Will America eventually become Communist ?
2020-04-06 20:11:44 UTC
Right wing conspiracy theorists have been saying how the communist Chinese have taken over Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Google and Facebook and how they will soon censorship us and take our freedoms away. 

They also say how China used the coronavirus to destroy the US economy. Which makes sense because look have many people are unemployed. 
122 answers:
2020-04-07 14:54:33 UTC
This isn't conspiracy, I'd say its more of a generalization.

Yes, Hollywood and Big Tech bend a knee to China. Despite being American companies they take orders from the CCP in order to be allowed to sell their products in China.

This isn't communism, its fascism. And it's happening because of greed. Companies are putting our nation's principles aside for tainted money from a fascist regime. Consumerists endlessly buy cheap crap without a care in the world of the exploitation that goes into getting the costs that low.

People need to accept the fact that these low prices are artificial. Corporations need to accept for a fact it is unethical to rely on the Chinese market and labor to sell and manufacture their products. But unfortunately these practices and artificially low prices have become the new normal.

China is just as much a part of our economy as the mom and pop store on your neighborhood street corner. Whats the point of making a minimum wage when a Chinese worker will do the job for less? People talk a lot about wealth inequality but they are really only considering the inequality within our borders, the real exploitation, the absolute bottom of our economy, is overseas, out of sight out of mind.

It is time for the entirety of the western world to fundamentally restructure their economies and cut China out. We have a moral imperative to do so. These practices are unsustainable and carry a moral burden with them. America and other nations must bring back manufacturing. You can already see by the coronavirus crisis why this is necessary. We cannot rely on China during times like these, they are ruled by a fascist regime.
2020-04-09 10:11:11 UTC
I don't think so.
2020-04-09 01:35:28 UTC
I do not think so. The last century or so has been a big experiment in different types of government. It seems to me that democracy has come out the winner, and not by just a little bit either. However, I think that the democracy of the future will be far different than anything any country has today. And I think it is only a matter of time before the two-party system proves to be so defective that it is abandoned forever.
2020-04-08 21:35:50 UTC
Communism, socialism & right wing talking points are three totally different things...We will never be communist like China or what Russia used to be..China needs us & our money.. They have nothing to gain with our destruction.  Socialism is another story..There is a lot of push for a system that is more fair to everyone & not just the Bezos & Buffets, T-Bone's. CEOs & crony capitalists of the world..Right wing conspiracy theorists need explanations for why their ideas & systems don't work.
2020-04-08 18:31:34 UTC
Well, if we look at all the Communist countries when China was purely on the communist model they were doing poorly economically. When they let people become more entrepreneurial their economy became significantly better.

On the other hand, the pure Capitalist model doesn't work either. With the US with the Great Depression and ups and downs. FDR needed to introduce socialism. The quality of human life was horrible where people just lived in made up Shacks in Hooverville.

Both models are very susceptible to corruption. If the regime is corrupt and there's no checks and balances that won't work. But extremely lucrative companies influencing our laws so they don't have much of competition like our ISPs, tobacco & Big Pharma lobbyist, politicians being bought by big oil. They're obvious problems.

Our politicians and government leaders (doesn't matter if they are dems or reps are bought by the highest bidder) We live in a country where the popular vote doesn't matter; anybody with enough money can buy our country. America has lots of nationalism but American nationalism and propaganda is set up so that people who associate as Liberal and Conservative are pitted against each other to hate each other, disagree on every topic, demonize one another and are designed to stay polarized with one another while at EOD no matter what each of these parties think the 1% just controls USA.

The future is inevitable. The big companies like Walmart, Amazon will get bigger and bigger. They'll engulf the world like many of our American banks have but eventually over time automation will take the majority of everyone's jobs. the ai, Watson and Google intelligence will take over jobs like customer service and analysis. If you think income inequality is bad now our future will be worse. This is where pure capitalism is also a problem. There's nothing protecting the rest of the population from sociopaths just chasing greed and power.
2020-04-08 13:24:59 UTC
China is not communist.  It has a stock market, private companies, everything capitalism has, because it's capitalist.  Coronavirus is the result of carnism, which is practiced all over the world, and environmental destruction.  It may be the first of many epidemics caused by global capitalism.

It would be nice to think America will be communist one day but I can't help thinking it'll be a horribly tough transition for most people, what with the inequality and the fact that you have so many firearms.
Not Applicable
2020-04-08 12:34:26 UTC
No, I see more danger from the right in the form of authoritarian nationalism. Whether authoritarianism comes from the right (think Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary) or the left (think China) is only a matter of style. The authoritarian right favors crony capitalism centralized under a nationalistic government policy, the authoritarian left wants to centralize power in the government in the name of "the people." The key adjective here is authoritarian. There are non-authoritarian options out there and we in the USA may be in a unique position to create a 21st century version. Gar Alperovitz's "The Pluralist Commonwealth" envisions a decentralized cooperativist model which has libertarian forms of capitalism and socialism baked into the new system which develops the local economies from the ground-up, not top-down. 
2020-04-07 23:20:03 UTC
as I can see J.E.Hoover is still alive in America he looks like Mao Zedong (tse tung)

