted by Ayatollah Khomeini said "we are 100%Aryans"
Vande Mataram DharmYodha
2009-07-03 11:06:30 UTC
*ahem* "CONTRIBUTION"????? My brother Islam never "contributed" to the destruction of ancient aryan culture, it took the whole damn lead....It was the "PROJECT MANAGER" of the destruction of the destruction of aryan culture, not a "contributor".

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.