Please check my work! No one else will!?
2008-06-03 13:40:38 UTC
Please check these problems and correct me if any are wrong! I need an A on this test! please help!

1: Which of the following made possible the American industrial growth of the late 1800s?
the household economy
technological advances *
government reforms
the development of labor unions

2: Which of the following revolutionized American communications in the late 1800s?
steam engines and steamships
the telegraph and telephone *
a workable light filament
refrigeration and sewing machines

3: One of Thomas Edison's major accomplishments was
developing a more efficient way to make steel
inventing the telegraph and telephone
helping to make electricity more widely available *
preaching the "gospel of wealth"

4: Andrew Carnegie argued that the success of wealthy industrialists
helped the entire nation *
should be limited by the government
was illegal according to the Sherman Antitrust Act
had no effect on average Americans

5: During the late 1800s, children often worked in factories because
their parents believed in the process of "natural selection"
families needed the income to survive *
employers offered high wages to skilled children
there were no public schools for children to attend

6: One thing a person could do in 1900 but not in 1865 was
ride on a train
sew a dress
play a phonograph *
read at night

7: Which statement best describes the lifestyle of homesteaders?
Homesteaders lived in isolation and avoided social contact.
Most women worked outside their homestead. *
Homesteaders lived simple and secure lives.
Homesteaders often had to struggle even for the necessities.

8: Which one of the following is a lingering myth about the West?
It was settled by a variety of races. *
Settlers were nearly all white males.
Settlers nearly destroyed Native American peoples.
Western settlement damaged the environment.

9: Farm mechanization resulted in
an increase in farm production
a decline in the number of eastern farms *
the end of bonanza farms
stable crop prices

10: What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?
They had to live on the land all year long. *
They had to farm the land for five years in a row.
They had to file a claim with a bank.
THey had to whel portable cabins from plot to plot.

11: What drew many new immigrants to the West?
the opportunity to learn new languages
the climate on the plains
"land-grant" colleges
cheap land and new jobs *

12: How did new technology help farmers on the Great Plains?
It saved them time and effort
It eliminated insect pests *
It made crops drought-resistant
It lowered their dabt

13: During the late 1800s, the port of entry for the majority of immigrants was
Boston *
San Francisco
New York

14: Which of the following was a major result of both immigration and the increaded productivity of factory jobs in the late 1800s?
the rapid expansion of urban areas *
mechanization of agriculture
high wages for factory workers
overpopulation of the South

15: In the 1890s, immigration patterns shifted dramatically, with most immigrants now coming from
northern European countries
southern and eastern European countries *
Mexico and Central America
China and Japan

16: One reason that the United States became more urban during the late 1800s is that
farm mechines and factory-made goods reduced the need for farm labor *
nobody wanted to live on farms anymore
immigrants did not know how to do farm work
union organizing of farm workers had not yet begun

17: Which of the following attacted many immigrants to the United States?
the military draft
strong alien land laws
a chance at a better life *
labor unions

18: Where did European immigrants often settle in the United States?
in western railroad towns
in their ports of entry *
in the South
near lakes

19: When African Americans left southern farms in the late 1800s, where did they relocate?
in western minig towns
in Mexican border towns
in nearby cities *
in suburbs

20: Which of the following did NOT contribute to the growth of cities?
migration to the suburbs
improvements in transportation
construction of skyscrapers *

21: Which of the following best characterizes urban areas in the early 1900s?
slums and tenements
a growing middle class population
open spaces, trees, and grass
ethnically mixed neighborhoods *

22: Which became the most popular American sport during the late 1800s?
baseball *

23: In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court
declared segregation unconstitutional
established the "separate-but-equal" doctrine, upholding segregation *
ordered public school districts to upgrade schools for African Americans
ordered universities to enroll more women and African Americans

24: Which of the following factors helped to reduce household chores by 1900?
technological advances *
smaller homes
inexpensive domestic help
division of labor among family members

25: Which of the following were popular forms of entertainment in the late 1800s?
moving pictures
trolley parks
all of the above *

26: Which was a result of the Spanish-American War?
Cuba became a Spanish protectorate
Puerto Rico and Guam were made US territories
Spain admitted it had blown up the Maine
The Philippines won independence from foreign rule *

27: The building of the Panama Canal was important because it
helped staballize the economies of Latin American countries
improved relations between Colombia and the United States
facilitated movement between Atlantic and Pacific ports *
promoted European investment in the United States

28: Under imperialism, the stronger nation attempts to
dominate a weaker country
sell its products to a weaker country
create an empire
all of the above *

29: Most Progressives argeed that the government should
nationalize industries
abolish home rule in cities and states
protect workers and help the poor *
outlaw unions

30: Woodrow Wilson won the presidential election of 1912, partly due to
Taft's decision not to run for a second term
the fact that he was the only candidate with a reform platform
a split in the Republican vote *
the lack of competition

31: Progressivism was halted by
the efforts of the NAACP
World War I
the repeal of the prohibition amendment *
the victory of the Bull Moose Party

32: Which belief was held by most Progressives?
The government should be more accountable to its citizens
Housing and healthcare should remain private
The government should protect agricultural interests
The government should intervene in unfair business practices *

33: In 1906, Upton Sinclair's novel entitled The Jungle exposed dangerous workplace conditions
in the meatpacking industry
for women in the garment industry
for children working long hours *
for miners in West Virginia and Colorado

34: One way reformers hoped to end corruption in govenrment was to
establish an income tax *
give voters more direct say in lawmaking
provide more welfare services
use the army to oust political machines