Hoover invented cold war

Mao invented cultural revolution

welcome to communism

please remove anonymous
Christopher W
2020-04-07 18:30:00 UTC
if the democrats have their way, it will---
2020-04-07 18:23:16 UTC
no . in fact, we never will
2020-04-06 22:42:49 UTC
Seriously? A ‘socialist’ (according to the right, anyway) candidate like Bernie Sanders can’t even get nominated 2 elections in a row...AOC is despised by so many people in this country...and you think we’re going to go right to “communism”? Yo....get real
2020-04-09 16:48:16 UTC
This whole Coronavirus fiasco just showed the govt that you can scare people into surrendering their freedom/control, so yes. Eventually another pandemic will come about and the govt will say we need to become Communist in order to save lives....and people will buy into it, because now we know people will sell their souls in exchange for material comforts
2020-04-09 02:40:58 UTC
no, i doubt it, and no they havent taken over silicon valley, they are still a minority of CEO's although it is true they are more likely than other races to be tech ceos.
2020-04-08 21:33:19 UTC
If you hadn't noticed it is almost there already. Communism is a root cause of fascism and other tyrant regimes. True communism cannot exist. This covid19 is because the media is so far liberal that they give democrats a good name. Thus their desires are to destroy what is against them. What is truly shaping up is the dissolution of the United States, it will not endure if they continue to have their way.
2020-04-08 17:26:11 UTC
furloughed teacher ehh?

cut up some doyiles teach,,read a book,any book would be an improvement

oh btw,chinese own harvahd,, they lovem there
2020-04-08 16:46:11 UTC
Not likely, unless Bernie Sanders wins the 2020 election.
2020-04-08 16:40:28 UTC
NEVER!  China, a Communist country, hid the truth, allowed their infected citizens to travel world wide and infect the world.  If China would have stepped up and shut this down, when it happened, then the rest of us would NOT be going through this B.S. now.  China, has somehow (under Obama) been able to infiltrate everywhere.  President Trump is standing up, to China, and told them 'enough is enough - if you can't trade evenly - we will STOP buying stuff from you'.  Remember, Obama allowed other countries to dump their cheap/poisonous products on America, moved a lot of jobs overseas and left us vulnerable.  President Trump is stopping this B.S.  China seems to think they can Rule the World.........NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
2020-04-08 10:52:22 UTC
Well, it's not the time to talk about politics and It is the politics that harms the American People.What faces the USA is the rising number in death.Who is gonna stop that?Everyone is in danger.YOU AND ME! Unemployment, Starvation,Security and etc.Where is the future?Common people do not care about who is on the stage, but life goes on.Is it very important that who caused this virus?At least, I don't care!!!

What I want to know is that I want to live peacefully.I want a job to support myself.I want bread and butter.What is Freedom??Freedom is how much you own!!! Money talks in all kinds of society,especially in America.A government which cares about its people is a good government.Well, the system?I just do not know and do not care about that.

For America, it is life first and food.Then, Jobs and family.

That's it.Politics go away.Common people don't need that. 
2020-04-08 07:11:22 UTC
No. Communism is long dead
2020-04-08 05:14:20 UTC
Communist or Nazee…..I think we are far more likely to become a tyrannical one party dictatorship before we become communist.  Here is why  Communism would imply that our leaders would sell the idea that equality and fairness is better than greed and selfishness.  Its hard to see the USA choosing equality and fairness  over selfishness and greed.
2020-04-07 22:19:55 UTC
were pretty close to being there with the republican party. The federal courts including the supreme court is nothing more  then a arm of the RNC now.
2020-04-07 21:28:57 UTC
if trump stays in office it will because that is what he wants
2020-04-07 20:51:27 UTC
No. But we do have to fear it becoming a fascist run, 3rd world country under Republican rule.
Andrew S
2020-04-07 18:02:11 UTC
Only if the Democrats win more elections.
2020-04-07 03:07:36 UTC
Civil war will break out before that can happen, and no, it’ll never happen, because in communism control becomes centralized by the state, it is not really the people who have control and those who work harder than others will not be able to tolerate those who don’t pull their weight getting a free ride.
2020-04-07 02:53:44 UTC
They already are. Wake up
2020-04-07 02:33:57 UTC
Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020-04-07 01:53:35 UTC
In your dreams.
2020-04-07 01:16:01 UTC
Possibly. América has been becoming increasingly communistic. Income tax is communist. Welfare is communist. Social security is communist. "Bailouts" are communist. Facebook is mostly communist. Yes we are on our way. The government has no business taking what is mine and giving it to someone else. America is already...oh....65% communist.
2020-04-06 23:17:07 UTC
Eventually?  Like communist ideas like a post office, library, police departments, fire departments, public highways, and bridges?  It will never happen.
2020-07-10 02:45:48 UTC
There is Much More to Communism than Just Being Concerned for the Working Class who only want a Living Wage and Medical Care. Who is friendly with Communist Leaders Putin, and Kim? Not the Democrats!

