Why are all vegans so dumb...? Why should they pay for something like that? Who cares if they take a few whales in a year, we take trillions of their endangered tuna a year. I agree with the first person, you're going by popularity and cuteness and that's just shallow and pathetic.
Also, she's right about pigs. Pigs are the smartest domestic animal, more intelligent than dogs, cats, monkeys, and looking at you some people as well.
If you want to support a real cause, why don't you do research into real issues! 1000 whales is not a big deal at all. Numbers may look big like that, but there's hundreds of thousands more and in the span of a year like that more whales were born.
You need to go check your own house before insulting other countries. 99% of the worl'd problems are from us. Japan is the most eco-friendly country, we are in no position to critisize them when we make up 5% of the worlds population and use 26% of the world's resources. We're the ones who have animal-mills and cram the animals together. We have all the diseases, animal-testing, and factory-farming. Cattle in America eat grass for a year before they're slaughtered, in Japan it's three years and they're feed barley, wheat, and other vitamins. They also have good living space. That's why countries like Japan don't import meat from America.
I think if you go to Japan whining about a few whales that aren't even ours, they'd point out all the overfishing, factory-farming, and torture we put animals through. That's why smart people don't open their mouths, you should learn a thing or two.