35: Many Americans became more supportive of sufrage as a result of
women's activities in World War I *
the Seventeenth Amendment
the Bradwell v. Illinois decision
the repeal of prohibition

36: The battle for women's suffrage ended with the ratification of the
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment *

37: Which event sparked World War I?
the sinking of the Lusitania
the German-French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine
Russia's quest for a warm-water port
the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne *

38: Which of the following was a major factor in the decision of the United States to enter World War I?
Britain's naval blockade of Germany
Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare *
Vladimir Lenin's rise to power in Russia
France's fall to the Central Powers

39: An underlying cause of World War I was
the ongoing dispute over the convoy system
the web of alliances European nations created for their defense *
an alliance between the autocratic rulers of Germany and Russia
American insistence on neutrality

40: After Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917,
Germany surrendered
the Allies declared war on Russia
the United States entered the war
Russia withdrew from the war *

41: One of the main causes of the war, imperialism, involved
invading Belgium and France
acquiring uncolonized areas of the world *
blockading enemy ports
acting in a nation's own interest

42: The German U-boat changed the rules of naval warfare because it
attacked only in the summer
remained hidden and fired without warning *
avoided merchant ships
surfaced before firing its torpedoes

43: The death toll from World War I was
the highest for American troops
low, because of advances in weapons
extraordinarily high *
high for Germany, but low for the Allies

44: In the 1920s, many American consumers began to adopt the practice of
sewing their own clothes
buying goods on credit *
publishing their own newspapers

45: Henry Ford's dream was to sell cars that
came in many colors
could travel 100 miles per hour
ordinary people could afford *
would attract wealthy business owners

46: One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was
an increase in alcoholism
a decline in dancing and socializing
the rise of organized crime *
the creation of urban artistic colonies

47: How did life change for American women in the 1920s?
Many women felt more fre to experiment with bolder styles and manners *
Married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life
Most women grew long hair and stopped using makeup
Women began to dominate the work force, often taking leadership positions

48: Jazz was brought to northern cities by
older generations
musicians from the Mexico City area
southern Arfican Americans *
World War I veterans

49: The rise of films, radio broadcasting, and the news media all helped to bring about
organized crime
a national culture *
the Garvey movement
the Ku Klux Klan

50: During the Depression, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans
made great strides in equal rights legislation
often lost jobs to white laborers *
were less affected than other groups
were encouraged to start their own businesses

51: A major environmental crisis of the 1930s was known as
the Dust Bowl *
the Grapes of Wrath
Black Tuesday
the Great Crash

52: How did most investors react to a sudden fall in stock prices in 1929?
They called in their loans
They pooled money to buy stocks
They raced to sell their stocks *
They pledged their stocks as collateral

53: A fundamental disagreement between the candidates in the 1932 presidential election concerned whether or not
the Depression existed
the federal governement should try to fix people's problems
Americans should offer aid to European economies
any relief efforts were necessary to ease the ecnomic crisis *

54: The rise in homelessness mainly resulted from
increased immigration
high interest rates
a decline in housing construction
laid off workers losing their homes *

55: During the Depression working women were
embarassed to be working
respected for being family providers
paid extra if they got married
accused of taking jobs away from men *

56: Which New Deal agency was created to help businesses?
Federal Reserve Board
National Recovery Administration *
Civilian Conservation Corps
Home Owner's Loan Corporation

57: What criticism did many Progressives make of the New Deal?
It unfairly taxed successful, hardworking people
It poromoted a regimented, militaristic society
It did not do enough to redistribute wealth *
Many of its programs smacked of "Bolshevism"

58: The "black cabinet" was
an unofficial group of African American officeholders *
a loose coalition of opponents to the New Deal
the nickname given to Roosevelt advisors Harry Hopkins and Harold Ickes
African American Cabinet members who opposed the New Deal

59: How did Roosevelt try to help business?
by raising tariffs *
by stabilizing industrial prices
by expanding foreign trade
by abolishing the minimum wage

60: How did Roosevelt's programs help farmers?
by raising crop production
by encouraging farmer associations
by allowing Mexican labor
by giving financial assistance to farmers *

61: Sit-down strikes were so successful that
the Supreme Court outlawed them *
employers hired only nonunion workers
unions won all their demands
Congress passed the Wagner Act
Three answers:
2008-06-03 13:53:44 UTC
I've reviewed the first 20 answers. Take a look again at 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 20, which may have incorrect answers.

Update: While I haven't looked through the entire test, I can suggest that you also pay attention to 21, 25, 26, and 33.

I looked over some of your answers for the second half, and the ones I saw looked correct.
2016-03-14 02:21:07 UTC
i couldn't get it to play well for some reason, but i got the gist of it. i love ricky rathman. i've gotten his autogragh a couple of times and he's one of the 2 or 3 nicest personalities at the track. great guy. and that video brought back memories because it was from a race i attended. it was richmond last may, when the blue angels did the fly over, and what a spectacular fly over it was. then that race was one of the best and most talked about of the season when kyle busch wrecked junior while junior was leading with 2 laps to go. and then all the cocky busch fans gloating about how it was just racing and busch just 'out raced' him. i wonder if they felt the same way when junior payed busch back in the sept. richmond race? i realize my rant has gotten way off the subject, but whatever, sue me. the video just reminded me of that outstanding race.
2015-01-23 07:49:58 UTC
This is a test and over 50 questions just google them up bro

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.