If this country ever becomes Communist, it will be under trump!
2020-04-09 09:29:53 UTC
for sure, because communism is the best
2020-04-09 02:52:14 UTC
I hope never, we lost too many people fighting communism
2020-04-09 01:18:49 UTC
I think we might end up a monarchy at the end of the day.
2020-04-08 21:19:13 UTC
You don't realize china is run by a military dictatorship!REMEMBER TIENAMEN SQARE!!!!!
2020-04-08 17:29:52 UTC
No, I don't think that will ever happen....
2020-04-08 17:19:19 UTC
In 1620 America was founded on THE FAILURE OF SOCIALISM.

The Pilgrims attempted a socialist/commune style (Communist) economy in their first year -- which resulted in half the population starving to death.  

They quickly adopted a free market system (for the sake of survival) and within 3 years had thriving trade with the Indians as well as Europe.

So long as the facts about socialism and communism are available for all to see -- well it would be like inviting someone to take everything you own.
2020-04-08 14:09:45 UTC
Sadly yes. Honestly, both Capitalism and Communism are ****.
2020-04-08 11:53:54 UTC
Even the USSR as a socialist country became never a Communist country (despite Brezhnev having it declared a communist state in 1977).

Communism is the end stage of Socialism- it never took place.

And if even the USSR was never a real Communist state, how should the US become one.

I could imagine that the US rather becomes a right-wing dictatorship than a left-wing dictatorship.
2020-04-08 05:48:58 UTC
I doubt it. but maybe.
2020-04-08 02:14:01 UTC
No we have way too many ppl who love their rights who would fight to death before becoming a slave 
2020-04-07 21:07:03 UTC
The reason for there being so many unemployed is because capitalism is an unbelievably fragile system.  Conservatives demand efficiency, which is fine, until something goes wrong!  Every single 'efficient' business on this planet will either go bankrupt or experience serious financial problems, which will probably result in their bankruptcy.  Regarding the USA becoming communist:  At the rate at which capitalism is destroying our planet, humanity will become extinct before that happens!
2020-04-07 18:11:48 UTC
Only if the Democrats win more elections.

Commenter avatar
2020-04-07 16:22:30 UTC
No that’s crazy......... crazy talk...

China isn’t the the Soviet Union......

#1 Hollywood isn’t run by the Chinese, Hollywood has always been racist towards Asians. Hollywood is run by a small minority but I won’t say who they are.

#2. Google is owned by Larry Page, Facebook is owned by Suckerberg.... not the Chinese. And just because a lot of tech companies in Silicon Valley have Asians tech workers doesn’t mean it’s owned and run by them. 

#3. Oh and about the Coronavirus, lots of people are waking up and people aren’t falling for the BS the media puts out, not just American media, but media around the world. 

LOL even Chairman Mao never threatened the United States, yet Americans back then would fall for all the anti-Chinese propaganda. What makes you think Xi Jinping wants to take over Washington. 

Yes, the Chinese government does a lot of bad things, but that doesn’t mean ALL Chinese people are bad. And that’s the problem with Westerners, everything they see on the media they fall for for it.....

Look at all the hate crimes in New York and across America of people attacking Asians when this whole coronavirus scandal broke out. That’s a sign of bigotry and racism, same thing when trump was running for president, look at all the Hispanics, especially Mexicans that suffered discrimination and racism from others. 

Oh, and all those conspiracy theorists on YouTube are just to distract and entertain people.......

Ok.. that’s enough I’ll stop now.....
2020-04-07 11:28:49 UTC
In my point of view it will be positive.
2020-04-07 02:29:48 UTC
Right wing conspiracy theorists and their listeners are dumber than petrified rocks.
2020-04-07 00:57:45 UTC
No hope in hell
2020-04-07 00:10:39 UTC
if you keep electing GOP officials into office then probably 
2020-04-06 22:30:16 UTC
Communism are Rockefeller shock doctrine to make the money on you
2020-04-06 20:12:59 UTC

Ignore everything right wingers say, especially conspiracy theorists 
2020-04-11 02:14:16 UTC
Not Communist, but more like Japan. Japan is probably more Capitalist than the USA, however they they have universal health care, term limits, and don't allow lobbyists to bribe ( I mean give gifts) to Politicians. I can see us going down that road.
2020-04-09 18:49:43 UTC
I hope not............
2020-04-09 06:02:46 UTC
I sure hope so. I'd love to see a truly liberal, educated society that looks out for all disadvantaged people
2020-04-09 05:34:19 UTC
You see in America you can say whatever you want about the president with hardly any blowback. The media outlets will and have been smearing him for years. Which is fine, thats how you know we are in a free society.

Everyone thinks Trump is bad. Just wait my anonymous friend. the next president will probably make it illegal to talk bad about the government.

Most of society will be cool with it, because it will make sense at the time.

In China, talking smack against the president is a crime.That's the challenge. By the time the law will take your freedom away. They won't be.You will happily give it away thinking your doing the right thing.

if you only get one this out of this post its this:



Social media it seems was built for this.
2020-04-09 03:47:18 UTC
Sure will askedband answered.
2020-04-09 00:02:47 UTC
We already are. Most Americans are Democrats. Same thing. 
2020-04-08 21:50:47 UTC
No way it will not.
2020-04-08 21:26:46 UTC
I ******* hope not! 
2020-04-08 20:01:43 UTC
America, along with the world, will have to become something else eventually as automation will ultimately result in no one needing to work, which means distribution of resources will have to be mechanized by a system other than capitalism, a system in which resources are primarily distributed to the masses in exchange for the free market value of the work they perform.

We're already seeing the reduction of the need of workers to perform work in the world today in countries like Switzerland, which didn't have enough jobs to go around, resulting in a portion of the population working and complaining about having to pay taxes and support another growing portion of the population that couldn't find work, so it mandated a six-hour workday, prohibiting employers from working people longer than six hours a day.  This created more jobs because an employer, for example, that runs 24 hours a day had to have four six-hour employees to cover that time period instead of three eight-hour employees.  

What Switzerland's done, however, is a temporary fix, a Band-Aid.  It will eventually reach the point, and not in the far-off future, that it, along with much of the world, will need to find another way to distribute resources to the masses other than basing it on the free market value of the work they perform, which is the backbone of capitalism.  That's because the eventuality is one-hour work days to make sure there are opportunities for work in the economy in similar number to the labor pool, and then what?  Zero-hour work days.  How does that then work?

The United States is and has been facing what Switzerland has already dealt with.  The long workdays and lax laws governing that, laws that have gradually been eroded all but completely away through loopholes and various other means since the United States instituted the eight-hour workday back in the 19th century, has created such an overabundance of labor supply that it has shifted the supply and demand curve for labor down so far that the price of labor in the free market has become so low that a large segment of the population is working well over eight hours a day and still not earning a living wage, a wage upon which one could subsist on one's own, but the United States has been extremely so and even quite resistant to doing anything about this, which is because of the Cold War.

Because of the Cold War, America developed a very staunch and rigid attitude towards capitalism, equating it to civil liberty, to freedom, it being antithetical to communism.  While that's true, communism is both a form of government and a type of economy, the type of economy requiring that form of government to work.  However, economy and government are in actuality two different things, and unlike a communist government to a communist economy, democracy, a free society, doesn't require a capitalist system.  In fact, some would argue that a capitalist system can be antithetical to civil liberty when corporations become more powerful than society and impose their will and their interests on the citizenry, and those who do argue that would be right.

The long and the short of it is, like the horse and buggy of days gone by, capitalism is suddenly on its way out because of technological advancement.  With technological advancement and the ever increasing automation of work, there is no way around it.  So we can either continue clinging to a sinking ship or we can figure out a way off it and invent a new way, like we have invented so many things, to distribute resources to the people who need them, which is what "economy" is, what it does, its function, and whatever that system is, especially to Americans today, is going to look a lot like communism, not Leninist or Stalinist communism but Marxist communism.  

But it won't actually be communism because communism is fundamentally about work, rewarding workers with the value of the work they perform rather than having extremely rich profiteers, a wealthy class, skim most of that value off the top and accumulating it unto themselves to make themselves even richer without actually doing any work that adds to production, adds to the gross national product, essentially being freeloaders because of coming to possess a bunch of resources they never actually worked for, which anyone must admit is a huge pitfall of capitalism, but regardless of that, as you can see, a distribution of resources, an economy, not based on work would not be communism as communism is all about work and distributing the rewards of work to the people who perform the work, an actually quite noble goal, even if in implementation is has repeatedly proven to fall flat on its face, not for its lack of nobility but for the lack of nobility of those putting it into action, for corruption.  

Brass tacks: Communism is a work-based economy and the economy that the United States will need to graduate to if it is going to survive and thrive will be one not based on work, so while it may resemble communism because of how it will have to create systems to distribute resources to the masses, it will not actually be communism.  Nor will it be capitalism.  It will be something new, something likely born out of what is presently being called "democratic socialism," a movement primarily borne by Americans who see that capitalism is already breaking down but who do not recoil and shriek at the mere mention like the generations before them because of having been born after the Cold War and not having the biases deeply ingrained in them by more than 50 years of US Cold War propaganda. 
2020-04-08 17:11:51 UTC
Don’t believe right-wing conspiracy theorists, they still believe the earth is flat and Donald Trump is the second coming of Christ.
2020-04-08 14:32:54 UTC
America has been a capitalistic communistic country since day one
2020-04-08 08:07:03 UTC
I think sometime this century-- 5, 20, 40 or 70 years from now--  America will have to confront China to assert their place as leader of the free world. Whether it's a violent or non-violent confrontation, China will absolutely still survive whether they win or lose, as they have for thousands of years. But the USA as the government we know today, may not exist if they lose
2020-04-08 05:12:39 UTC
What many people - particularly Americans, fail to understand, is that there is a chasm of difference between "communism" and "socialism." 

"Communism" is a political ideology. 

"Socialism" is a term that can be employed in a political sense, but in its strictest definition, at least in these modern times as it's used today, is in more of a social context and refers to the economic system a political group may implement for a society. 

There are only a handful of "professed" communist states left in the world, and there has never - ever, been a state that has managed to adhere to the strict parameters that would enable that state to declare itself truly communist. 

There are currently five sovereign nations that are self-proclaimed "communist" countries - China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam, and not one of those countries is really and truly communist. China is by far the wealthiest, most powerful, most influential, and most populous country on the list and anybody who has ever been there can tell you that they are about as "communist" as Greenland is tropical. 

Vietnam is another country where the ruling political party has consistently been embracing capitalism more and more over the course of the preceding decades and it's basically in full swing there now. 

Laos is an isolated country with a tiny population where the per capita GDP is less than $10,000 US - it's actually below $3,000 US depending on the source, and they're heavily influenced and funded by China. 

North Korea is a one-party state that engages heavily in black market dealings to stay afloat, essentially it could be argued that they don't even have a true economic system, they just do whatever they can to survive and are not above tweaking things and going against their principles to make a buck. And again, they are heavily subsidized by China. 

Cuba is the closest contender to striving for being a truly communist state, but they never made it, and it's not because the rest of the world threw stumbling blocks in their path - it's because when they were most successful they were taking boatloads of aid from the now-defunct USSR, which abandoned the communist ideal in an effort to achieve and to maintain parity with the United States, something that it was never able to do and never would have been able to do had the USSR lasted 70,000 years instead of 70. 

What is it that you Americans are so afraid of when it comes to socialism? Your taxes are already completely out of control. You pay more for less than practically anybody else in the world. And the United States was the progenitor of plenty of socialist concepts that Americans hold sacred, yet you have this bizarre compulsion to refuse to add anything else to the list. American workers put in longer hours for less money and get less vacation time and fewer benefits than people in practically every other developed country. And you pay almost as much in taxes as people do in countries that have universal health care and free education. And you decry that those things are "un-American." 

It's just ridiculous. People came to the US from all over the world to build a better life and now you lot have got a standard of living that's barely in the Top 20. Think about that. And for all of the total and complete bollox that you pissheads espouse - about how other countries have lower populations or cover a smaller amount of territory or have less diversity to their populations, all of those excuses are utter guff. The truth is that you have been programmed and conditioned to accept being treated like rubbish and you've taught your children to do the same. And while people elsewhere have things like job security and maternity and paternity leave, paid vacation, sick leave and health coverage, you continue to toil away for peanuts, spending decades whittling away at massive student loans working for an employer whose starting salary is on average ten to fifteen thousand dollars lower than what you paid for your final year of university. 

And you know what? The cost of living in the United States isn't much lower than it is in other developed countries when you consider the ratio of cost of living to salaries. Yes, Scandinavia is far, far more expensive than most places in the US, but people in Norway, Sweden and Denmark earn higher salaries on average and are saddled with much less debt - both individually and collectively. So while real estate, groceries, petrol, and all sorts of other things are dearer in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other places than they are in the States, people are happier, more fulfilled, live longer and have more time and freedom to enjoy themselves than you do. 

In all honesty, Americans would be better off in many ways if the United States were to become a pseudo communist country looking to implement socialism on all levels. 

Think on that. 
2020-04-08 04:05:27 UTC
I doubt that America will become Communist, but I can not tell the future. Their is more of a chance that we will spread our freedom to other countries. It will be A while more then 10 years I would say but well find out adventaully.
2020-04-07 09:15:23 UTC
Might already be happening. The commies might already have used the outbreak as an excuse to take over. Look around you during COVID. The state has seized control and taken away lots of your civil liberties; what if they don’t give them back after the crisis, or make things more restrictive all in the name of avoiding a worse outbreak in the future? Get ready for 1984, folks!
2020-04-07 03:19:17 UTC
Right wing nut bars have vivid but inaccurate imaginations. Having some electronic media don't hold a country together. It is just BLING. We can live WITHOUT IT.

. As for destroying the economy - call it an extended "holiday" we purposely take from doing ANY WORK.  That is how strong the Western economy is. 

Bore me with a different story.
2020-04-06 22:44:43 UTC
As the country prepare for a massive presumed exhaustion of the health care system & 70%-80% of the economy shutting down to combat the COVID-19 pandemic due to CDC recommendation social distancing that was initially 2 weeks but extended to 4 more weeks sending the economy in peril that may plunge into a depression, not only for the US, but the G8 countries, if not the G20 countries, as well following the same means of combating the pandemic the world wasn't expecting.

A nationwide economic shutdown from a pandemic or warfare is when socialism takes a food hold & eventually take over. The Green New Deal is the New Communist Manifesto. What the economic shutdown feels like right now will be permanent under the Green New Deal. So far what's missing is absolute rule. Anyone who has lived in Venezuela or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling. Once big techs, Big oils, Big Pharma, Big Farms, Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair. 


Senate & House (D)s are stuffing what ever pork they can in the relief bills that didn't involved the pandemic crisis for their special interest. It is the chance for (D) representative bodies who has the power of the purse to exploit this pandemic for their special interest. Brace for massive high inflation & taxes when this pandemic is over. (D) congress wants to spend & print money up to a quarter Quadrillion, if not a Quadrillion, copying the Zimbabwean, if not Venezuelan model of printing endless money that inflation renders useless where $1 is as high as Trillion in Zimbabwe & Venezuela currency. 


If Bernie, the Squad, ANTIFA, & BLM gets their way then it is already here to stay as predicted by Bernie Bros on hidden camera. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by those they hatefully envy the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that with the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea that will eliminate the middle class to exist flattening the income for all class among the rich, middle & the poor. 


A Lesson for America: Sweden is not Socialist.


Sweden is a haven for Millionaires & Billionaires. Very hard to be a Millionaire if Bernie & AOC takes 70%-90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. The middle class & the working poor are the ones funding most government assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC wants complete Cadillac assistance (can't happen). Bernie always lauds Cuban & USSR health care (rationed single payer health care) & education of indoctrination & mediocrity, where US entire public schools system are headed.

Since the pandemic is affecting the world nations' economy globally, the U.S. has the chance to rebound on top economically. 1st world countries have a lot to lose economically, & 3rd world countries have little to lose economically. The economies may have reset, but 1st world countries have the means with their infrastructures in logistic, manufacturing, service, retail, resources: chemical, fuel, ores, academics, engineering & science for their economies to bounce back. 3rd world economies' chances of surpassing 1st world economies are non existent due to crimes, corruption, & brain drain of specialized skills.
2020-04-06 22:19:05 UTC
The only chance of that happening is if trump is reelected and hands the keys to the kingdom to his best buddy Vlad Putin.
2020-04-06 21:27:22 UTC
More chance of a virus coming out of the blue to wipe us all out...oh wait
2020-04-06 20:13:38 UTC
Be carefull using words like ever, it's almost illogical in nature, here's something, adversely  what would they have said in Russia to the same question 100 years ago?.....see what i mean..
2020-04-09 03:32:19 UTC
It's ok Russia will fix this like it fixed everything in the past 
2020-04-08 21:22:25 UTC
From a British point of view America would annihilate itself via civil war to prevent a communist state.

 So the answer is NO!!!
2020-04-08 20:04:23 UTC
Well, if we look at all the Communist countries when China was purely on the communist model they were doing poorly economically. When they let people become more entrepreneurial their economy became significantly better.
2020-04-08 19:55:53 UTC
If it does happen, it will be due to Trump's reckless foreign policy.
Lynn J
2020-04-08 16:47:26 UTC
Probably not, Socialist maybe in at least some form.
2020-04-08 16:05:55 UTC
In the past decade, called Can American Capitalism Survive? and it begins by laying bare the ideological crisis facing the economic system and, just as importantly, the economic philosophy that many Americans take for granted:

A decade ago, 80 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that a free market economy is the best system. Today, it is 60 percent, lower than in China. One recent poll found that only 42 percent of millennials supported capitalism. In another, a majority of millennials said they would rather live in a socialist country than a capitalist one.
2020-04-08 12:36:31 UTC
 Hopefully America will not become communist because I will not Let no communist bastard Tell me how to live and If that happens time to buy a gun and arm yourselves people. Also, why America would want to do that It's just f****** stupid.
2020-04-08 07:46:59 UTC
Then Why China destroyed its own economy as well?

Besided USA and China economicaly codependent, only ignorat people who don't know anything about economics but believe everything media says, do not know about it.

I love conspiracy theories they are so funny! :)
2020-04-07 23:03:59 UTC
Not even over my dead-*** body! Their fascist tomfoolery won’t spread anywhere critical if I have anything to say about it!
2020-04-07 20:58:41 UTC
We'd be anarchist before we ever become Communist. If we ever became communist, highly unlikely, I know some Southern folk who'd love to take a gun to the people running the government. Because in communism, there usually is an Elite group that run thr country and dictate everything from economics to consumer markets.
Shinnyuu R
2020-04-07 17:49:32 UTC
There’s a difference between communism and socialism. I would say countries like China and Russia and Cuba are socialists in the same way North Korea is a republic. It happens a lot in humans history that the title of a popular idea is taken by oppressors. That was the central theme of animal farm. 
2020-04-07 15:31:57 UTC
The United States became the leader in social programs.  Our social programs worked better than anyone else's at first.  Now there are many that have as good or improved social systems. We have become a country whose social life has made for the community it is today.  A place where the People rule.  Not the only one.  But a pretty darn good one.   
2020-04-07 15:30:45 UTC
Not as long as we patriotic right wingers can stay in charge protecting your freedom and ours . We have our hands full beating back the leftists who want us all to live on a communist plantation which would be like living in a constant state of coronavirus with lines all over the place and people cringing from people with authority like they were carrying the plague .  We also have our hands full trying to defend the youngest members of our human family which are the innocent babies living in the womb . No, we will not become communist if we can keep leaders like Trump . The left , up until recently, have been calling Trump a dictator but now they are saying they want him to be a dictator .  However, with this crisis he has proven himself not to be a dictator with his willingness to wisely work and share power with those leaders closest to the people to beat this virus crisis . 
2020-04-07 12:08:47 UTC
I don't know if it's  China's doing, but we already kind of are. 
2020-04-07 10:26:37 UTC
Never misplace blame on the Chinese Communist for what we have done to ourselves by  our own hand!
2020-04-07 08:15:35 UTC
I sure hope so!
2020-04-06 20:55:59 UTC
Anyone who believes this rubbish should be in the hands of a psychiatrist.
2020-04-06 20:25:55 UTC
That sounds like Alex Jones. He even said years ago how the U.S wants to bring the China model over to the US. 

What do I mean by “China Model” 

- Lots of surveillance and tracking 

- Social Score

- Cashless

- Censorship 

- Limited Freedom or no freedom at all

It’s total dictatorship 

However a social score will not work in America because that will eventually fail 80% of the population, lots of cocky people in the west. Being cashless wouldn’t work either 
2020-04-06 20:16:39 UTC
Nope  ,Bernie will not be  elected ,Communism  is dead  
2020-04-06 20:13:08 UTC
More people died under Obama with his national emergency, that the media hid from the American people. yahoo wont let me post this
2020-04-09 23:54:22 UTC
If it does, it will be because the masses were more concerned about what was on television than their own freedom.  They just don't seem to care.
2020-04-09 17:00:41 UTC
Not as long as trump remains president. He hates the Chinese and hated Obama’s left wing views. This country was always built on capitalism and won’t change
2020-04-09 06:07:13 UTC
Man I sure hope so, but I doubt it'll happen in our generation. China ain't communist, they have a massive state, which would be should be abolished in communist society, and a bunch of multi-billion dollar corporations headed by private investors. 

Communist society is supposed to be classless, and stateless, but most americans think that it's some sort of totalitarian gulag hell. Many of the "communist" countries of the cold war subscribed to a form of marxism, called "marxist-lenninism," which believed the way to communist society was through a centralized powerful state. Many leftists were against this at the time, but were persecuted.

Basically, it would be great it we could achieve a real communist utopia, but I doubt we will any time soon. And no, we won't fall into an ML state anytime soon either.
2020-04-09 02:27:11 UTC
I would guess so. Every civilization eventually declines. When that happens hungry people will be more easily swayed by the food and fear that every communist regime offers in exchange for freedom. It will work for a few years until the money they confiscated runs out and the printing of new money leads to hyper inflation.
2020-04-08 17:35:52 UTC
Left wing conspiracy theorists have been mentioning Russia for the past four years and have no facts or evidence to back up their bullshit claims and resort to nothing but Strawman arguments and no-true Scotsman fallacies
2020-04-08 15:48:09 UTC
FAR less likely for USA to go "commie" now that Bernie is suspending (READ: DROPPED PUT) of the campaign for President.
2020-04-08 15:38:35 UTC
only if a democrat at least by today's standards gets in since socialism is communism and communism is socialism and there is no such thing as democratic socialism as democracy and socialism cannot I repeat CANNOT go hand in hand 

Blue Skies.
2020-04-08 15:18:32 UTC
Certain Segments of our society have become

infiltrated with those claiming to be Socialist

or even wanna be communist. Social democrats not included. They have the wrong

Ideology of the true socialist and wanna be

communist. There just lazy and want free stuff.

Capitalism and the American way will always 

stand the test of time. As it will once again this

2020-04-08 01:19:54 UTC
Probably pretty soon. Our President, Donald Trump is married to a woman raised in the Communist Party. His father-in-law was a communist party member. His first wife was raised in communist Czechoslovakia. He admires Putin and is deferential him in public. In the past week he has fired 3 inspectors general in the past week. Also many in the modern Republican Party were influenced by by followers of Leon Trotsky. We’re pretty close.
2020-04-07 23:18:38 UTC
@anaonymous ... In my opinion, You should stop peddling propaganda and do something with integrity that serves not only your best interest but the whole world as modern tech can not stop the interconnectivity of it all with a 7 Billion and rising population. Just like Corona ... Computer viruses recognise no boundaries.

The only ones who are profiting from your type of peddling, are those who make daily gains from the swings of the Stock Market. Which is not owned by China, and whose major stakeholders are not Chinese. Maybe for you, a billionth of a share of that profit is worth your time and effort. 

According to your argument, it was the Chinese who persuaded the west to buy stuff made on just above slave labour wages and conditions. Which in reality falls flat on its face when you find out the conditions the west was in your view happy to buy from ( In my view demand from ) countries very much regarded as moderate and friendly like Japan in the 50's-60's, Korea in the 70's and 80's, Tiger economies of the 1990's and India in the 2000's. None of which are Communist or ever were yet certainly had similarly low wages and conditions when they were started up in that same fashion as China in the 2000's and beyond.

As for the Virus epidemic being Chinese when it is the Americans who have installed over a hundred Bio-Labs that research bio-germ warfare in dozens of willing and un-willing countries in all corners of the globe. That own a Military-industrial complex that had the integrity to test the effects its latest and freshly made Phosphorus Bombs, Cluster Bombs and Depleted Uranium Bombs on civilian populations in Iraq and Gazza. The added bonus that came out of that was they were also able to train the best trauma surgeons on the planet as a result, Wunderbar. 

The fact is the scientists in all the Bio-Labs in Wuhan were also Americans working on the very same projects in the same labs alongside their Chinese counterparts.

So No the Democratic party of the Republic of the United States of America is far too right-wing to allow a democracy with teeth let alone go the whole hog and start hanging people for stealing from the state. After all, where in the American Constitution does it mention the 2500-year-old word Democracy?  why? I know, but it does not matter that I do, as I am thankfully not an American.
2020-04-07 21:27:41 UTC
 Don't vote Bernie
2020-04-07 18:03:52 UTC
Only if the Democrats win more elections.
2020-04-07 15:02:26 UTC
It could happen, socialism is the first step and the Democrats are all becoming socialists. 
2020-04-07 10:23:30 UTC
Not even on the commies best day! Lol!
2020-04-07 06:12:38 UTC
It's ridiculous to contend that any whole continent would ever adopt only one political ideology.  A few countries might, but all 55 principalities of America?  No, never.  "Right-wing conspiracy theorists" are the epitome of mentally deranged.  No one should give even amomen't consideration to the feces that exists from their mouths.       
2020-04-07 05:54:20 UTC
"Eventually"?  The USA became Communist under Franklin D. Roosevelt.  (Woodrow Wilson tried to hand us off to the League of Nations.  Fortunately, the idiot failed; but that only put off the inevitable.). We've had 27 years of Communist Presidents (Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama).  We need a Monarchy.  "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!  
2020-04-07 00:03:25 UTC
I hope not. Communism fails. 
Sir Caustic
2020-04-06 22:05:49 UTC
You hooked a lot of fish with that one. Well done.
2020-04-06 20:23:10 UTC
Been a sheep farm since Reagan
2020-04-06 20:14:28 UTC
Democrats believe in democracy. So will Republicans take us there?
2020-04-10 16:04:05 UTC
Presently, it partially IS!
2020-04-09 11:46:46 UTC
Yes, if my Governor runs for President
2020-04-08 19:25:50 UTC
2020-04-08 19:22:38 UTC
No, China’s economy will be near collapse soon with all the counties ending trade with them and pulling out their manufacturing jobs from them. That’s why they’re blaming America they’re trying to wiggle their way out of the situation because they know they’re gonna take a huge backlash from the world soon. But America will become partly socialist for other reasons such with job automation and UBI, that’s a good thing. 
2020-04-08 17:36:48 UTC
I don't know but I'd be ok with it if it did.
2020-04-08 12:35:59 UTC
As long as we keep the democraps out of government, we will be just fine.
2020-04-08 09:55:17 UTC
Native American nations such as the Muscogee Creek Confederacy effectively maintained a communist society prior to the forced adoption of capitalism by the Anglo-American colonizers. In time, based on the material, historical, and social conditions, it seems probable that America will eventually break away from capitalism in favor of building socialism, eventually creating the conditions for a communist society to develop.
2020-04-08 02:49:51 UTC
If they start allowing democrats to run the USA 
2020-04-07 22:44:33 UTC
Could you maybe give us sources?
2020-04-07 20:17:48 UTC
YES! Just take a look at the Fabian Society, the 48'rs, Trump, Bloomberg, the Clintons, the owner of Google, etc are all socialist and the media, yes, even Fox are socialist. People are using the C19 as one more excuse to take our liberties.
2020-04-07 09:27:08 UTC
No, the constitution has many protections that guard against an overbearing government. Communist governments rival each other like the user and China during the Cold War. There will always be an unfriendly rivalry between the East and west.

Now the government can take away all guns, as it should. There can be limits on hate speech. This is not the same as how the Chinese government censors the internet currently.  
2020-04-06 22:02:44 UTC
Never, not because capitalism is a better system, but because Communism requires that everyone living under communist rule agree to think the same way. Pluralism and communism do not mix, not even a little. There has NEVER been a communist country. Not even the Soviet Union; it called itself the union of soviet SOCIALIST republics. Socialism in practice was whatever the ruling class of the country which called itself socialist said it was. As for the communist Chinese, the can call themselves communists until the pandas come home, but their system of government is little more than autocratic socialism with a little bit of transactionalistic capitalism thrown in to make sure the whole nation can feed, clothe, and defend itself from those pesky indians and russians.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.